I don't know how much time passed, but when Xu Yue finally woke up, everything he saw was still pitch black, and the square and small space around him seemed particularly familiar.

‘Another coffin start? ’

Some absurd thoughts flashed through his mind, but they were quickly denied by Xu Yue. Although there was a thick metal partition as a barrier, he could still hear the faint cheers and noises from the outside world.

In such a heated environment, it is obvious that the cabinet he is in cannot be a coffin. Even if the world of "X-Men" is supposed to be in open America, even if it is open again, it should not be as big as a party in a morgue or a mourning hall. The level of fun.

He stretched out his right hand and tapped lightly on the partition next to him. He felt the ripples generated by the vibration expand instantly and then return quickly. Centered on the iron cabinet where he was, black and white three-dimensional images within a hundred meters around him also surged. Enter Xu Yue's mind.

It was an extremely wide closed room, with numerous people surrounding a huge iron cage in the center of the room. Accompanied by the exciting drum beats of the music, the crowd also cheered.

Inside the iron cage, two figures stood up and fell down. The standing one raised his hands in the air and roared excitedly, while the lying one's breath was weak and his body was still twitching slightly unconsciously.

This familiar scene quickly evoked Xu Yue's memory, and also allowed him to determine the specific environment he was currently in - an underground boxing ring, and there was a high probability that he would be the next player to appear.

Thinking of this, he temporarily extinguished the idea of ​​breaking open the iron cabinet immediately. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the iron cabinet he was in began to be pushed by several people together, moving closer to the iron cage in the center. At the same time, large pieces of information were also It flashed before his eyes.

[Enter the World: X-Men]

World difficulty: LV.4~? ? (Open world, different areas have different difficulties.)

Source of the world: 0% (the hunter's exploration or communication with the characters in the current world will increase, and when settling the world, it will be calculated with the task difficulty to form the final score)

World resume: Humans, mutants, racial antagonism, mutant groups born out of humans, either actively or passively possess additional armed forces, power leads to gaps, and gaps naturally lead to fear, jealousy, greed, desire, and helplessness The uneasiness of control eventually inevitably led to conflict and confrontation. The entanglement and contradiction between the two groups never stopped from the moment they parted ways.

Mutants: A group of humans that have undergone genetic mutations and possess various special abilities. Regardless of whether the genes are a blessing or a curse, they have become true aliens. Aliens are destined to be excluded by the mainstream. Persecuted, they struggle to survive in the human world. According to the specific circumstances and degree of control of their mutant abilities, mutants can be divided from high to low into Epsilon level (inferior), Delta level (weak), and Gamma level (Extraordinary), Beta (control), Alpha (top), Omega (god).

X-Men: Under the leadership of two mainstream leaders of mutants, mutants can be roughly divided into two major factions. Among them, X Academy, founded and led by Professor X, is the representative of the dove faction, and the X-Men are The armed force composed of elite individuals in the academy advocates peaceful coexistence with mankind, and takes the initiative to assume corresponding responsibilities such as easing conflicts between the two parties, crushing conspiracies, confronting conflicts, and sheltering young mutants.

The Brotherhood of Mutants: Founded by Magneto, one of the mutant leaders, and a representative of the hawks among the mutant community. It advocates that mutants are an advanced form of human evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the intention to destroy all humans. Create a new era of mutants.

Trask Industries: A technology group founded by Bolivar Trask in 1967. It has powerful biological genes, mechanical structures and other high-end technologies. It has strong support from the government and the military. Its founder first proposed the concept of mutants. Threat theory, discovered the And great again.

Main mission: Faction selection

Hunting mission: Clean up the violator Contractor No. 10021. When the hunter enters within one kilometer of Contractor No. 10021, the hunting function will automatically turn on.

Tip: Violator No. 10021 is very powerful, so hunters must be careful.

Warning: Please do not mention anything about "Paradise" in this world. If the warning is invalid, you will be forcibly executed!

Tip: It is detected that the hunter does not master the language of this world, and 100 paradise coins have been consumed to automatically master the language of this world.

World, begin!


Outside, a metal cabinet more than two meters high was slowly pushed into the octagonal iron cage in the center of the field with the combined efforts of several big men.

As the iron cabinet arrived at the predetermined location, several people did not delay, but quickly left, leaving the venue for the next fight that was about to begin.

Opposite the iron cabinet, the gladiator who was the victor moved his sinister gaze away from the backs of the humans. When he looked at the iron cabinet, a trace of sadness first flashed in his eyes, and then he was filled with strong murderous intent. cover.

