Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 344 Simulation Training

On the ruined battlefield littered with wreckage, a giant robot like a metal high-rise stood, with two red laser beams firing at its eyes, and at the same time, the metal armor on its chest spread out.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten tactical grenades flew out from the launch port behind the armor and exploded at various locations on the battlefield.

Under the saturation bombardment of lasers and grenades, the entire battlefield almost turned into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant, and the deafening roar enveloped all space.

As far as the eye can see, there are raging fireballs rising up. The fireballs are separated by gravel and filled with smoke and dust, creating a complete doomsday scene.

"Hoo! Hoo ho..."

Rapid breathing sounded from all over the battlefield. Within this doomsday scene, there were still several figures wearing the same uniforms. They were hiding behind different bunkers, dodging the continuous movement of the sentry robots in some embarrassment. The long-range bombing, the same look of panic and bewilderment on the young face.

To put it simply, they have been stunned.

In stark contrast to these figures, there was a tall man holding a cigar at the edge of the battlefield. He stood unscrupulously in the middle of the open space, facing the chaotic artillery fire raging around him, and still had no intention of evading it. .

Faint white smoke was exhaled from his mouth, and Logan casually looked at the giant robot not far away and the several figures behind the bunker who did not dare to show their heads at all, with a somewhat boring look in his eyes.

Although the memory of the past is still vague, he has experienced two world wars one after another, and he really has no interest in the intensity of the current war. Naturally, he is interested in the few people who have been hiding behind the bunker and dare not fight back. The new recruit Danzi doesn't like him very much either.

"Logan, be careful!"

While he was bored, an exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears. Before the sound disappeared, a scream could be heard on the right side, and a broken steel bar that had been shot away by the explosion of the grenade was coming through the air with the sound of biting wind.


Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal clashing, the steel bar directly collided with his forehead, but it was not the picture of his head being shattered as he imagined. Sparks were seen flying from the impact point, Logan's head jerked back, and the steel bar was directly ejected.

The next second, he straightened his head calmly, and his neck made a heart-breaking sound of bone friction as he twisted it. The steel bar not long ago could easily break a human skull, but for Logan, it was It can only cause some skin injuries.

The large piece of flesh and blood on the forehead was directly taken away by the collapsed steel bars, revealing the silver-white metal skeleton inside. The edges were blurred with blood and flesh, which looked quite ferocious. However, after just a few breaths, this part of the missing skin and flesh was repaired and grew again, until No scars can be seen.

It was as if the injury a few seconds ago was just an illusion, and the only difference was that the cigar he was supposed to be holding in his mouth was now falling to the ground and collecting dust.

Glancing at the dirty cigar that rolled down at his feet, Logan twitched his mouth slightly, then took out the last cigar from his arms, tilted his head and spoke to the side:

"Borrow a fire."

As soon as he finished speaking, a wisp of golden red flames flew across the sky, and soon the end of the cigar ignited with sparks. While the smoke was puffing out, he took a long breath of smoke and exhaled it, and asked somewhat casually:

"It seems like they are no match for this giant sentinel. How about I take action and deal with it as soon as possible?"

After hearing Logan's suggestion, Storm, who was hiding behind a low wall not far away, rolled her eyes helplessly and immediately rejected it.

"Logan, we are just cooperators. This is their defensive training. Don't break the rules!"

Ignoring the nagging in his ears, Logan looked straight at a silver figure next to Storm, who was the commander of this training.

Looking over the eager Logan not far away, Xu Yue shook his head lightly. Compared to the old and silent Wolverine in 2029, he who is still in his prime now is undoubtedly more active.

"No, they can solve it, but blind defense can never overcome fear. Only by taking the initiative to attack can we win."

"Xinhuo, don't fight forcefully, they can't defeat a sentinel of this level!"

"Auroro, you love them too much. They urgently need a confidence-building victory now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the broad wings on Xu Yue's back suddenly opened, and he stood up from the ground as the air surged. The strong wind whistling beneath him also tore all of Storm's unfinished words into pieces.

In mid-air, Xu Yue quietly overlooked the entire battlefield, and his vast spiritual perception spread outward like a tide, instantly connecting to all the living beings on the field.

