Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 366 It’s too late to explain

[The hunter triggers a special event: the plot character imparts knowledge. 】

[Techniques are being taught...]

"The essence of meditation is to stop thinking and withdraw from thinking, so as to reach a state of absolute tranquility, even deathly silence..."

The brainwave amplification room is a strange space constructed entirely of psychic energy.

The magnificent endless sea of ​​stars slowly rotates on the dome, casting down strands of blue starlight. The starlight is like a waterfall, pouring downwards between scattered and gathered, and on the way, it inevitably flows past an illusory figure suspended in the air with his legs crossed. figure.

The starlight penetrated from the top of the figure's head, and then leaked out from underneath the body, finally blending into the gray fog that enveloped everything at the bottom of the space and dissipated without a trace.

The whole process was silent, but each time the Starlight Waterfall washed past it, it made the shadow in mid-air become a little clearer.

The sea of ​​stars, phantoms, gray fog, and the azure star waterfall connecting the three together form a wonderful and mysterious picture. Under the picture, there is Xu Yue, who is looking up, and his body. The professor gave the lecture with his eyes closed.

“There are many ways to meditate, but in the final analysis, its fundamental purpose is to eliminate all influences and perceptions from the outside world and acquired experiences, so as to explore the most essential deep-seated mind and achieve a strange state of selflessness or selflessness. To achieve absolute control over one’s own body and mind.”

"This is a process of getting rid of, falling, and leaving. Only by forgetting it and getting rid of it can you transcend it. In this regard, spiritual space can play an excellent supporting role."

"The location of the spiritual space itself is at the bottom of the unconscious. Here, it is naturally separated from the influence of external body desires. You only need to concentrate for a while, and then flush the mental body by connecting with the countless pure spiritualities in the sea of ​​stars, which can achieve purification. It can strengthen the soul and at the same time eliminate the corrosive influence of evil spirits in your body..."

In the eyes are concrete meditation pictures, and in the ears are the principles and processes broken down and explained in detail. Time passes quickly in this unique way of learning skills.

I don't know how much time passed. First, the explanations in my ears stopped, and then the magnificent scenery around me slowly dissipated, gradually revealing the cold metal inner wall behind me, which also announced the official end of this skill learning.

"Xinhuo, the specific methods of meditation are quite extensive, including breathing, mindfulness, visualization, chanting, movements, etc. What I just explained to you is just one of the unique meditation methods developed by taking advantage of the mind space, but each Individuals’ mental space structures are often different, so you can refer to it appropriately and don’t have to follow it blindly.”

"But if you don't want your mind to be affected by the increasingly fierce evil spirits in your body, you must not relax in your meditation training."

As he spoke, the professor took off the amplification helmet connected to the instrument. With a hint of unnoticeable fatigue in his eyes, he projected his mental space to the outside world for a long time. This process was not easy even for him.

"Thank you, Professor! I think you need a drink of this now."

Xu Yue's voice of thanks came from behind, and at the same time there was an alluring sweet smell, which came from a cup full of royal jelly in the tea cup.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, but the professor did not refuse, but took the tea cup from Xu Yue quite naturally. The old man always likes sweets.

After every teaching in the past few days, he would receive a cup of honey from Xu Yue, either ant honey that can warm the body, or royal jelly that can soothe the mind. At first, the professor would refuse, but later He gradually became accustomed to it, and accordingly, the spiritual knowledge he imparted became more and more profound.

As the sweet golden liquid slides into the throat and intestines, the feeling of fatigue in the mind quickly subsides, and even the aging body is feeling warm. The lower limbs that should have been unconscious have recently begun to fluctuate, feeling rejuvenated. A strange illusion of life.

Putting down the finished tea cup in his hand, the professor's favorable impression of his student continued to rise. Although the purpose of his teaching was never to pursue rewards, Xu Yue's attitude made him extremely useful, not to mention, what the other party said was The plan being formulated is indeed proceeding smoothly and orderly, and mutants may really be able to achieve true independence in the near future.

The look of hope in his eyes flashed away, and the professor controlled the wheelchair under his seat to turn around, just in time to meet the eyes of Xu Yue behind him. The other person's pupils were slightly dilated, and it was obvious that he was still immersed in the previous explanation and had not completely left.

"I have contacted Emma just now. I will leave the academy soon to persuade her to join. The amplification room is an absolutely isolated environment, which is just conducive to your mastering the mind space meditation method. You can stay here temporarily during this period. But you can’t use amplification equipment rashly, it’s very mentally taxing.”

