Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 87 I won’t be a support person anymore!

"Sir Xinhuo."

Looking at the tall silver figure in front of him, the leading knight spoke respectfully, and the tension and anger on his face were all covered up by uncontrollable excitement. In his heart, as long as Xu Yue came, the current trouble would no longer be a trouble.

"what happened?"

"Sir, the deep pit on the opposite side may be their tunnel leading out of the city. The defense on the opposite side is too strong and it will be difficult to capture it for a while. My subordinates are afraid that if the delay is too long, the opposite side will open a tunnel and escape."

"Authentic?" Xu Yue's eyes paused for a moment at the pit opposite, then focused on the giant bear in front of the pit as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Druids? It seems that you are the group that killed Matthew before, so the one digging the tunnel below is the earth mage."

Of course, Cook told him about the cause of this battle royale, which described in detail the abilities and characteristics of the three people who killed Matthew, a bear druid, an earth mage, and a sniper. Cook He also specifically emphasized that these three people must die. When Xu Yuezheng was having a headache why he had never met these three people, the other party came to his door.

Facing Xu Yue's inquiry, the giant bear had no idea of ​​replying, but instead roared violently at Xu Yue in front of him.

The air waves caused by the roar were mixed with a subtle sound of breaking through the air, and Xu Yue felt a faint tingling sensation in his heart, but the amplitude was very slight.


A soft sound spread, and the giant bear's little cunning eyes quickly turned dull, staring blankly at Xu Yue in front of him.

The roar stopped, and a spark bloomed in Xu Yue's heart. The golden armor-piercing bullet collided with the silver skin. The skin was intact, but the bullet was shattered into residue. Xu Yue's strongest thing is not his strength, but that he is now strengthened to the point that he is almost immune to all blue and below. Weapon defense.

The bullet shattered. Xu Yue took half a step back to absorb the impact. He wiped off a black spot on his heart with his hand. This was the only trace left by the bullet. Then, he held up the heavy hammer and looked at the bullet. The direction he came from grinned.

Got you!

Swinging his arms and elbows, the heavy hammer in his hand turned into a black shadow and flew out. A high-rise building collapsed in the distance. He had just been talking nonsense with this group of people for a long time just to give the secret sniper a chance.

Looking at the collapsed buildings in the distance, and the hope of survival of the giant bear that collapsed with them, she knew that she had no hope of surviving in front of the enemy on the opposite side. Regardless of strength or defense, she had been crushed by the opponent. But no matter what, she had to delay until the eldest sister escaped.


The giant bear roared again, a turbid yellow light enveloped its arms, and its two huge bear paws slapped down towards the body.

Before the bear's paw struck from above, Xu Yue's Fangtian Painted Halberd swung horizontally had already hit the waist of the giant bear. Blood spurted out, the skin and flesh turned into mud, and the brown-yellow bear turned into a yellow shadow. He was shot flying by Xu Yue, leaving large blood stains along the way.

As soon as the giant bear flew out, the high base that had been knocked away by Xu Yue's hammer had re-mounted the heavy tower shield and rumbled towards him.

"If you want to kill me, Sister Xue, you have to kill me first!"


The halberd was swung, and the heavy tower shield was smashed into countless golden fragments with one blow, and the high base was thrown away again. At this time, he was unconscious, and his arms were twisted into two twists. He felt as if he had been hit head-on by a speeding train. Once, and there was a strange force that evenly crushed every bone in his two arms under that blow.

Before Gao Lei's body hit the ground, another roar came from the air, and a short spear shot out from Xu Yue's hand, accurately hitting the head in the air.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, right next to the giant bear. She looked at the fallen corpse, and her eyes instantly turned blood red.

The giant bear struggled to stand up. Now there was a huge jagged gap in her right waist, shaped as if she had been bitten by some large beast. The fur and muscles had disappeared, leaving only bright red intestines flowing from the gap. came out, and the severe pain made him tremble just by standing.

