Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 415 General Notice

"Energy? Time?"

Outside the laboratory, Xu Yue repeated the conditions proposed by Hank, and the tip of the pyramid still under Cairo quietly emerged in his mind. His eyes flashed, and he continued meaningfully:

"Don't worry, you will have them all soon..."


Night, third floor of the castle.

The cold moonlight filtered into the room through the clear glass window, but in an instant the moonlight was completely engulfed by the coquettish purple flames. I saw blazing purple flames in the center of the room, but strangely, I couldn't feel any heat wave, only the flames. The large number of metal ingots being rapidly melted inside showed that these flames were no illusion.

The boiling flames continued for more than ten minutes, and then the flames gradually dissipated as several cold paradise prompts sounded.

[Hunter’s strength +2, physical strength +1]

[Hunter’s upper limit of life +46, body toughness +4]



"Three points of attribute value..."

The remaining fire lingering on the body surface automatically returned to the body. After taking a long breath, Xu Yue, whose eyes were slightly closed, slowly opened his eyes.

After his attributes were raised to 50 points and above, his physical body's demand for the quality of fire has become more and more stringent. From the time he entered the world to the present, the number of plot characters and contractors he has killed is at least dozens, and the ones he ignited The stock of food fires is huge, but there are very few of them that can increase his physical attributes.

In detail, perhaps only the high-quality fires ignited by a few people such as the 'Hulk' and 'Black Dragon' in the Egyptian battlefield, the 'Red Tank' and the 'Nightwalker' in the Alcatraz battlefield can effectively improve attributes. As for the remaining low-quality fire, it is more suitable for forging equipment in Paradise City.

Strengthening so far, even the effect of purple-quality metal materials on increasing the strength of his body has begun to show signs of weakness. Now he can only clearly feel the rapid increase in body strength by swallowing dark purple metal that has been smelted by fire. A heightened sense of familiarity.

This means that the resource consumption required for him to improve his attributes will become more and more exaggerated in the future, but it also means that his current metal body can ignore most purple weapons.

In other words, even though Xu Yue has only entered the second level for the first time, his physical defense level has been exaggerated to the point where he can look down upon 90% of the main tanks of the same level.

Of course, this power did not come out of thin air, but was forged from the massive resources he consumed along the way, as well as the countless corpses of powerful men lying at his feet.

After briefly moving his hands and feet in the room, and feeling that the surge in strength in his body had been roughly adapted, Xu Yue stopped and looked sideways at the remaining alloy ingots piled in the corner of the room.

These alloys were not the ones he purchased from the paradise, but came from the friendly sponsorship of Magneto. The quality was all dark purple. Although it did not contain any additional attributes, its toughness was extremely exaggerated. He finished devouring it. The body toughness +4 obtained after that is the best representative of its quality.

In terms of metal manipulation, Magneto is the best in the world. He can build a huge all-metal island on the sea that can carry tens of thousands. Refining high-strength alloys is naturally not difficult for him.

In terms of value alone, this batch of dark purple alloy can easily be sold for a high price of at least six figures in the Machinery Street, but to Magneto, it is just a cooperation resource that can be given away casually.

I have to say that compared to the wealthy fraternity, X College is indeed a bit shabby in some aspects. However, after the two parties reached in-depth cooperation, both the fraternity and X College can now be regarded as Xu Yue's. Resource library, as long as the conditions are right, the professor and Magneto can fully accept all his reasonable needs.

Of course, if he wants to maintain this unreserved trust, the first prerequisite is that he can really lead the mutants towards racial independence.

With a flash of darkness in his eyes, Xu Yue waved his hand and returned all the alloy ingots in the corner to the space. At the same time, a small mirror automatically rose in his hand and expanded rapidly in mid-air.

Soon a full-length mirror slowly unfolded in front of him. As the mirror surface changed, Ah Fu's image gradually appeared in the magic mirror.


Looking at Ah Fu who was bowing slightly in the mirror, Xu Yue looked cold and said indifferently:

"Well, it's time to start. It's been quiet for so long, and it's time to make the world lively again."


The next day, Cairo.

The sun is shining brightly at noon. In this civilized ancient city where high-rise buildings and low-rise slums coexist, and suits and shoes are mixed with half-clothes, perhaps only the dazzling sunshine can shine equally on everyone in this city. inch corner.

In addition, even air is divided into three, six or nine grades in Cairo due to regional differences.

