[The treasure chest you opened (white)]

[You get the calling horn (green equipment)]


Origin: Dragon Valley

Quality: green

Category: Horn

Durability: 10/10

Equipment requirements: Charisma 8 points

Equipment effect 1: Goblin call (active), consume 10 mana points to summon 1 goblin to fight for you. The goblin attributes are determined by charm and intelligence.

Tip: Each summon will consume a point of durability, and the durability can be replenished in the paradise.

Rating: 18 (Note: The rating of green equipment ranges from 11 to 30. Green equipment with a rating of 30 will be marked 'rare' and have special attributes attached.)

Introduction: Call friends and gather in groups!

Price: 2000 Paradise Coins

He put away the small model horn in his hand with an expressionless face. Although it flashed, Xu Yue's heart did not fluctuate. This thing worked well, but for him it could only be used to sell money.

The thought of adding charm flashed through his mind, and then was decisively suppressed. If he did this, he would probably die of poverty, and the current charm attribute would not be of much help in improving his combat power.

The unboxing is continuing, but unfortunately there is not a single shiny one among the more than twenty white boxes left.

The 64 boxes only flashed once. Although this luck was not considered extraordinary, it could only be average.

‘Don’t worry, don’t worry, the green box is the big one, now it’s just a cushion. ’

After comforting himself, Xu Yue reached out to the remaining 17 green treasure boxes.

[You opened the treasure chest (green)]

[You get 1600 points of paradise coins]

[You get a large mace (green equipment)]

The gold content of the green treasure chest is indeed much higher than that of the white treasure chest. The paradise coins alone are a considerable amount of income. As for the equipment, there is nothing special. After taking a casual look, Xu Yue continued to open the box.

A dazzling green light swept across, the second flash of the day!

[You opened the treasure chest (green)]

[You get soul crystal (small)]

[You gain brutal power (green equipment)

The green light dimmed, and a crystal clear crystal and a white bone ring appeared in his hand.

[Savage Power (Rare)]

Origin: Dragon Valley

Quality: green

Category: Ring (jewelry equipment is a rare item)

Durability: 20/20

Equipment requirements: 10 points of physical strength

Equipment effect 1: Savage (active) consumes 10% of health, owns strength +3, physical strength +2, pain reduction by 20%, duration 5 minutes.

Tip: The skill consumption is 10% of the maximum health, please use it with caution.

Tip: Savage Power (Active) has a cooldown of 10 hours.

Rating: 30 (Note: The rating of green equipment ranges from 11 to 30. Green equipment with a rating of 30 will be marked 'rare' and have special attributes attached.)

Introduction: The sleeping beast in the body wakes up!

Price: 3500 paradise coins.

The goods released this time are more valuable than before. The soul crystals (small ones) are a good thing. They are in short supply in the park. The improvement of some powerful skills requires the use of soul crystals.

The more important thing is this ring. It is a jewelry-like equipment with a full rating, and the attached skills are very powerful, which fits his fighting style very well.

Xu Yue happily put on the ring. The depression caused by the fact that he couldn't use the equipment that he finally got through flashing was relieved a lot.

The rest of the process was lackluster. Perhaps he used up too much luck this time, and the subsequent unboxings never happened again. However, a few things suitable for him were still found in the green treasure box.

【Cavalry Beast Saddle】

Origin: Dragon Valley

Quality: green

Category: Riding equipment

Durability: 25/25

Equipment requirements: The body size must not exceed the size of a horse.

Equipment effect 1: Familiarity (passive), compatibility with mount +4.

Equipment effect 2: Bloodthirsty Charge (active), consumes 20 mana points, launches Bloodthirsty Charge, mounts movement speed +30%, and obtains bloodthirsty state.

Tip: This skill will consume a lot of physical strength of the mount and can be stopped at any time.

Rating: 23 (Note: Green equipment is rated from 11 to 30.)

Introduction: The purple clouds are filmed and the pupils are flying, the bones of the horses and the dragons are different from each other; riding through the jade tower, the golden bridles ring, and the sound breaks the wind of falling flowers.

Price: 2600 paradise coins

【Wolf hair cloak】

Origin: Dragon Valley

Quality: green

Category: Tops

Durability: 25/25

Equipment requirements: none

Equipment effect 1: Beast fur (passive), toughness +3, can be slowly repaired by swallowing the fur.

