
The muffled sound of beating flesh spread in the room again, and a heavy elbow from above hit the neck of the red tank suspended in mid-air.

With a crisp sound of 'click', his thick neck instantly bent into a tooth-breaking arc.

Although this blow was not enough to directly break the extremely tough cervical spine bones, after many vital parts were severely damaged in turn, the neck, as the only channel for oxygen delivery to the brain, still became the last thing that broke the camel's back. A straw.

As the strength poured out, the twisted neck bounced back onto the right track, but the red tank's face suddenly turned pale, and the remaining right pupil also collapsed, and his mind suddenly fell into an unavoidable brief coma.

Then he was hit by various blows in mid-air and was forced to stop for several seconds. He was finally successfully knocked to the ground, but the landing posture was more miserable than expected.

Thousands of kilograms of heavy objects fell straight to the ground, and while throwing out large amounts of smoke and dust, the ground beneath their feet also shook. There were dense black cracks around the edges of the figure that spread rapidly outward.

Everything in this world has its advantages and disadvantages. The terrifying weight of nearly one ton makes the red tank almost unstoppable when charging. But when it loses its balance, this advantage will also turn into a fatal disadvantage.

The previous knee-to-waist blow, if it weren't for the exaggerated weight of the body as an assist in the fall, and with the extremely powerful flesh and blood density of the red tank, the magic knife blade at the top of the knee might not have been so powerful. Through the waist and abdomen.

And after piercing the body, the Demonic Thousand Blades never broke away. Even if the target was already lying on the ground, there were still countless sharp blades in the opponent's body that were constantly tearing apart the major organs.

Directly above, the sticky blood stains remaining on the armor's body were slowly being swallowed up, leaving only the vicious aura lingering around the body that began to grow stronger.

Shaking his numb arms, Xu Yue took half a step back, and then lowered his eyes to look at the miserable figure lying unconscious in a pool of blood at his feet.

Opponents who can only express their brute strength are not scary. When faced with fighting skills that are more violent and fierce than the opponent, all their previous overwhelming tyranny will become vulnerable to a single blow at this moment.

The move he just used was Tiger Hard Climb, one of the eight killing moves of Bajiquan. It is said to be the best in actual combat. It is said that the former martial arts master of the Republic of China had "unrivaled punch with strong fist and sharp spear Li Shuwen". With just this move, he was the best at that time. Invincible.

Even if the two sides explain in advance the moves they will use before the competition begins, they often only use half a move to climb up the mountain, and the opponent falls to the ground. This shows how powerful and ferocious it is.

The so-called tiger climbing, to put it bluntly, is a process of tapping and pulling with both palms. Take the posture of a cat climbing a tree, hold your chest and pull up your back, twist your waist and use all your strength, and use the tiger's palms to clasp the target's shoulders, face, neck, or back of the head. Waiting for a key position, either shooting down or pressing back, can effectively break the center of gravity, causing the target to fall directly due to loss of balance.

Subsequently, various moves such as knee strikes, claps, elbow thrusts, etc. are used in various ways and informally, but most of them are extremely cruel. After a set of combos, even if the opponent does not die, the opponent will be severely disabled. s consequence.

In close combat, victory or defeat is often determined by one or two moves in an instant. At this time, the red tank, still twitching from time to time in a pool of blood, is undoubtedly the best display of the effectiveness of this battle.


Suddenly, a harsh groan of pain sounded from his feet. The extraordinary physical strength made the red tank wake up at an extremely fast speed. Even though the pain in the body was greatly reduced compared with ordinary people, there was a constant pain in the chest and abdomen. The severe cramping pain still made him moan unbearably.

The extreme pain, as if hundreds of sharp knives were cutting into the internal organs in his body, reminded him of the bone-chilling feeling of near-death that was still fresh in his memory. His bloodshot right eye suddenly opened, and a cold-eyed figure looked down on the blood. The diffuse vision gradually became clearer.

The moan in his throat quickly turned into a roar, and the muscles in his limbs swelled at the same time. He was about to violently explode, but the next second, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and then a black combat boot with blazing flames was suddenly shrunk in his chest. His pupils were stamped down brazenly.


The scale combat boots accurately stepped on the head and face of the red tank. The roar was accompanied by heat waves, and there was a pungent smell of burning flesh and blood in the air. His entire head sank deeply into the ground. The exposed body was instantly stretched like a dead fish out of the water.

The combat boots stained with sticky blood were lifted out of the deep pit on the ground. At this moment, the red tank's originally stiff body also underwent a sudden change. His right palm suddenly shot up in a grasping shape, as if he was preparing to grab it quickly. Hold the upper ankle of the boot in an attempt to resist.

But as soon as the arm was raised, it suddenly stopped, and a pool of blood-colored liquid was seen surging rapidly from the chest to all parts of the body. In the blink of an eye, the liquid solidified and shaped, forming a very familiar heavy armor. And tightly bound the red tank's whole body, and the arm intended to grab was no exception.

