Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 82 Self-destruction

The sound of forging in the courtyard continued, and everyone's focus shifted involuntarily.

As one of the contractors shouted, the guns and cannons originally aimed at Mandel and Ello turned their guns one after another. Xu Yue, who was getting excited from beating, froze. When all the guns were pointed at him, A subtle tingling sensation spreads throughout the body.

Without any hesitation, when he sensed the intuitive warning of the beast, he stopped beating, held the hammer in front of him, stamped his feet hard, and flew back.

As soon as he got out of the mecha's lying position, a large firework caused by the explosion burst out in front of him, and then a large number of bullet chains and shells came towards him through the firework, but in the end they were blocked by the heavy hammer in his hand.

The broad side of the Bolang Hammer was like a shield, firmly protecting his upper body. Xu Yue held the handle of the hammer in one hand and put it flat with the other. He pressed his forearm against the other side of the hammer, feeling the constant pressure coming from the hammer. Feeling the impact, his figure slowly retreated.

When he retreated, he slightly poked out the heavy hammer and looked at the position of the mecha. The fireworks caused by the explosion had been extinguished, and instead, a large amount of white gas appeared. The white gas sprayed out from the various jet holes around the mecha. out.

The fire that was originally tightly wrapped around the fuselage was already on the verge of disintegrating after losing Xu Yue's control. After the impact of the white air, it was now directly dispersed.

After getting rid of the two threats of the heavy hammer and the fire, the mecha finally regained its mobility, but this movement seemed extremely stuck. After struggling to get up, the mecha was just about to take a step when a sudden burst of energy appeared in various parts of its body. There was a plume of black smoke, and then the entire mecha fell down straight again as if it was dead.

After Xu Yue's beating just now, the mecha's body has been deformed in many places, and many internal circuits have been damaged by the fire. If it is not directly scrapped, it can be considered that this miner's mecha is strong and durable.

Behind the heavy hammer, Xu Yue felt slightly relieved as he watched the mecha fall to the ground. Although he did not hammer it to death at once, it was a good result to temporarily lose its ability to move. After losing the entanglement of the mecha, he could first Get rid of those troublesome fish and finally solve it.

The impact from the hammer surface continued, but the intensity continued to weaken. Xu Yue looked towards the direction of the artillery fire. In addition to the fireworks from the muzzle, there would also be bright holy light and blue thunder from time to time. It was Man Man Del and Elro were also exerting their strength. Under the roaming attack, they began to attract most of the firepower.

Now the intensity of the firepower from the bombardment was no longer enough to make Xu Yue retreat. He stood still with his legs lowered, changed the posture of holding the hammer, held the handle of the hammer with both hands and swung, first hammering the ammunition in front into pieces, and then he held it The end of the hammer handle began to rotate in place.

The Bolang Hammer seemed to have turned into a hammer. Under Xu Yue's rotation, the hammer head turned into a black shadow, and a whirlwind was pulled out with Xu Yue as the center. The ammunition fired from the front was destroyed as soon as it entered the range of the whirlwind. Torn to pieces.

After spinning for more than ten times, the kinetic energy accumulated by the hammer became more and more terrifying. After feeling that it was almost done, Xu Yue aimed at the target and let go!

The whirlwind formed around Xu Yue was directly torn into pieces the moment the heavy hammer flew out. Amidst the whistling sound, the heavy hammer shot out with overwhelming momentum. Against the gunfire, the heavy hammer destroyed all obstacles along the way. In the panicked eyes of the platoon contractors, the heavy hammer smashed straight into the crowd of the Mechanical Envoy.


The heavy hammer fell to the ground, the ground trembled slightly, and dust flew up. A contractor in the crowd who could not dodge was smashed into minced meat on the spot. The heavy hammer stood in a pothole, the front end was full of scarlet, and a silver palm fell on the hammer. On the handle, the next second, the heavy hammer disappeared, and a pair of military boots stepped into the minced meat spread on the ground.

On the battlefield on the other side of the courtyard, the heavy hammer smashed out a large cloud of yellow smoke in the center of the crowd gathered by the Mechanical Envoy. Outside the smoke, there were contractors distributed in a circle. Among them, the ones closest to the smoke were all at the critical moment. He barely managed to avoid it, and now he was looking ahead at Yanchen, breathing heavily, trying to digest the fear that was still lingering in his heart.

Looking at the momentum in front of them, if they had hesitated for just a second, they would have died on the spot.

"What's going on? Something just hit me. It made such a big noise."

"I didn't see clearly. I was busy beating the two natives just now."

