Everyone looked nervously in the direction of the big pit, watching as they and the machine came closer for inspection, fearing that the scary spider inside might suddenly appear dead.

At the same time, it was more than a mile away outside the cave.

From the shadow of a towering tree, a hideous spider figure slowly crawled out.

The 5-meter-wide body hugged the tree trunk and slowly climbed down, but it didn't make the tree tremble at all.

Looking at its pure black body, covered with scars, and only blue-purple eyes, it is clearly the "dark night nightmare" where Fang and the ghosts and others are fighting in the cave.

It landed on the surface, changed its direction slightly, and then crawled at a faster speed, as if it wanted to stay away from the cave and the forest.

And the direction it is traveling is where the urban area of ​​Jingchu City is located.

It will quietly hunt more 놅그 species on the edge there to recover its own injuries, and wait for an opportunity to retaliate against the 놅abominable 놅그 species that surrounded and killed it today.

It will fulfill its oath, causing each of them to have their limbs cut off and turned into pigs in a state of extreme fear, their hearts and souls to be ripped out, and finally they will be corroded by venom and suffer bad luck.

Every one.

It has discovered that under those conditions, human souls become extremely delicious.

Rustling, rustling...

As it moved faster and faster, and was about to disappear among the dense mountains and forests, it suddenly stopped.

Almost at the same time, a cold and noble female voice echoed in the mountains and forests:

"Where are you going?"

Although this female voice was as calm as the surface of a lake, it did not sound majestic at all.

But the moment it sounded, the black spider's body suddenly trembled, as if it was struck by lightning.

The mountain forest became quiet and fell into a strange atmosphere.

In the suffocating silence, the black spider remained motionless, looking straight at the shadow that stood out from the green - only wearing a white tube top, half-length slit skirt, bare feet, snowy hair and bloody eyes. 그影.

Suspiciousness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and even a hint of greed flashed secretly.

But it didn't dare to move.

Bai Zhi's mental avatar looked at "Night Nightmare" with an indifferent expression, and slowly approached, without any emotion, he said:

"In the cave, I was just your stand-in. It's really worthy of praise to deceive those humans. After all, even I don't have the relevant power..."

"However, although you transferred the mark to the substitute, due to certain restrictions, you cannot stay too far away from the substitute until the substitute is completely dead."

"All in all, Jin Chan had a good time escaping his shell."

"It's a pity you can never leave here."

Amidst the sound of electric current, more than two dozen thunder and lightning guns were suspended in the air in a ring, tilted downwards and aimed at the "Nightmare".

The electric arc bared its teeth and claws, and the blue-purple light illuminated the area, covering a "그" and a spider.

Targeted by the extremely violent power, the black spider had a premonition that it was about to attack, and its entire body lay down, continuing to send out humble thoughts.

"Oh? I didn't expect that you would be afraid? You would also beg for mercy and ask for my forgiveness?"

After receiving the idea, Bai Zhi smiled indifferently.

"But it's a pity that no matter whether you are really bewitched by the evil god or whether you are rational or not, what you have done has already determined that you must pay the price for it."

"You have sinned beyond forgiveness."

At this moment, the fear in the black spider's eyes disappeared, and it seemed to accept the reality, replaced by a complex emotion of attachment and greed.

Perhaps due to the relationship between blood, memory and the curse of "parent-eater", how much it fears Bai Zhi in its heart, and how eager it is to violate, desecrate, and even devour the mother of its own ethnic group.

But even if that wish cannot be realized, even if it cannot escape the fate of being eliminated, it hopes that its way of death is to be eaten by its mother, rather than being bombarded and killed...

——This is also its last regret, but it knows better that its mother will not satisfy this last taboo wish.

Buzz! The blue-purple light suddenly fell and expanded, completely covering the "nightmare".

It was also at this time that it sent out its last illusory and sharp voice transmission with unknown meaning:



The surface was shattered by the bombardment, like a charred and chaotic spider web.

"Adres? What is that?"

Bai Zhi frowned slightly and was lost in thought.

Thoughts rarely fall into chaos and move extremely slowly.

Before she had time to remember the meaning of "Adres", she suddenly discovered something that made her uneasy.

——I actually forgot to use the 'Crimson Intake' to check the memory of "Nightmare" to track the scene when the curse was issued.

According to common sense, it is forbidden to forget such important things.

Unless...'Crimson Ingestion' will see something very dangerous, something that she cannot see directly with her current status...

For example... the appearance of a certain true god level existence.

Therefore, her spiritual intuition will make her forget to do this.

Thinking of the earlier inference that the "parent-eater" curse came from the "God of Curses", Bai Zhi murmured to promote his thinking:

"Could it be that...there are things related to the 'God of Curses' in its memory?"

"And the reason why it is not directly controlled is because it is protected by the curse of the 'parent-eater'?"

"...Adres, Adres...I remembered..."


A mechanical prompt suddenly reached my ears, interrupting my thoughts:

[The status of the target "Night Spider" is updated to "Dead"]

In the charred pit, a little bit of blue and purple starlight slowly floated up, like eyes flickering.

Bai Zhi raised her head slightly as if she had sensed something, watching them rise into the air and return to nothingness.

"I should also be considered a 'cannibal', right?"

After watching for a long time, Bai Zhi's body also turned into gorgeous starlight and disappeared, leaving only a sigh echoing between the mountains and forests.

But she did not really leave here.

She was still watching this area, watching the entire mountain.

In this mountain, there are countless spiders and several spider followers, driven by her, providing hidden vision throughout the mountain.

It is the innate power of the 'Spider Lord'.

That is why Bai Zhi discovered in time after the original body of "Nightmare" appeared, and descended to the clone through the spider followers.

——Although "Nightmare" had escaped Baizhi's pursuit twice, it did not mean that it had a strong sense of danger and was able to know that there were several Baizhi spider followers hidden in this mountain.

Otherwise, it would have found those hidden followers and devoured them.

Its fall was ultimately due to it not knowing that Baizhi had the strange power of the "Spider Lord".

In the cave, everyone confirmed that "Nightmare" in the pit had died and soon began to dissipate like sand.

And the ghost dragon Bingheng also received the voice transmission from Baizhi, and the former immediately announced that the operation was successful.

But there was still a problem in front of these supermen, that is, how to deal with the spider eggs in the cave.

Just when Gui was about to report the spider egg problem to Shiraori-sama, he heard other surprised voices:

"These eggs...seem to be empty!"

——————Dividing line——————

Originally, I planned to make a skirt after 400,000 words, but because I rarely use penguins and I am a Buddhist, I gave up. But yesterday, I thought that those who saw 800,000 words must be true fans, so I made it.

Therefore, only after seeing 800,000 words, or intending to send gifts, book friends will know how to get into Shiraori-sama's skirt... (dog head)

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