Hearing that the professor was about to leave the college, Xu Yue's dilated pupils instantly solidified. At the same time, his thoughts broke away from the numerous meditation knowledge surging in his mind, and his brows frowned slightly unconsciously.

"Professor, leaving the academy at this time might be a trap. Do you need me to accompany you?"

"Don't worry, Logan will be with me. Emma resists the approach of any stranger, and the mind is often more reliable than the body. Except for Eric's helmet, there will be no traps that can avoid my vigilance."

After saying that, the professor smiled at Xu Yue, then controlled the wheelchair to drive along the metal corridor and quickly approached the door.

Behind him, Xu Yue was silent for a moment, but still did not continue to speak to stop him. After all, as long as he was vigilant, there were really few people in this world who could be the professor's opponents. He did not need to worry about it at all, and the college also needed someone to guard it, especially the most important ones. A heavy brainwave amplifier.

Ten seconds later, the professor's leaving figure was isolated by the closed hatch. The entire spherical space suddenly became silent. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Xu Yue turned around and sat cross-legged in front of the instrument with his eyes slightly closed. He had He had a hunch that the mind space meditation method just taught would be of great use to him.


Outside the castle, not long after the professor left the brainwave amplification room, a stretched Lincoln left Xavier Academy for the Gifted driven by Logan and drove quickly towards the city.

Time gradually passed, until an hour passed, Logan, who should have arrived in the city, quietly appeared inside the college. Looking at the majestic classical castle in front of him, the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc, and then quickly subsided. , stepping towards the castle gate.

It was now in the morning. Although there were not many classes, because Storm had strengthened her management, the number of students walking around the castle was still slightly sparse. He skillfully greeted the students he met on the road casually, and Logan spoke with clear purpose. Go straight to a room on the second floor.

Soon, he successfully arrived at his destination, and with a rapid knock on the door, the closed door was opened.

The door is Scott, who looks haggard and has messy hair. Ever since Qin's cry for help rang in his mind a few days ago, the voice has been ringing like a gangrene in the bones. It keeps ringing every once in a while. If the voice alone is still It was easy to say, but the extremely painful emotions contained inside tortured him unbearably.

The feeling of knowing that the person he loved was suffering, but he could only turn a deaf ear to it, made Scott feel like a knife. Xu Yue once proposed that he could use a spiritual chain to help him isolate this sound, but he flatly refused. If Qin could not be saved, Then he is willing to share this torture with him, at least this shows that the other person is still alive.

However, as time went by, this torture also made him more and more decadent and weak. In the past few days, he could not sleep for more than ten hours.

Looking at the anxious-looking Logan in front of him, Scott frowned slightly, and his originally chaotic mind barely shook.

"Logan, didn't you accompany the professor out? What's going on..."

Before he finished speaking, Logan's broad palm grasped his wrist tightly and pulled him directly out of the room.

"It's too late to explain. The professor needs support. Ororo has already rushed over. We must hurry up."


Scott's pupils shrank, and before he could realize what happened, he was dragged by Logan and ran quickly towards the underground garage.

A few minutes later, a black car drove out of the castle again. The driver was still Logan, but the passenger changed from a professor to a confused Scott.

Looking at the rapidly reversing scenery outside the car, Scott finally reacted and his breath stagnated. An unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in his heart. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Logan in the driver's seat. He had a familiar face and temperament. , but he felt a little strange inexplicably.

"Stop and tell me what's going on, Logan!"

Low shouts continued to echo in the car. Logan next to him looked sideways at Scott in the passenger seat. The other man's quartz-colored sunglasses had begun to glow with a dangerous red light, and a sense of fatal threat enveloped his whole body.


A harsh braking sound sounded, and the car's tires instantly locked up under emergency braking, causing several twisted scorch marks on the road.

At the same time, the sudden change from extremely fast to extremely quiet caused the vehicle to shake violently. Logan, who was in the driver's seat, was well prepared, but Scott, who was caught off guard on one side, slammed into the passenger seat in front of him.

‘Damn it! ’

There was an immediate close contact between his forehead and the countertop, but fortunately the force of the collision was not strong, and the pain caused by it made Scott's chaotic mind completely clear.

Quickly holding on to the quartz glasses that were about to slip off, he quickly stood up and looked up at the culprit in the driver's seat. After regaining consciousness, Scott had already vaguely guessed who the person next to him was.