‘The defensive phase is now over and the counter-attack phase begins. Everyone leaves the bunker and prepares to charge! ’

‘Colossus attracts the attention of the sentry head-on. ’

‘Phantom Cat cooperates with Iceman to quickly approach the target. ’

‘Little naughty peripheral assistance. ’


Clear and detailed instructions sounded in everyone's minds, and at the same time, the overlooking perspective of the entire battlefield also emerged simultaneously with the instructions.

The reason why the two tribes of wasps and ants are able to form a swarm of insects that engulf everything is not only due to their huge base numbers, but also the seemingly ordinary skill of spiritual communication. It is naturally suitable for the battlefield and turns command into an art.

In the ruined battlefield, the sentry bombing continued. However, after the mental command was issued, its one-sided oppression was directly broken. Four figures jumped out from behind the bunker almost at the same time, heading towards the giant robot in the center in four directions. Charge bravely.

From the bird's-eye view brought about by spiritual communication, they seemed to have the whole map hanging open. Those long-range bombings were often dodged in advance before they even arrived.

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, and Colossus, the strongest man, was the first to act. His tall body of nearly two meters instantly glowed with metallic luster, turning into a genuine metal statue, and then his arms hugged a group of people along the way. An off-road motorcycle, weighing several tons, was like a bubble. He directly lifted it up and threw it heavily towards the front.


The thrown locomotive jumped six or seven meters. Just when it was about to hit the sentry's chest, it was detonated by a grenade in advance. A huge fireball exploded in mid-air. Although it did not completely hit the target, the raging impact was still close at hand. The sentry staggered.

The wide soles of the feet couldn't help but retreat, and after stepping into a deep dent in the ground, the sentry stabilized his figure, and his attention was inevitably attracted to the Colossus who had just threatened it. His eyes were red. The light swelled, and a thick beam of energy shot out, lifting the metal statue beneath him far away.

The statue fell to the ground and threw up a large amount of smoke, but the next second, the Colossus stood up again in the smoke, casually lifted the heavy object beside him and continued to smash it towards the sentry.

As the name suggests, Colossus has only two abilities. One is the indestructible metal defense, and the other is the astonishing strength. With his defensive power, even the howitzer can resist head-on. As long as the energy beam does not hit the target, then Convenience is not a big problem.

While the Sentinel was constantly entangled with Colossus, Ice Man and Phantom Cat also arrived near the target quietly.

Phantom Cat is a petite woman who can turn herself and her companions who are in physical contact into untouchable phantoms. In this state, they can pass through all barriers and obstacles, making them almost invincible. The only flaw is However, the duration is very short, and she is still very young and cannot fully utilize this ability.

As for Iceman, he is a young male. He can control the low temperature at will and freeze the moisture in the air into ice. This sounds very ordinary, but in terms of potential, he even has to surpass the professor. Unfortunately, the potential has not yet transformed into concrete strength. , there is still a long time span in between.

‘Iceman controls the slowdown, Phantom Cat takes precautions, and Colossus prepares to charge forward! ’

The command from above sounded again. Without any hesitation, the Iceman, who was close to the target, immediately pressed down his hands. A faint blue luster emerged from his palms, and the cold white mist surged outward.


Suddenly, the sound of freezing ice came one after another, and the thick ice began to spread rapidly. After a few breaths, the sentinel's feet and the ground below were frozen into a whole lump of ice.

Feeling the restraint and stiffness from his feet, the sentry's huge head looked down, and his scarlet electronic eyes quickly locked onto the instigator. He ignored the Colossus who had been harassing it, and more than a dozen grenades fell simultaneously, hitting the ice. The most thorough saturation bombing was carried out nearby.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Continuous explosions enveloped all the space within a hundred meters, leaving no blind spots. The earth trembled instantly, the sea of ​​​​fire roared, and the huge ice lump in the center also disintegrated and shattered.

After a moment, the explosion stopped, and the sentry stepped forward. But as soon as his huge metal feet broke the ice, two figures hugging each other suddenly emerged from the ground at his ankles, which were in the blind spot of his vision.

‘The phantom cat came out of the ground, and Iceman froze the sentinel’s right calf with all his strength. ’

The moment before the grenade exploded, Phantom Cat took Iceman and sank into the ground to avoid all damage. After receiving Xu Yue's instructions, the two of them quickly surfaced. As soon as they left the ground, Iceman quickly stepped forward. , pressed the sentry's metal ankle with both hands, and violent cold air burst out.

