"Is this Kiyo Island?"

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a cold steel fortress stands tall on the vast sea, and on the periphery of the island, there are sporadic flames.

Looking carefully, you can see that the sentinel robots that invade the island range are smashed by the mutants in charge of guarding from time to time, leaving only the debris on the ground being slowly swallowed by the metal ground below that looks like a living thing.

Above the island, a lavender translucent platform carrying three figures is floating high in the sky.

Looking down at the huge metal island with shadows under his feet, Tianqi standing at the front of the disc has flashing eyes, and a touch of surprise gradually appears on his calm face. He can sense that the interior of this metal island contains a vast and majestic magnetic force.

With the blessing of this magnetic force, the entire island is like a life that keeps whistling and pulsating, and automatically absorbs all the iron around it to expand itself.

This level of ability, even in the era he ruled, is completely rare.

In thousands of reincarnations, he had many four knights responsible for guarding himself, but few of them could reach the level of Magneto.

It seems that after thousands of years, not only the once weak humans have become unexpectedly strong, but even his fellows have made great progress.

Thinking of this, a trace of greed gradually appeared in Apocalypse's eyes, but I don't know what he thought of, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Mutant bipolar, it really gave me a surprise. Maybe in this era, I will have a god again..."

Apocalypse's low murmur gradually drifted away in the night, and behind the disc, Psylocke, who was still included in the four knights by Apocalypse not long ago, did not notice the sigh of her boss. She focused more on the small-scale battles that were continuing to break out around the island.

Unlike Psylocke's laxity, Alfred on the side is obviously better at observing people's words and expressions. After noticing Apocalypse's expression, he immediately explained in detail the relevant information about Gio Island and its builder Magneto.

Although Apocalypse had a general understanding of the entire era in a very short time through the Internet, the largest information exchange platform, on the one hand, the information on the Internet is too complicated, and the time since he woke up is still short, so some more secret information is still unknown to him.

Gio Island, also known as the mutant utopia, is the headquarters of the world's largest terrorist organization, the Brotherhood of Mutants, created by its leader Magneto.

In order to create this magnificent overseas base, Magneto emptied several seabed veins and gathered countless metal materials, thus smelting this giant steel city that can carry thousands of people at the same time.

And with Magneto's special ability to control magnetic fields, there is naturally invisible magnetic field interference around Kiyo Island, which allows it to automatically shield all radar and satellite detection locks, not to mention that the entire metal island is not a completely fixed dead object.

Just like the Golden Gate Bridge that was forcibly moved not long ago, although the movement speed is slow, as long as Magneto is willing, he can move the specific location of Kiyo Island in the sea at any time. These conditions give the island great secrecy.

In other words, except for conventional means such as naked eye observation or constant locking, this island is a transparent existence that cannot be observed by instruments in the eyes of most countries.

And due to the strong magnetic field interference, long-range missiles and other attack weapons that use radar guidance as the main locking method are naturally ineffective in front of Kiyo Island. As for sending aircraft carriers and warships to attack it at close range? Only Magneto is still on the island, and no one will be stupid enough to make such a decision.

In the face of such unreasonable ability to control metal, most of the weapons and equipment of modern armies will become toys in the hands of the other side. The losses suffered by all parties in the hands of Magneto are simply countless.

Coupled with other constraints and the hidden fear of mutant bipolarity, this has led to many countries or organizations that are full of hostility towards the Brotherhood of Mutants knowing the existence of this overseas base, but no one has ever tried to use nuclear bombing or firepower to launch a devastating attack on it.

Because they all understand that this method will not only completely anger Magneto, but also will not achieve too many effective results. Even the long-range ammunition thrown will never come back. It may become a powerful weapon for counterattack, or become one of the many spoils captured by the other side.

At the Sky Circular, when Alfu was explaining the situation of Kiyo Island, Apocalypse did not interrupt, but just listened quietly.

As a being who has survived for thousands of years, even if he is confident in his own power, Apocalypse knows the importance of caution. In his long reincarnation life, the most important thing he has learned is that only by living can he have endless possibilities.

His power is comparable to that of a god, but it is not truly eternal. After all, the last time he almost fell into a permanent sleep is still vivid in his mind.

So when he learned about the general situation of the current era, he did not choose to jump out and announce to the "lambs" all over the world: Your God is back, and the Last Judgment is coming!

