Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 181 Find him and kill him

In the space at the center of the mountain, as the golden red sun exploded, Xu Yue's foot did not stomp on the black bird's head. It was not the time to take action yet.

A few seconds ago, the dark magic scythes on both sides penetrated into the palms of Xu Yue's hands inch by inch amid splashing sparks. The silver skin and flesh made the advancement of the scythe blade extremely difficult.

Just as the tip of the blade was about to penetrate the palm of his hand, Xu Yue's right foot had already stepped heavily on the chest and back of the black bird. The blazing sun exploded with a roar, instantly exploding the black energy on his body along with the two magic sickle wings. For crumbs.

Blackbird was forcibly knocked out of the devil form, and the skin on his back was incinerated into charcoal on the spot. Then, the charcoal on his back was crushed to pieces by a black combat boot, revealing the pale flesh under the charcoal.

The fine irregular scales on the soles of the boots were deeply inserted into the pile of pale flesh. The force spread like waves, and the cracking sounds of bones continued one after another. A large amount of blood spurted out from the black bird's mouth and was spread again. The pure Yang Yan burned into a faint wisp of smoke.

In the golden red sun, Xu Yue fell from a high altitude at high speed on the black bird with broken eyes, bringing out a long line of fire behind him.

Halfway down, Blackbird's disintegrated eyes instantly solidified, and the fierce wind roared in his ears. Below him was the ever-expanding mountain ground. He could no longer feel any part of his body except his head.

In that blow just now, Blackbird's vertebrae had been completely crushed by Xu Yue. This would be a fatal injury to any normal human being, but unfortunately not to Blackbird.

He has been completely eroded and transformed by the martial arts. Now his only absolute weakness is his head. The other parts are not important. As long as his mind is clear, he will not die as long as his true energy is still there. This is his 'immortal black bird'. 'The origin of the name.

The stone platform below was already close at hand, and the red light in the black bird's dark eyes swelled. The two wings on the shoulder blades stretched out again, and then shook hard, and a raging hurricane formed under the wings.

Under Xu Yue's surprised gaze, the black bird was driven by its wings and shot forward, even if all the flesh and blood on its back were torn into pieces by the fine scales spread out by the scale boots.

Once he really hits the ground and the two forces collide, he can basically amputate his limbs below the neck.


As the black bird escaped, Xu Yue smashed directly into the stone platform below. Amidst the roar, his figure disappeared into the stone platform, and golden-red flame patterns outwards from the pit that was smashed in the center of the stone platform. spread.

A few breaths later, a large stone platform with a radius of several meters exploded in the golden red fire. The rubble disintegrated everywhere along with the flames, and hit the adjacent stone platform with muffled sounds.

When the rising smoke dissipated, the previous stone platform had disappeared without a trace, leaving only an incomplete stone pillar and the fiery silver figure on the stone pillar.

Slowly standing upright on the stone pillar, Xu Yue moved his numb right leg and looked at the black bird suspended in mid-air in the distance with blood coming from the corner of his mouth and his arms hanging down.

Although he had not planned to kill the black bird directly just now, he still had the intention of destroying it with one blow. However, he did not expect that with his spine broken and his consciousness unconscious, the other party would still have the energy to avoid the blow.

"In terms of vitality alone, you are better than White Bird."

After hearing Xu Yue's praise below, Blackbird only felt humiliated. Although his heart was filled with rage, his reason told him that he no longer had the capital to continue fighting with the opponent.

At this time, he was still suspended in mid-air, all relying on the support of the true energy in his body. The blood and flesh on his back were rotted into slag, and several vertebrae were broken. Even with his inhuman physique, it would take a long time to recover from such an injury. a period of time.

"Do you want to continue?"

Looking at the silent black bird above, Xu Yue spoke lightly. At the same time, a beam of black light flew from a distance and hovered next to him. It was Fang Tian's painted halberd that had been whipped away by the black bird before.

Holding the halberd pole in his right hand, Xu Yue danced a halberd flower. The blazing flames rose from his body surface again, dispersing all the darkness surrounding him. Since the black bird did not take the initiative to stop, it would be completely destroyed. Drop it.

In mid-air, Blackbird looked down at the golden red fire rising from the stone pillars. The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and the stinging sensation of his skin being burned to char seemed to arise from his back. Just as he was pouting his lips and about to say something, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, a tall figure stepped on two cyan phoenixes and flew quickly from a distance, hovering just between the two of them, and stopped Xu Yue's renewed fighting spirit.

