Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1004: Knife mouth, tofu heart (8k)

The magic baton of the King of Retail Investors works too well.

Although Fang Zhuo had expected it, he still couldn't help but feel emotional when he saw this miraculous effect.

Financial markets are so much fun!

He patrolled Twitter for a while, watching many media outlets gradually fall into silence before he was content to call it a day.

It's evening on the American side, and early morning on the Shanghai side.

Speaking of which, the short sellers have not been able to sleep well in the past few days, and they themselves cannot sleep well either because of calls from the SEC, Kong Yu, attempts to contact several large institutions, or concern from domestic leaders.

The matter was urgent. If the Yike lounge was not full of short sellers, I would probably have to live in the company.

Fang Zhuo was eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, still concerned about Henglong's situation.

Ever since the short sellers came to Shanghai, and since the first short seller warmly welcomed them, Hang Lung Tower had to strengthen its security, had to temporarily close all jumping areas, and even the rooftop doors were locked.

Thanks to the seriousness and responsibility of the property management company, the current situation in this regard is not bad. Except for a few who were sent to the hospital for physical reasons and a few who have flown back to the United States to handle bankruptcy procedures, the emotions of others are still relatively stable.

As soon as breakfast was finished, secretary Liu Zonghong knocked on the door and came in holding a notebook.

The contact information has changed frequently these days, but the video conferencing channel within Yike remains smooth.

"Mr. Yu." Liu Zonghong said softly.

Fang Zhuo nodded, put down the newspaper in his hand, and looked at his notebook: "Good morning, oh, good evening. What instructions does Mr. Yu have? Has Microsoft produced any results?"

In order to show sincerity, or to directly solidify the cooperation, Goldman Sachs has helped mediate Microsoft's patent matters in the United States.

"Microsoft has initially agreed to mutual authorization between mobile phone manufacturers equipped with the WM system and us at Yike. However, the number of its patents is too many. Although there are many non-essential patents... the number is still very large. This needs to be supplemented by us. The price difference.”

"Well, Nokia doesn't know if there will be models equipped with WM, but we have communicated on this point, and Microsoft also agrees that even if Nokia is equipped with WM, it will not be within the scope of mutual authorization."

It has been established that Microsoft and Yike authorize each other, rather than Microsoft and Android.

Secondly, the sworn enemy Nokia is still a sworn enemy and will not take advantage of this convenience. It is still in the category where key patents are stuck.

Finally, Yike needs to pay the appropriate patent licensing price difference.

These are very reasonable negotiations.

Fang Zhuo drank tea and listened to Mr. Yu's report. He nodded slightly to indicate that he was listening.

"Microsoft's current asking price is 8 US dollars per unit. This price has been reduced from 10 US dollars. Now their attitude is quite firm." Yu Hong said after considering, "According to what the other party said, they plan to sue Samsung. They also want to sue Samsung." When it comes to this patent fee, the starting price is at least US$20.”

One unit costs US$8. With Yike's momentum this year, this is an expenditure of at least hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Fang Zhuoren did not express his opinions easily in Shanghai, but only made a small comment: "Microsoft has not sued us yet. Prosecution in this area is also easy and time-consuming. If we receive patent fees from our side, we will not be able to follow up with Samsung." They’re both easier to talk to.”

The camp boss has paid the money, why don't you think about it?

You can take advantage of Microsoft's desire to open up charging to lower prices.

Yu Hong understood what Mr. Fang meant and said, "We are not in a hurry. We can talk about it again."

She paused and continued: "I want to discuss something with you today. The 26th of this month is Samsung's new phone launch conference. At that time, Google CEO Schmidt will appear. Well, there will also be Verizon. It is said that , Samsung is very confident this time.”

Samsung has advanced the press conference, and Verizon has also removed Yike's suspected infringing models from the shelves in advance. It is obvious that it wants to impact the status of the big brother in the camp.

"There is a lot of commotion in our stock market. The most important thing is that Verizon's channel loss is indeed a blow. I think it is necessary for Yike to use your name as the world's richest man." Yu Hong said internally The discussion’s opinion was, “If possible, we would also like to hold the press conference before Samsung.”

"We will still use our first pre-sale method before the distribution is in place."

"The full online press conference will be hosted by you in Shanghai. You still have to attend this time, otherwise it will be a complete waste of your enthusiasm these days. We want to transfer the enthusiasm to the company's products, and we still need to firmly keep our name as the King of Android Phones. It’s in your hands.”