He moved his gaze to the left, but what appeared in the center of his field of vision was not Logan, nor the blue figure in his imagination, but a beautiful figure with red hair and white skin.


The newly raised hostility disappeared in an instant, and the dazzling red light under his glasses disappeared. Scott looked at the very familiar figure in the driver's seat in a daze, murmuring in a low voice.


The next second, what responded to him was not the soft call of his lover, but a clean and sharp knife.

There was a dull sound of the collision of flesh on the neck, and there was even a 'click' sound of bone friction mixed in, and then Scott, who had not slept peacefully for a long time, finally fell into a deep sleep.


Lake Alkali.

The broad lake surface swayed with sparkling waves in the breeze, and on the edge of the lake, several figures were hurrying towards them from a distance.

The progress stopped, and Magneto, who was at the front of the crowd, raised his eyes and looked into the distance. His eyes paused on the incomplete dam deep in the lake, with an obvious look of regret flashing in his eyes.

Three years ago, he was only one step away from being able to borrow Charles' power to kill all the humans on the planet, but unfortunately he failed at the last moment.

As for whether this behavior is cruel or not, ha! He was just reciprocating the favor, and in the life-and-death racial struggle, how could there be room for weakness?

One planet cannot peacefully host two races that are equally unwilling to be left alone. The fittest will survive, and the strong will survive. In the end, one must replace the other. Charles's idea is nothing more than a wishful compromise.

The regret in his eyes turned into coldness as he thought about it. Since the goal could not be achieved through Charles's power three years ago, let's use the power of his students to achieve it three years later.

The phoenix that could destroy everything, he was looking forward to this power.

"Xi Ming, are you sure Qin is still at the bottom of the lake?"

"Of course, Lord Magneto."

Behind him, Xi Ming took half a step forward and stood side by side with Magneto beside him. The pale mask under the wide hood peeked out from the shadow, looking directly at the vast and calm lake in front of him.

"A mere lake can't help Phoenix. It's just that the specific sleeping position cannot be sensed. And now the plan to kidnap Cyclops has failed. Without his help, we can only search inch by inch."

Listening to the playful reply next to him, Mystique Raven, who had been missing since she left, could not help but appear in Magneto's mind. His face sank slightly, but soon returned to calm. In Charles's academy, Mystique Even if the mission fails, the woman will never suffer any damage. As for the fact that the Cyclops failed to be successfully obtained, it is not a big loss.

"Failure means failure. After all, he is a student of Charles, and it is not so easy to capture him."

"It's just a waste of energy without him. As long as Qin is still at the bottom of the lake, I can force her out."

As he finished speaking, Magneto raised his arm slightly, and vast magnetic fluctuations began to spread outward from his body. At the same time, two large trucks behind everyone suddenly jumped into the air and sped towards the lake shore until they arrived at the center of the lake. The position stopped moving.

"Sometimes human weapons can also play a very good role."

As the fingers fluctuated, the large truck suspended in mid-air also disintegrated. The wide metal compartment split layer by layer, revealing the densely packed ammunition inside, including smaller high-explosive grenades, rockets and grenades of different sizes. Even small missiles, broadsword mines, etc. are included.

Thousands of cannonballs were dispersed evenly under the control of Magneto, covering almost half of the lake. Since there was no laser eye for precise positioning, he would simply blast the entire lake. The turbulent vibration would then be enough. Awaken any sleeping existence at the bottom of the lake.

These high-explosive weapons were the fruits of the Brotherhood's sweep of almost all underground gangs in the city within two days. It must be said that this quantity was worthy of the Federation, which is known for its freedom. The Brotherhood originally planned to use it It was used to deal with the human army, but now in order to forcefully awaken Qin, it can only be used in advance.

Glancing at Xi Ming, whose expression was obscured by the mask, Magneto's eyes were cold. He could not investigate where the information in his subordinate's hands came from, but he would never allow deception. If he detonated After searching the entire Lake Alkali but still unable to find any trace of Qin, the other party can be buried at the bottom of the lake.

"You'd better make sure Qin is really just sleeping at the bottom of the lake, otherwise you will take her place."

"Of course, Lord Magneto, my subordinates can guarantee it with their lives."


He nodded slightly noncommittally, and as he pressed his palm lightly, the dense shells covering the air immediately fell simultaneously, causing large splashes of water to splash on the lake. The boiling waves rolled over and shattered the silence of the entire Lake Alkali.

The next second, countless golden and red fireballs suddenly exploded under the blue lake, followed by countless giant water columns rising into the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

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