He knew that the people imprisoned in the iron cabinet were his compatriots. A month ago, he also boarded the octagonal iron cage in this way. But from the moment he entered the iron cage, the identity of his compatriots had changed. An opponent who needs to fight to the death.

In this underground boxing ring, all the captured mutants are just beasts for human beings to kill for fun. Laws and human rights will not protect them, a group of aliens who have been excluded from society. If they want to continue to live sadly, they must kill A dead opponent is the only way to survive.

And he didn't want to die.


Just as the gladiator was looking at the murderous iron cabinet not far away, the few humans responsible for transporting it also completely left the coverage of the octagonal iron cage. As the iron door closed, fine electric light began to shine on the barbed wire on the outer edge of the ring. As he kept wandering around, there was a faint sound of sizzling electricity.

At the same time, a somewhat exaggerated voice instantly spread throughout the venue under the diffusion of the microphone.

"The stone man with rock-hard skin killed his third opponent tonight, and what he will face next will be another powerful mutant."

"What's harder than rock? Of course it's steel!"

"Let us welcome a new fighter to the Deadly Arena, a mutant with the same steely abilities as Colossus of the X-Men, Fire!!"

Along with the host's high-pitched and passionate speech, waves of fanatical sound suddenly arose around the iron cage. Although the real host has not been seen yet, the three words "X-Men" are enough to arouse the extreme excitement of these onlookers. excited.

The X-Men can be regarded as famous figures among mutants. Even if there is just a pirate on the stage, it is enough to evoke their human superiority and arrogance. Watching these powerful freaks fight like beasts in the iron cage Having fun, that sense of spiritual superiority above all else.

"Bang bang..."

Amid the fanatical cheers, four loud metal crashes were heard in succession on the ring. The cabinet holding Xu Yue automatically disintegrated into four metal plates and fell heavily to the ground, revealing a tall and tall metal plate standing inside. figure.

The sudden bright light made Xu Yue squint his eyes unconsciously. After he got used to it, the first thing that caught his eye was the opponent not far from the ring. It was a muscular stone man, the same as the one from the Fantastic Four. The image of the stone man is different. The stone man opposite him is made of gray-white rocks.

Although his body is strong, he is not bloated. Combined with the mottled blood stains on his arms that have not yet dried up, he looks particularly fierce and ferocious overall.

The changes imparted by mutant genes to the host are unpredictable and may even bring irreversible changes to the host's image. Once a small number of mutants awaken, their appearance will become complete monsters under the influence of the genes. Such people are mutants The most tragic part of people, their disparate images completely cut off their possibility of integrating into normal society.

The reason why humans call mutants aliens and freaks is that these mutants are the main motivation. They use the most intuitive and different images to tell the world that although humans and mutants come from the same origin, they are two completely different types. population.

Obviously, the stone man opposite Xu Yue is one of these unlucky mutants.

When Xu Yue was looking at the stone man, the stone man was also looking at his opponent. Listening to the host's introduction, he originally thought that the opponent was also a mutant whose image had been completely modified by genes. Unexpectedly, he looked the same as No different from ordinary people.

This shows that the opponent has completely controlled their own mutant abilities, and these people are often very powerful, and coupled with their tall size, the situation looks quite bad.

The only good thing is that the opponent's aura is peaceful. He probably hasn't experienced many life-and-death fights before he was caught in this underground boxing ring.

Facing this kind of opponent, it is the best plan to take the initiative and severely damage or even kill the opponent as quickly as possible. There is only room for one victorious general in this arena, and it can only be him!

"Let's fight, mutants, let's see who is the most powerful monster, hahaha..."

"The gladiatorial fight begins!"

The host's excited shouts resounded throughout the ring, and the lingering sound had not yet stopped. Several muffled sounds were heard again on the opposite side of Xu Yue. Accompanied by the rumbling footsteps, the stone man was like a rock chariot, carrying an indomitable and ferocious momentum. Rushing towards him.

Although the speed is not fast, the surging power gives people an unstoppable feeling of intimidation. The mutant gene distorts the appearance of the stone man, but also gives the opponent powerful strength and an exaggerated weight measured in tons. .

In this arena environment surrounded by high-voltage power grids, his abilities can be brought into full play. As long as he can successfully knock his opponent onto the high-voltage power grid, he will basically win most of the victory.


Unfortunately, reality is often much crueler than imagined. The strength and weight he is proud of are not worth mentioning to the opponents he faces.

In the horrified gaze of the stone man, as soon as he got close to his opponent, his forward charging steps came to a standstill uncontrollably. A big silver hand just lightly pressed on the shoulder that acted as a 'collision angle', and then directly offset it. He lost all the kinetic energy he had accumulated during the collision.