On the periphery of the crowd, some contractors with their backs to the smoke were also attracted by the loud noise coming from behind. They turned around and asked. Several contractors who were watching the heavy hammer flying were about to speak when a roar sounded from the center of the crowd.

I saw a square-shaped painted halberd suddenly protruding from the smoke that had not subsided. Before everyone had time to react, the halberd had already swung a silver ring, and the fierce air waves swirled away, tearing away the smoke. It was shattered and torn apart together with all the creatures within a three-meter radius.

Flesh and blood splattered, with Xu Yue as the center. Although the contractors three meters away were not hit by the halberd, their faces were splashed with blood. After the whole courtyard was quiet for a moment, there was a sudden sound. A shrill scream.


The contractors nearby were running away wildly, and the contractors in the distance were turning their guns. In the center, Xu Yue swept through the chaotic crowd around him. His eyes were indifferent, but a gap opened undetectably at the corner of his mouth. Still want to run?

A pit exploded under his feet, and Xu Yue turned into a black shadow and disappeared. When he showed up again, there was already a dying contractor hanging on the tip of the halberd. Blood fell from the corner of the contractor's mouth and dripped on the halberd head. A series of notes.

Noticing that the contract hanging on the halberd began to glow red, Xu Yue quickly lifted the halberd head, and a corpse that was divided into two parts from the chest up fell to the ground, and the red light on the body disappeared.

‘The self-destruction skill can also be triggered when in a near-death state. The triggering time is greater than three seconds and can be released after complete death. ’

After quickly sorting out the information obtained through observation in his mind, Xu Yue no longer had any worries. This self-destruction skill was not too difficult to handle. He swept the halberd in his hand, and a running contractor on the right was cut in half by the crescent moon of the halberd. , the body goes up and down and falls to both sides, as long as the contractor who is about to self-destruct is eliminated within three seconds.

Military boots crushed the wailing head on the ground, and his figure disappeared again. In a flash, another blood flower bloomed among the fleeing crowd.

Around Xu Yue, the group of contractors running around were basically long-range crispy skin. When Xu Yue got close, they were like sheep entering the tiger's mouth and were slaughtered wantonly.

Those who choose the mechanical system will mostly develop towards long-range bombing in the early stage. In the Mechanical Mission, a low-level adventure group composed entirely of mechanical contractors, 80% of the members are long-range, which is the group around Xu Yue.

In addition to this, the strongest main tank mecha is still lying dead on the other side of the battlefield. The remaining few melee mechas are far away from the rear because they are chasing Mandel and Elro. Now they find the rear After the fall, when he wanted to return for reinforcements, he was entangled by the two men who had just been chasing him.

Because of this, Xu Yue had no obstacle to the massacre of these long-range crispy soldiers. In just one minute, the rear was completely cleared, and the roar of artillery fire on the battlefield finally stopped.

Thick blood flowed along the silver metal skin. Xu Yue stood in a pool of blood and looked at the several melee contractors who were stopped by Mandel and Elro not far away. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand whistled softly.

"You're the only ones left."

Three minutes later, as the tip of the halberd was inserted into the chest of the last contractor, Xu Yue turned Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand. The crescent moons on both sides seemed to turn into a meat grinder, twisting the upper body of the contractor into a puddle. Rotten meat.

Looking around, only Xu Yue and the others were left standing in the entire courtyard. The ground was covered with blood. Among the corpses on the ground, there was not a single human figure that was still intact. Most of them were minced body parts.

After the battle subsided, Elro looked at Xu Yue with something wrong in his eyes. Although as a military chaplain, he had killed quite a few people, but this was the first time he had seen such a cruel and vicious killing method.

Xu Yue ignored Elro's eyes. The reason why the scene was so tragic was not because of his cruel personality, but because he wanted to ensure that the explosive maniacs of the Mechanical Mission were completely killed.

As a mechanical system, this group of people are all masters of bombs. The first thing they do when they join the group is to turn their bodies into bombs that can be detonated through consciousness. As long as they have one breath left, they can pull them. The enemy goes together.

So Xu Yue chose to beat them into pieces. After all, this was the easiest way to die. There was still a chance of surviving by cutting their throats and piercing their hearts, but Xu Yue didn't believe that they could still be conscious after being crushed into a ball of rotten flesh.

Now that all the contractors in the courtyard have been basically cleared away, the only threat left is the dead mecha. Xu Yue turned his attention to the location of the previous mecha.

But they found that the opponent had actually stood up again. Except for the various dents left on the body that were hammered by Xu Yue, the current mecha did not look like it had been scrapped before.

The mecha stood alone in the corner of the courtyard, its red single eye scanning the broken corpses on the ground in front of it over and over again, as if to determine something.