Samsung is coming fiercely, which can be regarded as a preparatory effort after the trial period.

No matter how turbulent the financial market is, Yike still has to sell its products well.

Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment and realized that this was serious business: "Okay, I'll do it."

"The publicity department plans to take advantage of the situation and pile up a bunch of advertisements for the occasion." Yu Hong said with a smile, "What about the 'mobile phone used by the former richest man in the world', the 'co-branded model of the mysterious person'... and for this Yike incident The laser-engraved commemorative edition will have some of your quotes."

"Oh, yes, they are also planning to find Harry Potter for a co-branded product."

Fang Zhuo laughed: "Stop joking."

"I'm not kidding you, Mr. Fang, you need to know what Verizon's channels mean to us." Yu Hong said seriously, "If you don't want to, you have to convince yourself to sacrifice for the company. I'm in New York. The impact of this short squeeze is being felt.”

She added: "Also, this 'King of Retail Investors' that just happened... I received an apology call from GLG Fund. You are too influential."

Yu Hong can get first-hand news and witness the grand scene on the front line.

"You can't blame me for this. It can only be said that retail investors have been suffering from institutions for a long time." Fang Zhuo said.

The mood of retail investors is high at every turn.

"When will it end this time?" Yu Hong asked the specific time.

Fang Zhuo replied: "It's almost Wednesday the 22nd, based on your time there."

"Then we will strike while the iron is hot and hold a press conference on the 23rd to make up for the public opinion brought this time to the product to the greatest extent. Today we will start preparing for pre-sales through various channels." Yu Hong made a decision immediately, taking into account the boss's style, and deliberately Said, "You can say whatever you want at the press conference, and you can also hold a meeting to declare the victory of the short squeeze."

The thoughts in Fang Zhuo's mind kept coming and going. This was originally assigned to Mr. Yu, but now it was a temporary task.

"Okay, prepare a manuscript for me over there and I will refer to it."

Yu Hong was a little surprised. Fang was always the kind of person who could talk for hours about what manuscript he wanted.

She agreed first, intending to collect the first-line situation in the past few days and provide some material to the boss.

As soon as the video call ended and Fang Zhuo took a few breaths, his secretary Liu Zonghong handed over the phone without stopping.

This is from Goldman Sachs Philip.

Philip hopes to confirm the time for today's meeting.

Because of the time difference, 10:30 tonight in Shanghai is 9:30 on Tuesday in New York, which is when Nasdaq opens again.

Goldman Sachs Emperor Paulson has finalized the intention to cooperate. The two most important items, share and time, have been determined. The more specific thing is to hand it over to Philip, who will lead the team to China this time.

"Nine o'clock in the evening? Too early, just twelve o'clock in the evening." Fang Zhuo disagreed with Phillip's time.

At nine o'clock tonight, Nasdaq hasn't opened yet, so what are you doing sitting in the conference room?

"Mr. Fang, Carlyle, Dexi and I all hope that this time can be more generous. It should be 11 o'clock at night at the latest. After all, we all have to connect with our respective companies." Philip said sincerely.

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to speak, he suddenly noticed something: "Where is Qiaoshui?"

This time, five major institutions came. Inseman was kicked out when communicating with Paulson, and the remaining four were all American companies.

Philip said: "Ian from Carlyle and Grant from Germany all believe that Henry is not suitable to participate in this meeting."

Fang Zhuo understood that this was another internal failure. The three companies somehow communicated and kicked out Bridgewater Associates.

He pondered: "The share of this large transaction..."

"Of course it's still the same 2%." Philip said, "Goldman Sachs is 0.7%, Carlyle is 0.65%, and Deutsche Bank is 0.65%."

Compared with the originally negotiated equal share, Goldman Sachs received 0.2% more, and the other two companies each received 0.15% more.

Fang Zhuo's stock was to be delivered to Goldman Sachs, and then Goldman Sachs delivered it to Carlyle and Dezeen. The prices for the two deliveries were naturally different, and the information disclosure submitted to the SEC was the next day.

This was the framework that was established when communicating with Paulson.

However, there are some differences in details now.

"Okay, it can be regarded as the medical expenses paid by Henry for you." Fang Zhuo confirmed. He asked Phillip about his second injury.

Philip breathed a sigh of relief. This is indeed possible. Mr. Fang only needs to deliver 2%. It doesn't matter which company it belongs to. Among them, Carlyle has the most abundant political resources. There are middlemen between Dexi Group and Yike. Bridgewater, which was relatively embarrassed, was voted out after a brief communication.