In a low courtyard wall belonging to a slum area, golden sunlight pierced the dusty air and poured down. As a thick blackout curtain was slowly opened, the light penetrated through the courtyard one after another. A huge pit was struck like countless golden swords in an instant, quickly dispelling all the darkness inside.

The darkness quickly receded like a tide, and a huge underground space within the pit suddenly came into view. The most eye-catching thing among them was a giant pyramid standing in the center of the space.

Through the bright sunlight, it can be clearly seen that only the top of the pyramid and some areas are exposed outside the soil layer, and the rest of the larger part is still buried deep under the soil layer.

Unlike the stone tower body at the bottom, the top of the tower is made of a special metal similar to gold. Under the shining golden sunlight, the two complement each other, and the entire top of the tower appears to be shining, and the countless mysterious lines on its surface are lit up one after another.

The originally invisible sunlight seems to have turned into a dazzling golden liquid at this moment, and it begins to flow down along the lines and grooves on the surface of the pyramid.

Nearly 100 meters deep underground, the golden liquid spreads along the lines all the way here, and the soft luster slowly dispels the deep and thick darkness underground, so that the mysterious tower space that has been sealed for thousands of years has regained its former brightness.

Looking around, there were a lot of messy rubble scattered all over the space, with scattered white human bones, and the only one that remained intact was a blue figure lying flat.

The figure had a strange appearance, his eyes were closed, and the ancient armor on his body was also pressed down by several huge fallen rocks. It was Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur, who had been sleeping in the deep underground for thousands of years.

Apocalypse was born in the First Dynasty of Egypt in 3000 BC. Through a special ability similar to soul transfer, he replaced countless bodies in the long flow of time, and also devoured all the abilities possessed by these bodies, including all kinds of mutant talents.

So under such continuous accumulation, he gradually evolved into a nearly omnipotent mutant god and ruled the entire Egyptian dynasty at that time. Whether it was humans or mutants, they all became tiny lambs under the command of gods under the rule of Apocalypse.

But unfortunately, Apocalypse can control the lives of the ‘lambs’, but he can never dominate their hearts. Rebellion is almost an eternal trait rooted deep in human genes.

They can tolerate the stone statues in the church that look down on the world, and they can also believe in the omnipotent Father God in the Bible, but they will never accept a real god standing high above everyone. Except for the indifferent and ruthless sky, there seems to be no existence worthy of their admiration.

So as expected, when Apocalypse, whose body was once again on the verge of death, was ready to transfer his soul to another young body with self-healing ability, betrayal came quietly.

Except for the four knights of Apocalypse who were loyal to him, almost all of his subjects participated in this long-planned rebellion of killing gods.

While Apocalypse's soul transfer ceremony was halfway through, the guarding army directly destroyed the giant pyramid that carried this transfer ceremony, and buried it and all the existence inside it in the dark underground hundreds of meters deep.

Although at the critical moment, Apocalypse's loyal knight struggled to protect his body that had just completed the transfer under the falling rocks, the sudden interruption of the ceremony still inevitably caused Apocalypse to fall into an embarrassing situation of stagnant will, which lasted for thousands of years.

Today, when the thick soil layer above was re-pierced by Ah Fu, the dazzling sunlight once again shone on the top of the giant pyramid. After thousands of years, the soul transfer ceremony that was stagnant in the middle finally resumed.

As the golden lines flowing down the surroundings lit up one by one, the surface of the stone platform supporting Apocalypse's body also slowly bloomed with golden luster. The transformed solar energy was continuously poured into Apocalypse's body, causing his soul and body to begin to complete the final complete fusion.

After a long time, a pair of bloodshot pupils suddenly opened in the darkness.

There was a sense of bewilderment in his eyes at first, as if he had just woken up from a dream. After seeing the dim scene of countless falling rocks piled up and squeezed around him, the bewilderment was quickly replaced by gloomy and extreme anger.

A touch of cold white appeared in his black and white pupils. Tianqi on the stone platform opened his arms slightly, and then the majestic purple force field burst out with him as the center.

Outside the force field, all the falling rocks were supported by this seemingly invisible energy force field, and a wide space with a diameter of about hundreds of meters was constructed around the stone platform.

Countless exaggerated weights were forcibly supported by the force field, but Tianqi's pure white pupils still did not show any signs of effort, only endless coldness was rolling and brewing.

The next second, the blue figure on the stone platform disappeared instantly, and the disintegrating force field also caused countless falling rocks outside to fall from the air synchronously, and suddenly set off a continuous vibration and roar deep underground.


Outside, when Apocalypse, who was deep underground, finally opened his eyes, the pyramid tip, which was shining brightly, also returned to silence at the same time. Instead, the ground beneath his feet began to shake.

