110, bullet farm, borrow a knife to kill? (Order, Custom!) )

“What breath fire, this should be Lynn practicing martial arts exercises.”

Hear the women say so.

Commander Ferosa also smiled and helped explain.

After opening his mouth to dispel everyone’s concerns.

Turning to look at Lynn again, in addition to curiosity, there was a little more solemnity in his eyes.

It is said that the layman looks at the liveliness, and the insider watches the doorway.

The Fortress Saints, I don’t know how powerful Lynn is this cultivation technique.

Ferosa, as the former first commander of the Doomsday Fortress, would not know about it.

So at this time, the importance of Lynn was a little higher.

There was a deep curiosity in his eyes.

Obviously, she has been in the wasteland plane for many years, and it is the first time she has seen a guy like Lynn.

Lin, who had successfully practiced the Nine Yang Divine Skill, not only had his strength improved significantly.

The five personal senses have also evolved to a whole new level.

So although he didn’t open his eyes at the moment, he felt everything about the conversation between Ferrosa and everyone, and even Ferosa’s gaze.

But this time, I didn’t say much.

Instead, he closed his eyes and seized all the time to familiarize himself with and adapt to the Jiuyang Divine Skill, a brand-new exercise.

In a flash, four or five hours passed

When the sky in the distance was white, it was all white.

Only then did Lynn open her eyes and get up.

Under the rising sun, he moved his hands and feet.

For the first time, he had seen the sunrise over the wasteland plane.

Among the blood-colored clouds, there was a big sun, slowly appearing.

The sunlight is like a golden sword, piercing the flowing clouds and sprinkling on the sand and gravel Gobi.

There is a different kind of poignancy.

And this scene, for Lynn, brings more than just beauty.

At this time, as the sun falls.

The Nine Yang Divine Skill in Lynn’s body also began to stir.

It’s just that today, before he can absorb it, the purple qi and the sun’s qi contained in this early morning sun.

Behind him came the urging voice of Ferrosa.

“Lynn, rest well, we should go on the road, if we don’t hurry, Undead Joe and his pursuers will catch up with us.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Lynn opened her eyes.

Knowing that the task was heavy, he decisively gave up and continued to absorb the sun’s qi.

Instead, he asked.

“I just don’t know how to go in that ruins valley.”

“I’ll just lead the way, and then we’ll go straight across the bullet farm.”

Ferosa spread out a map and simply gave instructions on the lower position.

“Well, don’t you bypass from the side? Straight across the bullet farm? ”

“Bullet Farm is the territory of Chris the Minotaur, right?”

“That guy is very cruel, if we cross the bullet farm, nine times out of ten, we will have a head-on conflict with this guy.”

Hearing this, Lynn did not speak.

A few accompanying fortress saints in the rear were the first to question their strength.

But Ferosa had clearly figured out why.

So this time, hearing everyone’s doubts, I didn’t panic.

Instead, he smiled and said.

“Just because it’s the territory of Chris the Minotaur, that’s why we passed by there.”

“Those guys from the bullet farm, but the six relatives don’t recognize them. And the relationship between Chris and Undead Joe has not been good.

So really talk about the danger of crossing this bullet farm. Immortal Old Joe, they are much higher than us. ”

“Understood, you are going to kill with a knife.”

Lynn seemed to have realized.

Ferosa thought about it, but did not deny it, but just said.

“I hope so, it’s a gamble.”

“Okay, don’t talk about this, it’s not early, let’s go straight to the road.”

After Ferosa said this,

And then she sat back in the driver’s seat of her heavy-duty truck.

But this time, in addition to letting the Fortress Saint and a group of four people get on the car with an alloy box.

The co-pilot’s position was also vacated.

Left to Lynn.

It was clear that after this period of time together, she had built up initial trust in Lynn.

Seeing this, Lynn was naturally not pretentious.

Embrace it.

After getting in the car, the engine starts.

With the roar of modified heavy trucks,

The crowd hit the road again.

Drove in the direction of the bullet farm,

During this period, Ferrosa throttled to the end and raced all the way.

As for Lynn, sitting in the passenger seat, he took advantage of this time to click on the reincarnation forum and began to quickly browse the D-level plane and various information related to himself.

This is another huge advantage of reincarnation over local natives.

They are able to use the Reincarnation Forum anytime, anywhere.

At any time, I can accept reincarnation people from the south and north of the world to talk.

Therefore, the acceptance of all kinds of information is far more than that of ordinary indigenous people.

Just like right now,

No matter how good Ferosa’s personal decision-making ability is.

He could only blindly step up his speed to escape to prevent the undead old Qiao from catching up.

And Lynn’s side, as long as he is willing, can almost find the exact location of the undead old Joe in the first time.

If you pay more.

Even how many men and horses they dispatched gave the investigation a clear idea.

Of course.

That being said.

Lynn didn’t go to inquire about the news related to Undead Old Joe at the first time.

Instead, he took the lead in opening the relevant sections of the E-grade mummy plane and inquired about the news related to the City of the Dead

Although he had descended to the wasteland plane, the City of the Dead, as his foundation and base for future development, he did not intend to give up just like that.

I always remember it in my heart

At this time, I opened the forum, also to see if the City of the Dead had been harassed by others after I left.

Swept in a row, after a dozen posts.

Lynn is still very satisfied with the result.

Although he is currently in the D-level plane, it is still a situation where everyone shouts to kill.

However, because of the previous siege battle, the reactionary forces were completely killed.

Plus the stay of the Pharaoh Knights,

This makes the position of the City of the Dead in the E-level plane more and more stable.

Although Lynn was not at the scene, he steadily advanced as Li Mubai took the various plans he had given earlier.

It’s only been a few days.

Faintly, it already has the temperament and style of the largest city in the E-level plane.

Just last night, he earned him a net income of almost 800,000 reincarnation points.

Lying down every day, you can earn almost a million reincarnation points.

Days like this are naturally beautiful.

Then I thought about my current treatment in the D-level plane.

In my heart, I couldn’t help but have a bold idea.

The heart said, should he also take the initiative to copy the previous operation in the mummy plane in the D-level plane.

Find an opportunity to wipe out all kinds of reactionary forces?

In this way, it can be regarded as a real once and for all. Completely worry-free.

Lest all day long, there are always some cats and dogs jumping out and trying to get him in trouble. In vain laughter.


Think so.

Lynn’s thoughts flew for a moment.

And just when he was cranky and gradually out of his mind.

Suddenly there was Ferrosa’s voice.

“Everyone be careful, we have reached the boundary of the bullet farm. Those annoying guys are already eyeing us. ”

Her voice landed.

The low roar of the beast suddenly came from all directions.

Lynn returned to her senses, looked up, and looked out again.

Sure enough, it was found that the heavy truck had driven into a farm at this time.

And their heavy-duty truck chariot has just driven inside the farm.

Accompanied by a roar.

On all sides, there were soon several burly giant wolves that were nearly two meters tall.

Rushed out from behind the haystack.

Looking at the heavy truck where Lynn and several people were.

A fierce light popped up in his eyes!

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