Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 998 Golden Forty-Eight Hours (6k)

A flight from New York to Shanghai normally takes about 14 hours.

Even counting private planes, it would be late at night for a group of people with visas to fly from the United States.

Fang Zhuo thought this was a good time. He just had a night's rest and could cheer up and chat with everyone tomorrow.

Xu Kaiwei was in charge of Goldman Sachs' investment business in China. His departure did not end the attempts of contacts by representatives of various institutions. Whether it was the phone number of Yike's president's office or his personal mobile phone, they became more frequent as the news of Fang Zhuo's landing was confirmed.

But these people are different from Xu Kaiwei. Xu Kaiwei is the kind of person who has both weight and friendship. Without any of these factors, Fang Zhuo will refuse very quickly.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Fang Zhuo briefly reviewed the new information that had emerged in the United States in the past 11 hours. Apart from the change in public opinion and the panic of short-selling institutions, there was not much to pay attention to.

The real information that Xu Kaiwei said that institutions are seeking support from the SEC has almost disappeared. Even the Chicago Horse Club, which has been actively involved in shorting Yike, has not heard any news.

"President Fang, Geithner and Lu Peining have responded and will pay attention to the movement."

After Liu Zonghong and Zhao Zhishan completed their overseas contacts, it was Fang Zhuo's off-duty time. He did not express any opinions, packed up the documents on the table, got up and left the office.

Fang Zhuo passed by the lounge with light steps and saw that it was still full, even more people than before.

Some were eating silently, some had heavy faces, and some had straightened their eyes.

"It's time to get off work. Someone will be here tomorrow." Fang Zhuo said unbearably.

"Mr. Fang, I am a sincere representative..."

"Mr. Fang, the Man Group is due to..."

Fang Zhuo's unbearability was limited, and he kept walking, leaving behind the call that was aroused by his own words.

On the car ride home, Liu Zonghong reported something again: "Mr. Fang, someone from the CCTV interview said hello."

"Put it down first. The matter hasn't settled yet." Fang Zhuo said without hesitation, "It's just that this time the dust has settled, but I don't know when it started blowing up again. There are many things that are hard to say."

Liu Zonghong nodded silently, thinking about a polite refusal that would not offend others.

The workload in these two days may be relatively heavy. For example, people who came to the company today call the two weekends before Monday in the United States time the golden 48 hours for negotiation.

The car stopped and went.

Fang Zhuo closed his eyes and rested his mind.

In the evening, I had dinner with my parents intermittently amid constant phone calls, and after reading two reports from ice cores, Su Wei, the president of E-commerce, returned home from a high-level meeting.

"Before you flew, the news told me that you had taken off. On the way you were flying, the news told me where you were flying to. As soon as you landed, the news informed me that you, a man of great influence, had arrived in Shanghai." Su Wei laughed. Yingying said, "Is this the momentum of the second best CEO in the world?"

"I really like this name more and more. I will write it down and hang it in the office next time." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

"President Fangda definitely doesn't want to read the report of our small company on Tesco right now. I have to put the documents in your bag first." Su Wei picked two documents that she brought back specially and talked about what she had seen today, "You definitely don't know , there were so many people coming to the company this afternoon, some people ran to the wrong floor and went directly to the 22nd floor to sit in meditation."

She continued: "I heard that someone is going to jump off the building? I was in a meeting, and the conference room became chaotic. Everyone wanted to watch the excitement."

Fang Zhuo: "Well..."

Just as he was about to talk about the situation on his floor, there was another call on his cell phone.

This number is surprising.

Fang Zhuo held the phone and said to Su Wei in slight surprise: "I didn't expect him to be a lobbyist, wait a minute."

Su Wei watched Mr. Fang clear his throat in a serious manner before pressing the phone.

"Brother Zheng." Fang Zhuo called the person on the other end of the phone.

The caller was his half-brother Zheng Danrui.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that you are back. Yike is really good this time." Zheng Danrui said kindly, "I have also been paying attention to the competition that Yike has encountered recently, and I have been thinking about whether I can give some support."

