Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 361 I have a plan

Hank's slightly dry voice slowly spread in the room. There was a pause in the words. Storm's eyes fell on the wild beast's face and paused for a moment, then lowered her eyes and looked at the man sitting upright in the wheelchair. professor.

Storm did not know much about the current situation of the low-level mutants, but she knew that once the antidote began to spread without hindrance, the consequences would never be as simple as Hank described. The Ministry of Human Resources does not have much influence on the federal government's decision-making.

Numerous examples in the past have shown that the influence of the Ministry of Affairs is quite limited. After all, the purpose of the government setting it up is not to allow the other party to restrict itself.

Hank's motivation for promoting the antidote may be well-intentioned, but deadly poisonous baits are often wrapped in sweet honey. If swallowed hastily, there may never be a chance to spit it out again.

No matter how beneficial the antidote is at the moment, as long as it is in the hands of humans, it will sooner or later become a chronic poison for all mutants.

However, although she still maintained a strong resistance in her heart, since Hank had already said this, it was not suitable for her to continue to refute. As for how to decide on the antidote? Ultimately it depends on what the professor wants.

Where his eyes converged, he felt the eager gazes of everyone present. The professor did not respond immediately, but first looked at the little naughty boy who was sandwiched between Storm and Hank, looking a little uneasy.

Compared with the other people in the room, this girl is very much in line with the low-level mutant described in Hank's words. Although the little naughty girl has not become weird in appearance, the mutant gene makes her unable to touch anything. people and lost all their original social relationships.

She was forcibly abandoned by human society, and her uncontrollable passive absorption ability made her also out of place in mutant society. If she hadn't been lucky enough to be taken to X Academy to settle down during her escape, then Her end will definitely be extremely miserable.

And in this huge federation, how many little naughty people exist who are not so lucky? For them, mutant abilities are an out-and-out curse, and the antidote is the redemption they desperately need. It has nothing to do with loyalty or not, but just to survive better.

On the other side, after noticing the professor's gaze, the little naughty girl immediately shrank her neck unconsciously. She naturally heard the conversation between Storm and Hank just now. Although she didn't understand it completely, she could still feel it roughly. It seems that I have broken into the scene of some important decision-making.

The antidote depicted on the live TV broadcast did not seem to be as simple and beautiful as she imagined, and the aspects involved behind it were far more complicated than she imagined.

In particular, Storm's strong opposition to the antidote not long ago was like a bucket of cold water being poured over her head, dousing her original excitement due to knowing the efficacy of the antidote. Now the professor's sight has changed. Suddenly looking over, she was a little overwhelmed by all these changes.

"Anna, you don't need to care too much about Ororo's thoughts. The antidote means different things to everyone. Teachers will not impose their thoughts on students. You just need to be firm. Just before making a major decision. , you must consider it carefully and don’t change it rashly because of others, do you understand?”

The imaginary reproach did not sound, but instead the professor's gentle tone of relief appeared, and there was no intention of blaming her for intruding in the slightest.

Their eyes met, looking at the professor's calm eyes, the various chaotic thoughts in the little naughty mind began to quickly subside, and his expression gradually changed from panic to calm and peaceful.

Even the annoyance that had built up a few days ago when she discovered that her boyfriend, Ice Man, had been too close to the Phantom Cat, was quietly dissipated. In fact, the reason why she was so excited today was because of this annoyance. It played a big role in promoting it.

The closeness between the Iceman and the Phantom Cat made the little naughty girl realize once again an unavoidable problem. If this passive absorption ability, which is like a curse, remains unresolved, her boyfriend will leave her sooner or later.

Can a relationship that can't even be close be maintained for a long time? She didn't trust this, and it seemed like she was destined to be alone.

This sense of despair that the future has been determined is constantly tormenting her, making her mood fluctuate all the time, so after learning about the existence of the antidote, the little naughty girl was so ecstatic.

But now, with the professor's comfort, all those boring and complicated thoughts were dispelled like ice water melting away, and she was able to think again, do I really need to use the antidote to completely get rid of my mutant identity?

"Professor, I will think about it seriously!"

After finishing speaking, the professor opposite nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"I know that most of what the mutant gene brings to you is suffering. It deviates from your established life trajectory, but it also allows you to get to know some brand new people and things, such as every student and teacher in this college. , Gain and loss are often two sides of the same coin, think about it carefully, Anna, don’t be burdened, no one has the right to blame you for your choice.”

"The mutant awakening has forcibly changed your life without your consent, and now the emergence of the antidote is the second choice the world has given you. Seize this may be the only opportunity. The purpose of education is to let students see to a broader and more diverse path rather than dictating students’ choices.”

