The aftermath of the saber's self-destruction lasted for several minutes before it subsided. By this time, the originally beautiful valley had become a mess.

The strong smell of blood before had been completely washed away by the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the green grass had all turned black. There were scattered earth and rocks everywhere and some pieces of burnt meat whose ingredients could not be identified.

On the west side of the valley, a large crater several meters wide suddenly appeared at the starting point of the explosion, with thick smoke billowing from the crater.

The entire valley became dead silent, as if all life had been extinguished in the previous explosion, until a thin crackling sound broke the silence of the valley.

The small lake in the center of the valley, which had plenty of water before, has turned into a small puddle after the explosion.

In the center of the puddle stood a black stone egg of about 2 meters, and a thin clicking sound came from the stone egg.

The stone egg continued to tremble amidst the rattling sounds, and broken lines began to spread on the stone egg. After an explosion, the stone egg disintegrated into countless fragments and flew away, and the symbiote appeared on the spot.

It's just that now, he is obviously much smaller than before. From the previous two and a half meters, which can be called a small giant, he has collapsed to the current normal human height of less than two meters.

"Damn guy, wasting my life-saving skills."

The symbiote's expression was gloomy, and his long and narrow eyes looking at the large pit in front were full of hatred. If the saber hadn't been dead in the previous explosion, he would have wanted to turn the saber's body out, crush the bones and scatter the ashes.

After gasping and staring at the pit for a long time, the symbiote turned his gaze away.

"Sound waves, flames, these old tricks again. I said those of your kind know my weaknesses and must quickly find a way to overcome them."

"Forget it, leave this shabby place first and look for any nearby villages. It will take at least a hundred people to make up for the loss this time."

"What? Warning? That thing is useless. If you don't want to live, I still want to live."

While talking to himself, the symbiote stepped out of the puddle and walked out of the valley. After taking a few steps, the symbiote paused, and a faint chill came from behind, but it was different from the physical chill brought by the previous mage. The second was a faint sense of fear coming from the soul.

The symbiote turned around, and in front of it was a tall figure wearing a black cloak and holding a Fangtian painted halberd.

Xu Yue's eyes scanned the devastated environment around him, and finally landed on the symbiote in front of him:

"It seems I'm lucky, I still have a chance to be a fisherman."

"Are you Venom?"

After hearing Venom's name, the symbiote's gloomy face suddenly became furious, its sharp teeth opened wide, and it roared loudly at Xu Yue:

"Roar! I am not the traitor like Venom, I am..."

Before he finished speaking, a square-shaped painted halberd came towards him with an extreme sense of oppression. Pressed by the hunting wind, the symbiote's cheeks were swollen, and its long and narrow eyes were enlarged, with a tendency to become round. .

‘If you can’t catch this halberd, you might die. ’

An idea suddenly flashed through his mind. Stimulated by fear, his arms turned into a heavy shield at an extremely fast speed and enveloped himself in front of him.


With the blow of Fang Tian's painted halberd, a dull sound wave exploded, along with the heavy black shield that collided with the halberd. At the moment of contact, the thick heavy shield shattered into pieces like fragile porcelain. , the symbiote turned into a black shadow and flew straight out, sending out a large amount of smoke behind it.

Xu Yue looked confused as he watched the symbiote fly out like a baseball.

"This strength is quite average."

"The voice is quite small."

"I want to eat you, I must eat you, roar!"

Angry roars came from the smoke, and the symbiote turned over and stared at Xu Yue with splitting eyes, and its white eyes tended to gradually turn red.

The muscles in his lower limbs swelled, and veins bulged. After an explosion on the ground, the symbiote flew towards Xu Yue at a speed that was no less than the speed it flew out before.

During the flying process, the symbiote's arms stretched forward, and the two palms stretched up and down, turning into a sharp crescent. The blade cut through the airflow. The entire offensive posture was very similar to the ice sickle used by the mage before.

Xu Yue looked at the speeding crescent moon and licked his lips. He held the tail end of Fang Tianhua's halberd in both hands, twisted his waist and swung his arms, swinging the halberd in his hand in an extremely standard swinging posture.


Another sound wave exploded, and the crescent moon was also shattered into fragments all over the sky with one blow, while the symbiote exploded out at a faster speed and landed at its previous location.

This time Xu Yue didn't wait for the attack. He bent his feet slightly and stamped on the ground, pulling out a black shadow in the air.

