Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 427 Apollo, the Sun God

Cairo, Pyramid Temple.

The spacious interior of the temple was not affected by the chaotic battlefield outside, and the five tall stone statues still stood tall.

In the center of the temple, under the common gaze of the five statues, two rectangular stone platforms with mysterious inscriptions on their surfaces were facing each other side by side, and Professor X, who was still in a coma, was lying flat on a stone platform on the right.

As for Apocalypse, who had just returned to the temple, he was standing quietly beside the stone platform with his eyebrows slightly lowered. He looked at the bald old man on the stone platform with an undisguised fanatical greed.

Obviously, compared with the doomsday judgment that will be carried out soon, Apocalypse is undoubtedly more interested in devouring Professor X.

After all, no matter how grand the scale of this judgment is, it can only destroy the body and eliminate matter.

However, the professor's ability is to control the mind. Let's not talk about the aspect of seeing through people's hearts. Just weaving memories is enough for him to change the whole world without bloodshed.

Even if the current technologically advanced human civilization is traced back to the Stone Age thousands of years ago, it is definitely not a difficult task for Apocalypse, who controls this great power. He can easily manipulate the entire human civilization.

In fact, if he was not worried about the repetition of the old things buried deep underground, he would have been eager to start the seizure ceremony as soon as he found Professor X.

But it is not too late now. Now the human resistance has almost been completely destroyed by him, as for the mutants mixed in human society.

On the one hand, destroying human civilization is beneficial to this group of oppressed groups.

On the other hand, as the leader and the highest combat power of the mutant Bipolar, he is now in his hands. One is captured and the other is subdued. In this case, the remaining stragglers basically cannot pose any threat to him.

So he only needs to wait for a while, and he can calmly start the seizure ceremony without any worries.

When he returns from the ceremony, he will become a god who truly stands above all living beings!

"It's almost there, it's almost there..."

While murmuring, Apocalypse's gaze towards Professor X began to become more and more fanatical.

However, the next second, Professor X, who should have been in a coma on the stone platform, suddenly opened his eyes.

As their eyes met, the smile on Apocalypse's lips suddenly froze, but before he could react, countless translucent illusory chains had already rushed out of Professor X's eyes like a mad python, and then rushed straight into Apocalypse's body.

At the moment the chain entered the body, the pupils of both parties almost simultaneously collapsed from solidity to confusion. With the professor's mental strength, coupled with the assistance of the mind chain and the unexpected opportunity, even if he could not completely crush Apocalypse, it would not be a problem to control him for a few breaths.

In order to create this opportunity, he endured for two days in the hands of Apocalypse, and what he had been waiting for was this moment.

If it were an ordinary time, the stagnation of a few breaths would have no effect on Apocalypse, but under deliberate calculation, these few seconds were enough to decide life and death.

In the first second of being controlled, a ball of blue smoke and silver lightning exploded in the empty temple.

Soon these two strange phenomena dissipated one after another. In the blue smoke, Nightcrawler had stretched out his hand to grab Professor X's shoulder.

In the silver lightning on the other side, Quicksilver and Phantom Cat were approaching Apocalypse quickly.

At the same time, a terrifying rolling heat wave also occupied all the space inside the temple. Looking at the source, it can be seen that this raging heat wave came from a blazing red fireball held tightly in Phantom Cat's hand.

The fireball continued to expand and contract in the white palm. Every ups and downs would set off layers of red ripples in the void, and at the same time, the terrifying threat that made people's hair numb also expanded.

At the moment of sensing this threat, even Apocalypse, who was in control, could not help but have a distorted expression.

Fortunately, when he just changed, the mental suppression from the professor in his heart was strengthened again, and forcibly extinguished the possibility of him breaking free from the restraints.


In the second second, after noticing the abnormality on Apocalypse's face, Quicksilver, who had approached the target's side, raised his eyebrows slightly and shouted in a deep voice:


After the words fell, several blue potions in his hand were injected into Apocalypse's blood vessels at the same time. This was a high-concentration antidote extracted from Jimmy's blood, and its effect could be said to be dozens of times that of the potion produced by the Worthington Group.

Even as strong as Magneto, after being injected, his mutant ability would be forcibly suppressed for more than ten years, or even longer.

