Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 237 Black Jade Square Box

Chapter 237 Black Square Box "2 in 1"

"Yue Ling!? Is it you?" Shao Mingzi sensed something and said happily:

"It's so great that you woke up. It must have been guided by the great god. It was He who gave you the opportunity to take revenge in person."

"Kill her, kill that lord-killing monster. It was she who made you become like this!"

Bai Zhi saw that the invisible silk thread wanted to connect to Zheng Yueling's spirit body, but was blocked by the power grid barrier.

At the same time, Zheng Yueling's thoughts slowly reached her ears:

"Even if she doesn't tell me who you are, I can easily feel your aura. It's indeed you... That's right, Nyx..."

"I don't know how long it has been since we last met...but it must have been a long time ago, otherwise, how could I see you like this..."

"I once thought that you would become a powerful creature, but I still can't believe that you even transformed into a human being, and you are so perfect, without a single flaw, so perfect that even now I can't help but feel jealous."

"What about you? How do you feel when you see me? Do you miss the days when we were in peace and harmony? Well, I mean the time before you became an adult..."

The other party's voice was soothing, as if she was pouring out her heart, but she still retained a bit of frivolity like a female temptress.

Before adulthood? How can I remember that time... Bai Zhi didn't answer after listening quietly, but asked instead:

"I once killed you, you don't hate me?"

Zheng Yueling's thoughts paused, and then came one after another:

"You misunderstood."

"It wasn't me you killed, it was me who was possessed by evil spirits and demons... I should have died when I was polluted by that evil thing, just because I wanted to get true and eternal life. 놅Sleep peacefully..."

"I have no nostalgia for this world, but I never thought that when I left, I would become a tool of evil spirits and hurt everyone close to me..."

"You should know this, right? Before I died, I shared part of my memory with you. If you successfully received it at that time..."

"So, not only do I not blame you, but I also want to thank you for helping me get rid of it - although now it seems that you have not completely succeeded."

"What's more, at that time, I understood some rules of fate - no existence can control your personality. Once you try to dominate your destiny, you will inevitably encounter fate's backlash..."

"All choices are priced secretly behind my back. Well, yes, so I am very restrained in my treatment of you."

Bai Zhi remained silent. She suddenly didn't know how to face Zheng Yueling. Faced with this influence, she was a human being throughout her life.

Even if the other party is just a spirit body now.

Because in a way, both of them are victims.

At this time, Zheng Yueling continued to transmit messages, as if she cherished this opportunity to talk to Bai Zhi.

"...Okay, let's do it."

"I forced myself to wake up, just to ask you to help me get out of trouble again."

"I don't want to go back to that terrible place. Even if I can't survive as a spirit, there is an abyss where evil spirits live. If I continue to stay there, my consciousness will go completely crazy or annihilated sooner or later..."

At the same time, the pale electric arc slowly converged, allowing the blue-purple electric arc to approach Zheng Yueling's spiritual body, making it even more fragile and unstable.

Complex emotions flashed through Bai Zhi's eyes, and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Do you have any last wishes?"

"Help me kill her...if you can do it." Zheng Yueling's voice said:

"My life was ruined all because of her. You are not human, so you may not understand..."

"Other than that, I have no regrets. The only regret is that I can't see my family for the last time..."

It turns out that Zheng Yueling's choice to commit suicide was related to her mentor... This involves the contradictions in the world of ordinary people...

But later, under the influence of the mysterious star, they returned to the seemingly harmonious teacher-student relationship... Bai Zhi thought suddenly and sadly.

Suddenly, Zheng Yueling's voice became a little anxious and scared:

"Go ahead, I can't hold on."

Is it Guixingcai or Shao Mingzi’s extraordinary ability? It seems that even if she becomes a spirit body, she will not be able to gain true freedom... In doubt, Bai Zhi still thought out in a hurry:

"I have one more question."

"I'm looking for a box, something you've come into contact with before, something that looks like an urn... You should know what I'm referring to, do you know where it is?"

Zheng Yueling responded intermittently, as if she was fighting painfully:

"Box? I remembered that it was an extraordinary was in...hand..."

Extraordinary items?

