Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 159 Reactions from all parties

In the dark and narrow tunnel of the cave, rocks were falling everywhere, and smoke, dust and gravel were scattered and rising.

A figure with purple flames burning all over his body rushed from the depths of the cave, and he smashed through all the obstacles on the way.

The extreme speed and superb defense turned him into a silver drill that ran rampant in this dark cave.

Along the way, rocks were broken to open up a path, and all obstacles collapsed at the first touch. Even though he was carrying a strong man weighing nearly 200 kilograms in his hands, it did not affect his indomitable speed at all.

He quickly crossed half of the long and narrow corridor. At this time, there was a sudden rumbling sound of the mountain collapsing behind him. Xu Yue turned around and saw that the entire corridor behind him had been completely buried by the mountain.

After more than ten seconds of caching, the cave full of cracks finally could not withstand the huge pressure of the mountain above, and began a collapse process like a flood bursting its banks.

Starting from the wide cave deep in the mountain, the immeasurable torrent of rocks filled all the space in the cave and gradually expanded rapidly to the entire corridor.

The torrent behind him was approaching, but Xu Yue's running footsteps suddenly stopped. The faint black light blooming outside the scales' boots under his feet dissipated, and the speed blessing effect was quietly turned off. Instead, golden red pure Yang Yan continued to surge from the body. come out and wrap around the body.

The mountain collapsed so fast that it was basically impossible for him to escape at a normal speed. Once he was suppressed by the countless torrents of earth and rocks, even with his defense power, it would be a narrow escape.


There was a low shout in the corridor, and then the golden-red Yangyan exploded into bright fire. The mana in his body dropped rapidly, turning into endless fireworks that spewed out behind him.


The faint chirping of phoenix birds sounded in the corridor, and in the next moment, Xu Yue's entire body turned into a flaming meteor and shot out.

The dark and chaotic corridor is penetrated by a long line of fire. All the surrounding earth and rocks are often melted into magma by the terrifying temperature before they can get close to the line of fire, and are thrown to both sides.


Outside the cave, Snake Valley.

Under the sunset, the silence of Snake Valley was broken by a violent roar. The roar came from the peaks on the outer edge of Snake Valley. After spreading and rebounding in the cave, the roar became long and thick.

It was like a ferocious demon was being suppressed at the bottom of the mountains, and it was roaring crazily, and the sound was terrifying.

The demon's roar lasted for more than ten breaths before slowly dissipating in the Snake Valley. Instead, there was a muffled thunderous sound, ranging from slightly low to deafening.

Just a few seconds later, the largest peak inside Snake Valley began to shake, and the amplitude gradually increased until it suddenly collapsed.

It seemed that the roaring ferocious beast from before, in its frantic struggle, finally completely destroyed the mountain that was suppressing him.

The movement of landslides and ground cracks spread to almost all areas within a hundred miles radius. The heavy force of a peak collapsing inward caused a large area nearby to tremble slightly, directly triggering a small earthquake.

With the Snake Valley earthquake source as the center, the tremors continued to spread outward through the earth, the best conductor, and the most obvious consequence was the riot of beasts.

On the ground, thousands of animals began to flee away from the source of the earthquake. In the sky, there was a black mass of birds covering the clouds. Although they did not flee as wildly as the animals, they all did not dare to land.

The anger of the earth was first noticed by the beasts with keen senses, so two waves of restless and fleeing beasts were formed in the sky and the earth.

The earthquake was still spreading, and soon spread to Xingyang City in the distance. At this time, the shaking of the earth was extremely slight. Although for those civilians with shallow martial arts, they could not feel much abnormality, but for those in the city who had little knowledge of martial arts, For a strong person, it is extremely easy to detect.

Less than three seconds after the vibration reached Xingyang City, figures appeared at various heights in the city, looking towards the direction of Snake Valley, with different expressions on their faces.

Xingyang City, the residence of the city lord.

As the most magnificent building in the entire city, there were two people standing on the eaves of the main building of the mansion.

The person at the front was wearing a navy blue robe, an auspicious cloud brocade belt around his waist, a dark yellow jade pendant on his left hand, and a dark black sword on his right. He had a solemn face, a long beard on his jaw, and looked majestic.

Half a body behind on the left side is a guard with neat armor, holding a straight sword with a ring head, and the faint smell of blood around him.

"Is that the direction of Snake Valley?"

