Seeing Xu Yue accepting the Baron Medal with joy, Beskod was not surprised. Few people in the entire Altria continent would turn a blind eye to the noble title presented to them. It represented superior status and prosperity for the rest of their lives. Life.

Strictly speaking, Xu Yue's actions this time do not actually reach the level of being awarded a medal, but Beskod is very satisfied with the decisiveness he showed in this mission. No matter old or young, good or evil, as long as they are within the scope of the mission , he killed them all.

He greatly admired such character and strength. Anyway, given his status, being a baron was really not that big of a deal.

"In addition to the Baron Medal, there is also an opportunity to select from the secret treasury of the Imperial City. I will ask Cook to take you there later and select carefully. The items in the secret treasury are all of good quality."

"Thank you, sir. I wonder if this secret library selection opportunity can be used in exchange for the empire's armed airships?"

"Oh, armed airship?" After hearing Xu Yue's request, Beskod was stunned for a moment. Then he remembered that Xu Yue was heading to the imperial capital on Barna's airship. He felt relieved and responded:

"It can be exchanged for a small armed airship."

The hull area of ​​the small armed airship is similar to that of Barna, but it has an additional sacred defense cover core, two small plasma cannons, and improved defense system and attack capabilities. Although the performance is not bad, it is obviously not yet reached. Xu Yue's psychological expectation was that he had spent so much effort and had more than just a plan in mind.

"Sir, if I give up the Baron's territory and all my remaining merit points, can I exchange it for a large armed airship?"

Looking at Xu Yue's longing eyes, Beskod pondered for a few breaths and then slowly shook his head.

"not enough!"

A large armed airship cannot be operated by one person. Not to mention the large amount of materials required to drive this big thing, the necessary priests and engineers in the staffing alone are inseparable from the support of the empire.

There are currently only a dozen large-scale armed airships in service throughout the empire. Except for the two that guard the imperial capital all year round, the rest are distributed in the hands of various generals, either to expand territory or to suppress frontiers.

As for the one placed in the military supply depot, it is actually an illusory hope. Compared with its powerful power, the strategic significance of the large armed airship is more important. It is a clear symbol of the military's status.

"Do you know what a large armed airship represents?"

"Of course, I am willing to pay a sufficient price."

After listening to Xu Yue's answer, Besked's eyes became a little more playful. Again, he didn't hate ambitious subordinates, and he had enough courage to tolerate his subordinates' ambitions.

After looking at Xu Yue for a few seconds and seeing no sign of retreat, Beskod's lips curled up slightly.

"Two days later, follow me to the palace to attend the pre-war meeting."

"Yes, Lord Bescord."

"Okay, let's go back and rest. We've been running around all night."

After deciding on the matter, the two of them did not talk about the spaceship again, as if they had forgotten about it. Besked saw off the guests, Xu Yuexing said goodbye and left the living room.

The large living room became silent again, and Beskod sat alone in the main seat, staring at the three heads lined up on the table, but his eyes gradually drifted away.

"Want to be a general? Just in time, I also need a good sword..."


Outside Beskod's mansion, Xu Yue walked out of the door with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood now. Although Beskod did not promise anything in the conversation just now, he knew that the airship matter was stable.

Bescord plans to become the new king after the black dragon incident. At this juncture, he needs a sword that has little background and is sharp and bloody enough to deal with some things that are inconvenient for him to do.

Although people like Cook are loyal and not bad in strength, their connections with the powerful nobles in the imperial capital are too close, and as knights who have been influenced by the temple, they are not ruthless enough.

At this time, Xu Yue appeared. He was powerful and ruthless. He had no foundation in the imperial capital and took refuge because of his desire.

Beskod would not refuse this fine sword, and the loss of a large airship to Xu Yue was not considered a loss. Anyway, without the support of the empire, it would be difficult for this thing to even fly.

The current situation is what Xu Yue deliberately guided. The natives of the derivative world cannot operate large armed airships alone, but Xu Yue, who is backed by the Samsara Paradise, has no scruples. It is just consuming more resources. And just in time, He has gained a lot of resources in this world.

He had no idea about the meaning behind the large spaceship that Beskod said. He was only interested in the spaceship itself. After the mission was completed, he could run away with the spaceship. This mount was truly invincible.

After briefly imagining the scene of him piloting a spaceship in the derivative world, encountering mountains and crossing seas, Xu Yue suppressed the excitement in his heart and walked towards the house where he lived. He wanted to wash up first. Afterwards, go to the Sleeping Temple Church to receive the second reward.


An hour later, in the bright bedroom, Xu Yue, who had finished washing, opened his eyes on the bed. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. This was a sign of improving a lot of intelligence in a short period of time.

Feeling the pain in his brain disappear, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Now he felt that the whole world was much more alive. The fatigue from fighting all night last night had also completely disappeared. His mind seemed to have taken off a layer of iron clothing and became more energetic. He must be lively and agile. He just spent a full forty minutes in the spiritual space to deal with the overcrowded mental body in the octagonal cage.

The accumulation of a large number of spiritual bodies vividly showed him what a mountain of people is. It really formed a mountain of people in an octagonal cage. The scene was comparable to the mountain of monsters Xu Yue and the others encountered when they rushed out of the imperial capital. He just dropped the heavy hammer on the floating island for more than ten minutes before the number of spiritual bodies in the cage was reduced to the point where he could move down.

After all this busy work, his intelligence attributes were directly increased by 3 points. The higher the basic intelligence attributes, the higher the quality requirements for the mental body. Although he absorbed a lot of mental bodies during this period, the quality was still low. There are very few who are at the same level as him, and the improvement has become weaker and weaker.

Now his personal attributes have improved a lot compared to before entering.

Name; Xu Yue (Hunter)

Level; LV.2. (level one).

HP; 89%

Mana; 150

Strength: 13

Agility: 12

Stamina: 13

Intelligence: 15

Charisma: 7 (equipment +2)

Luck: 1

After improving his attributes, he walked out of the room refreshed. Now it was time to go to church.

As soon as he walked into the small courtyard, he saw Kairos practicing his spear unshakably. In the past two days in the imperial capital, the opponent rarely left the door and was just resting in a constant cycle. This law of spear training seemed to be the same in the huge imperial capital. There were no old friends worth visiting.

Seeing Xu Yue going out, Kairos withdrew his gun. He also understood what Xu Yue had done in the past two days. From cleaning up the entire outer city of the imperial capital overnight to being promoted to baron, these were all great events.

Although he knew that his strength would never be limited to just one Order of Radiance Knights, Kairos did not expect that the other party would be promoted so quickly.

"Go back to the fortress?"

"I will kill the black dragon."

Faced with Kairos' question, Xu Yue did not answer directly. Kairos stared at Xu Yue's eyes for a long time before retracting his gaze.

"Okay, I believe you."

Xu Yue walked out of the yard, and the whistle of the spear piercing the air behind him became more urgent.

These two chapters are transitional chapters, paving the way for the final dragon-slaying battle.

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