Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1025 If you don’t do it, you won’t stop (4k)

The research and development of the ice core manufacturing process is very critical.

How critical is it?

After two meetings at Bingxin, Fang Zhuo and Philip shared the significance of 45nm over dinner. Needless to say, the pursuit of its own process iterations and the stable customers it has brought, 45nm alone will definitely be needed by Qualcomm’s new processor next year. , and the COMS process reform of Bingxin Shencheng No. 3 Factory in cooperation with Sony also requires 45nm to solve the problem.

CPU and CMOS are related to the performance of the next generation Yike flagship, as well as better cost control and profit margins.

This will greatly improve the competitiveness of Yike's products in the increasingly homogeneous industry environment.

Fang Zhuo was very talkative, and he didn't hide anything when faced with Philip's occasionally pointed questions. He was basically willing to talk to anyone he could talk to, after all, he was a shareholder of Bingxin.

Yike is so shady this time, Goldman Sachs can't defeat Yike. Goldman Sachs is so big, Yike can't trick Goldman. At most, several of its hedge funds will be liquidated, and there is still room for maneuver between them.

Philip was not used to Mr. Fang's sincerity, but he could indeed get a glimpse of his industrial chain planning.

When the dinner was coming to an end, Philip felt a little unhappy.

"Mr. Fang, if necessary, I think ice core should be launched faster."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said nothing.

Philip said seriously: "Goldman Sachs never thought that Ice Core would surpass SMIC one day. This is also a day that many people have never thought of. But can Ice Core really develop so smoothly?"

Fang Zhuo sighed, "Look, this is sincerity for sincerity."

He put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "I would like to hear the details."

Philip didn't quite believe that people like Mr. Fang didn't consider this aspect, but maybe he was immersed in the development of Yike or other things and lost his sensitivity.

He hesitated for a moment, then organized the speech and said: "SMIC was born in 2000, and Ice Core was born at the end of 2003. At that time, China's GDP was only six or seven in the world, but your technology introduction and equipment procurement licenses have suffered setbacks. Mr. Fang , you know better than me, well, this is already a breakthrough."

"Now, China is already the world's third largest economy, and everyone is convinced that in the next two to three years, China will surpass Japan and become the world's second largest economy."

"Ice core development is rapid, but the third five-year procurement license..."

Phillip Jianfang remained silent and continued: "Many people don't care what kind of company Ice Core is, but not everyone doesn't care what kind of company Ice Core is."

"Mr. Fang, Bingxin has now replaced SMIC as the most successful semiconductor company in mainland China. Whether it is from my personal point of view or as a shareholder of Goldman Sachs, I suggest you that the sooner Bingxin is listed, the better. In case there is a Variety……"

If there is a real change, Goldman Sachs' shares will be lost. The sooner it goes public, the better.

Goldman Sachs really didn’t expect ice core to develop so well, but it was a bit too good.

Advanced process + Qualcomm and other partners + Yike terminal, although it is still in the second echelon, this phenomenon has already been shown.

Today, the United States is still in the recovery stage from the financial crisis. What changes will happen in the future? Judging from Philip's feelings, there will definitely be changes anyway.

"Time flies so fast." Fang Zhuo said leisurely, "Philip, from what you said, the ice core was established five or six years ago."

Philip said tactfully: "It took SMIC four years to go public."

"If it weren't for funds, SMIC could be more stable." Fang Zhuo sighed, "If it weren't for SMIC's success and the support of friends, Bingxin would not have such a solid and stable development."

It is precisely because of SMIC's development and Bingxin's reference that relevant talents, experience, policies, lessons and even obtaining licenses from the United States can come together to achieve what we have now.

Phillip smiled in a friendly manner.

"We got the license relatively easily this time... but your reminder was very timely." Fang Zhuo muttered, "Ice core will be on the market, but we have to wait until Yike gets a larger market share."

Phillip frowned, the situation you, Yike, are facing now may be even worse than Bing Xin.

He advised: "Mr. Fang, the sooner I go public, the safer it is. You don't know when the change will come. This kind of change is bad, even if you use ice core to make another squeeze, what if it goes short?"

Philip put it more bluntly: "Go public first and get the funds. Even if you encounter negative changes in the end and have to privatize and delist, at least the ecosystem related to the industry chain will be left in China."

As long as it can be listed, as long as Goldman Sachs can get money, it doesn't matter whether you do it for the industry or for profit, whether you have the world in mind or your own calculations, I, as a shareholder, can do it.

