Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 247 Legendary Creatures Part 2

Feng Qing "saw" through her spiritual thoughts,

In the rolling heavy smoke and firelight,

pieces of mechanical wreckage and fragments of voles were wriggling like mollusks on the seabed. They crawled together at a relatively fast speed and piled up into a mountain of metal fragments and blue-black mud.

The mountain was nearly 10 meters in diameter, covering the location of the pit tightly, making it impossible for Feng Qing to understand the current situation of the pit.

In addition,

there were also pink and purple mechanical eyes floating and wandering like fireflies, inlaid on the mountain like treasures, turning into real flesh eyes with pink and purple eyelashes.

As for the blazing fire,

it was like a whale sucking water, being drawn into those pink and purple flesh eyes. In just a blink of an eye, the fire in the abandoned factory was extinguished.

At this moment, Feng Qing's eyes also completely saw the whole picture of the factory.

Gurgle! Gurgle!

After absorbing enough fire, the pink and purple eyes expanded and contracted, the light of the pupils became brighter, and the "mountain" trembled violently.

Under the "mountain", a viscous substance that was almost liquid gradually permeated. It was a dull black color, and ripples appeared on the surface of the liquid, as if something was rolling and stirring the black liquid from the bottom.

Feng Qing's face changed, and his body retreated quickly.

Dongdong! Dongdong!

A heavy sound like a dusk drum came rhythmically from the inside of the "mountain", like a human heartbeat.

The next second,

The "mountain" trembled and grew larger...

An amorphous head with protruding pink-purple eyeballs slowly emerged from the mountain of mechanical tissue, showing a mechanical silver-white color, supported by a neck that kept extending, like the neck of an earthworm...

Then, several metallic arms - if they could be called arms - also stretched out one after another, suddenly sweeping towards the roof.

Snap, snap.

Five ridges that acted as arms supported the edge of the hole in the roof, like an octopus clinging its tentacles to the plywood of a cruise ship.

Crack, crack, crack...

Just as the roof groaned in pain due to the pressure, the huge mechanical head rose high, and together with the protruding eyeballs and slender neck, it was completely exposed to the spotlight and the air.

Especially the round one-eyed creature, which emits a strange pink-purple fluorescence, forming a sharp contrast with the city at night.

This is a creature that does not belong to human cognition.

A complete, difficult-to-classify monster.


The moment Bai Zhi saw this monster, he immediately thought of the sticky one-eyed creature he saw in the imaginary space:

"This guy should be the so-called evil god apostle."

"It actually appeared in this way..."

"I understand, even the apostle of the virtual king cannot descend into reality out of thin air due to some restrictions..."

"It not only needs an 'anchor', but also a carrier and a container... The source code is the means by which it arranges the 'anchor' - develop more 'anchors' with the help of the Weird Star Color and the Star Source Secret Society..."

"This 'anchor' is not only those who are polluted, those human believers, but also perhaps virtual networks..."

This point was guessed by Bai Zhi through what he saw and heard in the imaginary space.

The "tentacles" of the virtual king turned into source code and invaded the human cyber world!

"In this case, it can explain why Shao Mingzi was able to obtain the data in the mobile phone I used in the back mountain, because Shao Mingzi has similar power to the King of Virtual Reality..."

"It can also explain why various types of robots are controlled at the same time and dominated by the Xingyuan Secret Society."

"But fortunately, the power of the King of Virtual Reality is not infinite after all. He can only affect a certain number of robots, otherwise the Federation and even the world will be completely messed up and will usher in the real doomsday."

"And those controlled robots are prepared to serve as carriers and containers for the arrival of the gods."

"But for some reason, this god has to wait until humans are ready and launch an attack before appearing?"

Just when Bai Zhi felt puzzled,

Suddenly, Ding——

[Detection of strong spiritual reaction]

This reminder was last seen when Bai Zhi was at the bottom of the abyss of Jiuli Cave Heaven.

At the same time, the information of the monster also appeared in front of Baizhi.

[Object]: God's Apostle·Star Wanderer (Legendary Creature)

[Life]: Unaware

[Body Length]: Total length 320m, trunk 210m

[Status]: Unaware

God's Apostle, the ultimate existence that possesses part of the divinity of the evil god and inherits the corresponding authority,

truly descended into the real world.


the stars in the night sky sparkled brightly, as if they were the eyes of a mysterious existence, watching this world.

And outside the real world,

the layers of space and universe, countless unaware eyes crossed the barriers and sub-levels and fell here.

The “Starry Sky Wanderer” held up its neck high, and its huge pink-purple eyes moved around regularly, as if curiously examining the world it had just landed in.

The trunk under its neck was hidden under the shed, and no one could see it clearly except Feng Qing.

It did not make any sound, perhaps it did not have organs similar to vocal cords, like a stealthy animal from the deep sea.

The next moment,

Squeak, squeak——

The solid metal fence was pushed by it and was about to fall.

"Damn... This is at least a weirdness of the level of the Nether Demon!"

Feng Qing looked at the horrifying size of the "Starry Sky Wanderer" and her face changed continuously.

Things were developing far beyond her expectations.

"That thing... Could it be that it crawled out of the pit?"

Zi Chen looked at the silver-white head in astonishment, looking at the five ridges that were destroying the fence of the blockade area.

"Not only that, it seems that most of its body tissues are made of machinery, which may be the material of the robot absorbed and fused..." Gui Yu took a deep breath and added.

After Feng Qing and the "Starry Sky Wanderer" pulled away, fierce missiles immediately fell like crazy, causing dense explosions on the amorphous head.


Like a huge bell resounding through the heaven and earth, the monster gradually reappeared in the fire and smoke,

surprisingly, it was completely intact, without a trace on the surface of its skin.

"Purple eyes, and this strange and powerful aura... This should be the 'God's Messenger' proposed by the Secret Society. It can develop a special field to isolate fire attacks." Feng Qing calmed down and said to the combatants in the headset.

Secret Society? God's Messenger?

Hearing this, the Secret Keepers immediately recalled the confessions of the Secret Society members they had captured a few days ago. Except for Gui Yu, all of them were sweating profusely.

The so-called "King of Virtual Reality", is it real?

Is the terrifying evil god really coveting the human world somewhere?

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