"Brother Zheng, actually when I was in New York, a domestic bank called me and provided me with funds. I can't tell you what it feels like." Fang Zhuo said with emotion, "When I came back today, I just wanted to take a rest. After that, we went to the city to talk about the new plan of our Yike Company. However, since it was launched, there has been an endless stream of calls on my mobile phone. What surprised me the most is that in addition to foreign calls, there are also many domestic people who have been asked to come here. I’m talking about stocks.”

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but became angry: "Brother Zheng, I heard when I was in New York that there were funds in the country to short Yike! I didn't believe it at that time!"

Zheng Danrui pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Fang, I have vaguely heard something. This phone call is actually not official, but..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted in surprise: "Brother Zheng? What do you mean? Is that what I understand? Just finish what you said!"

Zheng Danrui said slowly: "It's not what you think..."

"Brother Zheng, Yike is competing abroad, being shorted outside, being bullied by outsiders, and bleeding outside!" Fang Zhuo interrupted angrily again, raising his voice, "Am I still going to cry in frustration after I return home? I Let’s see who has the nerve to let me suffer this nonsense today! Tell me, who else can find you in private!”

Zheng Danrui's scalp felt a little numb when he heard such excitement: "Don't yell yet, it's..."

Fang Zhuo didn't want to hear the name at all, so he interrupted again: "Okay, Brother Zheng, you don't need to say who it is, I will go to the capital with the documents to cry to the leader now!"

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang!" Zheng Danrui said helplessly, "I didn't say anything, it's just that someone wants to invite you to dinner, forget it, I'll help you turn it down."

Fang Zhuo took a breath and sighed: "It has to be Brother Zheng. You know how difficult it is for me to get through this journey."

Zheng Danrui said angrily: "You say you have a brother, but you really don't have this brother in your heart."

"That's not possible. I often say that the development of our company is inseparable from the care of the leaders and the encouragement given to me by Brother Zheng." Fang Zhuo thanked him seriously, "If it weren't for Brother Zheng to protect me from wind and rain, I would How could we have made it to where we are today?”

"Stop saying nice things and clichés." Zheng Danrui was silent for a few seconds, "Everyone wants to see Yike getting better and better and growing into a representative company in the country. I think Yike's patent issue still needs to be solved. of."

"Yes." Fang Zhuo admitted this, "We are proactively solving this problem."

Zheng Danrui talked about the healthy development of the company before ending the phone call.

Fang Zhuo threw his phone on the sofa: "Mr. Su, tell me, how difficult it is to make some money!"

Su Wei listened to this communication with her own ears and said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, sometimes I feel that you really deserve the money you make."

"I don't know what the connection is. It's very annoying." Fang Zhuo shook his head and repeated what Goldman Sachs Xu Kaiwei said when he visited in the afternoon.

This time Yike stirred up a lot of noise. Although the main force is from abroad, it seems that there are also domestic financial connections.

Behind the funds are people, and some meandering friendships pop up out of nowhere.

Xu Kaiwei is one kind of representative, and so is Zheng Danrui.

After listening, Su Wei asked: "It seems that many people want to work hard during the prime time before the market opens, so are you really not going to talk about it?"

"We need to talk, but we can't talk like Xu Kaiwei came to our door." Fang Zhuo said, "It's about how I want to talk, not how they want to talk."

He added: "Besides, the matter is on the table. Now it's not just me who knows the profit, nor is it just me who decides whether to accept the profit or not."

Wealth and silk move people, and benefits seduce their hearts.

It was okay if it was unclear earlier, but now it is clear, so we have to refer to the opinions of customers.

"What about the SEC? Will it be blocked on Monday?" Su Wei mentioned the key point mentioned by Xu Kaiwei, and then said, "Is it easy for Xiao Ao to intervene?"

She knew not only this time, but also the second time.

"The institutions are definitely working hard. They are counting on the SEC's orders." Fang Zhuo said, "It's not easy for Xiao Ao to intervene directly this time. The institutions may also consider my friendship with him, but I won’t pay too much attention to it.”

"Jiao Ao and I just have a pure sports friendship. MIGA's funds are already multi-layered and offshore."

"In fact, since he took office, I have been busy with sports, and it has also been downplayed. The friendship before he took office no longer needs to be put outside. After all, he is evil and I am evil."

