Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 100 Deadly Threat, Medium Dose

Chapter 100 Fatal Threat, Medium Dose "Two Chapters in One"

The demon spider is worried that the number of spider eggs in each subsequent batch will be more and more. Although it is possible to develop a spider group, it always feels a little scary.

Maybe subconsciously, it doesn't want to wake up and be surrounded by dense and endless little spiders. It's even possible to be eaten by spiders in its sleep...

놇In nature, female spiders that have just given birth to spiderlings will choose to physically feed their offspring because they do not have the physical strength to hunt prey. This is true, but among thousands of spider species, this situation is rare. .

Of course, the scene in front of me now often feels a bit like that.

There are a total of 11 little spiders with blue and purple patterns, lying or walking, alive in their own spider nests.

After a long period of psychological self-counseling, rationality returned, and the demon spider 꺳 reluctantly began to think about how to solve the problem.

"When 12 more guys come out, the space will be even more crowded. How about not letting some of them go? No, this is not a long-term solution."

"Or...give some more to Lin Binbin or Long Ge?"

"After all, I can't find a better place to build a nest."


A thought suddenly flashed through the demon spider's mind: why are you still here?

The back hill of Xingchuan Academy is close to the city, and the density of people nearby is relatively high. Strictly speaking, it is not suitable for you to stay there for a long time.

The main reason why it originally chose this place as its second "home" was to investigate the disappearance of He Jun and Wang Miao's marriage.

Now He Jun's fate is irreversible, and Wang Miaoyun has become its agent. Although the "mentor" who may have been sent by the strange purple light is involved, as there are currently no clues, it is unknown whether the "mentor" is a man. She is a girl and whether she is a permanent resident of the school. The school continues to search for her, which is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In addition, Agent Yao from the Criminal Investigation Department can try to get human waiters to start the investigation. The Criminal Investigation Department is much younger than Xingchuan.

"Thinking about it this way, I can indeed consider moving. As for the selection of the new home address, I can leave it to Lin Binbin and Long Ge."

Suddenly, Bai Jie sensed that there were two thoughts from the Spider Familiar sent to him.

"It's those two little guys. Speaking of which, after I took care of them, I went to see them very much... What will happen if you come to me now?"

Bai Jie turned invisible and came to the dark side of the back mountain. It turned out that the blood shadow spider queen found the nest of two small ones.

The two little ones sensed their mother's arrival early in the morning and waited at the door of the nest in advance.

Seeing the two little golden spiders that are now bigger than basketballs, Bai Jie couldn't help but sigh: They grow too fast, so there is no food in the back.

Relevant information also appeared in front of him.

[Object]: Golden Laser Snake-eating Spider (Awakened Body)

[눃Vital Power]: 33 (MAX)

[Body length]: Foot span 35cm

[Status]: Healthy

"The vitality has reached the limit of the current race. Unfortunately, my talent of 'Spirit Devouring Body' was not passed on to you. Otherwise, you could evolve and even develop different evolutionary routes."

The demon spider was released from its invisible state, and the two little ones immediately came up and rubbed against each other intimately. The demon spider walked around in circles.

From the thoughts transmitted by the two little ones, the demon spider knew their purpose of calling him here.

"You...have a child?!"


At this moment, it suddenly remembered that these two guys are a male and a female...

Uh this...

Well, since you are not a human being, you don’t need to avoid any taboos.

After being stunned for a second, Bai Jie released his senses and probed into the nest. Because of its current size, it couldn't get in at all.

Then, it "saw" several transparent golden spider eggs wrapped in layers of spider silk.

"Good guy, you are really good..."

In contrast, his own skills don't seem so exaggerated... Bai Jie thought to himself to comfort himself.


Bai Jie doesn't know what to say to the two little ones. He can't say: I wish you happiness, right?

Thinking about it, Bai Jie dryly conveyed his thoughts: "Uh... well done. Keep up the good work. It depends on you to create the glory of the Demon Spider Clan."

The two little ones raised their pedipalps, as if to promise to complete the task.

After the encouragement, Bai Jie was about to teach the two little ones not to over-hunt the poisonous insects in the back mountains and fish from the lake.

Suddenly, it felt palpitations in its heart, and the hairs on its legs stood up one after another.

