Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 322 I understand everything

Chapter 322 놖Understand everything "2 in 1"

"You dare to take action? Then let's start."

The Priest of Death's hoarse voice sounded, and his dark red one eye suddenly brightened, looking directly at the two C-level secret keepers.

Snap! Snap!

Before anyone could react, the heads of the two C-level secret keepers suddenly exploded. Pieces of red and white fragments and software flew everywhere, and the two headless bodies fell down weakly.

Chen Nian and others did not expect that the priest of death would suddenly kill him and his power would be so domineering.

After being glared at, his two heads exploded. This power was far beyond the understanding of most people present.

Moreover, looking at the state of the trapped people inside the fire pattern barrier, none of them were treated so cruelly.

This led them to speculate that the priest of death would at least keep the body intact, or save his life to prepare a living sacrifice.

"The ceremony has begun. We have to gather enough lives as materials in a short time. Life and death are important." The Priest of Death sighed:

"Keeping those people alive is all for now..."

The death of the two secret keepers seemed to please some being, causing the aura of the priest of death to suddenly rise.

"I have already felt that the divine power is returning. Everything is so clearly visible and within reach..."

As he spoke, thorn-like flesh thorns emerged from the exposed skin of the Death Priest, and two protruding masses appeared from the shoulder blades on his back, as if wings were about to grow.

Chen Nian and others knew that if they did something again, they would be the next headshots, and the power of the ancient evil god would gradually awaken in the body of the Death Priest.

Thump thump thump.

Several dolls and flesh and blood robots rushed out, but were stopped by a flame monster, and they collided into a chaotic battle formation of flames, flesh and blood, and machines.

In just one encounter, six dolls and four robots were torn apart and devoured by flames, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

"You die!"

Seeing this, Xiao Bawang roared and turned his anger into bullets, raised his gun and fired wildly at the Burner. The frantic barrage temporarily blocked the Burner's intention to break through the battle formation and attack here.

Hiss, Bai Zhi's left hand suddenly pulled, and tens of thousands of silk spider webs loomed, covering the target from the angle of the God of Death, and wrapped the target with lightning speed.

The spider web is like a life, continuing to extend and expand, sticking to the ground, like a white cage locking the dead priest inside.

땢At a moment, Chen Nian condensed several spiritual steel rods to stab the priest of death, and transmitted a message to Bai Zhi and others:

"That headshot power is his 'eye of death' codenamed 놅놘. To activate it, you must look into his eyes, otherwise it will not be activated."

"His thoughts and emotions are chaotic and single now, but he will find his loopholes and create opportunities for you."

"Remember, you have to look him in the eye!"

——One second before the two C-level secret keepers were headshot, Chen Nian relied on his "Eye of Falsehood" to see through the power limitations of the Death Priest.

The big-backed Alfred nodded his chin and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he came behind the Death Priest like a ghost,

He came behind the enemy who was controlled by dense spider webs and spiritual steel rods in the physical and spiritual bodies respectively.


This agile B-level extraordinary person raised his hand and planned to twist the neck of the Death Priest with skill and skill.

But suddenly, his spirit became tense, and he felt that all the sounds of fighting in the hall had stopped.

Because, Alfred saw a dark red vertical one-eye!

Why, 놖 obviously walked around behind him...

In shock, Alfred remembered Chen Nian's reminder and found that half of his vision was blurred, and severe pain and warmth came from the right half of his face.

He subconsciously lowered his head and saw an eyeball with blood vessels and a piece of bloody flesh falling on the dusty ground.

His body was shaky and his will was about to disappear.


Chen Nian never expected that the Priest of Death would break free from his mental control so quickly, and flip his head, causing half of Alfred's head to explode, putting him in a desperate situation.

——The spider silk of Bai Zhi wrapped around the body and limbs of the Death Priest, but did not tie up his neck.

In his blurred vision, Alfred had not yet lost consciousness and saw a tall figure jumping out from behind the dark red one eye.

That belongs to the mysterious and extraordinary person named "Yezhi".


The bone-white sword swung swiftly and slashed across the neck of the dead priest.

But the broken flesh touch that Bai Zhi expected did not come from his hand, but instead seemed to hit a copper wall.


A dark red curtain of fire isolated the bone knife from contact with the God of Death, and then suddenly surged, splitting into two fire snakes and spiraling around the bone knife, about to bite Bai Zhi's arm.