"It would be better for the county magistrate to take charge now. Xiao Ao suddenly went to great lengths to interfere in a small decision of the SEC. Once it is exposed by the media, it will be very strange."

Fang Zhuo briefly explained: "The SEC itself is relatively independent, and the five committee members are divided into two factions. The current head Shapiro emphasizes the supervision and investigation of institutions, which is not in line with hedge funds."

"Lu Peining can have relatively little influence. It depends on Geithner's resources in the past two days. There is also a golf friend of ours in the SEC."

"Institutions are looking for explanations, and the SEC will definitely respond before the market opens on Monday. Now we only need to see whether it is an informal investigation or a formal investigation to know the attitude behind it."

When the SEC discovers or receives a report, it can legally and reasonably conduct judicial intervention and initiate an investigation.

This kind of investigation is divided into two types. The informal one is to collect information and interview relevant personnel, and the formal one is to summon or find the court to issue an order.

A key trend in the past two days has been the implementation of this level of investigation.

What really needs Xiaoao's performance is the next time. The ITC's final ruling is delivered directly to his desk.

At that time, he will become a current manager, no matter what external factors and wind and rain, he will finish the seal first and then talk about other things. Anyway, it is just a small decision, and Apple is with him, so he can debate the scriptures no matter what.

"How much can the stock price rise on Monday?" Su Wei saw various predictions today, which varied greatly.

Yiko's closing price on Friday was $89.67.

"Two hundred? Three hundred? Who knows." Fang Zhuo smiled, "I don't care about this now, I only care about the arrival of all my friends tomorrow."

Su Wei asked: "What should we talk about tomorrow?"

Fang Zhuo said affirmatively: "Let's talk one by one."

Golden forty-eight hours.

Fourteen hours were wasted on the plane.

Coupled with the process of contact and decision-making, less than half of the prime time has been used.

Mount, the fund manager of the hedge fund Dollar River Partners, was not the first group of people to fly to Shanghai. He was almost the third group to take the flight and decided to meet, visit, and plead with Mr. Fang’s short sellers.

Mount's flight landed in Shanghai at 7 o'clock in the morning.

By the time he hurriedly arrived in Shanghai Henglong by car, it was already 8 o'clock.

Although there was plenty of time to fall asleep on the international flight, Mount barely closed his eyes during the whole journey. Whenever he closed his eyes, he would hear the sighs of his partners, the angry scoldings of his clients, and the endless regrets.

However, at this moment, he can only hope that his arrival can add even a little bit of effect to the actions of the agencies.

What if, what if Fang always lacks this slightest hint of soft-heartedness?

Mount also traveled to China last year. He knew that there is a saying in China that "people work for each other, and I work for fish." This is the current situation of small and medium-sized institutions like his, and large institutions may still have chips they can use.

Mount regretted that he should not have ignored Mr. Fang’s warning.

Mount hates it, it shouldn’t be...

"Hello, please register here first. Go straight ahead and turn left to reach the President's Office. You can get your number first, then wait outside or go to the lounge." The front desk of Yike welcomed another new friend in English with ease.

Mount blankly followed the guide to the destination of his trip. Soon, he saw a group of people sitting silently outside the office.

The space outside the president's office is not particularly spacious, and it looks particularly embarrassing when colleagues are crowded here.

Mount's throat moved, and he couldn't speak when he looked at this dark area.

The next second, he saw the machine at the door of the office.

"Take a number, Mount." Smith, a manager who was familiar with him and had a good time drinking and chatting in New York, said, "Why are you here so late? You have to be at the back of the queue."

Take a number?

Mount stiffly walked to the machine with a look of "I got in before you" and gloated, and tentatively clicked the button on it.

The machine spits out pieces of paper with numbers written on them.

Number 32!

Mount took the number and felt extremely ridiculous as he walked to sit down next to his acquaintance Smith.

There was an unreasonable anger in his heart. Is Mr. Fang teasing everyone? How can you step on everyone's dignity outside the office like this?

"Why are you waiting outside to take a number?" Mount asked Smith in a low voice.

