On the city wall, the boiling purple sea of ​​fire began to gradually shrink under the eyes of everyone in the Mechanical Envoy.

In the end, all the flames condensed into a blazing fireball, suspended above Xu Yue's broad palm.

Along the way, a piece of metal city wall that had been dissolved and devastated was revealed, and a tall figure holding a Fangtian painted halberd appeared in the center of the city wall from unknown time.

Xu Yue pinched it gently with his left hand to extinguish the fire on his palm. Use this thing a little less, don't waste it.

Then he glanced at the embarrassed contractors on the left and right, and the corners of his mouth slowly cracked.

"You guys were very excited about the fight just now."

"Quick! Attack quickly! He must die, at any cost."

The commander's sharp command came from the earphones. Xu Yue's fire frightened him to death. The restraint of this thing on the mechanical system was too exaggerated, especially for low-level mechanical systems like theirs.

The roar of guns and artillery sounded again on the city wall, but it was obviously much thinner than before.

Most of their main weapons had been burned by fire just now, and now many of them were temporarily unable to be used, and they could only use secondary weapons, which greatly reduced the enemy's firepower.

The sound of artillery fire only lasted for more than ten seconds before it was suppressed by a roar.

The violent impact caused by the war cry exploded at the top of the city wall, and then a large number of figures were knocked away and fell like dumplings.

The one who fell inside the city wall was okay and was quickly dragged away for treatment by his companions. But the one who fell outside the city wall was in dire straits and was stabbed into a hedgehog by a short spear before he even hit the ground.

In the five long minutes just now, everyone in the Knights was beaten to pieces. It was not until Mandel threw Xu Yue onto the city wall that the situation was relieved.

After losing the fire suppression of the contractors on the city wall, the automatic attack miniguns on the wall could not cause so much pressure. The knights could also use their hands free to shoot the fallen contractors while defending.


Xu Yue, who had used the war cry three times today, coughed twice to relieve the discomfort in his throat.

This skill activates very quickly and has a first-class knockback effect. Xu Yue is now almost used to rushing into the crowd and roaring when a battle begins. At close range, the enemy has no time to react.

Now half of the contractors on the city wall have been cleared by Xu Yue. He raised his head and looked at the remaining parts on the opposite side, his eyes becoming more and more purple.

After exerting force with his right foot and stamping hard on the ground, Xu Yue faced the incoming artillery fire and charged forward.

During the advance, except for the extremely threatening sniper bullets, which he either turned his head to avoid or used his halberd to deflect, he didn't bother to dodge any other attacks.

In front of the steel-hardened defense all over his body, these ammunition could only slow down his speed slightly. Two seconds later, Xu Yue, who had received an unknown number of rounds of ammunition, successfully rushed towards the crowd.

The halberd in his hand swept across, throwing out a black shadow. All standing creatures within three meters in front were swept away, and a large number of mechanical fragments and flesh and blood residues were scattered.

If the contractors who were knocked away by the battle cry before still had some hope of survival, then those contractors who were killed by Xu Yuejuan basically ended up dead without any body parts. He could destroy heavy tanks with one halberd, and Not to mention these are remotely crispy.

With just two blows, thanks to the brutal effect and Beng Jin, there were only two members of the mechanical mission left alive on the city wall. They all saved their lives because they fell to the ground. One of them had a mechanical leg failure, and the other one had a mechanical leg failure. Half of one man's arm was swept by Xu Yue's halberd and was reduced to pieces.

"The flesh and blood are weak and the machine ascends!!"

A coquettish red light bloomed from the bodies of the two people on the ground. There was no fear on their faces, but extreme enthusiasm. Xu Yue glanced at it lightly, then used his halberd to throw the two prone human bombs on the ground. Fly out.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two large fireworks exploded in mid-air on the left and right sides of the city wall, and the air waves blew Xu Yue's black cloak on the city wall. In the firelight, his face was uncertain, and his purple eyes looked down at the gathering in the courtyard below. Among the contractors, there was a large mecha more than three meters in size that stood out among the crowd.

This is a very typical miner mecha. The left arm is a humanoid mechanical palm, and the right arm is a huge mining drill. The mecha looks very bulky, and the gray outer coating is full of scratches. It looks like it has aged. Not small, but the huge feeling of oppression has not diminished at all.

"If you have the guts, come down."

The dull electronic sound sounded in the courtyard, and the mecha's glowing red eye turned to Xu Yue on the city wall. This mecha was obviously a melee model and had no means of long-range attack. Moreover, considering its size, It would be a bit difficult to let him go up the city wall, so he could only provoke Xu Yue to go down.

"Come down, you're not in close combat, come and fight with our boss."

"Yes, as long as you defeat our boss in a duel, we will all surrender. If you are afraid, get out of here."

The contractors next to the mecha below also started to help, and they kept shouting. Some of the guys who couldn't restrain themselves even took out their long-range weapons and attacked Xu Yue.

Xu Yue slashed his halberd vertically and shattered an incoming howitzer in the air. He squinted his eyes and observed the mecha below, without any intention of going down.

It’s a joke. A group of mechanical contractors who hugged each other for warmth said that they would challenge him to a duel. Only if he believed it would there be a ghost. If this sentence was placed in the paradise, after ten contractors heard it, nine of them would laugh. The last one who didn’t laugh would be Because he himself is from the mechanical department.

Xu Yue can guarantee that if he doesn't face a ruthless attack by a group of people after going down, then his name can be written backwards.

Such a group of mechanical systems will unite and attack, covering them with firepower.

Putting the halberd back into space, Xu Yue took out the Xiaoyun Bow, nocked an arrow, opened the bow, and let go!

The fire-patterned arrow turned into a beam of red light and rushed down, setting off raging flames in the crowd below. When the flames subsided, there was already a charred corpse on the ground. It was the contractor who made the loudest noise before.

It's just a long-range attack. It's not like he doesn't know how to do it. Since he is now condescending, it's time to beat up the drowned dog. He must go down. His mission is to kill the opponent, but before that, he must reduce the opponent's number.

As for the mecha, he didn't even try to attack. The opponent's armor was too thick, and the flames basically didn't do much damage to it, even if he used the Xia Xia skill that comes with the equipment.

When the people below saw that Xu Yue was not ready to go down, but instead started to take out bows and arrows to attack, they no longer restrained themselves. All kinds of ammunition were thrown at Xu Yue like they were free. In terms of long-range bombing, they had not failed anyone.

Amid the roaring explosions, the passionate exchange of fire between the two sides lasted for several minutes. More than half of the ordinary arrows in Xu Yue's space were consumed, but the artillery fire in the courtyard showed no signs of weakening.

Now Xu Yue is leaning against a wall, swallowing the restorative chicken nuggets in his mouth. After feeling the slow recovery of his health, he changed his position along the wall, and then stood up to set up his string. There were scattered in the courtyard below. The contractors were spread out, with the miner's mecha in the center.

The contractors were scanning the city wall above with vigilance, their weapons ready to go, waiting for Xu Yue to show up.

After leaving the cover of the wall, Xu Yue quickly identified the target. A contractor holding a huge cannon barrel, holding the string in his hand.

"call out!"

After a beam of red light flashed, a scream came from below. Regardless of the result, he squatted back again. The wall in front of him soon began to tremble violently, and the flames burned in through the gaps, burning Xu Yue's silver skin. Reflecting a touch of golden red.

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