Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 14 In the Octagonal Cage

The night is getting darker, and Xu Yue has already returned to his room. Now he is sitting cross-legged on the bed, which helps him concentrate.

I recalled the meditation method explained by the professor in my mind, and the feeling of entering the professor's spiritual space reappeared. This was the most important introduction.

As time went by, Xu Yue's consciousness became more and more drowsy, as if he had fallen into the deep sea. The feeling of addiction came in waves until his consciousness was completely submerged.

[Hunters learn skills on their own: Mind Space (Special). 】

[Tip: This skill is a special type and cannot be strengthened through the Reincarnation Paradise. It can only be understood by the hunter himself. 】

The chaotic consciousness was awakened by the sound of the paradise. Xu Yue opened his eyes, and a somewhat old forging room appeared in front of him. This was the most familiar place in his memory.

This is...I'm back again?

Touching the rough outer wall of the furnace with his hand, Xu Yue's eyes were a little dazed, but after seeing the purple flame burning in the furnace, he sighed softly.

There is no such thing as a fire in the stove in my hometown. Is this my spiritual space?

His eyes swept over the furnaces, forging presses, lathes and other equipment in the forging room, which were exactly the same as in his memory.

Even the positions of the weapons hanging on the wall were exactly the same. These were the weapons he had hammered out with hammer after hammer.

When he opened the door to the forge, he saw that outside was not his hometown's small courtyard, but a flat piece of land, quietly suspended in the air, and beyond the land was an endless sea of ​​purple fire.

The foundry is like an isolated island in the sea of ​​fire, supported by a piece of land several feet in size.

Is the boundary of the professor's spiritual space a gray mist, while mine is a purple sea of ​​fire?

Xu Yue silently compared his own space with the professor's space and became convinced.

But is this space too small? Xu Yue looked around. The professor's space can hold a huge manor, but mine only has a small casting room?

Such an obvious gap also made Xu Yue deeply realize how powerful an intelligence of 5 points is.

After looking around, Xu Yue roughly understood the pattern of the spiritual space, and then looked up.

Above is a bright night sky, dotted with countless golden stars of varying sizes and brightness.

gold? Shouldn't it be blue?

There is also such a night sky in the professor's spiritual space, but it is full of blue stars. According to the professor, it is the ocean of human collective subconscious.

As the seabed theory proposed by Jung said, the entire human group has a subconscious ocean that is connected to each other. It is located at the deepest level of consciousness. A star represents a human consciousness.

Mental manipulation, memory reading and other powers all use this ocean to connect the consciousness of two independent individuals, but why is mine golden?


While thinking, a series of roars suddenly sounded in the space, which attracted Xu Yue's attention. The sound came from below the land. He walked to the edge of the land and looked down. A cold octagonal cage was in sight.

"Oh, it turns out it's still a duplex."

Inside the cage, more than a dozen figures were fighting non-stop, using fists and teeth to do whatever they could. Although there was no order, it seemed more primitive and brutal.

Looking at the faces, it was the group of people who became the fuel after being killed by Xu Yue, but now they were completely unconscious and were fighting with instinct under the influence of the octagonal cage.

During the fight, figures were torn to pieces from time to time, and then turned into large pieces of starlight. Part of them sank into the ring at their feet and was absorbed by the octagonal cage, while the other part was swallowed by other figures.

"Interesting, it looks like a zombie battle." Xu Yue above looked at the fight in the cage with interest, but the efficiency of the fight was so slow that it was unbearable to watch.

These fighting figures were transformed into the ownerless spirits accumulated after the food fire entered the body. They just behaved like zombies after all the memories and thoughts were burned away by the food fire.

The fight in the octagonal cage is just an appearance. It is essentially Xu Yue's own absorption and digestion of these mental powers. However, this process is not only slow in efficiency, but also takes a long time and will also put a lot of burden on the spirit. This is why Xu Yue will appear. Causes of lack of energy.

He wasn't the only one who had it on his mind.

Moreover, this method also has certain hidden dangers. It is like raising a poisonous digestive system. If you raise a poisonous king in the long run, it will be troublesome.

Looking at the scene below, Xu Yue also wanted to understand the operating principle of the octagonal cage. The corners of his mouth slowly opened, and his arms began to glow silver.