"First come, first served, fair enough," Smith replied.

Half of the anger in Mount's heart disappeared after seeing the well-known British Man Group behind him. When he saw that the Carlyle Group, which was even later, had no seats and could only stand outside and wait, a sudden surge of anger emerged in his heart. A blessing.

Fortunately, it wasn't very late and I got a seat ticket.

The boring and anxious waiting became much smoother because of the companionship of my colleagues.

Mount wanted to chat with Smith, but lost interest when he saw the other person's crying face.

Immediately, he realized that Smith probably felt the same way about him.

Smith was number 19. When he was about to arrive, he suddenly said: "What can we say? What can we say?"

The size of the hedge fund he manages is around US$1.5 billion, which is similar to Mount's. They are all small players who are sure that there is a real bubble in Yike and are taking advantage of the situation.

I wanted to make a fortune, but I didn't expect it to end up like this.

Hedge funds of this level do not have very important clients, nor can they leverage other chips like Goldman Sachs or Bridgewater. This time I came here... just to support my personal position, hoping to strengthen the momentum of the big players, and also hope that it will be convenient. Always have a kind heart.

Mount didn't know what to say.

He watched Smith walk into the president's office and come out with a sullen expression about five minutes later.

"How's it going?" Mount asked in a low voice as Smith passed by.

Smith shook his head and said nothing.

As the number got closer, Mount gradually became nervous.

There is so much at stake on this trip.

If the negotiation doesn't go well and others don't know about it, you will definitely go bankrupt.

Walked out of the office on the 31st.

Mr. No. 32 swallowed, held the piece of paper, and gently opened the door of the CEO's office.

Mount walked into the office and saw a real person for the first time, seeing the rich man who had brought him close to eternal destruction.

"Sit down, Mount, are you from the DR Fund?" Fang Zhuo had a list of names on his screen.

"Yes, Mr. Fang, I am Mount, the co-founder of DR Fund." Mount suddenly calmed down and came anyway.

"What do you think about this short-selling incident on Yike..." Before Fang Zhuo could finish speaking, he saw the office door being pushed open again, and another foreign man walked in.

He frowned and said, "Come one by one, don't jump in line or get in the way."

Mount silently chanted in his mind, don't jump in line, don't interrupt.

The visitor introduced himself: "Mr. Fang, I am Philip, the senior vice president of Goldman Sachs. Mr. Paulson would like to speak with you."

Philip arrived earlier, but he first communicated with the local Goldman Sachs, then visited the administrative staff, and finally came to Hang Lung 23.

He brought the news from Goldman Sachs Emperor Paulson and was unwilling to participate in this ridiculous and boring so-called call-and-error communication.

As Phillip said this, he closed the door and walked into the office.

Before Fang Zhuo could say anything, Mount suddenly stood up, turned around and said with gritted teeth: "Don't jump in line!"

Philip frowned and said condescendingly: "I am Philip from Goldman Sachs."

Mount has a lot of regrets and a lot of hatred.

In the financial market, I was willing to admit defeat. I had nothing to say at first. I only blamed myself for having underestimated Yike and Mr. Fang. I regretted it, and I couldn't even say I hated the rich man. After all, I was the one who shorted first.

But he hates Goldman Sachs!

"Philip, I'm Mount!" Mount gritted his back teeth and looked at Phillip.

Philip, senior vice president of Goldman Sachs, looked at the unknown player with red eyes, full of doubts. How did Mr. Fang stimulate him?

Fang Zhuo also felt baffled. This guy was so excited. Was the leverage too high?

Seeing that Philip had no reaction at all, Mount said excitedly: "I am Mount from Dollar River Partners. Where are my 80 million stocks? Where are the stocks that Goldman Sachs lent me!!"

Phillip's color changed slightly. He remembered that it was this DR fund.

"Our fund paid $80 million to Goldman Sachs to let you borrow stocks for shorting Yike. Where are these stocks!" Mount gritted his teeth, with hatred all over his face.

Fang Zhuo understood that the DR Fund was short selling Yike and relied on Goldman Sachs Group to complete the short selling. As a result, Goldman Sachs did not borrow the stocks and directly sold the DR Fund naked.