Although Bridgewater did not vote, the three votes cast by Goldman Sachs, Carlyle, and Deutsche Welle happened to be more than half.

The transactions of five companies are too crowded, and four companies are just right.

"Then we'll meet at 11 o'clock in the evening. I also want to settle this matter early." Fang Zhuo sighed, "From now on, I will run my company and you will run your fund. Everyone will go their separate ways."

Philip said quickly: "Mr. Fang, there is still a lot of room for cooperation between us."

Fang Zhuo smiled and hung up the phone.

He had a really good impression of Philip, and he just hoped not to see him again next time.

It was still early, but the company couldn't go, and there were still a bunch of confused short-seller representatives there.

Yike's stock has opened smoothly, and all short-selling institutions have suffered heavy losses. This group of people may still be counting on the SEC's settlement, or on negotiations with large institutions, or perhaps they have guessed that they have been abandoned.

But what can be done?

Looking back from the current time point, it seems that the outcome of the matter was already doomed the moment I started shorting Yike.

The financial market is willing to admit defeat, but this time it was a particularly disastrous loss.

During the day on Tuesday, Shanghai time, Fang Zhuo had a relatively relaxing time since returning to China.

Domestic leaders observe the situation, domestic media digests the information, short sellers are like zombies, large institutions are busy with internal negotiations, and the waves caused by foreign countries seem to not exist at all as long as you put down your mobile phone.

Only the top officials from the SEC and Nasdaq who flew to Shanghai are still trying to push forward the settlement of the whole matter.

However, Fang Zhuo expressed his willingness to resolve the matter to Nasdaq CEO Robert and Tristan, one of the five SEC committee members, but their impatience was quickly suppressed by other forces.

Fang Zhuo said: "Yes, this matter can be resolved with option settlement on Tuesday."

However, both Robert and Tristan encountered alternative responses to their responses.

The two people gradually became silent.

They didn't even try to release this statement from Mr. Fang to the outside world.

The parties involved are willing to reconcile, but others and even the previous victims are not willing to reconcile, so... let’s wait a little longer.

The big organizations that once made urgent threats, mobilized resources, and bribed the media have switched trenches, and without hesitation proactively postponed the end of the Yike incident. If not Tuesday, it would have to be Wednesday at the earliest.

Large customers and some large institutions have formed a confluence of wishes from a distance, which jointly determines the direction of Yike's stock price.

Fang Zhuo had a very pleasant day. He first listened to the market report from Yike Huaxia, and then talked to Qiu Ciyun in Germany to hear about the construction process there. Finally, while there was still time, he took a nap. Adjust the time difference and prepare for a new day on Nasdaq in the evening.

It was late at night in Shanghai, and most people had already fallen asleep.

Since ten o'clock, Goldman Sachs Philip, Carlyle Ian, and Desha Grant have been waiting for Mr. Fang's arrival in the hotel's high-end business conference room.

However, he did not show up at eleven o'clock as agreed. It was not until half past eleven that Mr. Fang arrived belatedly.

"Mr. Fang, good evening."

When the three people saw Mr. Fang, they stood up together to welcome him.

Fang Zhuo pressed his right hand softly, signaling that everyone was welcome.

Compared with the last time they met, these three people were both low-key and much more enthusiastic, which can be seen from the expressions on their faces.

It was 11:30 at night in Shanghai, and Nasdaq had already opened for 2 hours. Miraculously, YIKE stock had not been suspended, which made everyone continue yesterday's carnival.

By the time Fang Zhuo walked into the conference room, Yike's stock price had risen from yesterday's closing price of US$286.94 to US$418.6, which was already 4.67 times that of last Friday. The market value was crazy close to US$120 billion.

Volkswagen's market value reached 300 billion euros during the short squeeze last year, surpassing Exxon Mobil and becoming the world's largest company.

Now, some media believe that Yike will also use short selling to surpass Exxon Mobil again and become the world's number one.

Based on this calculation, there is still a lot of room for growth.

"Thank you for your hard work," Fang Zhuo said with a smile as he took the coffee from his secretary.

The three people were all modest: "It's not hard, it's not hard, it's all part of the job."

Ian, Philip, and Grant all had heavy dark circles on their faces, especially Philip, whose head had been traumatized twice.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of coffee, nodded and said, "Okay, let's look at the market."

Price determination for this block trade is probably the simplest.

Fang Zhuo and Paulson agreed to use Yike's stock price at 12 noon ET on Tuesday as the block trading price.

