In the lush forest, the cavalry team that had been stagnant for a while started to set off again, slowly approaching the direction of the imperial capital. The only change was that the leading cavalry team changed from two to three cavalry.

"Xinhuo, this is the deputy commander of the Knights of the Guards, Cook."

Xu Yue followed Kairos' instructions and looked at the middle-aged knight on the left, and said politely.

"Hello, I'm sorry."

Cook's eyes stayed on the Fangtian painted halberd held by Xu Yue for a while, and then he responded with a mild attitude.

"I heard Kairos mention your record many times along the way. Your reputation is well-deserved and your strength is very good."

"Lord Cook, thank you very much."

After Kairos saw that the two introduced each other, he turned to Xu Yue and asked.

"Xinhuo, why are you the only one here, where are Bunir and the others?"

"When I was in Kedra Town, I boarded Barna's airship in order to save a young man. By chance, I arrived near the Imperial Capital first. However, the monsters on the right side of the Empire have almost been cleared. Bunir and the others should now Also on the way to the Holy Heaven.”

Xu Yue briefly told his experience. Before Kairos could speak, Cook on the side reacted to Barna's name and frowned slightly.

"Mercenary King Barna? Xinhuo, can you tell me who else is on the airship?"

Xu Yue nodded, there was nothing to hide in this matter, and Cook would see them soon.

"Besides Barna, there are also Geraint and his sister Argenta."

"Geraint the Ranger."

"These three are all famous figures. It seems that they came to the Imperial Capital for that matter at this time, but I don't know the specific purpose of coming..."

The deeds of the three people began to appear in Cook's mind. It can be said that these three people are not simple people. They are also famous in the entire Altria continent. Although their reputations are usually positive, but Now at the critical moment of the Black Dragon's recovery, these three people suddenly came to the imperial capital hand in hand.

Cook, who was the deputy leader of the Knights of the Guards, couldn't help but feel wary, especially since there was also the ranger Geraint among the three. This matter must be reported to Captain Beskod immediately.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his attention to Xu Yue and spoke solemnly.

"Xinhuo, it is not a trivial matter for these three people to arrive in the Imperial Capital together, especially during this period. For the safety of the Imperial Capital, I must report this matter to the leader of the Guards Knights, Lord Beskod."

"If possible, I hope you can go with me to meet Lord Bescord."

Cook spoke very solemnly, but he did not inform Xu Yue in an orderly tone, but to discuss it. Although Cook was nominally the superior of Xu Yue and Kairos, the status of the Knights of the Guards was very transcendent and was located in the empire. Head of Knights.

But that is only in name. The real direct superior of the Glow Knights is General Thorne of the Black Mountain Fortress. That guy is not someone to be trifled with. He dares to start a fight directly in front of His Majesty the King at an imperial meeting. Even though many years have passed, Cook still remembers the chaotic scene of flames flying.

With a strong background and Xu Yue's strength, Cook seemed very polite.

After hearing Cook's request, Xu Yue glanced at Kairos vaguely, and after seeing him nodding slightly, he responded:

"Of course there is no problem. I have often heard people mention Lord Bescord's name. It is a blessing to meet him together now."

"Thank you."

Cook was obviously quite satisfied with Xu Yue's answer and nodded repeatedly.

After dealing with Cook, Xu Yue turned his head and glanced at the large number of monsters behind him, looked at Kairos and asked hesitantly:

"Who are these monsters?"

Kairos did not respond, but turned his attention to Cook on the left. It was not convenient for him to say this.

Noticing Kairos' gaze, Cook understood. After sorting out his thoughts, he spoke softly, keeping his tone within the range that only the three leading men could hear.

"Xinhuo, how much do you know about the black dragon?"

"Not much, I just heard that the black dragon is about to revive."

Hearing that Xu Yue also knew that the Black Dragon was about to revive, Cook looked at Kairos in confusion, and Kairos shook his head slightly.

Putting down the surprise in his eyes, Cook did not immediately ask Xu Yue where he learned about it, but continued to tell.

"The black dragon was born a long time ago, and its specific origin is unknown. But many years ago, the black dragon set off a monster craze with the intention of subverting the entire continent of Altria. Then, under the leadership of the sage Aronno, various The tribes formed a coalition, and after paying a heavy price, they successfully wounded the black dragon and put it into a deep sleep in the dark valley."

"But that was just a slumber, not death. Now, as the monster's activities become more and more frequent, it indicates one thing. The black dragon's slumber is about to end, and when it wakes up, it will inevitably stir up trouble again. A disaster that affects the entire continent.”

"Whether it is the prophecy from the elves or the warning from the temple, they all indicate that the black dragon's recovery is approaching. The Black Mountain Fortress, which is responsible for guarding the monsters, has reported many times that the black dragon will awaken."

Having said this, Cook paused briefly before speaking again.

"But His Majesty the King doesn't believe it."

"Perhaps the peace has lasted for too long, or perhaps His Majesty simply does not want to believe that the Black Dragon Society happened to revive during his reign, so in the face of a battle report from the Black Mountain Fortress, and in the face of frequent messages from the Elf side His Majesty the King chose to ignore all requests for alliance, and when Lord Beskod advised His Majesty, His Majesty only said that these were just scaremongering and nonsense."

During the narration, although Cook always addressed the king as His Majesty, his tone was light and calm. However, when he mentioned Beskod, his tone fluctuated, while Kairos, who was listening quietly on the side, remained expressionless throughout.

"After years of slumber, we have no way of knowing whether the Black Dragon's power has diminished or increased, but what is certain is that after years of conquests, the strength of the Human Empire is far inferior to what it once was. If Your Majesty continues to be foolish... stubborn , after the black dragon revives, the human empire is likely to be destroyed by the claws of the monster."

"As a last resort, Lord Beskod had no choice but to come up with a strategy to send these monsters to the Imperial Capital. After all, the cruelty of the Black Mountain battlefield is too far away from the Imperial Capital. Perhaps only when His Majesty truly sees the ferocity of these monsters can he wake up and mobilize The empire will use all its strength to deal with the Black Dragon disaster that may occur next."

"This is why we quietly transported these monsters. We need to use them to wake up His Majesty the King. After the black dragon incident is over, Lord Beskod will also confess the matter to His Majesty, and he will bear all the faults."

After saying that, Cook looked at Xu Yue with bright eyes. Xu Yue was in awe and nodded slowly to indicate that he understood all the reasons.

"Lord Bescord is really concerned about the country and the people."

Throughout Cook's narration, the king was portrayed as a self-willed, ignorant and cowardly fool, while Beskod was a heroic figure who sacrificed himself for the country. Some of this was true, some of it was false, Xu Yue felt Of course there are, but he doesn't mind showing his admiration for Beskod. After all, he will need to rely on Beskod's power in the imperial capital.

The next time was spent in occasional chats between Cook and Xu Yue. Most of the conversations mentioned Bescord's name. It was not difficult to see that the man in front of him was a crazy fan.

Kairos, on the other hand, kept his iceberg face and followed him aside. He did not comment or interrupt, and only wanted to be a companion.

Forty minutes later, the cavalry successfully arrived at a remote corner outside the imperial capital. After properly placing the monsters, Cook looked at Xu Yue.

"Xinhuo, we don't need to worry about things here. Let's go. I'll take you to meet Lord Beskod first."

"Kairos, I'm sorry to bother you here."

Kairos nodded, secretly gave Xu Yue a cautious look, and then went to deal with the monsters, while Xu Yue followed Cook deep into the imperial capital.

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