In the spiritual space, the vast purple sea of ​​​​fire is still boiling endlessly. Above the sea of ​​​​fire is a star-studded night sky, dotted with countless brilliant light spots shining with golden light.

Between the sea of ​​fire and the night sky, a milky white transparent light ball floated quietly in the center, silently.

In the light ball, the small piece of land like a floating island expanded again in a small circle. Xu Yue stood on the edge of the floating island, looking down at the octagonal iron cage below with a gloomy expression.

The mental body of Professor

There was no roaring, no venting, just sitting quietly in the middle of the ring, lowering his head and lowering his eyes. The double spiraling horns above his head were particularly eye-catching.


"Is the problem my fault?"

Paradise City is a safe zone for all contractors. This is the first paradise rule mentioned by Yuzuki before. In the derivative world, Paradise will indulge and even encourage contractors to fight each other, but it is never allowed in the city. This is An iron law that cannot be broken.

The statue at the entrance of the food court is just a side effect. It can weakly stimulate people's appetite. Strictly speaking, it is a gain effect, which is equivalent to eating a plate of stomach strengthening and digestion tablets.

Moreover, this effect is achieved through the sculptor's superb artistic expression and does not contain any extraordinary factors, so it is not within the limits of the paradise.

It was only this time that he happened to meet Xu Yue, who had a mental defect, and the combination of the two produced such an obvious effect.

In the past two hours, Xu Yue had eaten nearly 30 Paradise Coins worth of food, and his stomach felt like a bottomless pit.

You know, with the consumption level of the park, if you just buy ordinary food, 10 points of park coins can meet the food needs for a day, and it is not shabby.

He had eaten almost three days' worth of food in this one meal. With his 12-point constitution, his stomach was as bloated as a ball. He had to hold on to the wall while walking, which showed how much he had eaten.

This kind of gourmet behavior seemed to be eating with his life. While Xu Yue was eating, he didn't notice anything wrong at all. He didn't wake up until he walked out of the food court and was freed from the temptation of food.

After observing the reactions of passers-by entering and exiting the square, Xu Yue immediately rushed back to his exclusive room after judging that the Taotie statue at the entrance of the square was probably just an inducement.

Since the problem does not come from the outside world, it must be internal trouble. In addition, the headache that has been bothering him before has disappeared for no reason. It must be that some unknown changes have occurred in Professor to him.

As expected, Xu Yue noticed something wrong as soon as he entered the spiritual space. The mental body of Professor The Taotie Corner you see is generally the same.


The view on the floating island was not clear enough, so Xu Yue jumped directly into the octagonal cage below. Now that Xu Yue has been strengthened, he is no longer as afraid of the strength of the professor's mental body as before.

The sound of landing attracted the attention of the professor's mental body opposite. He raised his head and looked towards the sound, and happened to meet Xu Yue's eyes.

The four eyes faced each other, one pair was full of sharpness, and the other pair was full of confusion.

Staring into the eyes of the professor's spiritual body and noticing the confusion contained in them, Xu Yue was stunned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his mind.

This thing... gave birth to thought.

"Who are you?" Xu Yue asked.

The professor opposite did not answer. The confusion in his eyes began to dissipate, and a hint of appetite appeared in his eyes.

His huge body began to stand up, and the huge shadow completely enveloped Xu Yue's figure. He looked down at the little guy in front of him and slowly uttered a syllable in his mouth.


"Ask me again, who are you?" The terrifying sense of oppression kept coming, and the wild instinct was warning wildly. Xu Yue remained unmoved, looking up at the professor's eyes that were starting to turn red, and his voice was cold.


It was like a muffled thunder exploded in the sky, and a roar came out of the professor's mouth along with the turbulent air waves. Xu Yue's clothes made a sound in the air waves, and the entire octagonal cage began to tremble violently.

Before the sound waves subsided, a fist as big as a millstone crashed down, like a landmine exploding on the ring, and large amounts of dust rose up.

The professor pulled his arm out of the deep hole in the ground. It seemed that he missed the little one. Where did it go?

He tore away the smoke with a wave of his big hand, and looked around for the little thing that looked familiar.

"The strength far exceeds mine, but the dexterity is not as good as mine."

Behind the smoke, Xu Yue, who had jumped away before the fist hit, looked at the professor in front of him who was getting closer and felt slightly relieved. As long as he was not completely crushed, he would be beaten.

As he thought, large plumes of smoke began to emerge from under the deep pit. This was his spiritual space. Although Xu Yue's current intelligence attributes were far from the point where his wishes would come true, he could create something out of thin air. The smoke is still more than enough;

In the thick smoke, the professor's huge size was much more eye-catching than Xu Yue's.

The broad hands pulled away the smoke, and the violent wind and waves brought out tore apart the surrounding fog, but it was quickly filled up again. The professor looked at the white world in front of him in confusion, and he had just born consciousness. Still can't understand the situation in front of me.

But the extreme hunger welling up from the bottom of his heart made him become increasingly violent.

"come out!"

"small bug!"

The professor looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar began to sound continuously in the octagonal cage. Large rocks bounced around like bullets, and deep pits spread all over the surface of the ring.

In the corner of the arena, Xu Yue looked coldly at the professor in the center who was furiously attacking the floor. He tilted his head slightly to avoid a rock that was aimed at his head. A streamlined heavy javelin slowly appeared in his hand, sharp and sharp. The tip of the hole was shining with a penetrating cold light.

call out!

A piercing roar came, followed by a roar. The professor who was wreaking havoc in the center of the ring staggered. His thigh had been penetrated by a heavy javelin. The middle of the javelin was stuck by strong muscles, and the tail of the javelin was still going on. It was trembling, and the flesh and blood were continuously squeezed during the shaking.

Waves of pain came from below, and the professor's eyes became redder and brighter. He grabbed the javelin on his leg with his big hand and jerked it, bringing out a large swath of starlight. He ignored the big hole that penetrated the front and back of his thigh. He twisted his waist and threw it away. Arm, the javelin shot out of the air from his hand, followed the gap left in the mist when it came, and returned brazenly.

Different from the swift speed when it came, it could be said to be majestic when it returned. The powerful kinetic energy brought out majestic wind pressure. The slender javelin flew out, but it smashed through a large amount of fog like a locomotive.

The javelin landed and exploded into dozens of metal fragments, scattering a quarter of the fog in the octagonal cage, but there was nothing in the empty space except the big crater left in place.

call out!

There was another roar, this time it penetrated the professor's shoulder blade. He screamed in pain and turned around to look, but there was still nothing but the thick white fog. He was hit by a javelin just behind him. The gap that was opened was once again filled with mist.

call out!

It was the same roar again, this time from the lower back. His huge body and majestic muscles not only brought great power, but also made him a very conspicuous target.

The professor took a few steps back. The awakening of his mind also brought about the unique emotion that accompanies wisdom, fear.

The fear of dying again.

he was scared

fear death

Post the next chapter after 0 o'clock

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