"In that case."


Xu Yue jumped down directly, and with the gravity, a figure was smashed into stars in the sky.

Standing up slowly, Xu Yue smiled more and more openly as he looked ahead at the dozen or so figures roaring towards him.

"Then I'll kill you again!"

The roar became louder, occasionally mixed with a few hearty laughs.

Half an hour later, as the last enemy's neck was broken, the entire octagonal cage returned to silence. Surrounded by countless stars, Xu Yue stood in the center of the ring with his hands raised high.

It seemed as if the call that I had heard countless times came back to my ears:

"The winner is: Xinhuo!!"

[Hunter Intelligence +2]


"Huh, I really miss it."

Xu Yue, who returned to reality, took a long breath and stood up to stretch his numb legs. He was in a good mood now.

From the time he entered the world to now, his attributes have been improved by 4 points. His talents are very strong and will become stronger and stronger.

It was dark outside and it was still early before dawn, but Xu Yue, who had just improved his intelligence by 2 points, was not tired at all. He was in good condition now.

Sitting back on the bed again, Xu Yue did not prepare to sleep, but closed his eyes and thought about something. There was deathly silence around him for a long time.

Xu Yuecai opened his eyes with a hint of purple in his eyes. He stood up and took out the Xiaoyun Bow from the space. He touched the tight back of the bow and sighed softly:

"Alas, since ancient times, it has been the hardest to repay debts of gratitude."

After saying this, Xu Yue stretched out, opened the door with a long bow in hand, and walked towards the living room.

The rooms of Xu Yue, Professor Laura and others are on the second floor. After walking down the stairs, you arrive at the living room, which is directly opposite the door of the house.

It was late at night, and the living room was naturally empty. Xu Yue dragged a chair in the living room and then opened the door of the house.

Putting the chair at the door, he sat on it and waited.

According to the original plot, X-24 will sneak into the room tonight and give the professor a fatal blow. The professor's last outbreak in the hotel has made Donald feel fear. They cannot resist this power, so they must take the lead in getting rid of the professor.

As a clone of Logan, X-24 is undoubtedly the best candidate to assassinate the professor.

And Xu Yue deliberately approached the professor and infiltrated the protagonist's team, but was careful not to change the plot too much because of this opportunity.

Revealing his identity as a mutant, approaching Laura, accepting employment, getting injured while protecting them in the hotel, and later explaining to the professor his ability to devour metal and become stronger by killing enemies.

All because after the professor was severely injured by X-24, he voluntarily killed him, and then used the fire generated by the professor to eliminate X-24 and swallow the Adamant metal, killing two birds with one stone.

And killing Professor


The fire obtained by igniting the professor is the only thing he can get that works on Adamant metal, but he cannot actively assassinate the professor. With the professor's psychic ability, he can take him with him before he dies.

X-24 succeeded only because the professor mistook him for Logan, and the professor was already determined to die, otherwise he would not have been able to get close to the professor.

The memory of destroying the X-Men with his own hands has left this octogenarian man with wounds all over his heart. The huge cemetery in his spiritual space is the best proof.

Therefore, gaining the professor's trust and letting the professor voluntarily be killed by Xu Yue in order to protect Logan and Laura before his death was the best solution Xu Yue could think of to complete the task.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The spiritual space that the professor taught him tonight was very unusual, which made him owe a big favor.

He couldn't ignore it and wait for the professor to die before taking advantage.

It is true that he is a villain. He has killed many people in the octagonal cage. He has never softened his heart. He does not distinguish between good and bad, old or weak. After becoming an opponent, only one person can stand and step down.

But there are some principles that cannot be compromised. In order to complete the task, you will do whatever it takes, and there is no bottom line. What is the difference between that and a weapon without a thought? Anyway, living again is already a profit, and he does not want to live in such a miserable way.

The professor was purely kind to him, and he couldn't ignore it. However, he now wondered how his charm could only be 5 points. This was obviously unscientific.

Since there is no way to gain something, just give it a try. He is never afraid of fighting, and the previous warm-up in the space has made him eager to fight.

By the way, how many readers are reading this crappy novel of mine?

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