Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 72 Self-defeating

In the outer city of the imperial capital, in a remote alley away from the construction site, the sound of rapid running came from the entrance of the alley.

The sound of running gradually approached, and three contractors filed in from the alley. The leader was a tall woman. After running into the alley, her eyes quickly scanned the layout of the entire alley, and she quickly made a calculation in her mind. "Keep moving," he ordered.

"No, running like this is not an option. Those guys behind are more familiar with the terrain than we are, and they can't get rid of them."

"This place is in a good location, Xiaoxue, quickly find a favorable terrain, and we'll eat those guys at the back here."

"Okay, big sister."

After a girl with wheat-colored skin behind him responded, she whistled softly, and a falcon took off from the alley. After flying to a high place, it began to circle above the alley.

"Sister, we found it, turn right ahead."

The three of them quickly ran into the corner of the alley and disappeared.

A moment later, several more people appeared at the alley. They were all dressed in ordinary civilian clothes, but they were all tall, holding knives and guns in their hands. It was obvious at a glance that they were not ordinary civilians. These were disguised members of the Knights of the Guards. .

Several people stopped at the entrance of the alley, but did not blindly run into the alley.

"The environment in the alley is complicated and the road is narrow. Be careful after entering. These three people ran here deliberately. They must have planned it."

"To be on the safe side, Ern, go back and inform Chief Mandel of our location."

"The rest of you follow me into the alley and pay more attention."

At the entrance of the alley, after the leader of the team, Matthew Knight, gave an order, one person evacuated, and the remaining people poured into the alley and continued to follow.

One of the men took out a short staff from his arms. After shaking it a few times, a thin white line appeared in the air. The thin line extended in the direction in which the three contractors had escaped.

"Follow us, these three people must not let go."

A few minutes later, several members of the Knights rushed all the way. When they reached a narrow alley, Matthew, who was walking at the forefront, suddenly stopped.

"Something's wrong, back off."

Everyone obeyed the order and retreated. As soon as they took two steps back, a violent fire exploded not far in front of them. The flames and impact hit everyone, but they were cut by Matthew's spear.

After splitting the fire wave in front, Matthew looked solemnly at the several rockets flying from above. Although the style of these things looked weird, they were probably bombs or something like that.


After giving the order, the two priests in the team immediately raised their staffs high, and a light blue energy shield quickly formed, completely surrounding the knights.

"Bang! Bang!"

Continuous explosions were heard above the head, and the boiling flames almost covered the energy shield. Looking out from the inside, one could only see golden-red flames everywhere.

Every time there was an explosion above the head, the priest holding the staff high groaned, and a trace of blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

Finally, the explosion stopped, and the two priests just breathed a sigh of relief when two sharp earth thorns rose from the ground and penetrated directly from bottom to top through the two priests who had just relaxed.

The energy shield disappeared, and the sound of explosions resounded among the crowd again, interspersed with the sound of several bullets piercing the air.

At the end of the alley, a girl with wheat-colored skin put back the emptied rocket launcher on her shoulder and looked at the thick smoke and fire that had not dissipated in the middle of the alley ahead, showing disdain.

"I thought it was so strong, that's all. I knew I wouldn't have run for so long."

When the tall woman squatting next to her heard this, she moved her palms away from the ground and stood up from the ground. She also looked forward, but her face remained calm.

"Don't be careless. This group of people is not easy to deal with. We just caught them by surprise. We used gunfire to deal with the leader first."


The reply came from high up on the left. On the roof on the left, a man was lying on the ground with a large, ferocious-looking sniper rifle in front of him. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the direction of the Knights.

Seeing that the smoke and dust below were beginning to subside, the man gently pulled the trigger. The sniper rifle shook. In the strong flames erupting from the muzzle, the golden armor-piercing bullet broke through the airflow at a speed of nearly 1,500 meters per second. Fly downwards.


The harsh sound of metal came from the alley, and the sniper bullet was shot by a long gun into metal shards all over the sky. In the thick black smoke, a pair of eyes emitting rich white light opened, and the eyes suddenly moved up and looked towards Sniper position on the roof.

The gunfire met those eyes through the scope, and a chill suddenly rose in my heart. Just as I was about to continue shooting, I saw a long gun full of glow tearing through the smoke and shooting towards the roof from below. , a fatal sense of crisis spread throughout the body.

He didn't even have time to put away the sniper rifle in front of him because of the gunfire, and it suddenly rolled on the roof.


The long gun hit, causing bricks and stones to fly, and half of the roof collapsed. The sniper rifle disintegrated into powder in the glow, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead due to the gunfire.

Below, the air wave caused by the spear flying out has dispersed all the surrounding smoke, revealing the tragic situation in the alley. Two priests were pierced by earth thorns and stood upright. The red blood had formed a hole at the roots of the earth thorns. Small puddle.

Lying on the ground was a knight whose head was shattered by a sniper rifle. The white and red parts of his head were muddy. Not far away was a corpse with a shrapnel stuck in its neck.

There was only one person left alive at the scene, and that was Matthew. His whole body was now emitting a rich white light. After getting rid of the sniper on the roof, his white eyes turned to the two women facing each other at the end of the alley.

"You guys, damn it."

The voice seemed to be forcefully squeezed out from between his teeth, and then the white light on his body swelled up. With the spear in his hand as the tip, his whole body turned into an arrow and sprinted towards the two people at the end of the alley.

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

Facing the charging Matthew, the wheat-skinned girl grinned and took a few steps forward. As she walked, brown hair began to sprout from every pore of her body. The girl's body began to grow larger, her clothes crumbled, and her sharp claws When stretched out, the muzzle becomes longer.

By the time she reached the entrance of the alley, the young girl had transformed into a large brown bear three meters tall. Her huge body blocked the entire alley and protected the tall woman behind her.


The brown bear roared angrily, and slapped its two bear paws on the left and right towards the charging Matthew. The alley became lively again, with beast roars and roars filling the air.

Five minutes later, calm was restored again, but the entire battlefield was already in a mess, the walls on all sides were incomplete, and the ground was full of pits and broken earth thorns.

At the end of the alley, the brown bear has returned to the appearance of a wheat-colored girl. She is now wearing a red sheet, leaning against the wall, holding recovery food in one hand, and devouring it.

Her other hand was already limp, and there was a large hole in her shoulder that ran from front to back, which was pierced by Matthew's spear just now. Blood was pouring out of the hole, dyeing the scarlet sheets on her body even more vividly. .

Compared to the girl who lost one hand, the other tall woman was much better. Except for her complexion being a little pale, there was not even a trace of blood on her body. She took out a potion and handed it to the girl leaning against the wall.

"Xiaoxue, drink this. The healing speed of recovery food is too slow."

The girl smiled heartily, then pushed the potion back, took out a roll of bandages from the storage space, and wrapped one hand around her shoulder haphazardly, regardless of the spring light leaking from her body.

"It's okay, big sister. It's a minor injury. I'm not one of those little fragile ones. I don't know how long I will stay in this world. I have to save my recovery supplies."

"However, what should we do next? This time we really lost everything."

The eldest sister couldn't help but have a headache after hearing this. When her eyes glanced over Matthew's mangled body on the ground, her face became even more ugly. The paradise prompt that just sounded came to mind again.

【伱killed the members of the Guards Knights. 】

[You killed the priest of the Temple of Sleep. 】

[The reputation of the Knights of the Guards is -60, and the current status is hostile. 】

[The reputation value of the Sleeping Temple is -50, and the current status is hostile. 】

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