Shi Gengguo, in a dark gym.

The lights were not turned on in the gym in the middle of the night, and the cool moonlight poured into the room through the windows. Rows of neatly arranged fitness equipment reflected the unique cold sheen of metal. On top of these equipment, the moonlight could clearly be seen. I saw dried, dull blood stains scattered everywhere.

Looking along the pattern of blood stains, we can see that the blood stains become more densely distributed as we go deeper into the gym, continuing to the small room at the deepest point. The blood stains suddenly stop, but there is a strange rustling movement. There was something coming from behind the door, as if some leather fabric was being sewn. In addition to these noises, there was also a beautiful singing voice of a girl coming from the room.

“Who killed the mockingbird?”

"I, said the Swallow,"

"With my bow and arrows,"

"I Killed Mockingbird."

Following the singing through the locked door, the first thing that caught my eye was a neat and clean operating bed placed in the center of the room. Beside the operating bed, there was a person wearing a black tuxedo. There are several black lines on his cheeks. The man dressed like a puppet is standing bent over, his hands busy on the operating table.

"Who saw his death?"

"I," said the fly, "

"With my little eyes,"

"I saw him die."

The beautiful singing voice spread again, but the man in puppet makeup had his lips tightly closed and did not make a sound. If you listen carefully, it turns out that the singing voice came from the man's chest.

"Who took his blood?"

"I," said the fish,

"With my little plate,"

"I took his blood."

Amidst the accompaniment, the man finally stopped what he was doing. He stood up straight, retracted his hands wearing blood-stained rubber gloves, turned his head stiffly and looked at the girl on the operating table.

"Who will make mourning clothes for him?"

"I," said the Beetle,

"With my thread and needle,"

"I'll make mourning clothes for him."

The girl has a pretty and lovely head, but from the head down, it is not the girl's soft and graceful body, but a muscular body of a strong man, at every joint of the body, such as the neck, upper limbs, thighs, etc. There are traces of sewing with a circle of thin black thread.

"Who will dig his grave?"

"I," said the Owl, "

"With my hoe and shovel"

"I'll dig his grave."

Looking at the girl below him, the man's brows slowly furrowed. He straightened his head back up. Amidst the rattling movement, he raised his equally stiff hands, grabbed the girl's thick right leg and pulled hard. The thin threads were broken inch by inch, and the right leg was completely torn off, revealing a flat, blood-red muscle cross-section.

“Who will preach for him?”

"I," said the crow, "

"Use my little book,"

"I'll preach to him."

He raised his right leg high in the hand and faced the bright shadowless light above. He raised his head and looked at the right leg carefully under the bright and even dazzling light. He rubbed it from time to time and finally found it in the popliteal fossa of the knee. A small scar was found everywhere. His eyebrows were raised and his eyes were wide open. He looked very angry, but strangely, his lips were still pursed tightly.

"Who will record history for him?"

"I," said Skylark, "

"If it weren't for the darkness,"

"I'll record his history."

Under the shadowless lamp, the man raised his right leg high, then turned around and smashed it down angrily. His right leg hit the ground with a muffled sound, and fell on the other thick left hand. Looking around, on the floor of this room On top of it, there were also densely packed piles of broken limbs. Thick arms and thighs were criss-crossed, pale fingers and soles were intertwined with each other, and the largest torso was stacked in layers.

These limbs all have several characteristics in common. They are all extremely strong limbs of a strong man. There is no blood leakage. There are subtle flaws on the skin. There is no head...

"Who will hold the torch?"

"I," said the Cardinal, "

"I'll bring it right away,"

"I'll hold the torch."

The man in puppet makeup dropped his right leg, and his chest rose and fell violently several times, as if he was calming down. The beautiful singing voice also became sharper and deeper with the rise and fall of his chest. After a few breaths, the man calmed down. His singing voice also regained its beauty. He turned to face the operating table, bent down and pulled out a large black wooden box from under the stage. The wooden box was opened, and inside it was filled with strong limbs.

"Who will be the officiant?"

"I," said the dove, "

"I will be the officiant,"

"Mourning for my love."

The sound of rummaging for items, the sound of bodies bumping against each other and the sound of singing rang together in the room. The man squatted beside the wooden box, pulled out his right leg one by one, and carefully caressed every inch of skin. From time to time, he would stand up straight and lift his right leg. It was placed on the girl's body on the operating table. After comparing it up and down, he always felt that it was not suitable, so he put it back again. After going back and forth several times, he finally found the most suitable right leg. He happily closed the wooden box and placed it on the girl's body. He stood on the operating table and stretched out his blood-stained hands again.

"Who will carry the coffin?"

"Me, said Yuan."

"If you don't have to walk through the night,"

"I will carry the coffin."

He first pulled out a shiny silver needle from the left cuff, and then pulled out a black and lubricated girl's hair from the right cuff. Threading the hair on the thin needle, the man bent down and began to slowly The sound of skin being sutured and fine needles penetrating leather could be heard again.

"Who's going to close the coffin cover?"

"We," said the Wren,

"Couple together,"

"Let's close the coffin cover."

For a long time, the movement of the man's hands stopped. He straightened his waist and tilted his head to look at the strange girl below, as if looking at his lover. The corners of his eyes were bent down, his eyes were nostalgic and gentle, with pure love like a child. meaning.

"Who will sing the hymns?"

"I," said the thrush, "

\u0026quot;She sat on a bush,\u0026quot;

"I will sing a"

Suddenly, the expression on the man's face stopped, and the singing voice in the air seemed to be stuck. It began to repeat "". He angrily slapped his chest with his palm, making a bang-bang sound like a wooden slap. There was a sound, and a bloody palm print was left on the neat tuxedo, but the singing was still stuck.

After waiting for a few seconds, the man impatiently took off the clothes on his chest. The body underneath was not flesh and blood, but a hard brown wooden chest, and there was a black hole the size of a bowl where the heart should be. He stretched out With his right hand, he dug into the black hole and took out a delicate and compact music box.

Above the music box, there stood a wooden sculpture of a girl in a white dress holding a broken bird in her hands. At this time, it stopped turning one by one, and the singing voice came from the base of the wooden sculpture.

The man held the girl's wooden sculpture's head with his hands, turned it several times, and shook it a few more times. The wooden sculpture finally continued to rotate, and the beautiful singing voice sounded again.

"Who will ring the knell?"

"I," said the cow, "

"Because I can pull,"

"I'll sound the knell."

Listening to the singing, the man beamed with joy. He stuffed the music box into his chest and turned to look at the girl on the operating bed.

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