As for how long it will last, it depends on the pressure exerted by the SEC.

If they really can't coordinate and the SEC gets completely angry and Yike suspends trading, that's Goldman Sachs's business.

According to the current situation and the attitude of the major customers who contacted Kong Yu, Yike may announce the settlement of options at noon on Wednesday, and the market will close at 4 o'clock on Wednesday at the latest.

At the same time, MIGA funds will begin secret shipments this afternoon to avoid the risk of a forced trading suspension by the SEC, and the other part will be placed tomorrow morning.

Fangzhuo delivers 2% through block trades, and this 2% is released into the hands of large institutions. Block trades are not included in the real-time market, and the trading volume is included in the total stock trading volume after the end.

The MIGA fund first delivers 2% through the secondary market, and this 2% becomes tradable shares. Tomorrow, its remaining 2.9% and Yike's 5% option settlement will be released successively, basically completing this short squeeze harvest.

At the same time, all information disclosures will strictly comply with the relevant regulations of the SEC and Nasdaq.

According to Section 13D of the Williams Act in the United States, although the MIGA fund's holding of 4.9% did not reach the threshold, it has become a concerted actor of Fang Zhuo this time and must also make information declarations.

However, this time can be placed on the next day.

Relatively speaking, other markets around the world, such as the United Kingdom, have stricter regulations in this regard, requiring disclosure before noon the next day. Hong Kong is the most stringent, requiring disclosure before 9 a.m. the next day.

All in all, Fang Zhuo and his team have made all preparations and just want to issue a ticket safely and then make a mobile phone honestly.

Projectors are used in the conference room so that everyone can clearly see the changes in YIKE's stock price on Nasdaq.

It was very quiet today, with only the occasional movement of cups and few whispered discussions.




A simple change in the stock price figure represents an increase in market capitalization of hundreds of millions.

Rao is the absolute top of the three major organizations, and Ian, Philip, and Grant rarely see this kind of speed.

"Hey." Fang Zhuo suddenly broke the silence of the conference room.

Ian was startled and asked subconsciously: "What's wrong, Mr. Fang?"

"The Wall Street Journal's report changed the direction. They said I was the hero who sounded the alarm for the SEC." Fang Zhuo laughed. "This is too fast. I am not ready to be a hero yet."

When Ian heard about such a trivial matter, he said gently: "There are too many people in the daily newspaper, so it is inevitable that there will be differences of opinion. I heard that the person who always made rude remarks to the other party has left the Wall Street Journal."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Ian in surprise. He was so well-informed and paid attention to such details. The previous reports must have been bought by the Carlyle Group.

Ian responded with a friendly smile.

Fang Zhuo continued to browse the next Twitter message on his mobile phone and read it out smoothly: "Yesterday, my brother who studied finance was going to write a paper about Yike's short squeeze. Today, I am also going to write an article about the success of new media platform for retail investors. Thesis of the King.”

He smiled and said: "Finance is really interesting. Once retail investors form a group, they can actually harvest institutions."

Ian disagreed, commenting: "Retail investors are not united, and this is only temporary."

Fang Zhuo looked at Ian and said leisurely: "But the new Internet platform has the opportunity to give retail investors the will to unite, doesn't it?"

Ian suddenly didn't dare to answer the phone. Mr. Fang was already bad enough, so don't make it worse by making use of some bullshit King of Retail Investors incident.

While the two were talking, Yike's stock price had jumped to US$470.49, and it was expected to break through US$500 at 12 noon in New York.

Fang Zhuo put down his phone and looked at the jumping numbers.

Just when he was about to speak, secretary Liu Zonghong suddenly received a call, and then quietly walked to the boss to report the situation.

However, just halfway through the report, there was a faint noise outside the conference room, and occasionally there was the sound of hammering on the door.

The top executives of the three major institutions were alerted at the same time. Are people from small and medium-sized institutions coming over? Did Mr. Fang bring enough bodyguards?

"It's Henry from Bridgewater." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Do I need to let him in?"

Phillip breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: "No need, Mr. Fang, let him disappear."

Boom! Boom!

It was no longer like a knock on the door, but like a banging of the head on the door.

Fang Zhuo still couldn't bear it, waved his hand and said: "Let him in, don't die here."

The conference room door was opened and Henry climbed into the conference room.

Philip, Ian and Grant looked expressionless.

Henry stood up, closed the door immediately, then ripped off his tie and threw it to the ground, saying angrily: "How dare you! How dare you betray Bridgewater!"

