Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1020 Haze (4k)

In response to the ITC's final ruling and the short selling by relevant institutions, it is a difficult problem to put aside the current management seal of the world's best CEO, how to respond more effectively and make larger profits.

Even Fang Zhuo could only list one piece of A4 paper.

Among them, making a fuss about his number of followers approaching the top ten on Twitter is an important task.

Fang Zhuo had made an investment in Twitter before, and he also focused on Twitter when building the Android software ecosystem. Of course, Twitter has lived up to its supposed brilliance in the mobile Internet era.

As of May 2009, Twitter has nearly 150 million users. The account with the most followers is Lady Gaga, with a total of 7.27 million followers.

Fang Zhuo’s account has 4.52 million followers, ranking 11th. In front of him are celebrities such as Oprah, Taylor, Kardashian, Ellen, Xiao O, Justin.

Compared with these celebrities, the number of times he uses Twitter is actually not that frequent. The most ferocious increase in followers came from the Yike short squeeze incident.

It is precisely for this reason that the media used the "King of Retail Investors" as a breakthrough in May to discredit and eliminate it to avoid any unexpected situations.

If nothing goes wrong, something will happen.

Fang Zhuo does have some understanding of public opinion, and after noticing the irrational market sentiment of the "King of Retail Investors", he quickly decided to coerce ordinary investors, but... he only has a little understanding.

Who is the person who knows best and is best at using the American Internet?

Who is called the leader of the Internet?

He is indeed a good CEO of Shiyi!

They are the most professional!

This time, they not only want to use their power to make money, but they also want to be upright... and they also want to use their professional skills to make money in secret!

Lu Peining and others took over part of the division of public opinion and personally rectified the names of retail investors.

However, they still have doubts about the effect that retail investors can be coerced. Although Mr. Fang has briefly tried to force hedge funds out of other stocks, this time Yike faces different negative factors and different levels of opponents. Retail investors Where is the boundary of action?

Fang Zhuo is more confident than Lu Peining and others. Retail investors have been suffering from institutions for a long time, and the Internet platform has given them the opportunity to unite and fight back.

The most famous thing among American retail investors is their group short squeeze on short-selling institutions on GameStop GME.

In one week, GME's stock price skyrocketed 8 times, and after being tricked by Musk, this number was increased to 12 times. The upper and lower limits of the stock price within a year were 27 times. It became a carnival for retail investors and eventually forced institutions to There is no need to unplug the network cable or shut down the server.

Melvin Capital, a well-known hedge fund with more than $13 billion in capital under management, suffered huge losses in this battle, which indirectly led to the final liquidation and redemption.

This is not the end yet. The fate of short-selling institutions has caused retail investors who realized the power of grouping to switch to stocks such as AMC, BlackBerry, Kodak, and Nokia, as well as markets such as silver and Bitcoin.

Of course, there are winners and losers, and the retail camp has gradually changed.

What Fang Zhuo has to do now is to let everyone try to have fun.

After the announcement of the ITC ruling, multiple media reports, Microsoft's sudden change of heart, and institutions coming forward to express their opinions, YIKE stock plunged 6.3% in the first hour of the opening. By 13:00 noon, the stock price had fallen from US$141.28 to US$118.69, creating a The largest drop since listing was 15.99%.

Seeing the stock price plummeting, Yike officially announced a company-level response-expanding the stock repurchase plan. Major shareholder Fang Zhuo plans to lend US$1 billion and earmark the funds for the company's repurchase.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, YIKE's stock price closed down and rebounded to $122.48.

From 9:30 to 2:00, in four and a half hours, Yike's market value evaporated by 5.37 billion, and the stock price still plummeted by 13.3%.

At the same time, Fang Zhuo’s Twitter update has received 400,000 likes, and # Everyone is the King of Retail Investors # has also become a hot word on Twitter.

Some people are retweeting Mr. Fang’s tweets, some are analyzing the situation of Yike, some are complaining about the greed of institutions, and some are talking about the financial crisis that is still having an impact... There are various emotions surrounding Yike, which has been successfully shorted once again. In the spread, Yi Ke and Fang Zhuo once again became a hot discussion on the Internet.

Yike's stock price continued to fall firmly amid the shock.

Online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are discussing the situation between the previous round and this one.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, YIKE's stock price fell to $120 again.

This trend finally let the heavily short-selling institutions breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially for the short-selling king Paulson, the inexplicable haze in his heart was completely dispelled!

confidence! The confidence is finally back!

Yike is just an ordinary mobile phone company!