Bai Zhi immediately let go of the bone knife, closed his eyes to avoid being stared at by the "eye of death", and quickly swept back.

At this time, in her mental perception, the dark red fire snake was chasing after her.

But the Death Priest's head instantly rotated 180 degrees, just like he did with Alfred before, and his single eye shot towards Bai Zhi with a bright gaze.

Bai Zhi closed his eyes and immediately felt a splitting headache, but after all, it didn't explode like before.

Although the priest of death did not have the ability to shoot a headshot, he seemed to have seen something with his one eye that had a somewhat indifferent and divine nature:

"You are far more special than I thought."

After confirming that he had not been headshot, Bai Zhi closed his eyes, manipulated the spider silk with both hands, and gathered towards the Death Priest again.

She did this, but it was because "it's cold and silky\

,"It is about changing the spider silk from a control tool into a lethal weapon.

Seeing the spider silk covered with transparent corrosive venom, one by one fell onto the body surface of the Death Priest.

But the next moment, he was burned up by the dark red flames that rose from his body, and even the first ten thousand silk spider webs quickly collapsed.

In an instant, the Priest of Death put on a set of flame-cast armor, broke free from the heavy restraints, and turned into a dark red shadow and ran towards Bai Zhi.

"You know nothing about the power of God..."

At that moment, the dark red one-eyed man's vision suddenly became trance-like.

굛means that the tall figure disappeared, and Chen Nian, Xiao Bawang, Hong Wei, Morey and others all reappeared. Even the ritual circle behind him seemed to have never appeared. Everything was a scene. Dreamland.


The Priest of Death realized that he had been dragged into Chen Nian's spiritual realm.

Generally speaking, the higher the target state of being dragged into a dream, the clearer the consciousness, and the higher the mental power, the easier it is to be dragged into a dream and find yourself in a dream situation.

This is also the reason why Chen Nian succeeded now, but was quickly discovered by the priest of death.

Just as the Priest of Death was about to forcefully break away from the dream, a sharp pain came from his eyes and helped him finish his thoughts in advance.

When he woke up, he saw several threads connected, passing through his eyes and piercing deeply into his brain.

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With the help of Chen Nian's control of being dragged into the dream, Bai Zhi seized the opportunity of the Death Priest's inability to generate a flame curtain, and decisively attacked the eyes without armor protection with the fastest-generating sharp-edged spider silk.

But no matter how hard Bai Zhi tried, the sharp-edged spider silk remained untouched in the head of the Priest of Death.

Except for the relatively fragile eyes, the internal defense of the Death Priest is not inferior to that of the flame armor.


After regaining consciousness, the Death Priest did not hesitate to let the flames burn through the spider threads, and rushed towards Bai Zhi again. He found that he was already somewhat immune to Chen Nian's mental control, and Chen Nian would definitely not be able to do so in a short time. Cast again.

This is the perfect time for him to deal with Ye Zhi!

"Be a sacrifice with peace of mind."

With a hoarse roar, the Death Priest formed a long flame whip with one hand and raised a silver-black revolver with the other hand.



The dark red fire whip tore through the air, and the pale blond and white bullets shuttled across the distance and double-clicked on Bai Zhi's figure.

Bai Zhi's figure blurred quickly and flickered to the side, but a deep visible bone wound was burned on his left shoulder, and a bullet hole was penetrated in his lower abdomen.

However, the strange thing is that no blood flowed out.

Although Bai Zhi had evaded at the fastest speed of his spider sense, he was still seriously injured. The thought clone appeared vague for a moment, but it was quickly covered up.

The priest of death did not pay too much attention to Bai Zhi's lack of blood. He only regarded it as a special kind of extraordinary physique.

"You shouldn't hide, otherwise you won't suffer more."

The Priest of Death said indifferently, aiming his gun at Bai Zhi again.

This time, he believed that the latter did not have as much energy to respond as before.

On the other side of the battle circle, all the dolls have been burned, leaving only a few flesh-and-blood robots. Xiao Bawang and the flame monster are struggling to support themselves. Alfred is not dead but is not far from death. Chen Nian lacks effectiveness. direct means of attack.

After he solves the most difficult problem, Ye Zhi, everyone else will be slaughtered at will.

But when he was about to pull the trigger,

A burning pain suddenly came from the lungs and quickly spread to the throat. My whole body was soft and weak, as if I had a bad cold.