The long lost spider sense!

Moreover, the uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"What do you want to send?"

Now that the skill level of 'Spider Sense' has reached Lv. 9, you can already detect the source of danger.


Bai Jie was surprised to find that the danger this time came from all directions! ?

It's like falling into the deep sea. Huge pressure and breathless darkness are coming from all directions, threatening to kill you!


In the blink of an eye, it was noon and Bai Jie returned to the Spider Nest with a lot of worries. However, the crisis had not yet broken out and seemed to be brewing.

Back mountain, back mountain!

It is finally convinced that there will be great danger here!

At the same time, a strong mental power locked onto his position.

No, not only that, it seemed that there was a clue of fate in the dark, which could detect his whereabouts in a mysterious way.

Suddenly, a call came from his mind.

At this moment, Bai Jie felt something in his heart, and his mind was connected to the call from the human agent.

"Bai Zhiren."

Lin Binbin was using the spider to communicate with Bai Jie remotely.

"The Law Enforcement Department and the Community Management Committee suddenly took action and are organizing the forced evacuation of residents in my area. I just checked and the evacuation seems to be carried out around the Xingchuan Academy. The situation looks very urgent."

Bai Jie fell silent immediately.

"Bai Zhi, you?"

After more than three seconds, Bai Jie slowly transmitted his voice: "Well, I know."

"Next, you are not allowed to enter the back mountain without my order."

"You! Is there something going to happen?" Lin Binbin's tone suddenly became high and nervous.

"Don't think too much, I have my own ideas, just obey my orders!" Bai Jie said without question.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Binbin said: "Yes, Bai Zhi, you."

Bai Jie nodded slightly: "Now, I have something for you to do."


At the same time, on the rooftop of a teaching building of Xingchuan University.

A woman, with a plump figure, wearing a windbreaker that was blown by the wind, looked at the distant back mountain, as if she was just enjoying the scenery.

She looked over 40, with shallow crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, but it did not affect her appearance, and she had a special, indescribable mature charm;

Her facial features were born with a solemn appearance, black hair and cicada temples, and her unique makeup set off her voluptuous jade face with a bit of rosy beauty.

She slowly took out a slender lady's cigarette with the aroma of red wine from the pocket of her windbreaker, lit it with a snap, took a slight inhale from her red lips, and slowly exhaled. The fragrance was lingering in the smoke, and the wind could not blow it away, covering her expression and noble facial features.

Through the smoke, one could only vaguely see wisps of pink and purple halo flowing through her eyes.


Not long after he finished speaking to Lin Binbin, Bai Jie received another request from Long Ge, and there was also a bit of urgency in the call.

"Long Ge, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Lord Bai Zhi, something bad has happened. I don't know where the new elder Long Bingheng found out about your existence!"

"She just temporarily summoned our Wu Gu clan's inner hall disciples and notified..."

Long Ge hesitated when he said this.

"What did she say?" Bai Jie urged.

"She said..."

Long Ge gritted his teeth and said, "We want to join forces with the official to help the back mountain of Xingchuan University to launch an operation to eliminate strange creatures!"

"I understand." Bai Jie spoke calmly like a lake.

"Long Bingheng... Then do you know about her poison and the witchcraft she is good at?"

"I have heard a little bit about it." Long Ge replied in a deep voice.

"Then Long Bingheng..."

Long Ge told all the information he knew.

After interrupting the long-distance voice transmission with Long Ge, Bai Jie even seemed to hear the drums like thunder in his ears.

The hairs remained erect, and breathing seemed to become a little difficult.

The spider sense was stronger than ever before. Every cell in the body was asking for help and persuading it, the main body, to leave immediately.

It was extremely dangerous!

At this moment, the premonition of death was particularly clear!

But Bai Jie's thoughts were still running calmly and rapidly.

It used spider silk to wrap up 12 spider eggs, 3 poison-eating spiders, 8 'shadow of thunder' spiders, and two golden spiders, solidifying the hardness of the outer layer to form a closed multi-faceted spider web space.

The spiders struggled at first and didn't understand why the demon spider did this, but as the demon spider soothed them with thoughts, they all calmed down.