After the shock, Bai Zhi exhaled silently and nodded gently, "I know."

"Goodbye..." My senior sister.


The blue and purple electric light cut through the void like a dragon and snake, passed through Zheng Yueliang's spirit body, and continued to spread and bite the remaining parts crazily.

In just one breath, the spirit body is refined into countless tiny particles.


The system prompts Zheng Yueling's status update깊.

At this time, only a few breaths had passed since Zheng Yueling regained consciousness and communicated with Bai Zhi.

At the same moment, the ghost 냫껩 eliminated all the withered and undead souls. Thick white bones were scattered one after another, covering the ground around Bai Zhi.


The black flames protecting Shao Mingzi and Li Jiayu were immediately extinguished, leaving only wisps of light smoke lingering around them.

"Yue Ling... I care about you so much, but you betrayed me once, and this time you betrayed the will of the king..."

"In this case, let your sacrifice become more meaningful."

The reserved smile on Shao Mingzi's face was no longer there, replaced by a trace of sadness.

Hiss, hiss...

Countless spider silks formed a web again from under the heads of Shao Mingzi and the two of them, and obscure ancient mantras spilled from Shao Mingzi's lips:

"The great king of virtual reality, I want to sacrifice to you."

I saw that after Zheng Yueling's spirit body collapsed, they were pulled by some kind of force, and they all disappeared completely in this piece of land.

The spider web fell and trapped Li Jiayu's spirit body, but Shao Mingzi did not. Moreover, her figure appeared hollow and transparent, and she was directly covered by the spider web.

Rustling, dozens of spiders swarmed up, but they only climbed onto Li Jiayu's spiritual body and began to bite, turning a blind eye to Shao Mingzi.

Bai Zhi suddenly discovered that there was a square box made of black jade in Shao Mingzi's body. It was a box that she had clearly seen when she was divining clues about her predecessor's body. It was also the box that she had just asked Zheng Yueling to refer to.

When she saw it again, she clearly felt a strong and strange aura coming from the box.

This is a super item!

Moreover, it is a super item that requires sacrifice to be used.

Bai Zhi instantly realized that the attack of Shao Mingzi by the Spider Familiar was directly related to the box.

"Bai Zhi, that woman's aura is getting weaker and weaker. Although it can be seen with the naked eye, I even feel that I can almost feel her." Gui Yu came to Bai Zhi's side and said in a condensed voice.

Bai Zhi also felt this way, as if there was a 그 standing in front of her, but other senses were telling her that this 그 did not exist.

But for that box, she could sense a cuttable thread of fate that connected her to the box.

That box will really contain the ashes of my predecessor... Bai Zhi secretly guessed.


[Target Li Jiayu’s status is updated to ‘dead’]

Li Jiayu's spirit body has also come to an end. Now Shao Mingzi is truly isolated and helpless. Now is the best time for Bai Zhi to win.

"Deal with her." Bai Zhi gave the order.


Guiyu immediately responded and took a few steps forward. The golden shadow behind him shone brightly, and the heroic spirit's shadow turned into a blazing white giant more than ten meters wide. It moved toward Shao Mingzi with a power that shook the sky and the earth. Crush away.

The enemy's life force is over 100, and he only has one super item at his side. Super abilities are directly related to combat. In Bai Zhi's view, the ghost jade is enough to kill Shao Mingzi.

Even if Shao Mingzi uses the silk thread to control the target, Bai Zhi can also use the 'Charming Thread' to cover Guiyu, not to mention Guiyu's mental power must be so easy to control.

But at this time, Guiyu's eyes were fixed on the mature woman 그 in the distance. In addition to the visual images, he could feel any breath coming from the woman 그.

He even suspected that once he blinked, he might lose the figure of the woman.

It's a very strange feeling.

At the same time, Bai Zhi saw the lid of the black jade square box open, and some visible things floated out. In an instant, the surrounding sky dimmed, as if it had entered a comfortable and quiet night.

Seeing the blazing white giant covering Shao Mingzi's head, under the terrifying power, it could be seen that the hem of the latter's clothes and hair were tumbling in the strong wind.