"Philip, Philip, I haven't listed on the market yet, and you are thinking about privatization." Fang Zhuo couldn't help laughing, "Are you so pessimistic? The listing of Bingxin will not be until the release of Yike's new machine next year. Compared with Goldman Sachs , I am the major shareholder of Bingxin, and I am more anxious than any of you."

Philip once again heard about the ice core associated with Yike, but a lot had been said today, and Mr. Fang’s attitude towards the listing was relatively clear...

He also smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, this is just my idea. According to Huaxia, you should be prepared for any disaster."

Fang Zhuo nodded in agreement.

Philip was thinking about giving a report on today's conversation. When to sell the shares after Bingxin's listing is something Goldman Sachs needs to study and judge.

Time entered night again, and Mr. Fang had to meet with the leaders when he arrived in Luzhou, so it was not appropriate for Phillip to follow him.

Therefore, he could only look at the rising stock price of YIKE in the hotel again.

Unlike the last time when options were used for a run, there were back and forth for four consecutive trading days this week... Of course, this is what Philip heard from the inside. As for the rising stock price, professionals say that the bubble is getting worse. Bigger, more panicky when you are disillusioned.

Philip sipped his drink and watched the trend of YIKE in New York on Thursday, and found that the rate of increase today seemed to be faster than that of the previous three days.

In less than two hours, YIKE's stock price has risen all the way to 242.6 US dollars, which feels like it is going to kill the institution.

Philip didn't make many calls tonight. The struggle has become obvious. Except for irrational retail investors, many people are waiting for an inflection point to arrive.

Such an inflection point can be the result of a financial crash, the crash of ITC and SEC, or off-market factors.

At half past eleven in the night, just as Philip was pondering the situation, there was a quick knock on the door of the room.

"Philip, Philip, aren't you going to sleep? You won't read the market today?" Mr. Fang's vague voice came from outside.

Phillip opened the door with some surprise and saw that Mr. Fang was not alone. There were also his secretary and other strangers outside.

"This is our local leader, Secretary-General Luo Minghua. We just finished a meeting. Everyone was chatting happily and planned to sing K. I thought you were all alone up there watching the music, so why not come and sing together." Fang Zhuo smiled. Said, "Let's go down."

Philip came from Shanghai alone this time, and the rest of the small team stayed there.

To say that I am alone, I am not that lonely...

Phillip looked at Mr. Fang who was very interested, and then at Luo Minghua who was looking at him, but he still agreed to this somewhat abrupt invitation.

Late night KTV, hotel singing room.

Philip thought there might be some other activities, but he didn't expect it to be singing.

He watched Mr. Fang and Luo Minghua join hands and sing the song "Friends" happily together - friends, walk together for life, those days will no longer exist...

He saw Mr. Fang sing a song "Broad Sea and Sky" alone, which won warm applause from everyone.

He was also invited by Mr. Fang to sing a song called "It's Love to Wait", which was well received by the whole house.

Singing is indeed more comfortable than reading.

So after the event ended, when Philip returned to the room, he didn't feel too much when he saw YIKE's stock price breaking through 260 US dollars.

As the Chinese saying goes, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow.

Phillip lay on the bed drunkenly and had a good sleep.

The next morning, he regained consciousness and looked at the stock price again. From mid-day to after-hours, YIKE had changed to $278. Seeing that it was going to break through $300 this week, there was a steady stream of retail investors and funds taking advantage of the situation. The rudder mechanism rushed in.

Several large institutions are already facing sharks that smell blood.

While listening to his own internal opinions and measures, Philip looked for Mr. Fang and temporarily participated in the ice core budget briefing meeting hosted by him.

Fang Zhuo didn't mind Phillip's intrusion at all, and happily introduced him to everyone.

"Goldman Sachs is our shareholder, and Philip is here to express support on behalf of Goldman Sachs this time. Regarding this year's budget, it is also the money I earned from shareholders. If it weren't for Goldman Sachs' support, there would be quite a lot of pressure this year."

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

Philip had become somewhat accustomed to Mr. Fang's joking style, and did not have any emotional activity. Instead, he really talked about his surprises and expectations for the development of Bingxin from the perspective of shareholders in a very graceful manner.

Fang Zhuo took the lead in applauding after Philip finished his speech, and there was another burst of joy.

Talk about budget, talk about R\u0026D, and seek development.

After attending this meeting, Phillip had a vague feeling that Fang was always a technical executive.

"A lake has been dug in the west of Luzhou. I made an appointment with the leader to chat while fishing. It was not very formal. Are you in the cafeteria or fishing with me?" Fang Zhuo asked the Goldman Sachs vice president after the meeting.