One second, or less!

The ice layer starts from the ankle and spreads to the entire calf in the blink of an eye. Inside the blue ice layer, the sudden drop in temperature quickly changes the ductile state of the metal to brittleness. A typical low-temperature brittleness phenomenon is taking place. .

‘Colossus, charge! ’


As soon as the ice covering the entire calf was formed, the ground directly in front of him was crushed to pieces. Colossus used the standard posture of a rugby player to collide, carrying unrivaled momentum and crashing straight into the blue icicles in front of him.

"Bang! Kakaka..."

When the two came into contact, there was first a muffled thunder explosion, and then countless deep cracks spread crazily from the impact point. A metal statue weighing several tons collided at a sprint speed of hundreds of meters. The exaggerated kinetic energy accumulated was far from this. An icicle can't stop it.

With a crisp cracking sound, the icicles covering the calf were smashed into pieces by Colossus. Large pieces of broken ice mixed with internal metal fragments scattered in all directions. In just a short moment, the battle situation was reversed.

All this happened very quickly. When the Sentinel robot finally reacted, its entire calf had disappeared. The weight of dozens of tons was simply beyond what one leg could support. The consequence of losing balance was that the Sentinel was out of control. fell straight down.


The violent movement was like a landslide, and the entire battlefield was shaken by the fall of the sentry, and then a large amount of smoke rose and spread, making the surroundings blurry and unreal.

‘Repeat the tactics, target the head, and the Colossus carries the little naughty one to increase its weight. ’

A new command was given again, figures tumbling in the smoke. After a moment, the smoke dispersed. Colossus jumped up high with the little naughty man in his arms, turned into two metal statues in mid-air and smashed them down, and with the blessing of gravity, he smashed a piece of the ground. A frozen head was completely crushed and ice splashed, marking the end of the training with the victory of the four young mutants.

Around the shattered sentinel's head, four rather embarrassed figures were sitting or standing. Although their breathing was a little short, they all had cheerful smiles on their faces.

They are not warriors, they are just students who have not yet graduated from the academy. They are the new generation of X-Men selected by the professor. They have not experienced the baptism of blood and fire. Today's victory achieved by relying only on their own strength is their most recent victory. The biggest result.

"Bah bang bang!"

Applause sounded from the edge of the battlefield, and Storm walked out of the darkness with a look of relief, looking at the four students with a satisfied look.

"Well done. Today's combat simulations all passed."

As soon as she finished speaking, Storm tapped the bracelet on her right hand, and an electronic sound immediately echoed throughout the battlefield.

"Simulation over!"

The electronic sound slowly faded, and with it, everything around it, whether it was the ruins on the battlefield, the corpses of the sentries in front of everyone, or even the smoke and dust in the air, all turned into a pile of light blue. The torrent of colored data disappeared, leaving only a semicircular empty room.

As the virtual illusion disappeared, Xu Yue, who was suspended in mid-air, flapped his wings and quickly fell down. His black boots landed lightly with a muffled sound. He landed firmly between Storm and Logan.

"Compared to the fighting and arching skills mentioned last time, I feel that you are equally good at command. Would you consider opening another elective course?"

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance. Chaos is not far away from breaking out."

After simply dealing with Storm's request for extra classes, Xu Yue raised his eyes and looked at the four mutant students in front of him. After noticing his gaze, Colossus and others' originally relaxed postures immediately became high-spirited.

After the X-Men named Xinhuo became their new fighting teacher three days ago, after three days of rigorous training, they had almost developed a conditioned reflex to stand in a military posture.

"The meaning of a team is to work together and learn from each other's strengths. The cooperation method just now is just the most basic ability coordination. Iceman's low-temperature crispness + Colossus' steel collision can allow you to destroy high-strength defenses that were originally unbreakable."

"Your mutant abilities are still a long way from being able to stand alone. Strengthening the coordination of abilities between each other is the fastest way to improve combat effectiveness. At this time tomorrow, each of you will propose at least two ways to improve combat effectiveness by cooperating with each other. I, do you understand?”

"Copy that, teacher!"


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