"The assessment is over, you passed, Xinhuo."

The green phoenix stood on top of the illusory phoenix bird. After telling Xu Yue the results of the assessment, he turned to the black bird behind him.

"Blackbird, there is no point in continuing the fight."

The black bird was silent for a moment after hearing this, then fluttered its wings and flew to the high platform above without saying a word. Qingfeng turned around and looked at Xu Yue below, nodded slightly, and left.

On the stone pillar, Xu Yue chuckled, the flames surrounding his body dissipated, and the halberd in his hand turned into a solution and merged into his body. Becoming a shadow assassin meant that he was only one step away from becoming the strongest mission target.

Jumping up from the stone pillar, he landed firmly in front of the stairs leading to the power center of the Shadow Organization and began to climb the steps.

More than ten breaths later, as the last staircase was crossed, Xu Yue stepped onto the platform at the top of the entire mountain space. He was faced with six pairs of cold eyes shooting from the front, and he glanced at them one by one with a calm expression.

He saw six shadow assassins arranged in a figure of eight, with three people standing on each side. Combining the corresponding information in his mind, he identified their identities from left to right.

The remnants of his robe were fluttering, floating a few inches above the ground. His arms were hanging down weakly, and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth were not dry. This was the black bird that had just been severely injured by him. After seeing Xu Yue looking over, he simply closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, out of sight and out of mind.

He is tall, with a bamboo hat on his head, and a white gauze curtain hanging down from the edge, covering his face. This is the shadow assassin White Fox. His technique has the power to penetrate into the bones and marrow, crushing all things. Through the gauze curtain, a pair of slender eyes can be vaguely seen. Looking him up and down with interest.

He has a graceful figure and a charming temperament. He is playing with a blood-red stamen hidden weapon in his hand. This is Manzhushahua who brought him here. After noticing his gaze, Manzhushahua quietly gave him a wink.

She had light green hair that reached her ears, and covered her mouth and nose with a scarf. The smell of blood lingered all over her body. This was Chiya. Looking into those blood-red eyes, Xu Yue was keenly aware of the malice hidden inside.

With long hair disheveled, a pair of swords at his waist, and half a metal mask covering his right cheek, this was Qingfeng who had previously announced the results of the judgment and assessment. Sensing Xu Yue's gaze, he nodded slightly.

He has a stout body, a full-armor helmet, a wisp of red cherry blossoms on top, and a yellow bird standing on his shoulder. This is Shimen. He can use the stone to escape from the ground. He is suspected of being a Chinese with supernatural powers. After Xu Yue looked at it, Shimen didn't react at all. The little bird on his shoulder tilted its head and waved its wings at him.

Quickly scanning the six Shadow Assassins in front of him, his eyes began to move upward. Above was a small round platform. Behind the round platform stood a giant glazed round window showing the logo of the Shadow Organization. The cool moonlight shone from the window. It illuminates a skull throne composed of various skeletons placed on the round platform.

A man with long white hair and a ferocious face is leaning on the throne. This is the leader of the Shadow Organization and the strongest person in the entire organization.

The leader looked down at Xu Yue below, nodded with satisfaction, and said:

"From today on, you are the seventh Shadow Assassin."

"But the seventh place's token was taken away by a traitor and has not been recovered yet. Your next task is to find him. No matter what method you use, kill him and take back the token. Then you will be justified. The seventh shadow assassin."

The ranking of Shadow Assassins from one to seven does not represent the level of strength, but is determined by the time of becoming a Shadow Assassin. Therefore, Xu Yue does not care about the ranking of seventh place, but the seventh place token, he is very interested in it. Know where it is.

"This traitor is the chief assassin who betrayed the organization for a woman two years ago, was surrounded and killed by all the assassins, and finally escaped from the Xuanwu Kingdom and disappeared without a trace, Qi?"

Hearing the name "Qi", the leader's eyes flashed with blood, and a scroll and a jade pendant were thrown out of his hand, turning into two black shadows and shooting towards Xu Yue below.

"This is his information. Find him and kill him. You will be the new chief!"

"The jade pendant is a token, and the broken jade represents the gathering of all shadow assassins."

"Yes, leader!"

Xu Yue clasped his fists and accepted the promise. He first put the jade pendant into his arms, and then unfolded the scroll in his hand. On the scroll was a picture of a young assassin wearing a purple hood, holding a long knife full of cracks.

"Qi, Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword..."

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