The middle-aged man in navy robe looked in the direction of the northern wilderness, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning.

After listening to the middle-aged man's question, the armored guard at the rear responded respectfully:

"This is the direction of Snake Valley, Lord Prefect."

"Half a month ago, news of the suspected birth of the Snake Demon King came from the Snake Valley. A week ago, the Shadow Organization confirmed that the news was true. The Snake Demon King was born in the northern suburbs. Hundreds of snake demons from the three major tribes gathered in the Snake Valley. They were so powerful that the first hundred assassins came in to assassinate him. But one died and the other was seriously injured.”

"Now, after General Xue has dealt with the rebellion caused by the tiger demon in Fengshan Mountain, he will lead his troops to encircle Snake Valley in three days."

After the guard answered the information related to Snake Valley, he bowed his head and remained silent. In fact, the middle-aged man knew all this information very well. After all, he personally issued the order to encircle and suppress Snake Valley, but for his subordinates, there was something higher up. Ask and answer in detail.

After listening to the guard's answer, the middle-aged man nodded lightly, looking away from the northern suburbs and looking towards the hidden streets in the city.

"I'm afraid we don't have to wait until three days. If there is such a big movement, we will immediately send people to investigate."


"Also, check to see if any assassins from the Shadow Organization have recently taken over the mission of Snake Valley. This matter may be related to them."



Just when the middle-aged man on the eaves of the main building looked towards Hidden Street, he saw the top of the third floor of the Hidden Street Assassin Tavern.

A rich man wearing a feather coat seemed to be aware of it. He interrupted his conversation with the woman next to him and suddenly turned his head to look at the direction of the city lord's palace.

"Master, is anyone spying?"

Guyu's question came to his ears, and the man known as the museum owner shook his head slightly, then turned around and looked at the northern suburbs outside the city again, where a flock of birds could be faintly seen forming a black line in the sky.

"When did Xinhuo leave the city?"

"Reporting to the owner of the hall, it's about Chen time."


The owner of the museum muttered something softly, looked at the birds that were gradually becoming clearer in the distance, and suddenly sighed softly.

"It seems that our new member of the organization, Mr. Xinhuo, is really not a good person. He made such a noise that affected the entire city on his first mission."

"The thick trees and short reins make it difficult to tie a horse, and the river is wide and shallow, making it difficult to raise a dragon. Our small Xingyang City will most likely not be able to keep this master for long."

"Assign people to secretly investigate Snake Valley. Secondly, if you find that Xinhuo has entered the city, you should wait at the entrance of Hidden Street."


Guyu responded and was about to leave, but was stopped by the owner of the hall.

"If he really killed the Snake Demon King, then take him to the inner treasury."



In the wilderness of the northern suburbs, Snake Valley affects the thoughts of all the major forces in Xingyang City.

When the peaks were about to collapse completely, a ray of fire flew out from the dark cave entrance in the middle of the peaks and went straight to the sky.


After the fire left the hole, it quickly unfolded. The fireworks at the end continued to expand to both sides, forming a gorgeous and wide flame tail, like the wings of a red bird, and the crisp cry of a phoenix sounded in the void.

The flaming phoenix flew higher and higher in the sky, showing no tendency to stop and slow down. The flame tail behind it continued to extend, bringing out a golden-red rainbow, like the glow of the sky.


A low cry came from inside the high-flying phoenix bird. The phoenix bird, which was almost approaching the clouds, stopped its upward trend. The lingering golden and red flames outside dissipated, revealing the silver figure wrapped inside. Falling straight from the sky.

The wind whistled in his ears, and the strong wind brought by the rapid fall blew Xu Yue's cloak, causing his hair to float upward.

Falling rapidly from a height close to the clouds, the strong stimulation brought by the weightlessness made his heart beat faster.

After a few seconds of free fall in the air, Xu Yue, who was still holding a strong man in his hand, stabilized his figure. Pieces of metal plates flew out of the space, and then automatically flew to his feet for release. force.

The crisp sound of metal explosions sounded from the sky one after another. After four or five metal plates collapsed in succession, Xu Yue's falling speed finally eased to a normal level.

Another metal plate emerged from the bottom of his feet. This time, the metal plate was not crushed again. Instead, it firmly supported Xu Yue's figure. He also fell from a thousand meters altitude to a hundred meters above the ground. distance.

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