But her deep-seated hatred forced her to suppress the pain. The giant bear glanced at the gap on the side of her waist where her intestines were leaking out, and quickly picked up a large handful of dirt from the ground. She first used her sharp claws to cut the pieces together and drop them. intestines, and then immediately pressed the soil in his hands onto the gap in his waist. The dry soil was softened into mud by the blood and water gushing out.

Like a mason, the giant bear used the mud in his hands to cover the gap in his waist. After a flash of yellow light, the mud dried up and blocked the wound firmly. The force was so fierce that even Xu Yue, who was opposite him, frowned. pick.

After treating the wound, the giant bear looked at Xu Yue with scarlet eyes. After roaring, she rushed towards Xu Yue again.


A few minutes ago, under the pit.

A tall woman and a fat boy were working hard to expand the entire tunnel.

The woman pressed her right hand, which was emitting yellow light, on the walls on both sides of the tunnel. The entire tunnel began to expand and expand as if it were alive. The soil was freely manipulated by the tall woman's earth power, and the tunnel expanded very quickly. .

Whenever the woman's forehead is sweating and her mana is exhausted, the fat man behind her will release faint green light spots, which will blend into the woman's body and help her quickly recover her mana. This little fat man is actually a rare assistant in the reincarnation paradise. It is like a contractor, and it can also restore mana, which is rare among rare.

It is precisely relying on this earth element and an auxiliary ability that the tall woman can plan a plan to incite all the contractors to attack the city wall, and they rely on the earth element ability to bypass the four inscribed walls of the Holy Paradise from underground. Thereby planning to escape from the imperial capital.

As time passed, the woman's eyes began to light up with joy. According to estimates, they were now outside the scope of the city wall and could escape from the imperial capital as long as they dug upward.

But as soon as the woman's joy appeared, Paradise's reminder made her whole body sink to the bottom.

[Teammate killed in gunfire]

The fat man next to him had obviously also received the reminder from the paradise. Worry and sadness suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

"Sister, something happened to Brother Qianhuo, and Sister Xue and the others, we..."

The tall woman stopped the fat man from asking, took out a shovel from the space and handed it to the fat man in front of her, saying with a serious expression.

"There is a way to survive up there. Dig up and survive. Remember."

The fat man was stunned, but did not take the shovel from the elder sister's hand, but hesitantly said:

"Then what will Sister Xue and the others do?"

"I will go back to rescue Xiaoxue and the others. I said I would help them survive, but you have to leave first."

"No, eldest sister and I will go back together to help. Sister Xue and the others are injured and need treatment. I can..."

Before the fat man could finish his excited words, he was interrupted by the loud voice of the woman opposite.

"Han Guang, you are an auxiliary. Did you hear me? You are an auxiliary with little combat power!!"

"You can't help much if you follow me back. The only thing you can do now is to escape first. When we come back safely, you will be treating us. Remember!!"

Speaking of this, the tall woman's high-pitched voice slowly slowed down.

"Han Guang, I will bring you Sister Xue and the others back alive. There is no time to delay."

After that, the tall woman forced the shovel into the fat man's hand and pushed him forward. Then the woman quickly ran back, and the soil behind her quickly filled back up, blocking the fat man who tried to follow.

The fat man holding the shovel stood helplessly in the cave, staring blankly at the blocked escape route in front of him. What echoed in his ears was the last words left by the eldest sister.

"Han Guang, this is the paradise of reincarnation. Remember, live on. If I don't come back, you must live on."

In the faint light of the miner's lamp above his head, Fatty stood for a long time until the paradise prompts came one after another in his ears.

[Teammate dies due to high base]

[Teammate Cedar dies]

[Teammate Lan Yue dies]

Until the last beep sounded, Lan Yue was the eldest sister, but everyone in the team called her eldest sister, just like everyone else called him Fatty.

The fat man began to dig upwards frantically. The soil fell with tears, and the fat man's roar sounded in the cave:

"Live! Live! Live!!"

"I won't be a support anymore! I won't be a support anymore! Ahhhhh!!"

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