He just took advantage of it last time!

There is absolutely no need to bear so much pressure!

Paulson looked at YIKE's stock price and felt happy. He updated his Twitter that he had been continuously outputting during this period and said disdainfully: "YIKE's stock price is far from bottom. I think it is only worth 5 billion US dollars. The above It’s all bubbles.”

Is the world’s largest Android phone brand worth only $5 billion?

The rising industry star that forced Nokia and Microsoft to join forces is only worth $5 billion?

A company that has to let Samsung mutually license patents and learn from its experience is only worth $5 billion?

Yike has more than 20 million mobile phone users around the world, and many of them are concerned about Yike's financial experience.

Quite a few of them were angered by Paulson's remarks.

Joseph, a programmer with a background in finance who switched careers, angrily responded directly to Paulson’s tweet: Paulson, do you know what you are talking about? Can you tell me that Yike is only worth US$5 billion? Greed is a sin, Mr. Fang was right.

When Paulson saw the sentence "Greed is a sin", he remembered the losses in the previous round, and interacted with this ordinary passerby: Is there anything wrong with what I said? You ask Fang Zhuo to continue saying greed is a sin and see if it works?

Joseph was extremely angry and sent several tweets in a row, and called angrily: The financial crisis is not over yet, the greed of these institutions has resurfaced, they violate laws and regulations, and the SEC turns a blind eye to this, they lie to our faces, and they are not even afraid of being caught by us. Exposed, they forcefully suppress the stock price for profit, causing damage to the interests of ordinary people. They can snipe, and so can we! Unite! # Everyone is the king of retail investors #

He continued to appeal: We can buy Yike's stock, just one share, we just need to buy one share, and we just need to hold it in our hands, Yike's stock price will rise, and these bastards will be punished! # Everyone is the king of retail investors #

Is the appeal of an ordinary passerby useful?

Something magical happened.

it works.

An unknown passerby’s appeal was suddenly widely forwarded and commented on.

“These bastard institutions put me on the streets!”

"Let them die!"

“Yike stock is rising!”

“Is it really okay to just buy one share?”

"How can it be useful? Yike's stock price has fallen so hard!"

"Buy, it's just one share anyway! I'll try it! What's the big deal!"

The content of many comments gradually became consistent - buy one share, buy one share!

Just when such public opinion emerged, Yike Company announced the end of pre-sales and started supply in the global market ahead of schedule.

Ten minutes later, Yike once again released news that it was negotiating with AT\u0026T, the largest telecommunications operator in the United States, and was expected to reach a two-year cooperation this month. AT\u0026T did not deny this statement.

This undoubtedly injects confidence into the market prospects of Yike products.

In March of this year, Verizon, the second largest operator in the United States, removed Yike mobile phones from the shelves early, interrupted the cooperation between the two parties, and instead hooked up with Samsung. This was seen as shaking the fundamentals of Yike.

Now, with the second child gone, a eldest son is expected to come, which will undoubtedly be an important complement.

It was already 3:30 in the afternoon, and Yike’s stock price fell to US$115.89.

Fang Zhuo, who had updated his Twitter in the morning, appeared again and retweeted programmer Joseph’s criticism of the institution.

Immediately, Joseph shared a new discovery. By coincidence, he discovered a free stock trading platform app that makes it easy to open an account.

Fang Zhuo liked and reposted it again. Coincidentally, this is an Android application called Freetrade that was launched at the beginning of this month.

A brand-new platform with no transaction fees and no analysts. The operation is simple and convenient, and you can exchange operation experiences.

Fang Zhuo and Joseph's Twitter popularity continued to soar, and many people began to try to download Freetrade.

This brand new app is also soaring in the Android app store rankings.

Retail slogans on Twitter are spreading and even starting to spread to Facebook.

“Buy one share and punish the institution!”

“Buy one share and punish the institution!”

It’s not to support Yike, it’s just to punish those greedy short-selling institutions!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yike's stock price closed at US$117.36, a drop of 16.9% throughout the day. It was immediately dubbed by many media as "Yike Plunge", "Yike Bubble Burst", "Yike Collapse", etc., but they did not report it gradually. The Internet public opinion spread.

Fang Zhuo updated his Twitter again at this time, quoting a proverb from the Old Testament: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

He did not mention Yike stock, nor did he mention "buy one share." From morning to afternoon, he responded to the media and criticized short sellers.

As for how to retaliate, ordinary passers-by are quickly trying to find a solution.