Phillip is still willing to stay with Mr. Fang.

In a foreign country, he fished, ate, drank, sang K, and was even dragged to a small investment meeting by Mr. Fang.

Two days are both fast and slow. The fast time is the fulfilling life arrangement, but the slow time is that YIKE stock price is still rising.

On the fifth trading day since the opening of this week, YIKE's stock price officially exceeded US$300.

Philip got the news that large institutions, including Goldman Sachs and Bridgewater Associates, met together in New York for a meeting. They believed that they could not fight endlessly with retail investors like this and would complete a fatal blow to YIKE by the weekend.

Cut off Twitter!

Stop Freetrade!

ITC additional infringement review!

Two days of brewing over the weekend are enough to complete next Monday's harvest.

Philip didn't know what contacts and negotiations Bridgewater, Carlyle, and the Deutsche Group had had. He knew that his emperor Paulson had already met the current financial steward Geithner in Washington, and had also met three people on the SEC committee. committee member.

Android-based Freetrade is determined to re-examine its platform qualifications. As for Twitter, its server room may also have problems, and the ITC review will be a news statement.

Such pressure from public opinion, trading platforms, the future of the market, and behind-the-scenes pressure ensured Yike's collapse on Monday.

No matter what retail investors think, the small and medium-sized institutions mixed in the long market will definitely run away immediately, thus completely bringing down YIKE's stock price.

Retail investors are retail investors after all, and they cannot resist to the end.

At 4 pm in New York on Friday, YIKE closed at $316.15.

Compared with the opening price of US$141.28 on Monday, Yike's stock price has increased by 2.24 times, rising almost before and after the market. It fluctuated and rose during the market, which created a week of rising prices.

This is not as crazy as in April, but the long-short game is so intense and obvious, and mixed with the increasingly widespread symbolic reference of the event such as "King of Retail Investors", many media are summarizing Yike's performance this week. Condition.

However, before many reports were released, a fire broke out in Twitter's data center, once again causing users to be unable to use the service.

Just half an hour later, Twitter officially announced that it would activate a specially built data center in Salt Lake City, Utah in advance, which is expected to take 3-5 working days.

This week, there was a problem with Twitter's server performance. Some media have linked this situation to the Yike incident. However, many people think this is a conspiracy theory.

Similarly, this fire in the computer room also proves Twitter's foresight and necessity to build a dedicated data center. Earlier, there were reports of rain, water leakage, overheating and network disconnection in the computer room.

YIKE's after-hours market on Friday did not continue its inertial rise due to the impact of the new situation on Twitter, and almost maintained the stability of the closing price.

"Mr. Fang, Twitter is unavailable again."

It was Saturday morning in China in a different time zone. When Philip saw Mr. Fang, he endured strange emotions and announced in his heart with some regret that the happy time would eventually come to an end.

"Spam Twitter." Fang Zhuo still responded like this. He didn't take it seriously and asked again, "There is a meeting in the province this morning. It will probably end soon."

Phillip understood that this was a meeting he was not suitable to follow.

"I'm going to visit the packaging factory next door." He found a job for himself.

Fang Zhuo nodded, chatted for a few more words, and then set off for the meeting with his secretary.

On the way, he received a call from Washington, personally called by Lu Peining.

"Mr. Fang, Twitter is moving data." Lu Peining's voice was a little low.

"Well, what should I say?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"There is some pressure and communication here. The SEC is not sure whether there will be further measures. The ITC has not made clear its stance on Nokia's latest lawsuit. However, Twitter is indeed moving to a new data center." Lu Peining said to herself grasp the situation.

Fang Zhuo thought that the rise this week was relatively mild, and maybe it could rise again next week.

"Mr. Fang, I'm not sure whether the information I got is accurate enough, but if Twitter really can't be restored for a few working days, we are in danger. It's impossible for the organization not to take action. If you ask me, let's just do nothing." If we don't stop, we'll kill them this weekend." Lu Peining's voice was ruthless.

By this time, he suspected danger.

Twitter is evidence, and the rest... doubt itself is evidence.

One of the most important channels of public opinion has been cut off, and the SEC and ITC have not made any definite statement.

Fang Zhuo simply went over the situation in his mind.

They are not in the United States, so it is difficult to judge the situation truly and keenly from a distance.

But the decision was easy to make.

"Okay, I won't stop until I do it." Fang Zhuo agreed.

Without the channel for public opinion, communication among retail investors has been frustrated.

But soon, retail investors who care about Yike all over the world will know that the biggest disadvantage has disappeared.

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