Of course, the effect of the potion is by no means omnipotent. With Apocalypse's almost god-like ability, if you expect to easily solve the opponent with just these few antidote potions, it can be said to be a fool's dream.

Let alone these genetic drugs extracted from blood, even if Jimmy was squeezed into juice and then injected into Apocalypse, it would be difficult to completely suppress the tens of thousands of mutant abilities of the opponent, so this was only a weakening before the real killing move was implemented.

On the other side, when Quicksilver had injected all the drugs, Phantom Cat, whose cold sweat was almost soaking through his back, also took action at the same time.

Resisting the trembling in her heart, she stretched forward with her right hand holding the blazing fireball, and it pierced into Apocalypse's chest like a phantom.

Then when her right hand was pulled out again, the blazing fireball in her palm had completely remained inside Apocalypse's body.


In the third second, after confirming that all the planned goals had been completed, without any hesitation, Quicksilver immediately pulled the Phantom Cat beside him, and quickly turned into a beam of lightning and disappeared in an instant.

If they didn't run away, all of them would have to stay here forever.

Although he didn't know what the blazing red ball named 'Sun God Apollo' was, he was absolutely sure that it was definitely much more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

After taking this thing from Xinhuo, he obviously only held it for less than 30 seconds, but every second he felt like a year.

It was a terrifying experience that his own life was out of control, as if the next moment his flesh and blood would all turn to ashes.

So after finally getting out of the hand, he almost used all his strength to flee. In just a second, Quicksilver had already crossed the temple, Cairo, and even the Nile River with Phantom Cat, and escaped ten thousand meters away.


Inside the temple, when the fourth second came, Apocalypse, who was once forcibly suppressed by the mind chain, finally got rid of the control.

His scattered pupils recondensed, but the first emotion that came out was not anger, but a deep fear that had been away for thousands of years.

Without paying attention to Professor X who disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke not far away, the first thing Apocalypse did after controlling his body was to suddenly raise his arm and slam it into his own chest.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, whether it was the metal armor on his body or the flesh and bones, they were all pierced through by the ruthless big hand.

He didn't know what the ants had stuffed into his chest, but the intense burning sensation in his chest and abdomen reminded him very clearly that if this thing really exploded in his body, even if he was not burned on the spot, he would at least be seriously injured and dying.

In the thousands of years since he became so powerful that he claimed to be a god, he once again smelled the breath of death so close, and the terrifying threat that was fatal made his whole body tremble unconsciously.

Therefore, under the trend of extreme fear, Apocalypse no longer cared about the damage. He just wanted to take out the damn threat in his body immediately, right now, even in the most brutal way.

But Xu Yue's long-planned killing move would not be lifted so easily. Phantom Cat almost stuck Apollo's 30-second detonation time limit and put it into Apocalypse's body.

So when his fingertips forcibly tore open the flesh and blood and just touched the heat inside, the infinite brilliant light had already exploded in his body at the same time.




Outside, above the Pyramid Temple.

A pair of golden-red wings made of pure flames are constantly stirring up a hurricane in the sky, and beside the wings is Magneto with a fluttering scarlet cape behind him, and Qin with countless red air currents lingering around him.

As for the others, they had fled far away from Cairo long before Xu Yue's plan was launched.

Not long ago, the human coalition had proved one thing with the vast corpses under the yellow sand, that is, facing Apocalypse, the weak will only serve as cannon fodder sacrificed in vain, and will not play the slightest role.

"Xinhuo boy, are you sure that 'Apollo' can really work on Apocalypse?"

The slightly hoarse questioning voice broke the silence high in the sky. After the words fell, Magneto looked sideways at Xu Yue, who looked indifferent beside him, and a trace of worry gathered between his slightly frowned brows.

As one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, he deeply realized how terrible the power contained in the other party was in the Cairo Battle that broke out not long ago, which was a level that neither he nor Charles could ever reach.

On his side, Xu Yue did not immediately respond to Magneto's question after hearing the words. He just glanced at the other party lightly, and then he lowered his eyes again to look at the towering giant pyramid temple under him.

