Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 177 Wing Experiment

"It needs material filling to materialize, right?"

In the room, Xu Yue recalled the description of the equipment's effect. The mana in his body began to flow to the fire in his dantian. A large amount of pure Yangyan flames appeared on his back, and then quickly solidified and expanded. After a while, a pair of huge golden-red flames appeared. Lieyan Wings suddenly appeared behind Xu Yue.

As the wings unfolded, the hot breath spread from Xu Yue's body. Under the scorching heat, the nearby wooden furniture began to show signs of blackening. The white cashmere on the cashmere blanket on the ground even curled up and became carbonized. Pure quality After the Yang Yan condensed into wings, its own temperature seemed to have increased to a certain extent.

"It's a bit interesting. It's like having an extra pair of arms. It's very easy to control."

Feeling the wings unfolding behind him, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. After the sudden addition of a pair of wings, he did not feel any discomfort, as if he was born with this limb. The overall feeling was no different from the arms on his shoulders.

This should be the origin of the term "conceptual level" in the equipment introduction. It turns the acquired wings into innate limbs. This is the addition of a conceptual level, and naturally there will be no discomfort.

“Good sensitivity!”

Just as he continued to move his wings to test the sensitivity, a faint burnt smell began to enter the nasal cavity from below. Xu Yue was stunned, lowered his head and swept the wool blanket under his feet that was about to spontaneously combust, and quickly closed the wings behind his back. , the deck outside was not repaired yet, and the captain's cabin in the cabin was burned down by him again.

After closing the wings, the fire in his dantian trembled, and the golden-red wings on his back gradually turned into a coquettish purple. As the material that made up the wings changed from pure Yangyan to fire, the hot temperature in the captain's room also quickly dissipated. , and then returns to normal.

Xu Yue unfolded his wings again. This time, the purple wings did not have any impact on the captain's cabin. Even if he deliberately used his wings to scratch the bookcase on the side, the bookcase remained unscathed.

The purple wings passed by like an illusion when they crossed the book table. This was a unique characteristic of Fire. Except for metal objects, Fire treated other objects like a stream of light. The wings transformed from Fire also perfectly inherited this feature.

Looking at the coquettish purple wings beside him, Xu Yue nodded with satisfaction. This ability to change forms at will allows the wings to be used in multiple scenes. If the Yangyan wings were used just now, the moment they crossed the book case, it would be estimated that the entire Every piece of writing will be burned into charcoal, instead of being like this now. The Yangyan Wings are undoubtedly more aggressive, but the Fire Wings are more universal.

"Then what if..."

While thinking, a gleam flashed in Xu Yue's eyes. He dispersed the fire wings, and then his hair turned silver and began to grow rapidly, gathering on his back. After a while, his hair returned to normal, and his back was full of hair. A pair of silver steel wings emerged.


There was a scream in the captain's cabin as a weapon cut through the air. His right wing turned into a silver light and streaked across the wooden chair beside him. The steel wings were retracted, and the wooden chair beside him had been neatly cracked. It opens into two petals, and the cross section is as smooth as new, as if it had been cut off by a sharp blade.

His eyes swept across the cross-section of the wooden chair. The wings behind Xu Yue moved again, and the tip of the wings stabbed downwards like the tip of a spear. After leaning a little lightly on the wooden chair that was lying on the ground, the half of the wooden chair suddenly shattered into pieces. The sawdust was the violent effect of Fang Tian's painted halberd. After the wings became part of his body, they naturally had this characteristic.

After preliminary experiments on the various abilities of the wings, the light in Xu Yue's eyes became brighter and brighter. Although the flying ability has not been tested yet, just from the performance just now, you can see the power of the wings behind him. This is equivalent to In addition to his two arms, he also has a pair of dexterous limbs on his upper body.

It is used to surprise in attack. Imagine that during a fierce battle, the opponent finally managed to hold up your attacking weapon. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, two steel wings as sharp as knives came in front of him. This is completely four-handed. Fighting with both fists, and the wings are very similar to a broadsword when unfolded. Can it be counted as a blessing of sword skills?

Secondly, it is also impeccable for defense. When the wings on its back are fully unfolded, its wingspan can reach more than four meters. In its steel state, it can be used as two large shields that can cover the whole body. Especially the steel wings are made by Xu Yue's body structure can share Xu Yue's continuously strengthening strong defense. If he had these wings before, the white bird's flying feathers and crescent moon would not have caused such great harm to him.

As for dexterity, it goes without saying that after possessing air supremacy, Xu Yue will have great bonuses in terms of combat, pursuit, movement, reconnaissance, raids, and even escape. This is the sky's influence on the earth. absolute advantage.

It can be said that after possessing this wing, Xu Yue's combat system will be more powerful and perfect. As long as he is completely familiar with the new limb of the wing, his actual combat effectiveness can be increased by at least 50%.

And as a limb bound to itself, wings are not like skills and ordinary equipment, which will be gradually abandoned as Xu Yue's strength improves. It can be accompanied by the improvement of various attributes without even deliberately investing too many resources. And with continuous strengthening, after completing the fusion, the wings and him are one.

While thinking about the various uses of the wings in his mind, Xu Yue began to slowly retract the wings on his back, and the silver metal was reintegrated into his body. To fully integrate these wings into the combat system, a lot of work is needed. Practice and running-in cannot be completed overnight. At least when facing strong enemies in this world, he will not easily try to fly and fight.

This is a big project. There is no need to rush it. The more important thing now is to increase the strength quickly. The headquarters of the Assassin organization he is going to next is not a good place. He is currently not sure of defeating the leader of the organization. As expected, the strength of the shadow leader It must be far better than the White Bird he defeated before, otherwise he would not be able to subdue the many shadow assassins under his command.

The image of the shadow leader flashed in Xu Yue's mind. If he wanted to become the strongest, this person was the opponent he had to deal with. While thinking, pieces of molten steel flew out of the space, and then were ignited to create white birds. The fire melted and eventually turned into a solution and was swallowed by him.

[Hunter’s physical strength +1]

[Hunter’s upper limit of life +18, fire resistance +10]

The improvement is completed. This improvement is far inferior to the previous gains from killing the Snake Demon King in the Snake Valley. However, this does not mean that the White Bird is weaker than the Snake Demon King. It is because as its own attributes improve, each enhancement requires The amount of food consumed also increased accordingly.

But don't worry, there are many strong people in this world, and he still has many opportunities to improve. For example, Manzhu Shahua in the cabin is an excellent target, but it's not the time to harvest yet.

[Hunter Intelligence +1]

As soon as the reminder to increase the physical fitness ended, the paradise reminder sounded again, and a chill came over his mind. Xu Yue, who seemed a little tired after the fierce battle, immediately perked up and became much more awake.

It should be that the spiritual body in the inner space has also been solved. After swallowing the snake, it seems that Taotie has become much stronger. He actually solved the white bird's spiritual body so quickly.

At this time, the gains from the fire and spiritual body have been digested. Xu Yue looked at the time and saw that there was still about an hour before arriving at the destination. He first threw the rags in the storage space into a pile and had already prepared them. into the animal's fur, and then use the health that has been restored long ago to start replenishing the full mana.

After doing all this, he just crossed his legs and closed his eyes on the carpet in the captain's cabin, and went to practice his flying ability in the spiritual space. The captain's cabin was too narrow to move around, but the spiritual space did not have such restrictions.

An hour later, Xu Yue, who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, opened his eyes on time, separated from the spiritual space, stood up and moved for a moment, took out the repaired wolf hair cloak, put it on, opened the door and walked out of the cabin.

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