Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 417 Enchanted Forest, Night Rain in the Capital

The Harvest Priest said something later, but Qin Zhiyan didn't hear a word clearly. His mind was in a state of confusion, like a ball of yarn tangled into a ball.

After the people in the room left one after another, she looked for the Harvest Priest and asked her the biggest confusion in her heart:

"Captain Harvest, could you please tell us what happened to Ye Zhi?"

3 meters tall and plump, the harvest priest looked at her and Morey and others behind her, sighed and said:

"You don't want to know the truth. If you really want to know the words, you can ask the hermit when he comes back."

When night fell, Bai Zhi finally led 떘 to the enchanted forest in Dire 놅.

Although the latter was somewhat resistant to entering the enchanted forest, after Bai Zhi ordered him, they still went deep into the forest together.

Here, Bai Zhi saw more rat-like creatures, and trees that emitted light blue light at night, acting as natural street lights, as if they were in a fairyland.

According to Nightmare news, those rat-like creatures that are sneaking around in the dark and stalking themselves are called "Zuges", also known as "enchanted rats."

They generally have no ill intentions toward travelers like her, and their current behavior is probably out of curiosity;

But if you dare to spend the night alone in this forest and fall asleep, you may be attacked by them.

As for those luminous trees, Bai Zhi also knows their names from the knowledge in his memory without Night Dire explaining them——

"Moon Tree".

"I have to say...these trees are quite beautiful at night, but since the 'enchanted rats' will also attack humans who spend the night here, I haven't seen a single person so far."

"It's a pity that Night Dire doesn't know where the real world is. Only the 'Charming Rat', the territorial creature here, knows."

After communicating with Nightmare, Bai Zhi let him go, and Zi Wang casually used the 'Charming Thread' to lead a charming rat out of the dense vegetation and walked to his feet.

By controlling the mind of this charming rat, she successfully walked to the bottom of a towering tree a few hours later.

This giant tree looks like a moon tree magnified more than ten times. There is a cave at the bottom. According to Zuge's guidance, many humans who come to explore Dreamland come from here. But starting a few years ago, There are fewer and fewer human beings.

——It is probably related to the fact that the fantasy world has become more and more dangerous, and the probability of ordinary people being lost here forever has increased significantly.

In addition, many dreamland travelers will also choose to "return to the original route", ending their journey here and returning to the real world.

After the 'Spider Sense' confirmed that there was no danger, Bai Zhi released the charmed rat and walked into the tree cave.

At the same time, pairs of fierce red eyes also stood out in the darkness outside the cave, making chirping sounds.

It seems uneasy, curious, and excited.

As soon as he entered the tree cave, a pleasant aroma of trees was evident. There was also a light blue light similar to the outside, allowing Bai Zhi to see the straight and undivided road clearly with only his naked eyes.

After walking about ten thousand steps, an arched wooden door finally came into view. Although it looked ordinary on the outside, Bai Zhi's eyes moved slightly, feeling that this was what he was looking for.

Moreover, there was no warning from the ‘Spider Sense’.

At 놆, she gently put her hand on the wooden door 껗 and pushed it forward. Without any resistance, a wide vertical passage and spiral staircase appeared in front of her, making people feel like they were at the bottom of a well.

Looking up, I couldn't see anything at the end, only a bit of red light flashing like a flame, and something dark and shapeless swimming back and forth.

"This should be the channel that connects fantasy and reality?"

But he was not happy because Bai Zhi saw that the spiral staircase only had about a dozen steps.

This also means that she cannot climb the ladder in reverse to return to reality.

The reason behind this is probably related to the fact that she has no physical body in reality, and she did not come to the dreamland through dreams;

And if only the human body remains in the real world, it should appear that only he can climb the complete spiral staircase.

However, Bai Zhi was not discouraged, nor was he surprised by this, and he planned to forcefully follow the passage to take a look.

Even though she can't fly, she has excellent wall-climbing and web-weaving abilities, and can manually create spider webs as "ladders" to move up.

In the real world, the federal capital.

At the beginning of the lanterns, light rain fell.

Highly saturated neon lights illuminated him. Qin Zhiyan was wearing a tight T-shirt and denim shorts. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walked aimlessly on the wet reflective dark stone slabs.

Suddenly, at the end of the street, a familiar figure wrapped in a black windbreaker disappeared in her sight.

The golden pupils shrank for an instant, then dilated again, her heart surged with heat, and she quickly chased the tall figure around the corner.

When she entered the corner, she saw the figure holding an umbrella, his back as dark as ink and his long, silky hair like a waterfall, walking leisurely towards the park.

She opened her mouth, but in the end without saying a word, she followed 깊껗 until she came to the square park where there were only a few people around.

At this time, a figure in a black windbreaker suddenly took an umbrella and stopped.

A few meters away, she didn't dare to get any closer, so she called out in a low voice:

"Ye Zhi? Is it you?"

Hearing this, the figure turned around, revealing a charming and beautiful face, with magnificent and deep blue-purple eyes, and a charming smile at the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Why, Miss Qin is not afraid of me?"

Zhengbai Zhi left a clone of his mind in the federal capital.

"You're so awesome!" Qin Zhiyan was angry and surprised:

"You are wanted, but you still dare to walk around in the streets of the capital, risking your life?"

After finishing speaking, I felt that there were many problems with what I said.

The biggest problem is the subtle position;

Secondly, I unintentionally showed my caring attitude;

Finally, the volume was not suppressed.

Fortunately, the people nearby were relatively far apart, and there was a lot of loud music playing outside the park square, so no one should have heard her.

Feeling guilty, she looked at the faint smile on Bai Zhi's lips, and felt her face flush and hot.

"Hey! Let me ask you a question. Why are you wanted, Duanduan놅?"

Qin Zhiyan put her hands on her waist, still looking aggressive:

"The captain refused to tell me if I asked him, could it be that...are you really contaminated by the evil god? If that's true, don't give up on yourself. As long as you have enough awareness and are willing to admit guilt, the 'New World' will definitely help you find a solution. Solve it."

Evil God... pollution?

To a certain extent, this is indeed the case...

The smile at the corner of his mouth was put away together with the umbrella, letting the cold rain moisten his face, and the white fabric seemed to be casually said:

"The cause and the incident are not important. What is important is that since you are here with me, young lady, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

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