Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 183 Forging Masters Together

Chapter 183 Forging Master-Qi Zhu

Within the clouds, after observing the corresponding situation on the island below, Xu Yue controlled the airship to retreat, found a sea area with few ships, and lowered the Sun Chaser from the sky.

As a large armed warship of the Human Empire, the Sun Chaser can naturally travel amphibiously in the sea and air. With the flying jibs on both sides of the ship retracted, the entire spaceship turned into a large building ship and landed steadily on the sea. superior.

As the angles of the four Inscription engines were adjusted, the Sun Chaser began to drive in the sea, moving quickly towards the island.

Twenty minutes later, the Chaser followed a merchant ship encountered on the road and docked at the large trading port of Shenduan Kingdom. There were many ships docked here, from various countries, and some of them were larger than the Chaser. Therefore, apart from its strange shape, there is not much worth noting about his spaceship.

As an island country that frequently communicates with the outside world, the Shenduan Kingdom has an extremely developed maritime industry and a very complete port berthing process.

Especially after Xu Yue showed some tricks and showed his identity as a Xuanwu countryman, the port staff's registration efficiency was significantly accelerated, and a series of processes such as registration, scanning, and payment were quickly completed. He was also in the afternoon. Shifen left the port and set foot on the land of the Divine Forging Kingdom.

Although the Divine Forge Kingdom is named after the country, it only has one island in its land area, so most of the residents are gathered in the large city in the center of the island, which is also where the capital of the Divine Forge Kingdom is located.

The city is very large, occupying nearly half of the entire island. Unlike Xuanwu Kingdom, which is full of ancient architectural styles, the capital of Shenduan Kingdom is the product of a combination of various architectural styles.

Walking on the wide streets, you can see antique wooden buildings on both sides, as well as high-rise buildings full of technology. The styles are very different, but there is a strange beauty of the intertwining of the past and the future.

There are many shops along the way, and the most frequently seen among them are naturally the blacksmith shops selling various types of weapons, and the raw material shops selling all kinds of forging mineral materials. The sea area on the west side of the Shen Forging Kingdom is adjacent to the Gold and Stone Kingdom, and there is no shortage of them there. Most of the metal minerals will be transported across the sea to the Kingdom of God for sale.

As for the State of St, which is closer to the Kingdom of Gold and Stone, it also consumes a huge amount of mineral materials every year, but it is not sold, but supplied.

Most of the people who come in and out of these shops are merchants who come to purchase a large amount of equipment to sell back home, or warriors or mechanics who need to customize high-quality weapons.

After wandering around the streets of the capital for a while and asking for directions several times, Xu Yue finally found the residence of the forging master Manzhu Shahua had mentioned.

This is a house in the corner of the capital. It is large in area, but the exterior walls are a bit dilapidated. Even the red paint on the door of the mansion has some signs of peeling off. It looks like it has been around for a while.

"Dong, dong dong..."

Xu Yue stepped forward and pulled up the knocker on one side of the vermilion door, and knocked a few times. The copper ring held by the metal beast's head knocked on the door, and a long and thick knocking sound suddenly sounded, which made people feel refreshed. .

Xu Yue, who was standing at the door, was stunned when he heard the knock on the door. He looked at the door knocker in his hand with some surprise. The sound coming from this thing was very unusual and it was definitely not an ordinary object.

He looked at it intently and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. This small animal-headed door knocker was actually a piece of equipment, and it was of high quality.

【Pepper Picture Door Knocker】

Place of Origin: Assassin Wu Liuqi, Master Craftsman Qi Ye

Quality: blue

Category: door knockers

Durability: 43/60

Equipment requirements: The residence area exceeds 500 square meters.

Equipment effect 1: Likes quietness and likes to be secluded (passive): Jiaotu is very secluded and can isolate most of the noise inside and outside the mansion.

Equipment effect 2: Lock the door (passive): Anyone who enters the mansion through other than normal means will arouse the anger of the Jiaotu beast head and make a shocking roar.

Equipment effect 3: Guard against evil spirits (active): The roar of the Jiao Tu beast head will have effects such as 'breaking evil' and 'exorcising evil' against things containing evil attributes.

Rating: 58 (Note: Blue equipment is rated from 31 to 70)

Introduction: I am the auxiliary leader with the title of ring, and I live in peace in the town house. I am the ninth son of the dragon - Jiao Tu.

Price: 11,000 paradise coins.

"Looks like we've come to the right place."

After reading the item introduction of the beast-head door knocker, Xu Yue's eyes were full of enthusiasm. Even the door knockers were blue equipment of extremely high quality. From this detail, it can be seen that this forging master is by no means a person seeking fame and reputation.

However, the master craftsman Qi Ye mentioned in the equipment production area was not the name of the forging master he was looking for. He must have been the ancestor of this forging master.