"So, choose your second life carefully. Whether it is to get rid of the curse and return to normal society, or to embrace the ability to embrace a new future, I will respect your choice."

The professor's words were as gentle and sincere as ever, but the little naughty girl felt that these words were far more powerful than those spoken by the powerful female teacher Storm and the sincere Minister Hank. She felt the sincere expectations and respect.

Her eyes quickly swept over everyone in the principal's room, and she pursed her lips tightly. If she chose to inject the antidote, she might be able to get rid of the vicious curse that could not touch others forever, but correspondingly, it also meant that she had to Say goodbye to everyone in this academy once and for all.

As the memories surged, a faint mist appeared in the girl's eyes, and her thoughts that had just calmed down began to become more entangled. It was only now that she truly understood the meaning behind the antidote, which was not just about suppression. The ability is so simple.

"I will choose carefully, Professor, thank you!"

After saying that, the little naughty bowed deeply to the professor, and then quickly ran out of the principal's office. Behind him, Storm's lips were slightly opened, as if she wanted to say something, but she still didn't stop.

Next to him, Hank's eyes lit up. He had already seen the professor's proposition from the conversation just now, and the other party did not seem to reject the emergence of the antidote.


"Don't worry, Hank, as I just said, I think the antidote is to give every mutant a second chance, so the Academy will not stand up against it. You can rest assured in this regard, but there is only one thing. The injection of the antidote must be voluntary, so that it can be considered a choice. Once it is used as a mandatory weapon by the government, then..."

The professor didn't make it clear in the following words, but Hank knew very well what the other party wanted to express. It was nothing more than a fight to the death. If that day came, the mutants would definitely fight back at all costs.

"That's enough, Charles, I will convey your attitude to the President of the Federation, and I am also a member of the mutants. The Department of Mutant Affairs will try its best to ensure the autonomy of the antidote and prevent it from becoming a mutant." A deadly weapon against our fellow citizens.”


As soon as Hank finished speaking, there was an undisguised sneer not far away. It came from Logan, who had never expressed an opinion. Storm beside him looked at the professor anxiously and said:

"Professor! We..."

"It's okay. I know the pros and cons of the antidote. You and Logan should go out first. Hank and I have some other matters to discuss."

The words of admonishment were interrupted in advance, and Storm was silent for a moment before being forcibly dragged out of the room by Logan.

Soon the two people's backs were blocked by the closed door, and only Hank, the professor, and Xu Yue, who was standing quietly behind the wheelchair, were left in the room.

Hank looked at the professor in the wheelchair with some confusion, but the other person simply smiled and did not speak. Instead, it was Xu Yue behind him who spoke first.

"Minister Hank, do you really think the Department of Mutant Affairs can prevent the antidote from being weaponized by the government military?"

Hank wanted to smack the table and swear, but when he saw Xu Yue's deep eyes and the professor's silent attitude, after a few seconds of silence, he still responded dully:

"...No, but I will try to delay its appearance."

"In fact, what Logan said before is correct. Based on the style of the government and military, after confirming that the antidote is effective, their military factories should already be producing corresponding antidote weapons. No one can stop this."

"It is imperative for the government to distribute the antidote. Even if they oppose it, it will only intensify the outbreak of the conflict. But at least in the early stage, they will not show their fangs so quickly. The purpose of my coming to the college to lobby is just to Let this period of relative peace be extended as long as possible, so that the mutants at the bottom can benefit the most and have a second chance..."

Hank's narration continued, while Xu Yue on the opposite side quietly glanced at the shining bald head below. He felt a vague spiritual fluctuation spreading, and its effect was likely to make the target unaware of the abnormality. Under the circumstances, you can express your truest thoughts without reservation.

This is not the first time that this kind of vague mental fluctuation has appeared. It happened once when the little naughty expression gradually changed from shy to peaceful.

The most convincing criterion for testing whether a person with psychic abilities is powerful is not whether the other person can forcibly control the mind, but whether he can quietly influence others in a subtle way. The professor is undoubtedly Extremely skilled at this.

Since ancient times, those who are good at fighting have no illustrious achievements, and those who are good doctors have no brilliant names. Loud sounds are loud, but elephants are invisible. This subtle method of listening to thunder in a silent place is the best way to show the level of his ability, and it also makes Xu Yue's eyes warm.

This ability is not as direct and rough as directly exploring memories, but it is more hidden and calm. It will not even trigger the battle prompts in the paradise. It can play a great role in both communication and combat.