Instead, he first secretly collected the four guarding knights who followed him. This is the best embodiment of his cautious nature.

Although he claims to be a god, he is not so arrogant that he despises everything. What's more, after being forced to sleep for thousands of years due to rebellion, he has obviously become more cherished than before after reawakening.

After Afu explained the detailed information about Giyu Island and some of the high-level mutants known to the Brotherhood one by one, Apocalypse broke away from the listening state. He lowered his eyes and looked at the channels that exploded from time to time on the edge of the island. Sparks, and asked

"What are those mechanical bodies on the outskirts of the island?"

After finishing speaking, Afu also lowered his eyes along with Apocalypse's gaze, and happened to see a brutal scene of a towering giant sentinel being torn apart by several mutants who were obviously physically enhanced at the edge of the island.

However, in just ten seconds, the huge, streamlined body of the Sentinel robot was torn apart by the claws and muscles of the mutants clinging to it. It looked miserable.

"Your Majesty, this is the Sentinel, a special machine developed by Human Trask Industries to specifically hunt mutants."

"After discovering the Brotherhood's overseas base, this group of sentinels, like locusts, successively launched harassing attacks on Giyu Island for several years. During this period, the intensity of the attacks was greater or less. But it never stopped.”

"And as time goes by, these sentry robots, which were slow and fragile a few years ago, have begun to evolve and upgrade at a speed visible to the naked eye after these attacks, becoming more advanced and powerful. Until now, these The steady stream of sentries has even restrained most of the Brotherhood's combat power and firmly contained it within the confines of the island base."

Listening to the explanation in his ears, Apocalypse's originally indifferent eyes gradually became gloomy. According to Ah Fu, the island of Giyu, which holds the largest power of mutants, does not seem to be as powerful as he expected. , instead it sadly gradually degenerated into a training ground for those sentry robots.

Perhaps these mutants, who were his own kind to a certain extent, were in a much more miserable situation than what he knew on the Internet, and this was an out-and-out shame.

On the other side, after noticing the sudden decrease in air pressure around him, Ah Fu quickly guessed what Tian Qi was thinking. He first shook his head slowly to reject the other person's guess, and then continued:

"Your Majesty, the situation on Giyu Island is not as bad as you think. The continuous fighting is a training and training for the Sentinels, but it is also the same for the members of the Brotherhood. Over the past few years, the Sentinels have become Although it has been greatly improved, the gains for the mutants are also not small. "

"So unless there is a large-scale attack by the Sentinels, when faced with ordinary small-scale harassment, Brotherhood leaders such as Magneto and Quicksilver will generally not take the initiative to participate. Only some members responsible for the defense can deal with it calmly. This is also the reason why the Sentinels The main reason why chaos can last for several years is just..."

"Just what?"

Looking at a mutant who was crushed by a sentry at the edge of the island, Afu's expression remained unchanged, but his tone became deeper.

"It's just that recently, the speed of upgrading of the Sentinels has obviously exceeded the speed of the Brotherhood's combat power. Therefore, the situation of the invasion of Giyu Island has gradually begun to develop rapidly in a direction that is not conducive to mutants. Magneto has also tried to find The factory headquarters of Trask Industrial Production Sentinel is located, and we are preparing to destroy it in one fell swoop, but unfortunately nothing has been found so far..."

"Oh, human technology..."

Afu's explanation was interrupted by Tianqi's cold voice. He stared at the blood stains scattered all over the island, his eyes filled with coldness.

Apocalypse is not angry because of the death of mutants. What really makes it difficult to accept is that those humans who were as weak as ants in the past now have such a power of resistance that should not exist. This is naked blasphemy.

Only with differences can classes be born, and only with fear can rule be consolidated. The gap between the weak and the powerful is the most significant difference. But now that humans have mastered scientific and technological means as a source of power, it has undoubtedly been greatly eliminated or even reversed. This difference.

And this is exactly what Apocalypse, who once claimed to be a god, can never accept.

"This civilization has deviated from the right track. Technology should not exist!"

The cold announcement slowly spread from the sky. The tone was obviously not loud, but it was strangely clear and audible within a hundred miles.

The next second, endless light illuminated the entire sea area, as if the sun was coming, and the dark night turned into day in an instant.

Not only was Giyu Island directly below the island bright, but even the large area of ​​the surrounding sea became unobstructed. The darkness that obscured the sight was completely driven away, thus revealing the dark sea area that was originally hidden and surrounding the entire island. Live the Sentinel craze.


