Everyone suddenly stopped talking and held their breath.

The originally overwhelming firelight and the dense and shocking sound of bombs pouring suddenly disappeared, and disappeared strangely...

The world is peaceful and quiet, as if we have returned to the origin of the birth of time and space.

In a daze, the secret keepers thought that they were hallucinating, that their ears were malfunctioning, and they fell into confusion for a moment.

Among everyone present, only Ye Bai was the first to react. His facial features showed a horrified expression, and his dark blue eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, and a sudden shock hit his body. shrink.

The next second, he vibrated his vocal cords vigorously and shouted in an extremely deep voice:


This urgent cry was like a bell or drum in the early morning, deafening and awakening others.

At this moment,

People who woke up saw countless pairs of eyes, countless pairs of pink and purple eyes, eyes from robots!

In the restricted area of ​​the factory, there are thousands of robots, all staring at these humans with weird, scary, cold and bright mechanical eyes!

땤Those bow-shaped monsters,

Some float freely and safely over the giant pit, some fall down and stick to the back of the robot, and some fly away far away, knowing where they are going.

Feng Qing had just left the joint military region meeting held by the Yong'an Municipal Government and was about to rush to the Jukeng restricted area when she heard a beep sound from the mechanical watch on her wrist.

Immediately, Ye Bai's trembling voice came from the headset:

"Team leader, things are going well...the robots are all..."


Feng Qing was stunned when she heard the last three words, and the sound of fierce metal collision and bullet firing continued to come from the headset.

놊Maybe, this was Feng Qing's first reaction, but she quickly calmed down and said:

"Are you guys okay?"

Ye Bai gasped and said: "We, we all escaped. Some of us were slightly injured, but our lives are not in danger for the time being."

Feng Qing felt relieved and said, "What's going on?"

At the same time, she quickly rushed to Dongcheng District where the incident occurred.

Ye Bai said in a condensed voice:

"The operation of clearing monsters was originally carried out by the robots as usual, but suddenly all the robots stopped firing as if they were out of control, and they all stared at the few of us."

"When we found out, we immediately chose to retreat. At that time, the robots seemed to be restarting. We were about to leave the blockade area before they chased us out and launched an attack on us..."

Feng Qing asked with a good premonition:

"Did those robots harm the people? And those monsters, where are they now?"

The robot went out of control. This has never happened before in the history of the Federation and the world.

But there has never been a situation like today, where all robots in a large area lost control at the same time and attacked a certain target in unison.

In the past cases of robots losing control, at most they just obeyed orders, or self-destructed on the spot, and they would actively try to harm or even chase humans.

Ye Bai said:

"Those bow-shaped monsters will attach themselves to the back of the robot and follow the robot to spread throughout the city. They will not attack the people for the time being..."

"But when they see us secret keepers, they will take the initiative to attack and pursue us for a certain distance. We won't know our destination until we lose our whereabouts."

"By the way, most of the bow-shaped monsters don't have robots to possess them. They all gathered around the giant pit and did not leave the restricted area. This is very strange..."


Feng Qing's pace quickened, and a breeze gradually rose around her. With a sudden step, her whole body slid into the air, as if there was a wind spirit under her feet holding her up, and her gliding speed increased rapidly.

Pedestrians passing by can see an afterimage flashing one after another on the street, and then smell the fragrant wind blowing through their noses.

Not long after, Feng Qing stepped into the boundary of Dongcheng District and saw a robot with a strange aura and pink and purple eyes, with two long black tentacles as thin as bamboo poles draped over his shoulders from behind.

At the same moment, the robot was keeping its eyes on Feng Qing.

Bang, bang, bang... The robot first took gentle steps, and then rushed towards Feng Qing a second later.

땤At every street corner, more robots with flashing pink eyes appeared one after another, and they raised their palms at Feng Qing.

Others were running towards me like the first robot, with metal bayonets stretched out in their hands, possibly because the loaded projectiles were empty.

"Can robots be contaminated?"

With her rich experience, Feng Qing instantly judged that 뀘 had been contaminated by strangeness, but this conclusion broke her existing knowledge.

"Is it the source code? But since the source code appeared, Gaia Technology has carried out the next security upgrade on the robot's internal system. It seems to have no effect so far."

"After being contaminated, why are we, the secret keepers, the targets of our attacks? Why are the people not being targeted?"

As his thoughts flowed, fire and cold light suddenly appeared.

Facing numerous bullets and shining bayonets, the wind moved and a light blue wind wall formed in front of him.

The moment the wind wall came into contact with the first arriving bomb, it was rolled into the interior like a vortex, floating still in the air.

The next bullets and bayonets were similarly trapped in the wind wall one meter in front of Feng Qing. No matter how the robot holding the bayonet struggled, it could not escape.

Suddenly, the light blue wind wall shook, and the bayonet was broken, and the bullets rebounded, all shooting in the direction they came from.

With the sound of snapping,

the robots' heads and bodies were separated, and they fell to the ground, losing their functions. The bow-shaped monsters hanging behind them turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

"I have sent the recording of the call to the Secret Guardian Bureau and the Law Enforcement Department at the same time. Okay, pass it on. While ensuring your own safety, you need to pay attention to the situation of the giant pit at all times, and report to me immediately if there is any change." Feng Qing said to the headset and hung up the call immediately.

Then, she made another call:

"Deputy Minister Liu, I have an urgent matter that needs your assistance. I will explain the situation in detail for the time being. Please contact the people in your company's AI operation control department immediately to remotely terminate the system operation of all robots in Yong'an City!"

The person on the other end of the phone did not seem surprised, but replied helplessly:

"Team Leader Feng, I know what you said, but the bad news is... I received a notice that the robots gathered in Yong'an City are not just law enforcement officers, but also security and military models. The control department has lost their permission..."

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