When it was in Xu Yue's body, the Red Prison was a battle armor capable of both offense and defense, but when the host was replaced by a red tank, it turned into a bloodthirsty and ferocious cage.

When the prison lock was completed, a large number of dense and sticky small tentacles immediately emerged from the armor. These tentacles tightly wrapped around every inch of the target's skin and muscles. Through the method of dissipating force and transferring, it silently swallowed up all the force that the target was ready to resist.

And in this moment of endless wriggling and entanglement, the tentacles would quietly penetrate into the lower layer of the skin through the gaps in the body, greedily absorbing the host's fresh blood, and the four words "softness overcomes hardness" were fully utilized.

Below, Red Tank only felt a chill all over his body, and then the strange touch of being trapped in a muddy swamp instantly spread throughout his body, as if thousands of cold long snakes were slowly scratching his skin, and the numbing feeling of panic made him unconsciously start to struggle desperately.

If he was in a good state, even if Chiyu could complete the prison lock, it would not take long for him to be forcibly broken free. Only one charge was needed, and the violent kinetic energy accumulated was enough to free Red Tank from the bondage.

But now he was severely injured and couldn't even get up. He felt that the more he struggled, the tighter the countless cold snakes bound him, and his strength seemed to be gradually swallowed up by the lingering wriggling.

At the same time, Xu Yue, who was standing on one side of the pit, was looking down at the trembling Red Prison Armor on the floor, and at the front of the armor, a head that was completely unrecognizable was struggling to rise slowly from the pit.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a red tank with top-level physical enhancement. Even in this situation, the opponent can still maintain vigorous vitality in his body. Through the charred and scabby facial flesh, Xu Yue can even see the pink flesh that is growing rapidly inside.

"Unfortunately, I'm in a hurry, so... see you later."


After the words fell, the combat boots hovering above the head stomped down again, and the roar mixed with violent vibrations spread from the center of the room and gradually spread to the entire laboratory.


“Boom! Boom!…”

At the other end of the Worthington Laboratory, Warren III and Dr. Rao, the actual owners of the laboratory, stood stiffly in the middle of the corridor, and on the left and right sides were three members of the Mutant Brotherhood with almost undisguised malice on their faces.

As early as the second day after the terrorist attack, Warren III, who was afraid of being retaliated by mutants, followed the military to take refuge on Devil Island. He thought that under the stationing and protection of the armed forces, the laboratory would become the best safe base, but he never thought that even the government’s army could not stop this group of crazy mutants.

In less than half an hour, the army retreated step by step, and even the laboratory in the back was invaded, and he was unlucky to be surrounded here while escaping.

“You invented the antidote, right?”

On the left side of the corridor, the hedgehog man Spike, who was obviously the leader of the three, looked at Warren III in front of him with some joking. Although he was asking, his tone was particularly affirmative.

The four looked at each other, and the president of the Worthington Group, who was still in high spirits at the press conference a few days ago, swallowed hard, and finally nodded hesitantly and responded:

"Yes... yes."

After getting the exact answer, the hedgehog's eyes were slightly cold, and he immediately spoke softly to his men on both sides.

"Very good, girls, take it away!"

After the words fell, the two female mutants in the corridor, both of whom were in the style of Shamatte, immediately stepped forward a few steps and grabbed Warren III's hands on the left and right.

In fact, the purpose of their coming here was to execute the president of the Worthington Group who triggered the "antidote battle" in the most extreme way, and to use this killing chicken to warn the monkey to declare to the world: Anyone who provokes them will pay the price of his life.

So the target's answer is not important, even if Warren III answers no, the final result will not change at all.

On the other side, seeing her CEO being forcibly taken away, Dr. Rao, who had been silent in the corner, finally stopped being silent. She looked anxious and repeatedly shouted that the development of the antidote had nothing to do with Warren III. However, she was interrupted by the hedgehog man with a serious expression shortly after she spoke.


The shout echoed in the wide and empty corridor, not only stopping Dr. Rao's urgent shout, but also stopping the other two mutants who were holding Warren III hostage and preparing to leave. They all looked sideways at the wall beside the corridor, where continuous roars and vibrations were coming from, and the amplitude was rapidly increasing.

"What's the matter with this vibration? Was it caused by Red Tank? I remember he received an order to capture the mutant kid named Jimmy alive."

"It should be him, but not just him. This vibration is not caused by running. Something is wrong."

Staring at the slightly trembling wall in front of her, Philippa Sontag, who is the most sensitive to shock waves among the three members of the Brotherhood, spoke lightly. Her code name is Arclight, and her palms can burst out powerful shock waves.