Seeing that this person was looking at him, Fang Zhuo said innocently: "Don't look at me like this. We have always been opposites. How can I dare? I'm too lazy to interfere in your affairs."

Anyway, today is just a settlement with Goldman Sachs. How to deal with it later is Goldman Sachs's business.

When Henry heard what the world's richest man said, he wanted to clear his name, and became even more angry: "Don't think that I haven't asked about you in the past few days since I came to China. Don't you know what your own reputation is like? Without your approval. , how dare they!"

It's not like he didn't gain anything from his time in Shanghai. He even figured out the details about his reputation as a venture capital hunter.

This person surnamed Fang was full of malice from beginning to end. The Wall Street Journal put it well. This was Fang Zhuo’s long-planned plan!

Fang Zhuo sneered.

Henry sneered when he saw Mr. Fang, and quickly turned his anger to the person who made him even more angry. They obviously all came together, but they actually did such a thing!

"Philip, you Goldman Sachs are waiting to go to court!" Henry frowned, "The Securities and Futures Commission is waiting to take you and Fabrice to court together! You wait! You wait!"

He looked at Carlyle's Ian again.

Ian returned the polite gaze.

Henry sneered: "Ian, Philip came to me first. He wanted to kick your Carlyle Group out. I always thought that I should stick to some bottom lines. It seems that I was wrong!"

Ian was stunned and turned to look at Phillip.

Henry finally said to Grant of the German Group: "Any attempt to attack Bridgewater Funds will be punished and will never succeed. As long as I can't get out of this conference room, the outside world will immediately mess up what you are sitting down to negotiate." It has to fly all over the sky!”

He focused his attention on the leader in the conference room again.

Fang Zhuo felt that Henry really thought too much about himself. What does "can't get out of this conference room" mean?

Henry stood in the conference room like an unyielding fighter.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of the slightly cold coffee.

Phillip exchanged glances with Ian and Grant. Now that the matter was over, it was better to talk about it than to mess it up or cause a chain reaction.

The conference room soon became filled with intensive exchanges.

Henry sat in the fifth seat, representing Bridgewater Associates.

In just ten minutes, the results were discussed. Time was tight and there was no room for delay. Goldman Sachs 0.6%, Carlyle 0.55%, Deutsche Bank 0.55%, and Bridgewater 0.3%.

Fang Zhuo listened to the new plan without any comments and calmly accepted the four families sitting together again.

At 11:30 noon Eastern Time on Tuesday, Yike's share price exceeded $500.

"There's still half an hour." Fang Zhuo looked at the time. It was also 0:30 in the morning in Shanghai.

Phillip swallowed, fearing that there would be some twists and turns in the last half hour.

However, except for the still-beating numbers, this half hour was exceptionally quiet.


The final price of a large transaction.

This also means that 2% of the stock is worth $2.9633 billion.

This is a joint contribution from the four major institutions.

Goldman Sachs had already prepared a series of documents, which were forwarded to lawyers and legal teams in the next conference room for review.

The numbers on the projection are still beating.

But the top executives of the four major institutions finally felt relieved.

"Mr. Fang, Yike can be included in financial textbooks." Ian said with some congratulations.

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly: "What's the use of this to me? If you hadn't shorted Yike, how could this situation have happened? I don't know how many people I have offended this time. You have really hurt me."

The four of them cursed inwardly and lowered their heads to hide their expressions.

Document review takes time.

Soon, Ian saw a latest message from the people on Twitter on his mobile phone.

——Mr. Fang paid attention to a new question on Quora: How to make assets outperform inflation?

Ian didn't know what to say.

He thought for a while and said, "Mr. Fang, our Carlyle Group has an extremely professional financial management team that can help your assets to increase in value."

Fang Zhuo's eyes became very magical and asked: "You are so professional, how come you are sitting here?"

Ian: "..."

None of the other three brought shame upon themselves.

Ian became more and more courageous as he became more frustrated. Despite the fact that one of his funds had been forced to liquidate its position, he still admired this Chinese man: "Mr. Fang, your funds will be placed in MIGA fund?”

"Not necessarily, I might buy another private jet. The one I have now seems a bit small." Fang Zhuo sincerely shared his thoughts, "Or, use a third-party company to buy some patents. Our patents are still too weak. It’s a very profound lesson.”

Yike's patent issue has not yet been resolved.

Ian licked his dry lips slightly.