In the center of Giyu Island, there is a majestic tower that reaches the sky, and inside the tower is the main gathering place for the top leaders of the Brotherhood.

Counting from five days ago, the sentry robots that have been harassing the Brotherhood headquarters have gone crazy and began to increase their troops frantically without regard to losses.

In just five days, more than ten general attacks were launched. In the most ferocious one, the number of sentinels reached an astonishing four digits. Although Magneto was in charge, each of his general attacks could only It's a failure.

But often after the incoming wave of sentinels are completely destroyed, it will not take long before they continue to gather and emerge. Under this continuous frequency of attacks, even if the overall loss of the Brotherhood is not large, the atmosphere of the entire island Still becoming increasingly impetuous.

It is precisely for this reason that even though it is late at night, the tower as the gathering place for the Brotherhood's senior leaders is still brightly lit, and a combat meeting against the Sentinel invasion is in full swing inside the tower.

"Those damn sentries are getting more and more difficult to deal with. If you continue to delay, you will just sit there and wait for death. Why don't you let me go out and continue searching?"

As long as we can locate the Sentinel's production base, we can completely destroy the so-called Trask Industries, and there won't be so much trouble! "

In the conference room on the top floor of the tower, there were more than ten senior mutants sitting on both sides of the large metal conference table. One of them, a silver-haired young man, was particularly excited, and his high-pitched voice continued to echo in the conference room.

However, although his voice was high-pitched, his suggestion was not recognized by anyone present. After he finished speaking, the silver-haired young man opposite Mystique, who had blue skin all over her body, shook her head helplessly and said in a deep voice:

"It's useless. The production base of Trask Industries can't be found just by being fast. It's hidden very deeply, and all the sentries fly in from high altitudes, so there's no way to track it. Charles's mind scan and E... Rick's magnetic field search can't find any trace, let alone your speed."

After listening to Mystique's plain explanation, the silver-haired young man was silent for a while, but soon continued to speak angrily:

"Then we can't just keep being beaten passively. If that doesn't work, I'll just go and kidnap the federal president. Anyway, it only takes me a few hours to run back and forth. After all, Trask Industry is still a federal industry, right? With the president in hand, they can’t help but obey!”

As another unreliable suggestion was thrown out, Mystique looked at the silver-haired young man with increasingly helpless eyes, but before she could say anything, a woman with a cool temperament beside the young man spoke first.

"Quicksilver, shut up!"

The cold voice sounded in the ears of Kuaiyin, who was the only one standing in the audience, causing his whole body to tremble slightly as a conditioned reflex. He pursed his lips and seemed to want to say something, but he noticed that he was beside him. Behind those eyes that had gradually started to glow red, he still kept his mouth shut and sat down obediently.

In the entire brotherhood, even Magneto, as the leader, is not enough to make him flinch, but his sister is the only exception, and the other party is really capable of taking action.

And as long as the other party is willing, let alone running away, his legs can transform into fishtails on the spot, losing all ability to resist.

On the other side, after seeing Quicksilver being stopped by the Scarlet Witch, Mystique breathed a sigh of relief, stared at Quicksilver's slightly dissatisfied eyes and said seriously:

"The position of the federal president is not as important as you think. Doing so will have no effect except irritating the other party."

"But to continue the stalemate is to just sit back and wait for death. I have observed that a new model that completely ignores the influence of magnetism has begun to appear among those sentries, and the number is increasing rapidly. It seems that Trask Industries has received a major technological breakthrough.”

"The reason why the previous offensive was so fierce is that they were vigorously cleaning out old models of sentries and further exploring our intelligence. Once time prolongs, the situation may become even more unfavorable to us. We must..."

Before the words finished, a cold declaration suddenly came from the outside world, directly interrupting Mystique's speech. At the same time, endless white light suddenly bloomed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference room, filling the entire room with dazzling light.

"This civilization has deviated from the right track. Technology should not exist!"

At the same time, when everyone in the room narrowed their eyes due to the sudden white light, Magneto, who had always been sitting on the metal throne without speaking a word, suddenly opened his closed eyes, and at the same time quickly stood up and looked out the window. , the corners of his mouth curved into a shallow arc that looked like a smile but not a smile in the dazzling light.

‘It’s finally here. Is this the apocalypse that guy Xinhuo said? ’

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