Not long ago, it was her large-scale shock wave attack that directly destroyed more than 80% of the plastic weapons in the field, thus destroying the last advantage of the human army in one fell swoop. It can be said that she made an indelible contribution.

Suddenly, after answering the hedgehog's question, she was staring at the wall in front of her, and her pupils shrank suddenly. She didn't have time to react. She grabbed her compatriots and Warren III by her side and rushed forward.

"Get out of the way!"


The loud shout of warning was covered by the roar of the sudden explosion. The silver-gray wall beside the crowd burst with a bang, and the broken stones flew. In the smoke and dust, a blood shadow broke through the wall and fell down until it hit the opposite wall heavily, leaving only a sunken pit enclosed by a spider web.

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the hedgehog man on the left side of the corridor got up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner. His strength was not strong. The reason why he could become the leader among the three was that he relied on relatively ruthless means and his male identity, which was quite advantageous in the chaotic lower class society.

Standing up again, he first looked up at the arc light and others on the opposite side. After confirming that they were fine, he turned his sight to the "attacker" who smashed the wall on the ground.

It was a tall figure covered with scarlet armor. The surface of the armor was flowing with sticky blood light. At first glance, it looked like a living thing. When he looked at it, a strong smell of blood rushed into his nose.

Compared to the strange armor on his body that showed no signs of damage after a severe impact, the head of the figure that was not covered by the armor looked extremely miserable.

The bald head was covered with black burn marks, and the facial features were completely unrecognizable, as if it had been hit head-on by a heavy hammer, and the entire skull was somewhat flattened...

The injuries were so miserable that even the hedgehog man who had lived at the bottom of society for many years and had seen too many scenes of slaughter felt a chill in his heart. What's more important is that even after such terrible destruction, the figure was not dead yet, and only two holes were left in the nasal cavity, and a faint breath was still coming out.


This was the first thought that flashed through the hedgehog man's mind. The living environment in the dark for many years gave him the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm. Being injured so miserably but still able to survive was enough to show that the strength of this injured person must be not simple, and the culprit who caused all this would only be stronger.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and troubles, the best way to deal with it is to leave in time and pretend that you have never seen anything. Sometimes the blind and deaf often live the longest, but just as they were about to take a step back, they suddenly stopped.

The Hedgehog stopped, and his pupils shrank slightly as he looked up and down at the figure. He seemed to see a familiar mark on this charred black head.

"This is... Red Tank."

The dry voice came out slowly from his mouth. After recognizing the identity of the figure, the original dodge plan was abandoned by the Hedgehog at the first time. This was not because he had good thoughts and moral emotions towards his compatriots, but because if Red Tank died so easily in front of them, Magneto would never let them go afterwards.

And during this brief hesitation, bursts of dull footsteps gradually sounded from the gap on the other side of the wall.

Although the footsteps were not loud, they seemed to step on everyone's hearts. Every time the footsteps sounded, the atmosphere in the corridor became more and more oppressive. The breathing sound suddenly became rapid, and the hedgehog man with a pale face turned around quickly.

I saw a cold breath coming out of the gap, and then a majestic figure in a black cloak walked over under the protection of these cold breaths. It seemed that the silver palm made of metal was drooping, and the dark and sticky blood on it flowed along the fingertips and finally dripped on the floor, leaving a mottled red blood stain.


The sound of blood dripping on the floor was particularly crisp, and it also awakened the hedgehog man who was temporarily dazed by the impact of the evil spirit. The pupils changed from scattered to solid. Just as he was hesitating whether to step forward to stop it, a cold sight swept across the whole scene.

He only glanced around, but he felt a sense of extreme fear that made him feel cold all over. For a moment, his body was stiff and he dared not speak.

As his eyes turned, he took in all the familiar scenes in the corridor. Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. First, it was Red Tank, and then it was the group of Arc Light. It seemed that he had some fate with the Brotherhood, which saved him a lot of effort in finding people.

His eyes fell on Warren III in the corner and stayed for a while. After confirming that he was not in danger of life for the time being, he no longer paid attention to this group of people and turned his eyes to Red Tank, who was leaning against a large piece of rubble and breathing weakly.

It must be said that this guy was more frail than he thought. Now the blood in Red Tank's body was almost dry, and all his organs were basically turned into a mass of rotten meat. Even his skull was broken and deformed, but the other party still retained a weak breath.

"Good will."

At this point, the reliance on whether the other party can still survive is not only the body's recovery ability, but also the strong will that is tough beyond common sense.

After saying this, Xu Yue raised his right palm lightly and clenched it, and then the chest of the red tank shook violently, and countless purple streams of light shot out from the inside of the armor, and gathered in his palm like a young bird returning to the forest. Soon, a strange long sword composed of hundreds of fragments gradually took shape.

The next second, the long sword broke through the air and slashed horizontally, and the gorgeous purple sword light bloomed in the void, and in contrast, a shriveled and charred human head soared into the sky.

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