Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 99 The Black Dragon Will Awaken

Zhuri No. 3 Material Warehouse, a large amount of metal is being transported from the Black Mountain Fortress to the warehouse, until half of the warehouse is filled to the brim.

"Lord Baron, please check, this is all the high-strength metal you exchanged for your merit points."


Xu Yue responded, glanced around, and after judging that the quantity was correct, he asked Barron to send the fortress's logistics staff away from the Sun Chaser. After a while, Barron returned and couldn't help but look at the metal blocks filling half the warehouse in front of him. Confuse,

"Captain Xinhuo, why are we exchanging so many metals? To forge weapons?"

Xu Yue picked up a piece of metal and squeezed it. After seeing that there was no change in the metal under the exertion of force, he nodded with satisfaction. Ordinary metal would undergo some deformation under his full squeeze, but the piece in his hand did not change at all. Variety.

Although the hardness of this batch is not as good as that of flame-grained steel, the quality is pretty good.

"Well, this is a secret weapon to deal with the black dragon, but I still need to deal with it. Barron, arrange for two people to guard the door of the warehouse after you go out. No one is allowed to come in except me."

"As you command, Captain Xinhuo."

After Barron left, Xu Yue waved a large fire to cover all the metals in the warehouse. He wanted to melt all the metals into liquid to prepare for the Black Dragon War three days later.

It has been a week since the dragon-slaying coalition arrived at the Black Mountain Fortress. Except for the demonic wave that they encountered when they first arrived at the fortress, the rest of the time has been uneventful.

No monster in the Black Mountain has stepped out of the dark valley, and the fortress has rarely become peaceful, but Xu Yue knows that this is just the calm before the storm, and both sides are quietly waiting for the final battle to come.

Before the decisive battle comes, he must be well prepared, and the half of the warehouse metal that he spent all his merit points to exchange for is one of the means he left to the Black Dragon. He has been hoarding it since he entered the world. A large amount of fire is also intended to be used here.

In the original plot, the death of the black dragon was too coincidental, and it was completely a plot kill. After withstanding all the attacks from the dragon-slaying group, the black dragon didn't even lose much health. At the critical moment, the black dragon was killed by the protagonist Lambert with an ordinary arrow. Half of its dragon wings were torn apart.

As a result, Geraint seized the opportunity and dug out the Dragon's Jewel from its chest, which turned into ashes. It must be said that the death was only so aggrieved.

Xu Yue would not bet that after a large number of contractors participated in the influence, the black dragon would die by such a coincidence this time, so he had to prepare some means to restrain the black dragon in advance to ensure that after the dragon-slaying group failed, he could still survive Defeat the black dragon,

The plot is not trustworthy, luck is not trustworthy, the only thing that is trustworthy is your own strong strength and sufficient preparation, which is the best reliance.

Considering the size and strength shown by the Black Dragon in the original plot, it does not make much sense to increase a small number of attribute points now. Even if he increases all attributes to 20 points, he will never be the Black Dragon's opponent in a head-on confrontation. This One thing he was sure of.

Therefore, he needs to rely on external objects. The increase in strength obtained when the blank medal condenses the profession is the first level of preparation. This large armed airship is the second level of preparation. As for the liquid metal that can be manipulated at will in this half warehouse, it is the third level of preparation.

Time passed by, and when the sky dimmed, all the neatly stacked metals in the warehouse had disappeared, and what appeared instead was a huge silver cube.

The cube is filled with an ocean of silver formed by liquefied metal, and at the center of the ocean is a burning purple fire. This fire ensures the continuous flow of this liquid ocean.

In order to create this sea of ​​silver, the fire in his body is now only one-third of its size, but this amount is more than enough to sustain the sea of ​​silver in a liquid state for three days.

The amount of fire required to melt metal is huge, but if it is just to maintain the state, the consumption is not exaggerated.

After handling everything, Xu Yue took a deep look at the silver cube in front of him that almost filled the entire warehouse, then turned and left the warehouse. He had made all the preparations he needed to do. Next, he only had to wait for the final battle to come. .


Two days later, early in the morning.

When the army set out, all the soldiers of the Dragon-Slaying Alliance Army and the Black Mountain Fortress rushed out in full force when the first ray of sunlight broke in the morning, rushing towards the dark valley.

By the time it was daylight, the coalition soldiers all over the mountains and fields had filled the vast plains in front of the main entrance of the Dark Valley. At the forefront of the team was still the cavalry unit commanded by Cook, and above the heads of the coalition forces were a continuous line of cavalry troops. Platoon of airships.

