Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 148: Thorns and Roses

The original battlefield of Li Dongtian.

After the centipede elder was beheaded, he regained his image as an old man with long beard and white eyebrows.

But his human head was intact, and only his Gu was cut off.

The Gu was severely damaged, so he had to admit defeat and retreated behind the Wu Gu tribe's position.

"Old man Longxu, once he entered the state of fusion Gu, he became so irrational that I didn't expect him to be treated like a monkey."

"It was not easy to force the leopard to retreat, but now we are behind again, alas." The young patriarch held his forehead and sighed.

The scarred man who once summoned the giant millipede replaced the centipede elder Longxu, named Longyou.

He was the third person of the Wu Gu tribe to go into battle, and the Li sect only had the second one.

Without further ado, Long You quickly summoned a giant millipede, which kept growing in size, reaching the size of the centipede elder in a breath, but it didn't stop yet!

Ye Chuyang looked at him coldly, pinched his fingers, and his spirit overflowed as if it had substance. At the same time, the black dog beside him was also vibrating with energy, and his muscles were surging and expanding. His body was also growing rapidly!

The change in the black dog's head was the most special. It actually grew a thick circle of black mane, and its organs also became the appearance of a lion, like a ferocious black-maned lion.

After a cup of tea, the millipede grew more than a meter long, and its trunk was as wide as a rooftop, and ten people hugged it and couldn't measure it.

The black-maned lion also completed the change, and its huge body was like a mountain, 40 meters high, standing tall, swallowing and spitting out the moon.


The black-maned lion let out a long roar that shook the world, and layers of violent sound waves lifted up the wind blade and swept towards the millipede.

The millipede trembled, but did not choose to fight back, but curled up like a snail shell.

Crackle, crackle!

The grass flew off and the mud was pushed by layers of wind in the path of the sound waves and the wind, but when the attack really landed on the giant millipede, there was indeed no movement at all.

It can be said that--

biting the tail and not letting go, it is as smelly and hard as a toilet stone, and it is still strong after thousands of grindings, no matter which direction the wind blows.

"Wow! Ah Chai, bite it directly!"

Ye Chuyang felt thorny when he saw this scene, and ran wildly with the sword, stabbing it fiercely with a flying sword.

The flying sword landed on the giant millipede, stirring up a series of sparks, but not even a white mark was left.

The stabbing sword did not work, and did not fall down. Instead, it was controlled by an invisible force and flew in the air, with sword energy running all over the place, continuing to stab the giant millipede.

At the same time, the black-maned lion also jumped, and its two huge claws clasped the millipede fiercely, and its bloody mouth opened wide, stabbing the millipede's thick and long fangs like a glutton.

With a crisp sound, the fangs pierced the meat.

But the millipede did not react at all, but the black-maned lion wailed, and its mouth was swollen, as if it had been stung by a wasp.

"Fuck, I forgot that this guy is poisonous, I'm addicted to it." Ye Chuyang slapped his forehead and regretted it.

The next second, the millipede suddenly spread its body, and took advantage of the moment when the black-maned lion covered his mouth, it coiled up and tightened the binding, and a stream of irritating smell spread out.

"Oh no, this guy can urinate! Get out of here!" Ye Chuyang shouted, and used his mind to drive the flying sword to "scrape" the millipede.

The black-maned lion struggled to break free, so it had to release its current gigantic state and quickly changed back to its original appearance and size as a big black dog.

As soon as the black dog got free, it ignored the corroded wounds on its body and ran for its life, while the millipede also took an offensive posture and chased the black dog.

"The victory is decided, let the Holy Son come down." Li Yuan suddenly said.

"Okay." Rose nodded in response.

Rose opened her slender mouth, and a gorgeous pattern appeared on her palm, and the spirit flowed through it.

"The field is unfolding."


A large flower bush covered with thorny vines rose on the battlefield, replacing the original grass, and thorny vines grew wildly, quickly climbing up the body of the giant millipede, entwining and interweaving, and the movement speed of the millipede was significantly slowed down.

Soon, the giant millipede was completely trapped in the mud and could not move.


Ye Chuyang breathed a sigh of relief, put the black dog back into the ring, and passed by Rose.

"Elder Rose... Sorry, I trouble you."

Rose glanced at him, "You can't beat that monster, but you don't know how to behead the controller behind it while the monster is chasing your dog?"

Ye Chuyang was obviously stunned, and said awkwardly: "Uh... I won a game and got carried away..."

With Rose on the field, the number of people sent by both sides was again equal.

Qiangwei directly passed the giant millipede trapped in the 'thorn bush' and walked straight towards the Gu controller, Long You in the distance.

Long You's face was gloomy, and he chanted the obscure witchcraft again, rustling...

Pieces of flesh armor of the same color as the millipede grew out of thin air and covered his entire body, including his head, making him look like a humanoid millipede, weird and disgusting.

This was part of the power of the giant millipede.

Qiangwei snorted lightly, and disdain flashed in her bright eyes. With a flick of her finger, a thin silk thread flew out from her sleeve and continued to stretch, with a blackish red poison needle visible at the end.

As she approached, she said:

"My 'Rose Poison Needle' is best at dealing with the human body. It will automatically target the human body's deadly points. As long as you are hit by a certain number of needles, a large amount of blood will be lost, the senses will disappear, the movements and spirit will be completely paralyzed, and you will eventually die completely."

Long You, who had turned into a humanoid millipede, said fearlessly: "Oh? You can pierce my flesh armor first."

Before he finished speaking,

there was a whoosh.

A needle was shot out, and a little blood appeared on Long You's chest...

"What!?" A hoarse roar of fear came from under the flesh armor.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Immediately afterwards, three more needles were thrown out. Although Long You tried to dodge, three thin needle holes appeared on his body, and blood flowed like a trickle of water.

In Long You's ears, Rose's whisper like the god of death echoed:

"To be honest, you can't borrow all the power of the poison, and my poison needle has penetrated and is still on the sharp sword, so your flesh armor is naturally no different from thin paper."

Swish, swish, swish...

Long You still didn't believe it, but after being stabbed with eight needles in a row, he felt his heartbeat slowing down, his vision blurred, and his breathing difficult. The whisper of death came to his ears.

The next second,

"I give up!" He said hoarsely.

"It seems that you are not stupid enough to be hopeless. When the next needle falls, no one can save you." Rose retracted the poison needle thread and said with a little regret.

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