The Priest of Death didn't have time to think about what was going on, and immediately shot a black bullet.


This time the bullet missed the target and only hit the afterimage of Bai Zhi.

"Cough, cough!"

The Priest of Death coughed uncontrollably, with black and blue veins crawling up his face, as if he was seriously ill and was poisoned.

"As long as Targaryen is not resurrected from your body, you are still not a god, and you will inevitably suffer from the weakening and pain caused by disease."

The cold and noble voice sounded, and Bai Zhi's figure stood out in the shadows on one side of the hall.

——The venom virus has always been Baiwei's ability and belongs to the authority of 'Disaster, Rain and Fog' and 'Death and Decay'. However, the conditions for its execution are more stringent and its execution speed is slow, so it is rarely used.

Just now, it wasn't until the sharp blade of the spider silk stabbed the priest of death that she had the chance to inject the venom into his body.

Moreover, while dealing with the priest of death, the virus is quietly spreading. The longer the spread time, the higher the degree of illness of the other party.

땤The reason why Bai Zhi did not enter the "half-demon" state and directly rain down the 'disaster rain and fog' 놌'death and decay' is because the range of these two abilities is too large, they are indiscriminate attacks, and will affect other people.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

The priest of death's cough became more and more violent, as rough and hoarse as an old bellows, as if he wanted to cough out his internal organs.

He tried to turn his dark red eye to one side, but found that Xiao Bawang, Hong Wei and others avoided his gaze.

"It's now."

Bai Zhi closed his eyes and sent a voice transmission to Chen Nian.

Chen Nian immediately understood, condensed and urged dozens of mental steel drills to fiercely pierce the spirit of the dead priest.

At this time, Bai Zhi launched the "whip of pain" at the dead priest, and injected corrosive venom through the sharp spider silk again.

Under the blessing of the two mental attacks, the dead priest had no thoughts in his mind. When he was unable to function, he felt the pain coming from the depths of his brain and soul.

In addition, he had to endure the corrosion of the poison and the torture of illness.

He couldn't even lift the revolver.


The blazing wind blew fiercely, Bai Zhi "saw" a Burner rushing in front of her and Chen Nian, and Xiao Bawang saw that the battle group on the "mechanic" side had been defeated.

No more energy can be saved, these few people must be dealt with quickly!

Bai Zhi entered the "half-demon" state without hesitation, and the fluctuations of the demonic aura and spiritual power suddenly spread.

A big reason why she didn't do this before was that calling the spiritual power to the "half-demon" form would shorten the maintenance time of this mind clone,

and now the followers are waiting in Lanfeng Town. Once this mind clone dissipates, it will be too late when the clone descends again.

"Get out!"

With a cold shout, a blue-purple crystal light with a hissing sound emerged from under his feet like a fountain, splitting into an electric python as thick as an adult thigh to meet the flame monster.

The dark red flames on the monsters' bodies spread out of control when they touched the electric pythons, swaying like candles in the wind, and the supporting skeletons were bitten by the arcs, and pieces of them broke.

"Damn, this woman still has this ability!?"

Chen Nian stared at this scene in amazement. He was just about to drag the flame monster into the dream, but found that it was not necessary.

After a breath, the flames of the monsters were annihilated, and the bodies turned black and pink.


[The target "Spontaneous Combustion Spirit" status is updated to "annihilation"]

The electric python with remaining strength continued to swim towards the battle circle of Xiao Bawang and the other two to provide support.

At this time, Bai Zhi clearly felt that his clone would not last more than ten minutes, and he had to speed up the pace.

Well, every inch of the body of the dead priest has been highly rotten inside and out, the skin is completely stained with a dark blue color, even the dark red single eye is dim, and the throat can't make any sound.


[The target "Eye of Death" status is updated to "Near Death"]

Bai Zhi opened his eyes and moved his gaze to the huge fire pattern barrier in the center of the hall.

After the ritual host had problems, the energy there began to dissipate irregularly, and the flame pattern was sometimes dark and sometimes bright, as if the evil spirit blinked.

Then, she looked at the dead priest who had already knelt on the ground and trembled in pain, intending to give the last blow to prevent the latter from losing control in the double pain of spirit and body.

Suddenly, the dead priest stopped trembling and squeezed out a few unpleasant syllables from his throat:

"I understand everything..."


His body exploded and split into palm-sized dark red worms, which drilled into the ground like invisible objects and disappeared.

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