Pale words alone cannot appease Magneto. Only after witnessing its power with his own eyes can the other party understand why he is so confident.

Facing Apollo's killing radius of up to 2 kilometers, after the explosion, it instantly caused 6,000 points of real burning damage to all beings within a range of 1,000 meters. Even if Apocalypse did not die, he would have to peel off a layer of skin to barely survive.

Except for the relatively long detonation time limit, this thing basically has no defects, and its terrifying lethality is far beyond the scope of the second level.

So what he needs to do now is to wait quietly.

Soon, when he saw a fleeting silver electric light appear outside the temple, Xu Yue, who had been silent all the time, quickly spoke:

"They've done it, pull up the golden dome immediately!"

The low shout reached Magneto's ears, and without any hesitation, as he raised his palm lightly, the huge magnetic force that had long been wrapped around the surface of the Sun Shining Golden Dome took effect immediately, turning it directly into a beam of golden light and leaping in the direction of Xu Yue and others.

Apocalypse can die, but this special light golden prop must not be buried with him.

In fact, in Xu Yue's eyes, the value of the Sun Shining Golden Dome is no less than that of Apocalypse itself. If it were not for the purpose of avoiding alerting the enemy, he would have kept this rare energy prop in his pocket and kept it properly.

Below, not long after the golden dome had just left the towering pyramid on the surface, a giant fireball about a kilometer long had already jumped out from the inside of the tower.

In just a short moment, the entire pyramid temple was directly engulfed by the rapidly expanding giant fireball.

It was not shattered, nor did it burst, but it was completely engulfed and vaporized. In an instant, countless light and heat filled the entire world.

It was like a scorching sun that fell heavily from the sky to the ground. Wherever it touched, all living beings disappeared and all things burned.

The surface temperature of the sun can reach 6000℃, and the high temperature generated instantly after Apollo detonated can not reach such an exaggerated degree for the time being, but it is not a problem to compare more than half.

You know, even the melting point of steel is only about 1500℃, so under the terrifying high temperature of this falling sun, whether it is rock or metal, it will only appear vulnerable!


Above the fireball, even though they had expected it and were far away, Xu Yue and others who were facing the explosion of Apollo could still feel a buzzing in their ears.

The scorching heat waves rushed towards them. Just by touching them, the surging high temperature made their clothes, hair and other fragile materials begin to curl and blacken, and they could even smell the strong smell of burning rushing into their noses.

After a long time, the dazzling white light that occupied the entire field of vision finally dissipated slowly. Blinking his dry eyes, Xu Yue quickly lowered his eyes and looked down.

As far as the eye could see, the once majestic temple had long disappeared. What was left was a huge circular pit with a diameter of about a kilometer and a bottomless depth.

Inside the giant pit, there were long rivers of magma crisscrossing, and golden flames were lingering and spreading. Outside was a vast expanse of dark, dry, and scorched earth. It can be said that Apollo completely destroyed the entire landform structure of Cairo with just this one explosion. At least within a hundred years, this place will be a miserable situation with no grass growing.

This level of lethality is not even comparable to nuclear weapons, which symbolize the strongest destructive power of mankind. Not to mention the second-level, even the existence of the third level and above is basically impossible to take the blow of the falling sun head-on. It is hard to imagine that this thing is actually a power that Su Xiao can fully control and mass-produce at the first level.


While thinking, a dry swallowing sound suddenly sounded in his ears. After witnessing the specific power of Apollo with his own eyes, compared with Xu Yue's sigh, Magneto on the side was more uncontrollable and horrified.

The vast scorched earth on the surface that affected thousands of meters had once again proved to him that the power in Xu Yue's hands was absolutely beyond his expectations.

Apart from anything else, if the fist-sized fiery red ball landed on Kiyo Island, the Mutant Brotherhood would most likely be destroyed on the spot.

Of course, this possibility is almost non-existent. After all, Xu Yue has always stood firmly on the side of the mutants, so instead of being afraid, he should be glad that this extraordinary power belongs to the mutants.

After thinking about this clearly, his agitated mood quickly calmed down. His eyes moved around the huge pit on the surface for several times. After confirming that he had not seen the familiar blue figure, a touch of joy gradually climbed up his eyebrows.