The Divine Craftsman is the highest honor of the Divine Forging Kingdom, but not every generation can obtain it. At least in this generation of the Divine Forging Kingdom, there is no one who can inherit the title of Divine Craftsman. The most recent craftsman who has won the title of Divine Craftsman is , it was already more than a hundred years ago.

"Who's knocking?"

Just when Xu Yue was looking at the jiaotu animal head on the vermilion door, a man's rough questioning voice came from behind the door.

Then the door was opened, revealing a tall middle-aged man with thick arms. The man looked Xu Yue up and down with a pair of broad eyes under thick black eyebrows, and said:

"People from Xuanwu Country? Why are you here?"

Xu Yue took half a step back and handed over Manzhu Shahua's letter of introduction with a calm tone.

"My Majesty Xuanwu Guoxinhuo, come to visit Master Qi Zhu."

Qi Zhu noticed the red Manjushahua stamen logo on the introduction envelope, and his pupils shrank slightly. When he raised his head, he looked at Xu Yue with a bit more fear in his eyes.

"I am Qi Zhu. Since this distinguished guest is here, please come in and have a chat. Please!"

As the top seven shadow assassins in the assassin world, Manzhu Shahua's name is still very useful. After all, for everyone, there is only one life.

Life is often the most common trading weight for assassins; death is the most effective deterrent and reputation for assassins.

Even though he still didn't know the specific identity of the man in front of him, as long as he was related to the Shadow Assassin, Qi Zhu couldn't help but take him seriously.

Faced with Qi Zhu's invitation, Xu Yue naturally accepted the order happily and stepped into this old mansion.

Behind him, Qi Zhu looked at the unresponsive Jiaotu beast head on the vermilion door, breathed a sigh of relief, and then closed the door.

"this way please."

Under the leadership of Qi Zhu, the two walked towards the interior of the mansion one after another. Compared to the old and damaged outer walls, the interior of the mansion was quite well repaired.

Past the screen wall behind the entrance, an elegant Chinese-style courtyard comes into view, with pavilions, pavilions, eaves and green tiles neatly arranged; lush forests and bamboos, pines and cypresses scattered in an orderly manner, exquisite yet full of vitality.

It can be seen that this Master Qi Zhu belongs to a truly wealthy family, but this huge mansion seems to be underpopulated and seems a bit too quiet.

More than ten minutes later, Xu Yue and Qi Zhu sat opposite each other in a pavilion in the courtyard of Qi Mansion. On the round table in front of them were two cups of tea, several plates of refreshments, and an opened letter. .

The scent of tea came from the pavilion along with the soft sounds of conversation, and was diluted by the rustle of bamboo trees on both sides and the gurgling sound of clear water below.

"Repairing ship decks is a trivial matter. There are many mountains and forests on the continent to the east of Shenforging Kingdom. Among them is a kind of golden paulownia wood, which is stronger than steel and contains golden threads. It is perfect for use as a deck material, but the price is a little more expensive. .”

"As for forging skills..."

In the pavilion, Qi Zhu was very confident when talking about repairing the deck, but when it came to teaching the forging skills, he seemed a little hesitant, as if he was thinking of some suitable excuse to decline.

Although the Divine Forging Kingdom has been sending a large number of forging talents to other countries, not all skills are passed on to the outside world. Some core key technologies are often kept secret and are generally only taught among blood relatives or a few disciples.

As a forging inheritance that once produced divine craftsmen from their ancestors, the forging skills mastered by Qi Zhu are undoubtedly the core of the core within the entire Divine Forging Kingdom, and are rarely taught to outsiders, let alone Xu Yue. Outsiders who are not from the God Forging Kingdom.

If anyone else had come to ask, Qi Zhu would have refused without mercy and would have seen the guest off behind closed doors, but this person in front of him could not do that.

In Manzhu Shahua's letter, he had already learned about this person's identity, the new Shadow Assassin, and before taking office, he single-handedly destroyed Feiniaomen, one of the six sects of Xuanwu Kingdom, and almost killed the veteran Shadow Assassin Hei bird.

These deeds made him unwilling to make the relationship between them too rigid. Even in the Shen Forging Kingdom overseas, he had heard of the names of Blackbird and Feiniaomen, from which he could deduce that Xu Yue's strength is not something he can fight against.

Facing such a powerful and unrestrained embryo-killer, he has a strong desire to survive. For this kind of person, the so-called blacksmith's title is not very easy to use.

In the eyes of these Shadow Assassins, status is not worthy of awe. The old leader of the powerful Kingdom of St was almost successfully assassinated by the former Chief Shadow Assassin. He did not feel that his status could be higher than that.

He was not the only forging master in the Divine Forging Kingdom, so he was even cautious about refusing.

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