Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 165 Huahua, be good, help me wash my feet

"By the way, I have something to ask you, about the Holy Gu..."

Bai Zhi raised the question of whether the backlash of the holy Gu object was true or false.

"It's true, before the holy Gu becomes the 'Original Gu', any use will inevitably cause backlash, but considering your strength, the impact of the backlash on you should not be too serious... "

Long Bingheng explained that she noticed that Bai Zhi's insect-shaped earrings only had a ring left.

The impact is not serious? "Cut me down" like an ordinary person... Although it only affects my human form... Bai Zhi couldn't help but sneered.

In any case, now that he has received confirmation from Long Bingheng, Bai Zhi has no choice but to accept the reality.


The foothills of Qiu Mountain.

A man and a white deer were talking.

Li Yuan asked in a deep voice: "She is leaving, what can I give her?"

Lu Ling seemed to be caught off guard by this question: "...I see that you are in a hurry and seek medical treatment. You should ask the human elders about this."

"No." Li Yuan denied: "She is not an ordinary human being, but a powerful spider."

Lu Ling said in a slow tone: "By the way, she has just transformed. She should need a lot of items that humans can use, such as clothes and so on."

"That makes sense." Li Yuan nodded, then fumbled for a ring from his arms and hung it on Gong Luling's antlers.

Lu Ling stiffened: "You..."

Are you polite?

"It contains the Dongtian Token. When she comes later, please hand it over to her for me. Just say 놆껣 to apologize for the offense and 껩놆 to say goodbye."

"...You won't give it to her yourself?"

Li Yuan straightened his back and said with a smile: "The current scene is not suitable."

"Besides, she will be mine sooner or later, so it doesn't matter if we see her less often."

Lu Ling glanced at Li Yuan complicatedly and said, "What is your obsession with her?"

Li Yuan only said four words: "No comment."

Lu Ling turned his head, looked directly at Yuan Yuan, and said casually: "Then I have another question. Are you... which dragon is Li Yuan still?"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding air suddenly became a little hot for no reason.

A deep magnetic voice and a vast voice sounded simultaneously from Li Yuan's mouth, resonating: "I am both Li Yuan and 껩놆Red Flame."

The next second, Li Yuan turned sideways and looked in the direction of the mountain forest. His voice had returned to its previous state: "I'm leaving."

In the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared.

Not long after, Bai Zhi, Bai Huahua and the young women and elders arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"This is Li Yuan's gratitude to you." Lu Ling shook the ring on his corner, its height just reached Bai Zhi's chest.

Bai Zhi was not polite and didn't mean to refuse at all. He took it off directly. After thinking about it, he put it on the middle finger of his right hand. Suddenly his hand froze.

But I can't use my spiritual power now, so using it would be useless... Thinking of this, Bai Zhi felt a little embarrassed.

"Beautiful master, you can open the storage ring by pouring your mental power." The voice of the holy creature came to Bai Zhi's rescue.

Sure enough, Bai Zhi poured spiritual power into the ring and established connections with various objects inside.

"There should be a token inside, which can be opened by injecting spiritual power. Not only can you enter Li Cave Heaven, but you can also enter and exit various enchantments in Cave Heaven at will." Lu Ling explained.

"Well, I saw it." In addition to the token, Bai Zhi also saw some women's clothes, but the decoration was not too gorgeous and gorgeous, and the style was conservative and retro. In fact, Bai Zhi had no intention of touching them.

Wait, there are all women’s clothes in here!

How could I subconsciously consider whether they fit my preferences? You should obviously not even look at it...

By the way, I now have a female body. When I return to human society in the future, clothing will be a problem, especially when I have to adapt to this devilish figure... Bai Zhi sighed secretly in his heart, feeling unspeakable shame. The embarrassment made her bare soles dig into the ground slightly.

Fortunately it went unnoticed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the exit. When Bai Zhi knows the way, you can come and leave as you please with the token."

After hearing this, Bai Zhi asked Lu Ling again: "Can the token be activated with mental power?"

Lu Ling denied: "No, the formation in the token can only take effect if it is infused with spiritual power."

The four creatures walked towards 놂hara.

Among the lush woods, there was a pair of red-gold eyes that were always watching the tall figure retreating away.

Fortunately, Gong Luling had no intention of letting Bai Zhi use the token, and 놆 took the initiative to help her leave Li Dongtian.

After a tearing sensation in his consciousness, Bai Zhi appeared in a lush forest with one person and one snake.

After passing through a special teleportation circle, it can be teleported directly to the mountains and forests near the "Lingzhai Tiankeng".

Otherwise, if Bai Zhi comes out of Lidongtian and finds himself at the bottom of the sinkhole, he will go crazy for fear that he will "die".

Because when the time comes, she can't ask Long Bingheng to carry her up the sinkhole.

But Bai Zhi also discovered an embarrassing thing:

She actually stepped on soft and greasy soil 껗...

Damn it, Bai Zhi has not worn shoes since he transformed into a human form. He has a pair of bare lotus feet, but he doesn't feel any discomfort at all.

The mountain trails in Jia껗Qiu Mountain were built with clean bluestones, and the original lawn was dry and soft, so I never thought of finding a pair of shoes for her.

This is bad. The soles of her feet are stained yellow and black by the mud, and she may encounter insects in the mountains on the road ahead.

She really doesn't want to see her white and tender feet being cut or bitten by insects.

With this thought in mind, she shamelessly whispered to the little snake on her shoulder: "Huahua, be good, help me wash my feet."

The little snake felt fresh: "Sister, you rarely called me like this before."


Bai Zhi did not respond, but glanced at Long Bingheng lightly, and said casually:

"You have been here before, I wonder how long it takes to walk from here to the city?"

Long Bingheng has been working in the Wu Gu tribe for many years, and he is good at observing people's words and expressions, so he immediately said:

"Lord Bai Zhi, when I came here with the inner hall disciples, it took more than an hour to walk to the Wu Mountain alone. In order to save your time, how about I call the cold dragon to carry us down?"

The young lady elder would not be stupid enough to ask questions like "Lord Bai Zhi, you have great magical powers, why don't you walk by yourself?"


Bai Zhi sat on a slightly clean stone, letting the little snake wrap around a big white python-like leg, sending cool and transparent water splashes to the end of the slender jade leg.

The dirt stains were quickly washed away.

"Okay." Bai Zhi nodded slightly.

But I don't know if he agreed with Long Bingheng's proposal, and also praised Bai Huahua's service...


The more than 20-meter-long Bingpo Cold Dragon appeared from the twelve-cornered snowflake magic circle.

It was still cold and majestic for a second, but it shivered violently when it saw Bai Zhi, and its sturdy body unconsciously curled up slightly.

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