Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 39 Explodes the Audience

On the holy airship, after seeing the feat of the knights below completely piercing the monster tide, General Thorn couldn't help but show excitement, and slapped his broad palm heavily on the guardrail on one side.

The white solid wood, which was even stronger than steel, began to spread along the entire guardrail under Thorn's blow.

The spaceship engineer on the side twitched his eyes, looking at the back of the commander and hesitating to speak.

This thing is very expensive, and most of it is distributed in the Elf Forest. After the war with the elves, the empire's savings have become somewhat dwarfed.

Not paying attention to the engineer whose complexion turned dark behind him, Thorne stared at the battle below with his eyes wide open.

"Haha, Kairos is becoming more and more reliable."

"Maybe this time we can take down this wave of demons in one fell swoop. These bullshit demon bastards have become more and more active in the past few years."

Looking down from the battleship, the black demonic tide on the plain is like a torn rag, and the white human legion is like a huge pointed cone, which is fiercely inserted into the black cloth, and is continuously expanding. With this torn gap wide.

At the rear of the battle, behind the demonic tide, a familiar glow lit up again from the distance, and its speed became faster and faster, heading straight towards the black cloth.

Among the cavalry ranks, as the charge speed of the knights increased from slow to fast, the aura on their bodies gradually became brighter from dim, and even Xu Yue's body surface was coated with a thin layer of aura.

[You gain the buff effect of the Glow Knights' Fearless Charge. When maintaining the charge state, fighting spirit +20%, movement speed +20%, and physical recovery +30%. 】

Under the glow, the heat in Xu Yue's heart became more intense, and his aching arms became stronger again.

The demonic tide came closer and closer until the two sides collided brazenly.

Amidst the roar of horse hooves, Xu Yue and Kairos, who were at the tip of the cavalry's spears, splashed blood and rain in their hands, and the entire cavalry once again entered the demonic tide.

A silver spear or a long halberd can easily defeat a thousand armies, but ten thousand men cannot resist them.

Unlike the previous difficulties of drilling the formation on the front, the efficiency of drilling the formation on the back can be said to be that the deeper you go, the easier it becomes.

On the dense battlefield, the cavalry regiment rushing from behind gave the enemy no time to react. Before they could even turn around, they were trampled to pieces by iron hoofs.

Amid the dying wails of the monsters, the Knights of Radiance galloped through the demonic tide like chopping melons and vegetables, with bones turning into mud and rivers of blood flowing along the way.

Xu Yue smashed the heads of the two orc infantrymen in front with a halberd, and then used the halberd pole to swing away the huge mace coming from the right. He poked the tail of the halberd back, and the tip of the tail penetrated straight through the throat of the ogre behind, whose center of gravity was unstable. .

The war horse galloped endlessly under his crotch, and the halberd tail was brought out, splashing a bright flower of blood.

As the battle progressed, the situation became more relaxed, but the expressions of Xu Yue and Kairos became more serious.

The killings under the halberd continued. Xu Yue turned his eyes slightly and looked at Kairos on the left.

"Something's wrong."

The spear in Kairos's hand was tied together, and little cold stars danced out. The corpses fell limply, and were then swept away by the cavalry behind them.

"I know, it's been such an easy ride."

After listening to Kairos's response, Xu Yue continued:

"There must be an ambush ahead, do you want to take a detour?"

"No, the momentum of the charge cannot be broken. Under the glow, we will move forward indomitably."

Kairos said the last eight words decisively. After a moment of pause, he continued.

"If there is really an ambush ahead, I will take the lead. If you save your strength, you will definitely dig into the formation for three rounds."

Xu Yue did not respond immediately, and asked a question that seemed to have nothing to do with the battle situation.

"War horses are afraid of fire."

Kairos paused, then calmly glanced at Xu Yue's purple eyes and responded.

"Don't be afraid. After fighting the magician in Lotus Swamp, the knights' horses have been carefully trained."

"Okay, you take the lead, I'll save my strength."

After receiving a positive reply, Xu Yue agreed to Kairos's arrangement, gently tugged on the horse's reins, and was half a body behind Kairos.

Time passed very quickly during the charge, and the cavalry continued to charge. In less than a moment, they had reached the center of the demonic tide.

