Longge's expression froze for a second before he reacted, and he said happily:

"According to your will!"

Zuwu City is a holy place in the hearts of every Wugu tribesman. Even if it is classified as a "natural folk ecotourism area", its status cannot be affected.

It has been almost ten years since he was sent to Yong'an as a low-level cousin.

Now things are finally changing.

Soon after, he will return to Zuwu City as an elder, and he will be the standing elder who manages the headquarters. He has more power than the elders stationed in other cities in the south, including supervising the federal government. Zuwu City’s high degree of autonomy!

It can be said that one person is worth more than ten thousand people.

At that time, all the tribesmen will look up to him, and his family will be proud of him...

How does this not teach him joy and excitement?

This emotion even surpassed the excitement of obtaining the "spiritual liquid", making him feel that his whole body was full of power before he absorbed the "spiritual liquid".

Lin Binbin! You better work harder, little one, because I will soon surpass you and leave you far behind, so that you can no longer show that arrogant attitude towards me that you think is not too much... Long Ge lowered his head. face, the corners of the mouth move slightly.

What Longge didn't know was that Bai Zhiren, who was in front of him at the moment, was parting his consciousness and having a conversation with Lin Binbin in the spirit world:

"Remember the incantation with 떘."

“The 녤body and 꿨body of the original night;

“The mysterious master of thunder and lightning;

“Colors from the stars;

"The spider god who spins the web of the world."

"Did you hear that?"

If it weren't for the extreme fluctuations in Lin Binbin's state of consciousness, Bai Zhi would even think that the other party did not receive his message.

After a brief absence of concentration, Lin Binbin said with a slight trembling:

"People from Bai Zhi... No matter who you are, if they want to recite your honorable name, can they really get your attention or even response?"

Bai Zhi did not confirm directly, but said:

"This is an experiment that requires your cooperation to complete. You will leave this space and wait for a few minutes before reciting my name."

"Do you remember all the incantations I just taught you?"

At this time, Bai Zhi felt like a high school English teacher, knocking on Lin Binbin's desk with a teaching stick.

Lin Binbin's current vitality is enough to support him with a long-lasting memory. He responded:

"Remember 깊, you will be ready to start soon."

Bai Zhi nodded secretly and returned Lin Binbin's consciousness to reality, while he was still in the spirit world.

She counted the time, and after a few minutes and a few seconds, she heard a familiar and clear male voice coming to her ears, chanting in an ancient mantra:

“The 녤body and 꿨body of the original night;

“The mysterious master of thunder and lightning;

“Colors from the stars;

"The spider god who spins the web of the world."

"I pray to you and pray for your favor..."

This made Bai Zhi confirm that there was basically no delay between the completion of the prayer and the receipt of the prayer.

At the same time, she saw a ball of light flickering on the illusory spider web not far away.

She instantly realized that the group of light represented a spider relative next to Lin Binbin!

She has established an extremely close connection with the light group, and has a feeling that she can transfer spiritual power, skills, and empowerment to it, and even have the target clone appear in its real location.

But these are nothing. Even without going through the spirit world, she could achieve it with the power of the 'Lord of Spiders' before.

The real wonder is that around the light group, on top of the illusory spider webs of different sizes, more clear light balls of different colors light up.

They all represent the projection of the spider creature located near Lin Binbin in the spiritual space.

However, not all of them are Bai Zhi's relatives!

In addition to 깊 symbols and magic circles, I can also cast "miracles" through spider creatures! Even if there are no relatives of mine near the supplicant, I hope that person can find a spider, even the most ordinary spider! This thought flashed through Bai Zhi's mind and he was a little surprised:

Is this okay?

For a second, she grasped the source of Lin Binbin's voice and responded with a calm voice:

"I know."

"Come on, I have something very important for you to do."


In the real world, in a room in Sands Entertainment City,

After hearing the cold and noble instructions passed into his mind, Lin Binbin burst out with excitement:

Bai Zhiren decided to adopt his suggestion and recruit more humans to serve her!

In addition, the Baizhi people also distinguish between the levels of "favourites" and "managers".

The newcomer will be regarded as a "keeper" with limited rights. He can pray to her through specific rituals and incantations, but cannot see her in person unless he passes a complete test and obtains the status of a "favorite".

The "favorite" can directly enter the spider web space of the spiritual world to communicate with her and receive more "spiritual liquid" gifts.

Bai Zhiren finally decided to spread her faith in the world, giving humans more protection against strange forces... Does this mean that she has initially returned to the throne of God, and is she capable of helping humans?

When Bai Zhiren fully recovers, I might be able to be her divine envoy, guarding the human world for her, or enter her divine kingdom, possessing the characteristics of near-immortality, and ranking above all spirits...

Lin Binbin's thoughts flashed through him one after another, and he could not stop trembling.

Bai Zhi didn't care about Long Ge and Lin Binbin's respective thoughts. She was not in a good mood.

After putting all the little spiders into the independent storage bags provided by Longge,

She left 깊Jiming Temple and went to 깊Xingchuan 꺶School Back Mountain, where she moved dozens of young dependents there to the mountains and fields outside 깊Yongan City, allowing them to live in an area further away from humans.

On the one hand, because young spiders can prey on poisonous insects, birds and beasts, they can protect themselves in the face of dangers involving most extraordinary factors.

So Bai Zhi is not worried that they will starve to death without money just like himself in human form...

On the other hand, unlike the little spiders who have not yet grown up, Bai Zhi's attitude towards the young family members on Jiming Temple Mountain and outside the city is to give them a high degree of freedom, and will no longer limit them to the minimum as they used to do when they were young. provide protection.

Considering that they are already old, their combat power is not low, and they can still take care of each other, if there is no danger of their total destruction, Bai Zhi will not go out to help them.

When Bai Zhi arranged these dozens of young family members and was about to leave the unknown mountain forest at his feet,

Suddenly, she sensed that a person closely connected with her had awakened in a place where her specific location could not be confirmed.

The patter of rain,

There was still light rain in the cold air.

Whispering, among the wet and dense vegetation, a spider's eyes looked towards her, seeming to be reluctant to leave.

"Shi Ning, you finally woke up...be your Saintess of Li and enjoy your life. When the time is right, we should meet again."

Bai Zhi looked up at the blurry sky and sighed in his heart.

She touched the ring, a suitcase appeared in front of her, and she took out an umbrella.

In the eyes of many family members, she refused the sorrow that descended from her, raised her colorful shield, and walked towards the mountain.

The rain cannot stop people's hurried pace and cannot affect the planned itinerary.

A young woman dressed in ordinary clothes, wearing a cap and a mask, but with a tall and graceful figure and deep and charming blue-purple eyes, passed the complicated boarding procedures including pollution testing, followed the crowded crowd, and boarded the plane. Flights to Tamseong뎀.

She suddenly turned her head and stared blankly at the sky above the terminal building, looking at the three-dimensional characters "Yong'an Airport".

The mask covered her expression and appearance, but it could not block the flash of emotion in her eyes.

It's not reluctance, it's not relief... but a strangeness.

It turned out that there was nothing worthy of her nostalgia in this city.

"But, we'll see you later."

She muttered silently to herself, pressed down on the brim of her hat, and disappeared at the end of the boarding passage.

(End of Volume 꺘)

——————Dividing line——————

PS: Obviously I have to take the college entrance examination, so the number of words may not be too many (꿛 troubling)

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