Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 91 Blacksmithing Scroll

“In the very beginning, when the heavens and the earth were not yet opened and there was chaos, Desmodeus, the king of the gods, ordered the goddesses to begin creating the world.”

"The great goddess Altea created the beautiful and prosperous continent of Altria. Many races thrived and developed civilization on this vast continent. The ancient dragon and the chaos dragon were two powerful creatures created by the goddess herself. Guard the peace of this continent."

"The prosperous continent of Altria earned the goddess the praise of the King of Gods, but it also aroused the jealousy of another goddess, Vestine. The mysterious continent she created was wild and barren, and did not attract the attention of the public. Driven by jealousy against any attention from the King of Gods, the vicious Vestine took advantage of the goddess Althea's trust and made her take a poison called the Poison of Corruption."

"In the end, Vestiny fled back to the Mysterious Continent out of fear of the punishment of the King of Gods, and the goddess also fell into an eternal sleep under the influence of the poison of corruption. But even in her deep sleep, the goddess did not forget her son. People, his dreams gradually cover the entire continent of Altria, and his will still protects every living thing on the continent."

In the spacious and bright church hall, Xu Yue sat on a bench and listened quietly to Bishop Tramayi behind the podium explaining the history of this continent, from the birth of the world to the sleeping goddess, from the battle of the three dragons to the dragon clan. Bishop Tramayi eloquently narrated the death of the black dragon monster for an hour before finally recounting these myths and history.

As a bishop, Telamai's preaching skills are absolutely excellent. Although he seems a bit dull when getting along with him, when he mentions the goddess, he can be said to be eloquent. Xu Yue is also listening, and he understands the Altea goddess better. After all, To borrow this person's power later, he needs to know more information.

This goddess undoubtedly exists. The performance of many divine arts in the church cannot be separated from the help of the goddess's power. Although it is not known what level of existence this sleeping goddess has, judging from the deeds of creating a continent, , this big boss must not be simple. Anyway, Xu Yue just hopes that this guy will be as powerful as possible.

"Thank you Bishop Telamai for your missionary work, it has benefited me a lot."

"Baron Fire, you're welcome. The church has a fixed sermon activity every week, and you are welcome to come at any time."

"Definitely next time."

After the mission, Xu Yue bid farewell to Tramayi politely. As for the sermon a week later, he should have been on the way to Montenegro by then. After walking out of the church, Xu Yue identified the direction and headed west to Shang. He walked to the area where he still had a deal to complete.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yue stopped in front of the dwarf blacksmith's shop. Now many customers who came to buy weapons had gathered outside the shop. The order to attack the black dragon in two days had spread in the imperial capital, and many professionals Even ordinary civilians began to buy weapons and protective gear to arm themselves.

Last night's bloody massacre, which was eliminated by the church and the military, did not leave many traces on this outer city. Except for those professionals who knew about the incident in advance, most civilians knew nothing about it, so Today, the outer city is still bustling and lively, but there are just a few more covered construction sites.

The business district is as busy as ever. The dwarf blacksmith's good mood has not disappeared since the opening in the morning. The turnover this morning alone is already equivalent to a month's sales.

Outside the store, after the crowd dispersed, Xu Yue stepped into the store.

"Master Berlin."

"Today's big sale, all finished products cost ten gold coins, plus three more if customized..."

Hearing someone calling, the dwarf armor who was beating his sword didn't even raise his head. The slogan he had been saying all morning blurted out first. Halfway through, he realized that the voice coming from his ears was familiar and looked up.

"Oh, it's Mr. Xinhuo. There was a lot of movement last night. What's wrong? We've already got the stuff."


Xu Yue nodded, then took out a fist-sized three-color crystal stone from his arms and threw it in his hand. This thing was not cheap and cost him a full three thousand merit points.

【Chimera Crystal Core】

Quality: blue

Type: Material

Rating: 58 (Blue items are rated between 30 and 70.)

Introduction: The crystal core of the advanced magical beast Chimera contains the three attributes of fire, earth, and wood, which is extremely rare.

After seeing Xu Yue take out the crystal, the dwarf stopped tapping the iron bar and stared at the crystal flying up and down in Xu Yue's hand. This thing is very important to him. He has something he dreams of. The only material currently lacking in equipment is this Chimera crystal core. Things that can perfectly combine the attributes of three different elements are extremely rare.

"Good boy, it's not bad. Just wait."

After staring at the crystal for a while, the dwarf blacksmith reacted and threw away the half-forged iron bar. After saying hello to Xu Yue, he hurried back to the room at the back of the shop, and then started rummaging through boxes and cabinets. There was movement.

The sound lasted for a while, and then the dwarf blacksmith came out with a small scroll filled with dust.

"The blacksmithing scroll you want, I have most of my life's experience in it, but let me tell you first, it doesn't contain any weapon formulas or anything like that."

"This is enough, thank you Master Berlin."

Xu Yue first handed the crystal to the dwarf blacksmith, and then took the dusty scroll with both hands. This was a blacksmith's summary of knowledge in the first half of his life, but it was much more valuable than the cold crystal, at least in Xu Yue's eyes. so.

The dwarf blacksmith looked at the crystal in his hand with joy, but the eyes he occasionally glanced at Xu Yue had some changes. He also noticed Xu Yue's actions just now. The respect for the inheritance was difficult to disguise, which made him respect Xu Yue. Xu Yue's views have undergone some subtle changes.

"Master Berlin, now that the deal is completed, I will take my leave."

After putting the scroll away, Xu Yue planned to go back as soon as possible. He couldn't wait to return to the room to absorb the extraordinary forging knowledge in this scroll, which originated from an ordinary blacksmith's pursuit of higher forging skills.

"Wait!" The dwarf blacksmith stopped Xu Yue who was about to turn around and leave. Thinking back to the enthusiasm in Xu Yue's eyes when he looked at the scroll, he paused for two seconds before speaking:

"There are still two days before the Black Dragon Crusade, right? You go back and read the scroll first, and then come find me early tomorrow morning."

After hearing what the dwarf blacksmith said, Xu Yue was stunned. He looked at the [Scroll of Knowledge] task that had been completed on the task panel, and a thought flashed through his mind.

‘This task also includes after-sales service? ’

Although he was confused, Xu Yue's reaction was not slow. No matter what the reason was that caused the master blacksmith to want to teach him, it was not a bad thing after all. He quickly bowed respectfully.

"Thank you, Master Berlin."

"Well, go ahead"


Still in the same bedroom, Xu Yue sat on the bed. He first looked at the 7-point charm value in his personal attributes, and then looked at the wolf hair cloak he was wearing. Before going to the church, he used a large number of beast furs to cover it. The repair is complete.

After looking between the two several times, Xu Yue blinked in confusion.

"I only added two points, and the effect is so good?"

Recalling Professor

"Is it possible that I still have some potential to develop the charm department? How about adding more to try next time?"

After thinking for a moment, Xu Yue suppressed this dangerous thought and took out the blacksmithing scroll he had just obtained.

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