Soon, Hank revealed his thoughts without any concealment, and did not notice anything wrong in the whole process. As the story was finished, his pair of dark blue beast eyes looked closely at Xu Yue in front of him. And wait quietly for its reply.

The professor's attitude had already shown that this deliberately blocked conversation would be dominated by this young mutant. To be honest, he was also very curious about what this professor and student, whom he had never heard of before, wanted to discuss with him.

"Minister Hank, since you also understand the style of the government military, you should understand that since the antidote was developed by humans, the horn of war between the two sides has been sounded. Conflict is inevitable, it is just a matter of sooner or later, and the sooner it breaks out, the more beneficial it is for the mutants. After all, the size gap between the two sides has determined that we can't afford to delay." "Burying our heads in the sand like an ostrich for a short period of peace will not solve any problems. It will only make us gradually fall into the quicksand that can swallow everything, and eventually cause our heads and entire bodies to be completely buried in the yellow sand." Xu Yue's words did not cause too many emotional fluctuations in Hank. He just narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Xu Yue with a little more strangeness in his eyes. "It's a familiar statement. Rather than being the professor's student, you are more like another person I know - Magneto."

"Maybe, but what I'm going to say next is indeed related to him. In fact, the attitude of the academy towards the antidote can't change the current situation too much. The main obstacle to the release of the antidote will only be Magneto."

"The other party is not as easy to talk to as the academy. Since he already knows the existence of the antidote, he will definitely not let such a dangerous thing be controlled by humans. Soon, he will fire the first shot of the war, and the government military will definitely not compromise. After all, they have just obtained the best weapon for mutants. Now is the time to be complacent, and conflict is inevitable." After listening, Hank shook his head slowly.

"The main force of the Brotherhood of Mutants is basically tied up on the island of Kiyo. Magneto alone can't cause much trouble. Even if he jumps out to openly oppose, he will be quickly suppressed. If a full-scale war breaks out, we can't be the opponent of the military now."

"Alone? Ha, Minister Hank, that's Magneto, one of the two poles of mutants, not some unknown person."

The slightly sarcastic tone came into his ears, but Hank didn't feel angry, but his face changed, and a bad idea quickly grew in his mind.

"The antidote can indeed redeem some of the lower-class mutants who want to return to society, but among the many mutants who have suffered from the oppression of mainstream society, how many are willing to swallow their anger and return to society? And how many are full of resentment and intend to destroy everything?"

"Don't be too naive, Minister Hank. Compared with the wishful redemption, believe me, they will definitely prefer destruction. The hatred accumulated by humans and mutants over the years cannot be eliminated by a small antidote. It will only become a fuse that completely detonates. As long as Magneto raises his arm, countless resentful mutants will rush to join his army."

"By then, the war will break out completely, and it won't be too far away. I said that the antidote is a horn that has been blown, and neither you nor I can stop it."

As he spoke, Xu Yue looked straight into Hank's eyes, and the fiery golden red in his eyes spread rapidly.

"The war between the two sides is imminent. The tide of the times is rolling in. No one can stay out of it. Minister Hank, should you choose to be loyal to the government's Mutant Affairs Department or to our race?"

The dagger is revealed!

When the four eyes met, the dazzling golden red was like a blazing flame, making Hank's vision blurry. At the same time, scenes that seemed real and fake suddenly appeared in his mind and rolled rapidly.

After a long time, Hank's eyes, which had been closed at some point, suddenly opened. He quickly stepped back a few steps, first looking at Xu Yue not far in front of him in horror, and then set his eyes on the professor who was sitting in a wheelchair with a calm expression.

"Charles, these..."

"The memories are all real. These are the future of another timeline, but if we sit and wait, it will soon become our "present", Hank, we must make a choice, otherwise there will be no chance."


The heavy breathing sound became more and more conspicuous in the room, and the atmosphere around became more stagnant. I don't know how long it took before Hank's dry voice sounded again.

"Charles, the mutants now are far from their opponents, especially after what happened three years ago. The cards revealed have lost their deterrent effect. Whether it is your psychic ability or Eric's metal manipulation, they have prepared several targeted plans, and Trask's sentinels are far more terrifying than those revealed."

"We don't have much chance of winning..."

Hearing this, the professor did not speak, but just looked up at Xu Yue beside him, and Hank's sight shifted synchronously.

Facing the gazes of the two, Xu Yue curled his lips slightly and said calmly:

"The human side has hidden cards, and we certainly don't just have the mutant bipolar that is exposed to the public. Minister Hank, I have a plan, a plan that can make mutants truly independent..."

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