The drums inviting battle sounded in the rear of the coalition forces, and became more and more powerful until the sound spread throughout the dark valley.

Xu Yue stood on the bow of the Sun Chaser, looking down at the monster city not far away. This is where the Black Mountain monsters gather. In front of it are two steel gates covered with dark bloodstains, full of primitive and wild atmosphere.

Monsters are not uncivilized. They can forge weapons, armor, and build trebuchets, which all show that they have a social system. However, this civilization is extremely barbaric and bloody. They only believe in the natural law of the weak and the strong, and worship the absolute power of the black dragon to dominate everything. .

Not long after the drums of the coalition forces sounded, the vast sound of horns also sounded from the monster city. The huge steel door was slowly opened amidst the rattling movement, revealing the dense tide of monsters behind the door. That was Xu Yue It was a scene I had seen many times. Monsters of all sizes stretched as far as the eye could see. Their sharp white teeth and scarlet eyes filled all the space behind the door.

The number of monsters in the Dark Valley is by no means less than a million, and all the people are soldiers, fearless of death. This is an extremely exaggerated number. This is also the reason why the empire has not taken the initiative to attack for many years, but only ordered the Black Mountain Fortress to guard the monsters. Even if the black dragon is ignored, just by all the monsters pouring out of the dark valley, more than half of the empire's territory can be dragged into the flames of war. The empire is afraid of paying such a high price.

But now that the black dragon is about to awaken, the empire and the elves can no longer sit still and wait for death. They can only fight to the death. Even if today's 300,000 allied troops are trapped by monsters in this battle, as long as the black dragon can be killed, then It's all worth it.

At the exit of the dark valley, as the steel gate was opened, the two armies began to confront each other head-on. The chilling atmosphere permeating the battlefield became increasingly intense. Even the thick clouds in the sky began to stir, and thunder continued.

The sound of drums and horns began to sound loud and urgent, and the monsters were the first to lose their composure. They had no concept of defending the city. Their only battle strategy was to rush forward in a swarm, tearing apart and chewing up all the enemies in front of them. .

The monsters began to roar, and meteors began to fall from the sky one after another, hitting the coalition forces. However, before most of them fell, they were scattered into sparks all over the sky by the huge arrows shot by the elven troops.

Cook threw out a spear and shattered a meteorite that hit him. Among the scattered sparks, he held the spear in his hand, the horse under his crotch raised its head and neighed, and the bright holy light bloomed.



The ground trembled, and the sound of killing shook the sky. All the cavalry began to charge, and the rest of the troops behind them followed suit. The airship in the sky had already started fire bombing. Seven or eight light beams pierced the sky and exploded among the monsters. Without any delay or temptation, the two sides would fall into the most bloody and cruel strangulation after a meeting.

At the rear of the battlefield, after all the troops charged towards the monster city, the only airship that stayed in place and did not move became particularly conspicuous.

On the deck of the Sun Chaser, First Officer Barron looked at Xu Yue who was looking at the battlefield ahead, and asked softly:

"Captain Xinhuo, what should we do now?"

While asking, he carefully paid attention to Xu Yue's face, fearing that the captain would become war-minded again and rush into the battlefield. The last time he jumped directly from the spaceship in front of him was still vivid in his mind.

Xu Yue looked down at the fierce battlefield with a cold expression. His battle had not yet begun.

"Open the shield and lift the Sun Chaser into the clouds."


Barron took the order, and then quickly went to the cabin to make arrangements. After more than ten seconds, the ship body shook slightly, and a light blue translucent energy shield appeared around the ship body. Xu Yue only felt that the surroundings were quiet, and there was no noise on the battlefield. The screams and explosions became insignificant the moment the protective shield was opened, and the strong wind full of fishy smell blowing in the face was also isolated.

The Sun Chaser began to rise. After a while, the entire hull was covered by thick clouds in the sky, and seemed to disappear into the battlefield out of thin air. In the clouds, streaks of electric light hit the protective shield, exploding with bright blue light, but the protective shield produced by the Empire The cover did not even sway even slightly under the thunder and lightning, and remained as stable as a mountain.

Through the shadowy clouds, Xu Yue carefully observed the battlefield below. The Allied forces were killing all sides within the demonic tide. They seemed to have the upper hand. But behind the battlefield, the towering Black Mountains had begun to sway. sign.

The black dragon is about to wake up.

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