This... Goldman Sachs is breaking the law.

The cliff is illegal!

He had to sigh: "Why is it you again, Goldman Sachs."

Philip solemnly replied to the American customer he happened to meet: "Mount, we have performed our responsibilities in accordance with applicable laws. If we have any problems, we will solve them together. If you still have questions about this, you can contact our legal department."

There are only three people in the CEO office of Hang Lung 23.

Mount only heard half of it and pounced on him full of hatred without hesitation.

The two quickly struggled with each other.

Fang Zhuo admired it for a while, walked a few steps, opened the door of the office, and called the number himself: "No. 32 got into a fight with the vice president of Goldman Sachs who was busy. No. 33 and 34 came in and pulled them apart."

When Mount on the ground heard these words, he reached out to find the ashtray from the coffee table, and smashed it on Phillip's head with all his strength.

Phillip subconsciously blocked it, and the ashtray hit his forehead, causing blood to flow instantly.

Nos. 33 and 34 hurriedly got up and ran in to break up the fight. People 35, 36, 37, 38 and others who were nearest outside also gathered around the door to watch the situation.

The president's office was in chaos, with glasses knocked to the floor and blood stains on the carpet.

On the 33rd and 34th, one held down the vice president of Goldman Sachs and the other kicked him on the back.

Fang Zhuo held his forehead, turned to the short sellers at the door who were energized by watching the excitement: "Pull away, call my secretary over, call the doctor."

The chaotic scene eventually calmed down.

Mount was pulled aside, breathing heavily.

Phillip's face was covered with blood and he was leaning on the sofa.

The medical care prepared in advance yesterday really came into play at this time. They quickly checked Philip's injury and enthusiastically helped stop the bleeding, apply medicine and tie bandages.

Fang Zhuo was leaning on his desk, drinking tea, smacking his lips, and gestured: "Help the man next to him, Mount, check his injuries as well."

Then, he said: "Xiao Liu, let someone take Philip to the hospital and take a picture."

When Philip heard this, he insisted: "No, no need, Mr. Fang, Mr. Paulson wants to talk to you."

He still remembered why he came here, and even though something unexpected happened, he was still able to deal with it tenaciously.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly: "Okay, Goldman Sachs, right? Get a number and I'll call you when we arrive."

Philip was stunned: "That, that's Mr. Paulson..."

"Is Paulson here?" Fang Zhuo shrugged, "Either call the number here or go to the hospital to call the number. It's your choice."

Philip insisted angrily: "That's Paul..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "Ask what they mean."

A group of empty-heads stood outside the CEO's office, with angry expressions on their faces.

Now everyone knows the situation.

The DR fund's money was swallowed up by Goldman Sachs, and short-selling securities lending turned into naked short-selling. The losses that were originally hopeful to be controlled are now likely to directly lead to bankruptcy. This is the reason why Mount hates to take action.

This makes short sellers in small and medium-sized institutions feel sad.

Also, Goldman Sachs will block it when it comes up!

It was enough to be defeated by Yike's operation in the market, but now it is being played by Goldman Sachs, who completely ignores the rules and laws!

As Philip turned around, a group of people became eager to try again. This was in China anyway.

"Take a number, take a number." Phillip held his forehead, "I have to go to the lounge first, I'm bleeding again!"

Fang Zhuo raised his hand, and secretary Liu Zonghong helped Mr. No. 67, the senior vice president from Goldman Sachs.

When Mr. No. 67 disappeared, Fang Zhuo raised his wrist to check the time. Without closing the door, he stopped at the door of the CEO's office and asked three simple questions to this group of short sellers, large and small.

"Why are you shorting Yike?"

"What are you still doing here?"

"Why should I?"

There was silence outside the president's office.

"There are still people who want to threaten me and Yike." Fang Zhuo said this and smiled, "I will just sit here and not go anywhere. Let's see how Yike dies and see how you die first."

The CEO's work outside is like mourning his heir.

Thank you to the leader of the alliance who "brought a long sword and held Qin's bow, holding his head and body without punishment" for the reward.

Securities lending turned into naked short selling, which is what both Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch did.

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