"With this kind of power, and detonating from the body, it should have killed him, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Yue glanced at the unchanged Paradise Prompt calmly, and said in a deep voice:

"Apocalypse is not so easy to kill, but even if he is not dead, his end will not be much better."

As soon as the words fell, the scorched earth in the pit below suddenly changed. Strands of dense yellow sand were seen pouring out from every corner of the surface. The friction sound of the fine sand gradually increased, and soon it was as harsh and unpleasant as the hissing of thousands of insects.

As the hissing sound continued to intensify, the yellow sand that surged out of the surface and rose up also increased rapidly, and gathered together in the sky above the pit, roaring and tumbling.

After a while, the tumbling yellow sand actually formed a huge head of nearly 100 meters in size. Looking closely, it was Apocalypse that disappeared with the temple a few minutes ago.

It was not pleasant to be exploded by Apollo. That was a huge energy called the Falling Sun. Even someone as strong as Apocalypse could not withstand the 6,000 points of real burning damage at that moment.

So in order to save his life, he could only abandon his strong body that had been tempered for thousands of years and piled with tens of thousands of mutant abilities. Now he was just a broken spirit barely living in a sea of ​​yellow sand.

If he could not forcibly seize a body in a short period of time, he would completely perish in 6 hours at most, and regardless of whether he could succeed in seizing it, all the mutant talents he had accumulated for thousands of years had basically been completely destroyed in the explosion.

Faced with such a cruel reality, the rising rage almost completely burned away Apocalypse's remaining sanity.


"Why do you lowly ants always disobey God again and again..."

"Disobey me!"

"You... all deserve to die!!"


The roar that continued to rise spread from the yellow sand head in the air, and finally turned into a deafening hoarse roar!

The violent sound waves, as if real, set off layers of ripples in the void. Before the rolling sound waves subsided, the yellow sand head with a pair of scarlet eyes had already brazenly carried a huge sandstorm and rushed directly into the sky.

In an instant, a hurricane roared, and a deep yellow color that covered the sky and the sun quickly occupied the entire world. In the center of the yellow sand, there was a giant head that kept roaring.

There was no need to waste time to confront and question. After sensing Xu Yue, Magneto and others in the sky, Apocalypse immediately realized who had brought him to this situation. Therefore, revenge without death became the first priority of this yellow sand head after it was completed.

You know, although Apocalypse has lost his former strong body, it does not mean that there will be no threat from now on. On the contrary, he is more dangerous than before at this time, regardless of all losses.

Although only a broken spirit body was left, except for the rare soul damage, he was immune to almost all conventional physical attacks.

And under the deliberate preservation of Apocalypse, his ability to analyze matter at the molecular level was not lost.

High in the sky, looking at the rapidly approaching sandstorm below, the gloomy Magneto couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows. Not long ago, on the battlefield in Cairo, Apocalypse used this trick to easily bury nearly a million human coalition forces.

He was very familiar with this scene. Although he had never really faced it, he knew its actual power very well.

Once swallowed by this sandstorm, whether it was him or Xu Yue, it was likely that they would only end up being worn out and crushed by the endless yellow sand. The only difference was the length of time they could hold on. So no matter what, he could never let this sandstorm continue to approach.

"Stop him! Quick!"

Without time to explain, Magneto looked at Xu Yue beside him and shouted, then immediately raised his arms high, and then the heavy cloud curtain above his head was forcibly torn apart, revealing a metal sky curtain that had been hidden behind the clouds for a long time.

Afterwards, under the traction of the vast magnetic force, the entire metal sky curtain began to split into countless irregular metal bodies of various sizes, and rushed down from the sky at a very fast speed.

The dense sound of breaking through the air resounded through the clouds. From a distance, it seemed as if a huge black meteor shower was slowly opening here.

For a moment, the entire sky seemed to be artificially divided into two distinct colors. Above was a black meteor shower falling from the sky, and below was a yellow sandstorm rising from the sky. The scene was unprecedentedly grand.

After a few breaths, the two, whose speeds were increasing, finally collided in the sky. However, unexpectedly, the collision did not produce the huge noise that one would have expected.

There was no loud noise or surging air waves, but only a one-sided crushing.

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