Severe pain was felt in the shoulder. Under the collision of two forces, the gray-white rock on the shoulder cracked softly. Cracks grew and spread between the silver fingers until faint blood stains oozed out.

Even if Xu Yue simply blocked the impact, with the passive blessing of 'Mountain Breaking', the opponent's hard rock armor was fragile to him.


Some interfering voices came out of Shi's mouth. He raised his eyes and suddenly found that his opponent's original gentle temperament had long since disappeared. Instead, what emerged was a cold and evil aura that made people's hair stand on end. In a daze, , he seemed to see the thick black air slowly overflowing from the other party's body.

Thanks to the powerful mind control brought by long-term practice of spiritual space, coupled with the buffering of the real world, Xu Yue has been able to contain his evil spirit almost perfectly. When he is not taking action, he can be considered gentle in temperament, but once activated, the evil spirit is brutal. The vicious evil energy contained in the body can even directly erode the opponent's mind.

Eyes facing each other, facing Xu Yue's cold lavender eyes, the stone man's pupils trembled slightly, but in the next moment, the fear inside turned into madness on the verge of despair. In this gladiatorial arena, there was no retreat. There is room, if you don't win, you will die.

A roar burst out from his throat. The stone man ignored the big hands that tightly grasped his shoulders like iron pincers. Instead, he picked up a huge rock and punched Xu Yue in the face.

But before the punch came, there was a roar underneath him. The moment he swung the fist, a black combat boot kicked him in the abdomen with a sharp wind. If you look closely, you can even vaguely see the sole of the boot. Countless criss-crossing erect scales.


It was as if a muffled thunder exploded in the arena, and suddenly smoke and dust were everywhere, gravel was flying, and the scattered rock powder mixed with blood and water formed a cloud of blood mist in mid-air.

As the main bearer of this heavy kick, the stone man immediately turned into a phantom, flying backwards at a speed far exceeding the speed of the previous charge, until he hit the high-voltage power grid behind him. Stopped flying upside down.

Another more violent muffled sound was heard, and the iron net was crumbling under the ferocious impact of the stone man's heavy rock cannon. It protruded outward, causing extremely serious deformation, and even the entire iron net surrounding the arena trembled. Incessantly.

The sizzling current flowed everywhere, and some of the lightning even splashed outside the ring, shocking the surrounding spectators to keep retreating.

Inside the iron net, the electric current had little effect on the stone man whose body was made of rocks. After hanging on the iron net for a few seconds, his heavy body fell directly to the ground, and gurgling blood continued to gush out. Watch with attention. , only to see the stone man’s exposed abdomen was a bloody mess.

The stone man's body surface membrane has turned into a rock-like material, as if he was wearing an indestructible rock armor, and the inside is still soft flesh and blood.

After the rock armor on the abdomen was kicked to pieces by Xu Yue, the flesh and blood below was inevitably torn into pieces by the scales on the bottom of the boots. If you look closely, you can still see the squirming and broken internal organs inside the meat. , looks particularly terrifying.

With just one kick, the winner was decided. This clean and instant kill scene made all the spectators in the venue stunned for a moment. It was the gladiatorial host on the second floor who reacted first. He swallowed deeply. After taking a sip of saliva, I felt that the dryness in my throat was slightly relieved, and this time I roared at the top of my lungs:

"The victory has been decided!!"

"Wonderful instant kill, let us cheer for the new gladiator king in the deadly arena."

"He is—fire!!"

The host's roar swept through the entire underground venue like a violent wind, and also awakened all the audience present. A pair of bloodshot eyes moved away from the bloody and bloody wounds of the stone man, and all looked at the only person in the ring. It was then that they were shocked to realize that the tall figure standing there seemed to have never even moved his position.

The underground boxing ring cannot accommodate such weak emotions as sympathy and pity. All that can be left is the primitive desire for bloody violence and the pure pursuit of absolute victory.

The high-sounding human nature has no place here; only the savage and intuitive animal nature can sing loudly here.

Therefore, no one paid attention to the tragic situation of the loser. All the audience's attention was simultaneously focused on the only standing winner. A feverish flush gradually climbed up the cheeks. At this moment, the pretense of civilization was torn to pieces, and the scarlet eyes All that is revealed is the undisguised primitive animality.

Under the guidance of the host, they held their necks with bulging veins and roared the same name.

"King of Gladiators - Fire!!"

The shouts and roars of mountains and tsunamis echoed in the ears, but Xu Yue on the stage remained calm. His indifferent eyes swept across the group of ferocious-looking spectators under the stage, and there was only a cold feeling in his eyes.

"No matter which world we are in, primitive beastiality under the guise of civilization is still so ugly."

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