Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 423: Battle between Man and God

The next day, before dawn, the Cairo area was already boiling.

The rumbling noise in the sky came from far away, like thunder, continuous.

On the surface, the towering pyramid temple still stood in the center of the ruins, and outside the temple, four huge bonfires were set up in all directions, the blazing flames soared into the sky, and the spreading bright flames instantly swept away the darkness within a hundred meters.

Since the time limit for the last judgment had passed by half, even though it was dark at this time, the four knights under Apocalypse were still awake at all times.

It is foreseeable that human beings will never calmly accept the tragic fate of a civilization that has developed for thousands of years and is finally completely swallowed up by a torrent, especially when this torrent is set off by a so-called god.

Therefore, before the arrival of the last judgment, human beings will inevitably stop Apocalypse's actions at all costs, and these four knights are the first line of defense that the human army needs to face.

"This thunder seems a little wrong."

Beside the temple gate, Scarlet Witch looked up at the deep dark clouds rolling in the sky, her expression slightly serious. Even though the sound above was faint, her extraordinary perception still made her keenly aware of the abnormality of this strange thunder.

"It's not thunder, it's the roar of human fighter planes, but there are many of them."

A familiar majestic voice came to her ears. Scarlet Witch looked in the direction of the voice and saw Magneto also looking up, and said again:

"Here it comes!"

As soon as the words fell, the heavy dark clouds in the sky were suddenly torn apart. At the same time, countless dense black spots like a tide of locusts began to swoop down from behind the disintegrating clouds.

Looking carefully, each of the falling black spots is actually an armed fighter plane of different shapes. Even if the specific number is just a rough estimate, it is at least four digits. The black mass is daunting.

And this is just the first wave of the attack, and there are still a large number of people coming in succession.

What Apocalypse wants to destroy is far more than just one country or one continent. What he wants to destroy is the entire human civilization, so the opponent he will face will inevitably be the whole world.

You know, the number of armed fighters in the Federation alone is more than ten thousand, and there are more than one hundred countries in the world. In the face of such a world-destroying crisis, no country will choose to bury its head, hide its power and leave it to fate.

After all, once it fails, it will be the end of civilization and everything will end. No one can stay out of this catastrophe.

So even though everyone knows that the consequence of driving a fighter plane to face Magneto directly is likely to be death, no one still chooses to retreat.

Soon, the fighter planes swooping down from the sky gradually enlarged to a point that was almost visible to the naked eye, and the violent roar was deafening.

However, the next moment, as if it had been expected, all the fighter planes rose up after reaching a certain height and rushed straight into the sky, and replaced them with dense missiles of various colors.

In an instant, the shrill roar of the fighter planes was replaced by a sharp whistling sound like a whistling arrow. Magneto looked up and saw that the dense missiles covering the sky were like a torrential rain, occupying every inch of his vision.

Under the human fighter fleet's unscrupulous launch, there were tens of thousands of missiles falling at this moment, which was completely a saturation bombing posture. In order to restrain Magneto's metal manipulation ability, all missile components were made of special non-metallic materials.

"I have learned a lot..."

At the gate of the temple, Magneto was not surprised when he found that he could not control the dense missiles that were falling rapidly above his head. The biggest feature of human technological weapons is that they can be adjusted and changed according to different situations. This is not surprising.

And even if he couldn't control them, these seemingly powerful missile groups were not a big problem for him.

"Wanda, notify the other two to prepare to meet the enemy. I'll deal with it in the sky. You guard the temple well."

Before the words fell, and before Scarlet Witch could respond, Magneto on the side had already rushed into the sky with a whistling wind, and with it flew the endless metal frenzy outside the temple.

The grand scene that once appeared on Devil's Island now reappeared here, and its scale became even more exaggerated.

The sky used the destruction of the entire Cairo to forge this magnificent pyramid temple, but in fact, the materials consumed by the temple were less than one-tenth of the total amount.

In the huge city ruins of more than 3,000 kilometers outside, there are almost endless metal debris left.

And these abandoned massive debris have now become the best weapon in Magneto's hands.

More and more metal rose up, and soon gathered in the sky to form an endless metal curtain. From a distance, it looked like a vast black umbrella was slowly unfolding, completely covering the entire temple below.

The next second, the falling missile wave blatantly connected with the open umbrella, and the continuous explosions instantly swept the world, and the boiling flames that spread out almost turned the entire night into day.

Looking up, wherever you look, there are huge balls of fire shining in the sky, like countless scorching suns blooming together, making it impossible to look directly at it for a while.

However, although this shocking scene looked terrifying from a distance, the damage caused was minimal under the obstruction of the heavy metal sky. The Scarlet Witch below could not sense any threat except for the rolling heat waves above her head.

"It seems that the human fighter fleet is far from being the opponent of Lord Magneto. The title of mutant bipolar is indeed well-deserved."

"Ms. Wanda, since Lord Magneto has taken over the sky, it is our turn to be responsible for the ground troops attacking below. How about one person on each side?"

A magnetic voice sounded quietly near the temple. Glancing at Alfu who spoke on the side, the Scarlet Witch did not reply. She just snorted lightly and decisively turned her sight to the large black smoke rising in the distance.

From the first sight of meeting, she did not like this seemingly gentle guy next to her. The extraordinary perception derived from chaos magic allowed her to keenly perceive the evil distortion that was almost overflowing in Alfu's body.

Let alone mutants, she even seriously suspected that this guy was not even human.

But no matter what species the other party was, they now had a common identity, that is, one of the four horsemen under Apocalypse.

Whether they were willing or not, they were now a community of interests that shared the same fate.

