San Francisco Bay, inside the fire phoenix.

Qin casually glanced at the direction where the slight discomfort was coming from above, and after noticing that the slight abnormality disappeared in an instant, she no longer paid attention to it.

Now she had no time to care about these details. From breaking the seal of the mind to now, she enjoyed the pleasure of "eating" for the first time.

In the original world timeline, Scott's endless energy would be Qin's first meal after she was reborn from the fire at the bottom of Lake Alkali, but in the current timeline that was completely disrupted by the contractors, there was no such good thing as a meal delivered to the door.

As for the soul crystal obtained from the contractors such as Xi Ming, this thing can enhance the soul strength, thereby strengthening one's control over the power of the phoenix, but it is still powerless to fill the energy void. In other words, until now, she has always been in a hungry state.

Although the power of the phoenix can absorb all known energies in the current world, it is not necessary to absorb all energies. Compared with the extraordinary nature of the power of the phoenix, even if ordinary energy in nature is absorbed for thousands of years, the power that can be transformed is still just a drop in the bucket.

And this is also the main reason why the power of the phoenix in the piano body is so excited and even directly manifested after the nuclear explosion.

This is not because of fear or the need for confrontation, but the power of the phoenix finally encountered a meal that is worthy of eating. Although the massive high-heat radiation released by the nuclear explosion reaction tastes ordinary, it is too large to withstand the large amount. For the phoenix in its newborn state, it is just right.


The high-pitched cry resounded again, and the gorgeous fire phoenix in the air raised its neck high, and the brilliant flames on its body became brighter and brighter. In contrast, the golden red smoke cloud below was rapidly disappearing.

Gradually, this giant golden-red mushroom cloud shrank from hundreds of meters to tens or even more than ten meters, and it continued to shrink.

A huge cavity was formed on the sea surface, and the original Devil Island no longer existed. Even the seabed with thousands of gullies at the bottom was faintly visible.

So an inestimable amount of seawater began to pour back into the cavity, and a dull roar like thunder resounded. At the same time, a huge vortex was formed on the sea surface, stirring the bay of about 100 meters.

As the waves poured back, a large amount of seawater was evaporated by the fireball in the center that had not yet been completely extinguished, and turned into a large piece of water vapor rising and spreading. After a while, the spreading white fog gradually covered most of the fire phoenix in the sky.

Then the fog was rendered by the bright flames of the fire phoenix, and it turned directly into a golden-red fire cloud that stretched for hundreds of meters, which looked quite magical.

Inside the Fire Phoenix, Jean didn't care about the changes in the outside world. Her cheeks were rosy and her breath was fluctuating. The energy of the nuclear explosion was about to be devoured, but it was still a long way from filling the emptiness in her body.

The short-term meal could not satisfy the Black Phoenix personality, which already advocated indulgence in desires. Instead, it completely aroused her surging appetite. The strong hunger and thirst that kept roaring in her body was screaming for her to immediately find new energy for eating. Even the idea of ​​finding trouble for Professor X was rudely squeezed out of her mind by this appetite that occupied all her thoughts.

And just at the horizon that she had temporarily forgotten, a sense of oppression that seemed like the sky was collapsing was quietly emerging and rapidly intensifying.

Of course, this sense of oppression may be terrifying to ordinary people, but for Phoenix, it is not so worthy of attention. After licking her lips that looked even more scarlet against the background of her dark eyes, Qin first looked up in the direction of X Academy, where there was an optimal energy source that could satisfy all her appetites at once.

However, with the strong counterattack of the main consciousness in the spiritual space, she finally gave up this tempting option and turned her sight to the large city with bright lights on the other side of the coast.

Since high-quality laser energy is not available, a large-scale nuclear explosion is not unacceptable. Two or three more nuclear weapons of the same equivalent should be enough.

As for how to get the human government to feed, it is very simple, just destroy it, and she is particularly good at this.