Nasdaq closed on Monday, but ordinary investors, undercover soldiers and Fang Zhuo did not.

Fang Zhuo started working intensively and liked relevant emotional expressions.

More and more people are flocking to Freetrade’s app.

There are no analysts here, but retail investors want analysts, and don’t talk about company value, rational investment, and long-term trading. This is to punish institutions, to fight an eye for an eye, and to fight a sniper with a sniper!

At seven o'clock in the evening, programmer Joseph announced on Twitter that he had established a website called "Go die" specifically to discuss retail investor groupings.

To this end, he updated his Twitter line by line and published messages of criticism to the institutions.

"Because of your Wall Street greed, because of your horrific illegal financial decisions, millions of lives have been changed, thousands are out on the streets, and yet you are bailed out and rewarded!"

"I use my savings to buy food and use my credit card to pay rent, and you stand in a shiny office and point fingers, unscrupulously!"

"I would rather stop paying rent and use the rent money to buy more YIKE stocks!"

"This is my personal decision, and it will be the decision of more people. You can suppress Yike's stock price to 117 US dollars in a few hours, or even lower, but I will not run away."

"You can use the media to smear me, vilify me, and attack me, but I don't care!"

"I want to buy Yike shares, and I will do everything I can to make you suffer!"

"More people will unite together. If the SEC doesn't punish you, we will punish you!"

“Death to the institution!”

“ # Everyone is the king of retail investors # ”

Joseph established the website "Go die" to discuss how to unite and spread words, to boost morale and pay attention to institutional dynamics.

Ideas, institutions of punishment.

Organization, Twitter, Facebook, Go die website.

The program is to eat one less meal and buy one more stock. The organization persuaded me to give out, and I would rather die than accept it.

The mainstream media did not report on the public opinion on the Internet. They were more analyzing and discussing YIK's plunge today. They believed that the suppression of multiple negative factors will cause YIK to fall further tomorrow, and the early sales and channels released by YIK are Negotiations are of unknown effect.

The main reason is that a loan from a major shareholder has some effect, but Fang Zhuo's funds alone cannot stop the pessimism in the market.

Large institutions were overjoyed and were not satisfied with Yike's decline of only 16.9%, looking forward to a strong harvest the next day.

But there are also a few people who have noticed the trends on the Internet and are gradually worried. This kind of joke-like "buying a share" is not really effective, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Retail investors will never be united and will flee at the slightest sign of division.

This is a proven experience in the past.

Celebrate, celebrate, pop the champagne.

However, Paulson, who has been logging into Twitter recently, was a little shocked after dinner.

He found that almost every time he refreshed Twitter, he could see slogans such as "Buy one share" or "Punish the institution" or "Everyone is the king of retail investors."

Paulson tried to download the Freetrade app and followed the prompts to register in just one minute. It took another thirty seconds to buy a share of YIKE without commission.

Nasdaq allows pre-market and after-market trading outside normal trading hours. There is no unit limit and no price limit. However, the trading volume is usually not high and the liquidity is not strong. After-hours trading is mostly retail trading.

Paulson saw that the Freetrade discussion forum was extremely active, and some people were selling commemorative T-shirts of the "King of Retail Investors" there, claiming that if you buy 10 shares of YIKE, you would get a free T-shirt worth $99.

"I am a fund bankruptcy manager. Last month I sold 'Mr. Fang's Shorts' and this month I sold 'King of Retail Investors'. "

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense with greedy and shameless things like institutions. Let's work together as a team!"

The bankrupt fund manager who once flew to Shanghai to get an account is very active on Twitter, Facebook, Freetrade, Go die and other Internet platforms, enthusiastically selling commemorative T-shirts, and crusading against shameless institutions with righteous indignation.

"The institution is greedy, shameless, despicable, and I know it best! Because I came from it!"

Looking at the remarks of his former colleague, Paulson felt that even though he had changed careers, he still had not gotten rid of his shameless habits.

He put down his phone, considered the development of the situation, and subconsciously looked at YIKE's stock price.

During the after-hours trading period, when trading volume is usually low, liquidity is not strong, and retail transactions are the main focus, Yike's stock price suddenly jumped to a full US$120.

Unconsciously, Yike's stock price has risen by 2.25% after the market closed, returning to the $120 mark!

Paulson's heartbeat quickened and his mouth suddenly felt dry.

He picked up his mobile phone and quickly sold a share of YIKE he had just bought with Freetrade, determined not to associate with the kings of retail investors, as if this could get rid of the haze that reappeared in his heart.

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