Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 377 Mother of All Snakes

"For example...the 'Spider God' worshiped by some secret sects and some fans of supernatural events."

"Hype?" The men and women at the table all cast incredulous looks at her:

"The target is still an evil spirit, or even an existence at the level of an evil god?"

"I'm afraid you're not crazy. If you want to die, don't take us with you."

The sweet young girl calmly explained:

"But it's much safer than just having a mystical ritual."

Allen looked at her deeply and said:

"This is no different from those ordinary mysterious existences that don't pay much attention to human beings..."

"The 'Spider God' you mentioned has been confirmed to a large extent to be a real existence, and his incarnation has appeared in human society. There are even secret organizations that believe in him that dare to compete with such a large organization as the Star Source Secret Order. The cult is against.”

"That's right." Another thin man answered:

"Although reciting His honorable name will not cause horrific phenomena like the 'Lord of Virtual Reality' seance ceremony, it is said that everyone who has tried to recite it has felt an indescribable gaze..."

"You misunderstood." The young girl shook her head and said:

"My intention is not to recite the honorable name of the 'Spider God', nor to blaspheme the god, but to obey the will of that god and help him maintain the relationship with humans."

"Note that what I'm talking about here is maintaining His public relations from the outside, also called public relations, rather than being His clergy and spreading His teachings from the inside."

"For example, when it comes to specific actions, it would be to pretend that you are a favored person of the 'Spider God', or take a step back and pretend to be a person who has had mysterious contact, and by the way, decrypt the secrets of the 'Salvation of the Evernight' organization. Related content.”

"In this way, given the person of that god, we should maintain respect and be careful not to have any mysterious contact with him. Why would he go out of his way to retaliate against us?"

"How can the high gods have time to care about such trivial matters?"

"It seems that there is some truth. I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't refute it..." A thin man said suspiciously:

"Another question is, does the public believe it?"

"Besides, will the authorities allow this kind of scale?"

"Whether the public believes it or not, it doesn't matter." The young girl said calmly:

"In terms of the official attitude, I am confident that 놙놚 we do not promote 'Spider God' 놌's redemption of the eternal night too deliberately and loudly, but 놙 is from the perspective of a third party and a detached ordinary person's perspective. There is room to circumvent regulation by creating relevant content.”

“The difference is like an advertising pop-up window that directly tells you the selling points of a product and a comment chapter that hides the author’s private goods.”

"In fact, there are already teams abroad that are doing this, such as the 'Ice Goddess' of the Arctic Kingdom and the 'Mother of Snakes' of the Holy Sakura Dynasty."


Bai Zhi listened silently, took a sip of coffee, and a word came to his mind:


The heat has come to me, even the "gods" can't bear it, so what else do you dare not touch...

Although I am a false god... Bai Zhi's mouth twitched and he slowly stood up.

On the surface, what the young girl said makes sense. The examples of the 'Ice Goddess' and 'Mother of Snakes' are vividly presented before them. It seems that these people are not without a chance.

However, the environment of the "Ice Goddess" and "Mother of Snakes" is different from that of the federation where the "Spider God" lives, so they cannot be generalized.

According to her information, the "Ice Goddess" is not a true god, nor is she even a legendary creature. She is just an S-class transcendent from the Arctic Kingdom pretending to be one.

This is not a secret in extraordinary organizations such as the Federal Secret Service and the "New World". Only the vast majority of the people and some extraordinary people believe that the "Ice Goddess" is a god.

This so-called "Ice Goddess" was actually created in response to the current situation with the tacit approval of the Arctic officials in order to boost people's confidence in resisting the strange resurgence.

In other words, the "Ice Goddess" is just like Bai Zhi, a false god.

As for the other "Mother of Snakes", she is the natural disaster-level weirdo who awakened near the Holy Sakura Dynasty Islands some time ago.

——This dangerous level of weirdness and strength is comparable to that of legendary creatures. In other words, the "Mother of Snakes" is at least a demi-god-level existence.

In the secret files, it appears as a snake more than 300 meters long, with two skeletal wings that resemble the head of an Oriental dragon.

But unlike ordinary snake monsters, its body has no scales, because it is covered with a thick layer of short hairs, and the short hairs are filled with corrosive mucus.

In addition, His head and neck are covered with 666 snakes to devour food. Each one is enough to accommodate a human. From a distance, those snakes surround His body like a lion's mane. face.

The reason why the "Mother of Snakes" has not been attacked by the leaders of the Holy Sakura Dynasty and is even allowed to be discussed in public spaces as a target of social media traffic is because:

He showed no interest in destroying cities and devouring humans.

He has stayed quietly in the deep sea near the Saint Sakura Dynasty Islands for a long time, and will not attack passing fishing boats. Of course, under the official policy, no fishing boat dares to pass there now.

According to the data, his current known interests, or motivations for his actions, include one——


To be precise, it is to create and reproduce new families.

But its specific approach is difficult for many people to accept... that is, to let humans and his snake family interbreed, and under his support and the power of God, create a new race similar to the myth.

For this reason, he seems to have reached some kind of evil contract with the rulers of the Holy Sakura Dynasty, the extraordinary high-level.

- Every once in a while, the Holy Sakura Dynasty secretly sends a group of men and women to a deserted island near the habitat of the "Mother of All Snakes", and let the men and women exchange genetic segments with his snake family on the deserted island.

In the fulfillment of this contract, human women will give birth to "snake people", and female demon snakes will give birth to "human snakes". The two new races will live in isolation on the confined and controlled deserted island, accompanied by the "Mother of All Snakes"...

And the condition paid by the "Mother of All Snakes" is only not to threaten the rule of the Holy Sakura Dynasty.

So in summary, both the "Ice Goddess" and the "Mother of Snakes" have actually obtained official secret power recognition, but ordinary people don't know it.

So what about the "Spider God"?

Judging from Shiraori's experience, she naturally did not obtain the corresponding "secret authorization", and she also disdained to obtain "authorization".

Therefore, she was not very optimistic about the planning of this group of people in the cafe.

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