At this point, the monsters in front of the cavalry became strangely empty. After a moment of silence, the roar of wolf beasts sounded from the front, and a large group of orc cavalry suddenly appeared in front, pouring towards the cavalry.

The two cavalry teams exchanged hands quickly. Kairos' expression remained unchanged, but he clenched the spear tighter. Xu Yue could even see clearly the gray hair floating on the opposite wolf beast, and the purple meaning in his eyes became even more intense.

"Under the glow!"

Kairos's fierce shout was deafening, and the cavalry behind him followed closely.

"Keep moving forward!"

The sound shook the sky, and the shouts shook the clouds. Under the fierce shout, the glow turned into a rainbow, and the entire knights seemed to melt into a light arrow, with Kairos as the tip of the arrow, and shot straight into the opposite orc cavalry.

In just an instant, the orc cavalry was penetrated by light arrows, flesh and blood flew down, and the colliding cavalry collapsed.

But after passing through the encirclement of the orc cavalry, what greeted the knights was not a smooth road, but a high wall.

I saw an iron wall made of huge stacked tower shields standing in front of the knights. The iron wall was about 4 meters high, like an iron wall and a copper mountain. Countless steel spears protruded from the gaps between the overlapping tower shields. The sharp cold light makes people shudder.

Seeing this situation, Kairos' eyes did not waver at all, and the knights' charging speed did not stop at all, charging towards the iron wall with a mountain-shattering momentum.

When it was about to approach, the rainbow light surrounding the cavalry quickly shrank and focused on Kairos's spear. He leaped forward on horseback, raising his spear.

"Breaking the military!!"

A bright beam of light shot out, a violent roar accompanied by vibrations. The iron wall immediately disintegrated into countless steel fragments, flying in all directions, and the knights broke through again.

After breaking through the iron wall, the glow on the entire knights was already indiscernible. Kairos pulled out the spear on the ground while galloping, and his pupils shrank sharply when he looked ahead.

I saw an identical iron wall standing in front of me. Looking down from the air, I could clearly see that there were three identical iron walls in front of the Knights. Not far behind the iron wall was the front line for the handover with the human camp. .

After his pupils trembled, Kairos regained his composure. The glow was gone. He still had an armored spear and a body of flesh and blood. It was no big deal.

Even if the glow is exhausted, even if there is an iron wall and sharp spears in front of them, the entire cavalry still does not waver at all, and just moves forward indifferently.

Suddenly, a majestic purple flame leaped up in front of the cavalry, and the fire dyed the entire knights purple. Xu Yue's body was wrapped with boiling purple flames, and the horse under his crotch crossed Kairos and walked in front of the cavalry. head.

"Now, it's my turn to take the lead!"

Facing Kairos' surprised gaze, Xu Yue smiled openly.

"Food fire, start!"

As soon as the words fell, countless boiling purple fires rose into the sky in the demonic tide. Throughout the battle, Xu Yue could not remember how many monsters he had killed, and the countless corpses were turned into the best fuel.

In just a few breaths, nearly half of the entire demonic sky was covered by the noisy purple fire, and purple covered the sky and the earth.

Especially at the pile of corpses where Xu Yue had been fighting for more than two hours, the fire had formed a pillar of fire reaching the sky.

The battlefield began to boil, and everyone's eyes began to focus on the purple flames roaring and boiling in the sky.

The monsters began to run away in fear, and the battlefield suddenly became a mess. The remaining contractors in the human camp looked to the sky in horror.

On the sacred airship, the main gun of the airship, which was getting ready to fire and aimed at the iron wall below, was quickly stopped by the engineer.

Thorne's big hands held the crumbled airship guardrail, and his eyes were fixed on Xu Yue, who was leading the team below and taking the lead.

He clearly saw that the purple fire first ignited on the boy's body, then rose from the tide of monsters, and finally formed this exaggerated fire field covering half of the battlefield.

"How is this possible?"

"The Fire Dance level elemental mage in Lotus Swamp can't even do this. This kid..."

"No, it's not magic."

Thorne's words were interrupted by a voice from behind.

The leader of the chaplain group wearing a priest's robe walked out from behind, looking down at the purple sea of ​​fire below, with lightning flashing in his eyes.

"There is no evil smell of magic. This thing is not magic."

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