After continuing this action for a few seconds, the mecha's one eye met Xu Yue's still indifferent gaze, and the red light in the one eye became more and more intense.

"You're good, really good..."

The electronic sound increases from small to loud, until it becomes a sharp tone:

"I'm going to kill you, die!!"

With a sharp howl, the mecha began to run, and as the speed increased, the red light from the mecha's single eye began to spread throughout the body.

Xu Yuekong, who was the target of the collision, shrank suddenly and quickly realized what the other side was going to do. The self-destruction of ordinary contractors was very powerful. Once the three-meter-tall and several-ton mecha in front of him self-destructed, The power is absolutely unimaginable.

The opponent has obviously started the self-destruction process. Although it is not clear whether the self-destruction time of this mecha is also three seconds, but even if it is more than three seconds, it will not be too long. If you want to destroy the opponent's mecha in a short time It's obviously impossible. Before, he hammered nearly a hundred times in a row without destroying the opponent. Now it's just a fantasy to think that it only takes a few seconds.

So the only way to survive is to hide. All the pros and cons flashed in Xu Yue's mind the moment he saw the mecha's red light. He first yelled at the two people around him who were preparing to meet the enemy.

"Quick, dig a hole in the ground, the other side will explode!"

After the explanation, he quickly set aside the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand, and then took out the Bolang Hammer from the storage space. A bone ring on his finger began to glow faintly with blood. He had not been willing to open it when fighting against the tough mecha before. His barbaric skills were decisively activated at this moment.

Savage (Active): Consumes 10% of health, owns strength +3, physical strength +2, pain reduction by 20%, duration 5 minutes.

After the brutal activation, he felt that the blood all over his body was boiling and burning, and a raging sense of power surged into his limbs. Without hesitation, after his strength increased, he held the wave hammer in his hand and swung it for a few times before throwing it out with all his strength. The heavy hammer carried the pound. The powerful force slammed into the leg of the oncoming mecha.

The badly injured calf that was originally beaten by Xu Yue was directly deflected after another collision with a flying hammer. After a crisp sound, the mecha's calf was severely injured while running. Fall to the ground.

After Xu Yue saw the mecha landing, he no longer cared about the heavy hammer flying out. He picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd standing aside with one hand and turned around to look. At this time, there was already a nearly three-meter-deep weapon behind him. A large pit, within which holy light and thunder flashed.

It was Mandel and Ello who were still struggling to dig the huge hole. Both of them were quite reliable. When they heard Xu Yue tell them with a serious expression that the mecha was going to self-destruct, they quickly reacted and He did not waste time asking Xu Yue questions, but quickly started digging holes.

After all, even such a powerful officer was so eager, so it was hard to imagine how powerful the self-destruction they would face next would be. In order to save their lives, they all used holy light and thunder to greet them, almost to the point of being sucked. All his strength was used, and a large hole of nearly three meters was dug out in a few breaths.

Seeing that the hole had been dug, Xu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. After shouting and getting out of the way, he held his halberd high and jumped in. Without knowing the power of the explosion, it was natural to make the hole as deep as possible. , and the crushing ability of his Fangtian Painted Halberd is undoubtedly a weapon for digging holes, at least stronger than Mandel's spear and Elro's staff.

The moment Xu Yue jumped down, a gap suddenly opened in the metal wall to the east of him. A tall knight stood in front of the gap and shouted excitedly to the inside:

"Boss, I'm here to save you!"

Before he finished speaking, a dazzling white light exploded in front of his eyes, followed by raging explosion shock waves and raging flames.


The sound of the explosion resounded through the eardrums, and all the knights in the isolation cover were stunned for a moment by the huge sound. A huge fireball exploded in the courtyard, and the unparalleled flame impact and air waves caused the four metal walls around the courtyard to violently Trembling, a large amount of flames spurted out from the small gap in the east wall, along with the tall knight.

In the courtyard, because the impact of the explosion was blocked by the four surrounding walls, it could not be vented. Therefore, all the impacts began to surge upwards. At this moment, the base of the mechanical mission seemed to have turned into a large artillery, and the four walls were It's a metal barrel.

Raging flames and black smoke soared into the sky and hit the isolation barrier in mid-air. The stalemate lasted only a second before the isolation barrier collapsed.

After losing their restraints, the sound waves of the explosion spread from the courtyard. The entire outer city heard the explosion that resounded through the sky in the silent night. Except for the ordinary people who were hypnotized by the bell, all the surviving contractors were awakened. , the outer city of the imperial capital began to boil with this explosion.

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