But the giant 꿛 suddenly stopped and could not be suppressed.

What's going on?

Bai Zhi looked towards Guiyu in confusion, and saw that Guiyu's expression was dull at the moment, full of tranquility and serenity, and his eyes were half closed, as if he had half-stepped into sleep.

"They disappointed me so much. In the end, I still had to do it myself." Shao Mingzi sighed.

"Bai Zhi, you should know that the color of the strange star in your body has something special. However, with your power, you have been able to get rid of it long ago, just like you once helped Wang Miaoyun..."

"And the 돗 in your body is my ultimate trump card."

"Wake up, Bai Zhi, wake up...what are you waiting for..."

There seemed to be a kind of magic in Shao Mingzi's words, which echoed and repeated deep in Bai Zhi's soul, as if calling for something.

Bai Zhi felt like his eyes were blurred, and the colors in his vision became extremely rich.

It was clearly afternoon, but the sky was completely darkened. The pink-purple moon hung high in the night sky. Countless translucent shadows of indescribable shapes were gathering towards her. The masonry ground under her feet turned into deep and dark water.

Bai Zhi found that she couldn't move, her feet seemed to be imprisoned in the dark water, and the water level was still rising, reaching her ankles.

She looked towards Zhou Zhou, but could not find Shao Mingzi and Guiyu.

Shao Mingzi...놊, what did that box do? Is this an illusion? Bai Zhi remained calm and thought about ways to break the situation.

At the same time, she discovered a worse situation. She was unable to adjust her spiritual power.

"Xiao Shu, are you there?"

Bai Zhi sent a thought to the holy poison. If she was trapped in an illusion, she could usually wake herself up by calling out to an external object that was closely connected to her.

However, she did not receive any response.

Bai Zhi had to try to communicate with the spirit world to see if she could get her active consciousness out of the current environment.

But suddenly, her expression froze.

She saw the translucent shadows that gathered towards her, each of them solidified into a young man with the same appearance. They all had a face that was both strange and familiar to Bai Zhi.

It was Bai Zhi's predecessor.

They were looking at Bai Zhi with a pair of affectionate eyes, with a pink and purple halo flashing in their eyes.

More and more shadows appeared, and they changed into young men one after another, from a dozen to dozens... soon exceeded a hundred, and it was difficult to count.

They surrounded Bai Zhi, their lips not moving, but they uttered crazy and confusing mutterings.

Even Bai Zhi was immune to its influence. A sense of uneasiness and tearing kept rising from the depths of her soul, and she could autonomously produce a desire to escape from this world.

Below, the cold and wet gradually climbed up and reached Bai Zhi's thighs. She vaguely saw faces slowly emerging from under the water.

Looking closely, Bai Zhi knew clearly that those faces belonged to those who had been directly or indirectly deprived of their lives by her, including Zheng Yueling, Li Jiayu, the elders of the Wu Gu tribe, and Yinhe who guarded the secret bureau.

Then, pale bones stretched out from under the water and kept waving upwards, as if trying to grab a life-saving straw.

A word suddenly emerged from Bai Zhi's thoughts - out of control.

This is not an illusion, but a loss of control.

Realizing this,

strips of pink and purple, illusory transparent tentacles emerged from Bai Zhi's skin, gently floating up and down, covering most of Bai Zhi's body exposed on the water except for her face.

After the painful tearing of the soul,

there was a stronger sleepiness, which directly seized all of Bai Zhi's mind, making her lose consciousness uncontrollably and want to sink and sleep.

Not only that,

on the physical level, the dark water surface turned into white feathers, comfortable and soft, and the warm wrapping feeling surrounded Bai Zhi, making her even think of resisting, and just want to cherish this hard-earned relaxation time.

Yes, there is no danger now, as long as she sleeps, everything will get better... She gradually closed her eyes.

In the last sight, she saw the densely standing young man, and at the same time smiled, a weird smile.

This smile pierced into Bai Zhi's consciousness like a sharp and cold knife.

The next moment, Bai Zhi heard a familiar, childish voice.

"Master, wake up."

"You also want to be covered with sticky and wet tentacles and your skin becomes loose and uncomfortable, right?"

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