Then he took the big spider silk ball and threw it into the space bracelet given by Yang Shi Ning, and quickly came to the pond on the shady side of the back mountain and summoned Bai Huahua.

"Bai Huahua, I have a task for you. Take my offspring away from the back mountain alive, enter the underground river, find a safe place, guard them, and wait for one of my human servants to pick you up."

"Sister Bai Zhi, what happened?" Bai Huahua's tone was still lazy and unclear.

"Listen!" The demon spider suddenly increased the volume of the voice transmission, which frightened Bai Huahua's body.

But the demon spider's voice immediately softened again, "Soon, there will be a huge danger here! Help me, take them away from here, okay?"

"Sister Bai Zhi..."

The snake was stunned. This was the first time she heard the demon spider use such a tone to transmit to her.

"Okay, I promise my sister, I will take them away safely."


"What about you, sister?" The snake said nervously.

"I can protect myself. I will come to you after the danger is over. Let me go."

It's not that Bai Jie doesn't want to escape. He has discovered that the back mountain is shrouded and blocked by a strong aura. The edge of the back mountain is even surrounded by a strong spiritual barrier, which is a bit similar to the barrier that Yang Shi Ning cast in the girls' dormitory.

No, it's not like that. This feeling of being imprisoned is clearly a realm like "Worm Hell"!

Not to mention how difficult it is to break the domain, the source of danger is at the foot of the mountain, and the enemy may have surrounded the entire back mountain. If it forcibly breaks the domain with the spiders, it is very likely to encounter the enemy's maximum firepower attack, and it will be difficult to save the spiders' lives at that time.

Even if it succeeds in breaking through, facing the mental power that locks on itself, I am afraid that even if Bai Jie enters the "invisible camouflage" state, it will be useless.

But if Bai Jie wants to break through alone and leave the spiders in the back mountain, it can't do it.

So it has to ensure the safety of Bai Huahua and the spiders first.

Since the other party wants to catch the turtle in the jar, it is not easy for me to break through and leave, it is better to prepare in advance before the human attack, and humans do not seem to intend to use destructive weapons to raze themselves and the back mountain to the ground. Maybe they are coveting their secrets... Bai Jie thought so.

Bai Jie tied the space bracelet to Bai Huahua with spider silk. According to Bai Huahua, the current underground waterway is enough to accommodate her and the bracelet, but it is a pity that the waterway cannot accommodate the size of the demon spider.

After arranging these, Bai Jie returned to the nest on the top of the mountain and found Wang Miaoyin under the tree.

Bai Jie did not become invisible, and appeared above Wang Miaoyin's head in broad daylight.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Thinking about... whether I can get out alive." Wang Miaoyin smiled bitterly.

As a human who has absorbed 6 drops of mutant venom, she has initially acquired the ability of "spider induction".

"Don't worry, I won't let my servant die easily. As long as I am still here, I will naturally share my strength to provide you with shelter." The demon spider said calmly.


The spider silk shot out, and in Wang Miaoyin's surprised eyes, as a few drops of pink and purple liquid sank into Wang Miaoyin's snow-white skin, she moaned and fell into a brief trance.

After a good time, she woke up and returned to the human world.

At this time, Wang Miaoyin had absorbed 10 drops of mutant venom!

This number has surpassed the other two agents!

The situation is urgent, it can't take care of so much, and doing this is also to give Wang Miaoyin more chances to survive.

Under Bai Jie's gaze, the information panel about Wang Miaoyin unfolded.

[Object]: Wang Miaoyin (mutant)

[Identity]: The third follower

[Life force]: 76

[Body length]: 174cm

[Status]: Good

A human being actually reached a vitality value of 76!

This is the first time Bai Jie has seen it with his own eyes.


The change that Bai Jie had been worried about appeared...

The girl's pupils turned blue-purple, a crescent mark appeared on her forehead, and two fangs longer than her fingernails grew out of her mouth, emitting a cold light. Large black blood vessels could even be seen under the skin of her snow-white neck and chest.

Ding! The system prompt came:

[The poisoned person has received a medium dose of mutant venom. If he continues to be infected with more mutant venom, his body will show more signs of the poisoner and may even face control]

[After the poisoned person is infected with a medium dose of mutant venom, he can still suppress the mutant venom in his body through different means and return to his original form]

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