Equipment effect 2: Wild temperament (passive), after wearing, charm +2, double the effect on the opposite sex.

Rating: 20 (Note: Green equipment is rated from 11 to 30.)

Introduction: So what about Xu Gong in the north of the city? As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle.

Price: 2100 paradise coins.

Apart from these two items, other items cannot improve his strength for the time being and need to be processed back to the paradise. Among them, this top equipment comes at the right time.

After some sorting, he began to count all the profits obtained from this unboxing, including:

There are 37,500 Paradise Coins, plus the ones he obtained in previous battles and the remaining ones, his current Paradise Coins total 43,780 points.

White quality equipment×16

Green quality equipment×7

White material×18

Green materials×9

Blue material×1

Soul Crystal ×2

A quite exaggerated amount. For a first-level contractor, more than 40,000 paradise coins are already a huge amount of money. Coupled with a large number of equipment, it can be said to be a windfall.

It was also a big surprise for Xu Yue. After all these resources were converted, they were enough to support his strength. All the equipment was improved to a higher level, and the enchantment science he had just acquired could also make great progress.

In addition to the wolf hair cloak and brutal power ring already worn on his body, Xu Yue put away the equipment and materials he obtained one by one.

Let's not mention the materials for now. Most of the equipment is scimitars, maces, heavy armors and the like, which are of little use to Xu Yue now.

The weapon type is not as good as his Fang Tian Hua Ji, and the armor type is not as high as his own defense, and will affect his flexibility.

The treasure chest gains are only the first wave, and there will be talent gains later. Although he used most of the fire on the battlefield to burn monster equipment, but some high-quality fires, without affecting his own combat power, he still took advantage of the opportunity. Absorbed a lot.

Taking out the fire-patterned steel that had not been consumed before, the fire boiled in his hands, and the next step was strengthening time.

[Hunter’s strength +1, physical strength +1]

[Hunter’s life +25, fire resistance +13]

After consuming most of the food fire, he gained another 2 attribute points. After the basic attributes increased, the demand for the quality of food fire also increased. The food fire produced by monsters such as ogres and orcs could hardly keep up with his. The demand is there, he needs stronger fuel, such as a giant dragon.

The huge size of the dark dragon in this world appeared in his mind. Xu Yue licked his lips with fiery eyes.

After restraining his unrestrained thoughts, Xu Yue sat cross-legged on the bed. Next, he would go to the spiritual space to receive the third wave of harvest.


The size of the long-lost spiritual space is still the same as before, the only difference is that there is an extra watchdog.

After pushing open the door of the forging room, what caught Xu Yue's eyes was a furry animal face with a pleasing meaning.

"Not seeing you for one day is like three autumns, boss."

Glancing at Taotie who was still sitting obediently under the big tree, Xu Yue ignored him and walked towards the edge of the floating island. As soon as he reached the edge, a continuous roar came from below.

Looking down, I saw that the originally widened octagonal cage was once again filled with people.

Tall ogres and orcs were catching and killing each other in cages. The scene was very lively.

A huge warhammer appeared in Xu Yue's hand and he jumped off the ring.


A huge roar surged out along with the vibration, and with the blessing of gravity and collapse force, it exploded like a large shock bomb in the center of the ring.

The entire octagonal cage began to tremble violently, and the three figures in the center of the ring disintegrated into a starry sky on the spot. The ground seemed to be churning with water waves, and the remaining orcs and ogres also fell and staggered in the violent shaking.

In the starry sky, Xu Yue slowly stood up and swept across the chaotic monsters all around. The war hammer in his hand quietly turned into a three-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd.

Under the pressure of the hunting wind, Fang Tian's painted halberd waved the air waves and spread across all directions. The figures in the sky flew away in all directions accompanied by countless stars, and hit the wall of the octagonal cage with a sound like a drum.

Looking from the floating island, a magnificent and vast star ring is formed in the octagonal cage. In the center of the star ring, a figure holding a halberd and with purple flames in its eyes leaps up.

"Come and kill!!"

The halberd was smashed down violently, the figures around him were thrown away, and the air waves stirred the stars.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

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