"I'll be in charge of the front, and you and Psylocke will support from the side."

After saying this coldly, Scarlet Witch didn't care about Alfu's reply, but immediately rushed towards the direction of the smoke and dust rising in the distance.

The faster she ran, the faster she ran. At the same time, a continuous stream of scarlet breath began to flow out of her body frantically. In a moment, a sticky sea of ​​fog covering a hundred meters was formed.

The next moment, the sea of ​​fog collided with the rushing black smoke and dust. They were obviously ethereal and invisible, but at the moment of collision, they suddenly erupted with a violent roar that could be called earth-shaking. Even the continuous sound of artillery fire in the sky was briefly suppressed for a moment.

The rolling waves on the battlefield expanded violently, quickly dispersing the smoke and dust, and revealing the dozens of giant sentinels that had just been knocked away from the smoke and dust.

The huge heavy objects weighing tons fell down, and immediately knocked the larger number of sentinels behind them to the ground, and their forward charge was directly interrupted.

Then, before the fallen sentinels could get up from the ground, a series of scarlet snakes condensed from illusory mist had already rushed fiercely from the front. With just one entanglement, the tough body of the sentinel, which was originally as hard as diamond, was so fragile that it shattered like ordinary glass, looking weird and terrifying.

The crisp sound of breaking echoed on the battlefield, but was soon covered by the increasingly dull and dense footsteps. Although the Scarlet Witch destroyed dozens of sentinels with just one encounter, this number still seemed so insignificant compared to the tide of sentinels that were still pouring in.

Looking down from above, the ruins of Cairo, which should have been empty outside the temple, are now filled with the surging Sentinel tide, and outside the Sentinel tide is a larger human army.

Of course, if even saturation bombing and mechanical Sentinel tide can't do anything to the "God" in the temple, then their flesh and blood bodies with guns and cannons are likely to be of limited use, so each soldier is equipped with a powerful glory bomb before setting off.

As the Federal President said at a recent combat meeting, even if they have to fill the entire Cairo with corpses, they must win, because humans only have this one chance.

Not to mention the human troops in the back row who are waiting in full battle, the battle between the Sentinel tide and the crimson mist at the front of the battlefield is becoming more and more intense. At this time, the spreading mist has spread hundreds of meters away, and countless crimson snakes are wandering in it.

All the sentinels entangled by the long snakes were strangled by the shrinking snakes before they could even struggle. Their tough bodies seemed to have turned into thin and fragile porcelain. They were simply smashed to the ground and then crushed into pieces by the metal feet that continued to surge from behind.

For a moment, a large number of sentinels rushed into the sea of ​​fog like a tide, but none of them could rush out from behind the sea of ​​fog. Only the crisp sound of porcelain breaking came one after another.

With only one person's strength, the Scarlet Witch stopped the huge army of sentinels in front of her, which numbered tens of thousands. However, the strength of one person is limited after all. Even though the scarlet fog stretched for hundreds of meters, it was still somewhat dwarfed by the entire battlefield.

After finding that the crimson fog in front of them could not be broken through, more and more Sentinels began to choose to bypass and advance from both sides of the fog sea, but the main force of their legion was still tightly restrained by the surging fog and could not get rid of it for the time being.

"Wanda Maximoff, chaos magic..."

Near the temple, the low murmur was blown away by the strong wind coming from afar. Watching the crimson fog raging in the Sentinel frenzy, Afu's narrowed eyes revealed a hint of greed.

Scarlet Witch Wanda, whose mutant talent is chaos magic, is a powerful ability that can theoretically convert matter, modify reality, and even create rules at will, almost making your wish come true.

In terms of potential, she is no less than her father Magneto, and even far exceeds it. In some timelines, Wanda has torn Thanos apart with her hands.

, killing through the multiverse, and once completely wiped out the mutant race with just one sentence.

Even though Wanda is far from her peak, after being strengthened by Apocalypse, her strength is strong enough to be able to kill in the Sentinel frenzy.

The scarlet magic can instantly turn the Sentinel's diamond body into nothingness with just a touch, which can be said to be death by touch, and the killing efficiency is not much less than Magneto.

With such a terrifying ability, it is difficult for Alfu not to be moved. Once he can successfully puppetize him, the other party will definitely become the strongest puppet in his hands, and the development potential is immeasurable.

However, this is just a thought. Putting aside the identity of the camp, Wanda will not necessarily be weaker than him in terms of charm attributes.

The covetous look in his eyes was gradually replaced by regret. Finally, after taking a deep look at the crimson mist that was still spreading in the center of the tide, Ah Fu slowly restrained the surging emotions in his eyes and turned his eyes to look at the Sentinels on both sides of the battlefield that were approaching rapidly through the mist.

"Machines and puppets, I'm curious which side will be more deadly!"

The cold voice was blown away by the wind, and Ah Fu and Psylocke disappeared instantly.

When they reappeared, the two of them had just blocked the forward route of the Sentinels on both sides, one on the left and one on the right. Behind them were large groups of puppet armies. Although their size was far less than that of the Sentinels, their fearless characteristics were exactly the same.

A few breaths later, the Sentinels that had just chosen to split and rush forward to avoid the crimson mist were once again stopped by the two uninvited guests, and the fierce fighting sound rushed straight to the sky.

On the left, purple blades flashed and limbs flew everywhere. On the right, a huge giant made up of a large number of puppets rushed forward. After several charges, the dense Sentinels were broken into pieces.

Although its killing efficiency was far inferior to the crimson fog in the center of the battlefield, it still managed to block the continuous advance of the Sentinels.


"It's Magneto again, these damn mutants!"

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