In an instant, his body had reached the position in front of the symbiotic body. Before the smoke and dust in front of him dispersed, Fang Tian's painted halberd fell from the air.

The ground was cracked inch by inch amid the rumbling sound. Where the halberd fell, the ground was sunken and gravel splashed, but the dark figure of the symbiote was nowhere to be seen.

When he was confused, a slight tingling sensation suddenly appeared in his jaw. Xu Yue's body leaned back violently. The moment he leaned back, a slender sharp blade pierced out from the ground at an extremely fast speed. The blade almost touched Xu Yue's body. The jaw crossed.

After landing on the ground, the symbiote's hands turned into drills, and it quickly burrowed into the ground to lurk. When Xu Yue came close, it stabbed out its long blade and attacked in a sneak attack, intending to cut Xu Yue's intestines and stomach and penetrate it straight into the skull.

Unfortunately, before the warning of the beast's intuition, this sneak attack was fruitless.

Since the sneak attack failed, the symbiote was no longer hiding and burst out of the ground. At this time, Xu Yue had already jumped several meters away.

As soon as the symbiote jumped out of the ground, he saw a bit of cold light piercing his eyebrows. The bone-deep chill seemed to have frightened the symbiote out of his wits. He actually stood still, and the tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd went straight through his skull, bringing him with it. There were bursts of black ripples.

Xu Yue, who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, raised his eyebrows slightly. This touch felt wrong. It didn't feel like it was stabbing the skull at all. It seemed like it was stabbing into a wave of water.

Sure enough, after being pierced into the head by Fang Tianhua's halberd, the symbiote's expression remained unchanged, but there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and then his head pierced by the halberd suddenly collapsed into black liquid water waves.

The water waves turned into soft tentacles and tightly wrapped around the head of Fang Tian's painted halberd, while the sharp blade transformed from the arm under the head had already pierced out, heading towards Xu Yue's throat.

At this time, the weapon in Xu Yue's hand was restrained, and the sharp blade under his body was coming. In the symbiote's expectation, the opponent would either give up and abandon the weapon, or be stabbed through the throat and die.

After he entered the paradise, he had relied on this endlessly changing form to kill many opponents. He is a parasite. As long as the host in the body does not die, then he has no vital points, and things like heads are the best. bait.

In the expectation of the symbiote, the sharp blade got closer and closer to the throat with a whistling sound, but when it was about to get closer, it was firmly grasped by a silver hand.

The corner of Xu Yue's mouth cracked, and the palm holding the sharp blade shook. Under the explosion of strength, the sharp blade in the palm disintegrated into broken pieces. Then the halberd in his right hand was pulled back, and the symbiote still locked on the halberd head was also pulled towards Xu Yue. .


The sound of sharp claws piercing the human body was heard, and bits of blood dripped from Xu Yue's hands. While pulling back the symbiote, the nails of his left hand had begun to extend, and the steel left hand suddenly turned into a ferocious sharp claw, which penetrated fiercely. It penetrated the chest of the symbiote in front of him, and also penetrated the host inside the chest.

Since the head is a trap, with the current size of the symbiote, the host can only hide in the chest. The warm blood slides down the silver claws, and the black symbiote begins to twist wildly, but the strength is getting smaller and smaller. It was powerless to shake Xu Yue's steel arm.

Looking down indifferently at the black liquid twisting on his arm, Xu Yue said lightly:

"You're not the only one who can transform, understand? And..."


The turbulent sound waves exploded with Xu Yue as the center. Stimulated by the huge sound spread at such a close distance, the symbiote in front of him began to twist and cry, and then condensed into a ball of dark viscous liquid and separated from the host in Xu Yue's hand. , was blown away by the air waves of the war cry.

The violator who was penetrated by Xu Yue's left hand turned into a pale young boy after the symbiote separated.

After being penetrated through his chest, he was already in a state of near-death. Coupled with the impact of the war cry at close range, he was now only a hair away from death.

Throwing the boy hanging on his arm to the ground casually, Xu Yue's right hand, Fang Tian's painted halberd, which had been freed from its restraints, tapped lightly on the ground, and suddenly the red and white pieces fell to pieces on the ground.

"Also, you are not the only one who has a loud voice and roars. I also understand a little bit."

Dear readers, don’t worry! !

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