Fang Zhuo said leisurely and fascinated: "Alternatively, it would be good to buy a yacht. I can invite Nokia's Kallasvuo on the yacht. For this reason, Nokia will soon face the result of Yike's lawsuit. It will not talk to us. And, the development in the second half of the year will definitely lag, and the price paid by Yike and Nokia may not be more serious."

Nokia is stuck with patents, is it serious?

The foreseeable future is quite serious.

How serious is it? Just like Yi Ke is now.

The irrational market, the squeezed space, the frenzied retail investors, the headache of interest exchange, the uneasy mood, the despair of small and medium-sized institutions, all kinds of situations in the past four days have made the top management of the four major institutions like tireless hamsters.

However, at this moment, the hamster seemed to have jumped off the running wheel, and his tired thinking suddenly became clear.

There was an unpredictable atmosphere in the quiet conference room.

Fang Zhuo was still talking about the stock assets he had delivered: "Alternatively, it would be good for me to buy an office building in New York and rent it to the company as its headquarters. The money should be enough to buy the building. We need a spacious place to discuss patents. I hope Microsoft , Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC and a lot of other people can sit down and have a good talk, eh, forget it, let’s not talk about it, the stocks haven’t been delivered yet, what if something goes wrong?”

He collected the plans.

"No, no." Phillip rubbed his fingers, not looking at Mr. Fang, and focused his gaze on the desk.

Fang Zhuo nodded vaguely, becoming the old god again.

After a long time, the review in the office next door was completed. Goldman Sachs was still very professional in this regard, and there were almost no objections.

Fang Zhuo signed readily and filled in the information disclosure content that needed to be reported tomorrow.

By the time the complicated documents were signed, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Fang Zhuo put down the pen and commented to himself: "I am just a sharp-edged person with a soft mouth and a soft heart."

The four of them all looked at Mr. Fang, who was sharp-tongued and had a sharp heart. The current richest man in the world didn't know how many knives he had in his heart.

"Otherwise, how can I let Henry in? No one will care about him outside, right?" Fang Zhuo gave a close example.

Henry took two steps and stretched out his right hand.

At the moment when he held the boss's hand, the fatigue of many days seemed to be driven away, and his hand suddenly gained strength.

"Bridgewater Associates thanks Mr. Fang." Henry's voice was a little low, staring into Mr. Fang's eyes.

Fang Zhuo allowed him to hold his hand tightly, staring at the other person without any hesitation, and asked lightly: "Really?"

This look is too calm.

Henry's heartbeat suddenly beat a beat faster, and a creepy feeling came to his heart.

He had heard Mr. Fang's name in the past, and the short seller Yike had also seen the other party's information, but this time he actually met face to face, which really left a deep impression.

At this moment, the impression seemed to become blurry again, and only the emotionless eyes in front of me were reflected in my heart.

Emotionless, cold and aloof, like a cat ruthlessly toying with a mouse.

"Yes, Mr. Fang, Bridgewater welcomes your investment. We have the most professional services in the world, but occasionally we lose in front of the world's richest man." Henry spit out the flattery from his throat as if he could not control it.

He wanted to let go.

Instead, Fang Zhuo shook the hand of the Vice President of Qiaoshui again, with a smile on his face: "It's just a fluke, I believe in Qiaoshui."

He let go of his hand and shook hands with the other three.

The procedures were complete, but it was already late, so Mr. Fang left with his people.

There were only four senior executives from the four institutions in the conference room who were visiting China this time.

"What are you looking at?" Carlyle's Ian suddenly asked Henry, who was a little stunned.

Henry turned his head and saw Ian's familiar sharp eyes.

He said slowly: "I'm watching Fang Zhuo leave. I want to see where his funds come from and what kind of clients his MIGA fund has."

With its exquisite design alone, Yike would not have been able to open the market on Monday, there would not have been so many twists and turns, and there would have been no need to pay such a high price.

"As long as we know that he has a fund and that he has connected a group of people, it is enough." Ian narrowed his eyes, "ITC is very angry about Yike's situation."

Henry certainly knew that the ITC was angry that the preliminary ruling was invalid and even turned into a bait for Yike. The new trial judge was an associated client of Bridgewater Associates.

However, at this moment, the night is deep and I feel a chill all over my body.

"Take care of the immediate matters first. I'm going to make a call over there." Henry let out a long breath, and this matter was considered over.

He turned and left the conference room.

Ian watched Henry's back leave, and saw the thoughtful expressions of Grant and Phillip.

He believed in Qiao Shui and believed that Qiao Shui would never give up.

No one stumbles on the same stone twice.

The mysterious man ultimately failed.

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