In the outside world, the smoke and high-heat radiation generated by the nuclear explosion have disappeared, leaving only the churning sea and the gorgeous fire phoenix flapping its wings in the endless red clouds on the sea surface.

Suddenly, the vast red cloud was torn apart by the howling hurricane, and the fire phoenix inside it leaped out fiercely with the storm, flapping its wings and rushing excitedly towards the coast.

Wherever it passed, a straight and wide deep gully was pulled out on the sea surface below. Looking closely, it can be found that the seawater inside was not evaporated by the high temperature, but was completely annihilated, and everything along the way disappeared.

The distance of several kilometers was just a moment in front of the fire phoenix. Soon the coast at the edge of the harbor was within reach. The fire phoenix had not arrived, but only the invisible mind power on its body surface had turned this place into a purgatory.

Whether it was the towering fortifications, the various armed buildings, the large number of fleeing federal soldiers, or even the reef landforms protruding from the surface, they all turned into flying ashes in an instant, so the pale plain under the flying ashes became the best background board to welcome the phoenix to come here.

It is foreseeable that if the Fire Phoenix successfully reaches the city, the entire San Francisco and its hundreds of thousands of people will face the same destruction in a few seconds. Compared with this consequence, the disintegrated and destroyed Devil's Island in the bay is completely insignificant.


The excited cry resounded again. The closer it got to the destination, the more eager the Fire Phoenix became. Even if it destroyed the huge city in front of it, it would not trigger a nuclear bombardment by humans, but the pure destruction alone was enough to make the Black Phoenix personality in the piano sing.

And just after the Fire Phoenix left the sea, the clouds above suddenly glowed, and then a huge bright light column fell from the sky at a speed that was almost teleporting, and hit the Fire Phoenix's back heavily, pressing it directly into the coastal surface.


Instantly, the earth waves rolled, the ground shook, and the roar that resounded through the sky spread all over the fields. Under the full power of the Sun Chaser's magic main gun, a large-scale medium-sized earthquake was directly set off on the coast. The violent tremors even spread all the way to the nearby city of San Francisco, causing high-rise buildings to shake, roads to crack, and chaos in the urban area.

As for the fire phoenix, which was its main bombardment target, there was no trace of it on the surface. Only the huge pit that was directly penetrated by the brilliant light column in the original place could be judged that the opponent had been pressed all the way into the depths of the ground.

Soon, the absolute suppression did not last too long. With a fierce cry from the inside of the pit, the outer edge of the pit began to be rapidly widened by the invisible mind power, and then a golden red flame suddenly appeared. The huge and gorgeous fire phoenix actually resisted the continuous bombardment of the brilliant light column and forced to slowly climb up from the bottom of the pit.

Inside the fire phoenix, Qin, with a flushed face, was not angry because of the sudden attack of the light column, but was excited. The energy contained in this brilliant light column was completely comparable to Scott's laser energy, pure, high-quality, and far beyond the nuclear explosion.

So compared to anger, his main emotion now was actually the extreme satisfaction of swallowing energy freely.


In the clouds in the sky, the blazing white light column was penetrating straight down from the muzzle of the front of the bow, and the entire warship behind was trembling under the recoil of the magic main gun.

On the deck, Xu Yue quietly overlooked the gorgeous fire phoenix bathed in the brilliant light column below. He was particularly calm about the fact that the magic main gun had no effect on the phoenix.

The purpose of this main gun bombardment was not to kill Qin, on the contrary, he just wanted to fill the opponent.

In fact, since the awakening of the power of the phoenix, unless Qin herself was willing, all material energy attacks in this world would only be food for her.

The power of the Phoenix itself represents the supreme energy. Xu Yue never intended to fight against it in this regard. All he had to do was to repeat the process of the original timeline.

First, give the Phoenix enough, even overflowing energy, and then while it is sleeping and digesting, completely solve the conflict between Qin's two consciousnesses from the spiritual level. That is the only flaw of the Phoenix.

Qin in the original timeline also died because of this.

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