Violent rumbles like muffled thunder were spreading from underground one after another, and the sound of cracking soil layers resounded continuously in the courtyard directly above. The thick surface of the ground seemed to have turned into a thin and crispy biscuit. Dense and deep cracks spread rapidly with the pit excavated not long ago as the center, and the purple enchanting light could be seen scattering outward.

Finally, accompanied by a deafening roar, the entire dilapidated temple above the pyramid collapsed with the surrounding ground of dozens of meters. In an instant, a huge mushroom cloud of smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the wailing and screaming of the affected people in the periphery rose one after another, which looked particularly desolate.

The violent vibration started from here and spread outwards crazily, like a wave, and instantly affected the entire ancient city of Cairo, and even continued to spread to the whole of Egypt, as if announcing to the world:

The mutant god who had been sleeping for thousands of years has returned to the world in the depths of history.


In Cairo, the rising mushroom cloud of smoke and dust has not dissipated, and on the top of a high-rise building a hundred meters away from the smoke and dust, several figures are standing on the edge of the roof, quietly overlooking the mess caused by the sudden collapse of the ground in the distance.

The raging wind tore the corners of the black tuxedo and sent faint wailing sounds into the ears, but no matter howling the wind or howling, Ah Fu's lake blue pupils remained calm.

As his sight swept calmly over the figures that rolled and crawled out from the edge of the smoke, Ah Fu lowered his eyelids slightly and said indifferently:

"Watch every corner of Cairo. Go ahead. Don't let our 'god' who came out of the depths of history wait too long."

"Yes, Master!"

A uniform response came from behind, and then a series of black shadows jumped down from the rooftop of a building several dozen meters high, and quickly rushed in all directions of the entire ancient city of Cairo.


At the same time, when the ancient city of Cairo, which had been under martial law for a long time, began to gradually become active, the Federation thousands of miles away also began to surge with it.

The root of this turmoil came from a paradise prompt sound that sounded synchronously in the ears of all contractors.

[All Notice: The hidden character Apocalypse in the current world has awakened. Because Apocalypse's strength seriously exceeds the balance of the camp, the main tasks of all contractors have changed accordingly, the intensity of the confrontation between the camps has intensified, and a new mutant side - Apocalypse camp...]


X Academy, underground training room.

The roar of gunfire explosions came one after another. In the chaotic battlefield full of debris, several giant sentinels as tall as metal hills were wandering around. Without much movement, the wide metal feet could leave dense cracks and gullies on the ground with just a heavy step, and the wind and waves made the entire battlefield seem full of dangers.

In the corner of the battlefield far away from the sentinels, figures were constantly passing through various bunkers. Occasionally, several figures would cooperate with each other to launch a blatant attack on a sentinel that was rampant on the battlefield. Unfortunately, facing the solid armor and huge size, these attacks often had little effect.

Above the battlefield, a pair of golden-red flame wings fluttered slightly, and in the center of the flame wings was Xu Yue, who was floating in the sky overlooking the entire battlefield.

His sight fell on the Paradise notification that suddenly popped up in front of him. After seeing all the contents in the notification clearly, he immediately clicked on his main task named "Independence". After finding that there was no change, the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

"Heh, it seems that the changes caused by the awakening of Apocalypse may be more lively than I imagined..."

He looked sideways at the direction where Cairo was. After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand to close the virtual barrier in front of him, and then lowered his eyes to look at the simulated battlefield of the X-Men Reserve and the giant sentinel below.

"Kill all the sentinel robots within ten minutes, otherwise this training mission will be declared a failure, and everyone will practice for an extra three hours."

The cold announcement spread from the sky to every corner of the battlefield, and immediately caused a burst of wailing behind each bunker.

Behind a broken low wall, Iceman Bobby also groaned unconsciously in his throat, carefully poked his head out from the edge of the wall, and glanced at the giant sentinel not far away that was releasing more than ten grenades and setting off a sea of ​​fire on the battlefield. He gritted his teeth, then leaped out from behind the bunker with a cold white mist, and at the same time, a loud shout exploded on the battlefield.

"Three o'clock direction long-range sentinel, Colossus and I are responsible for attracting firepower, and the rest are ready to focus fire!!"


The entire announcement of the paradise was magnificent, and except for Xu Yue from X Academy, the contractors of the other forces in the federation also changed synchronously, and pairs of eyes, either happy or angry, looked far away at the ancient city of Cairo thousands of miles away.

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