Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1036 Old Friend (4k)

Three of the country's most representative companies were chatting together, and the voices in the entire venue were unconsciously muffled.

The sensible people around him consciously distanced themselves, and those in the distance glanced over from time to time, wishing they had learned lip reading in advance.

Judging from the scene alone, it didn't seem that harmonious. Penguin President Liu Chiping and Weibo President Wang Xing didn't look good, but there were handshakes in the middle and President Ali Ma's laughter.

The sensible ones were silently trying to figure it out, while the ignorant ones... had bravely walked over.

"Qianjiang Evening News" reporter Yao Yan observed the situation and felt that the atmosphere of the three companies was pretty good and there didn't seem to be any lengthy discussions. She stepped forward to interview with a beautiful smile.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Fang, Mr. Ma, hello, I am Yao Yan, a reporter from the "Qianjiang Evening News". Today many entrepreneurs came to our West Lake to participate in this year's Internet industry symposium." Yao Yan joined the industry not long ago. But he spoke very steadily, "I saw three people communicating over there just now. I wonder if you can share it with us?"

The two horses looked at each other and basically decided on their answer.

Fang Zhuo said cheerfully: "We were just chatting. Pony and I talked about the development of e-commerce."

Ma Chen said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Fang and I talked about the future of the portal."

Ma Huateng nodded slowly and said, "Well, Alibaba and I discussed the prospects of smartphones."

The three bosses are all very kind.

However, Yao Yan was a little dizzy after hearing this. Penguin e-commerce didn’t seem to be very good, and Alibaba didn’t do a portal. Who was talking to whom about smartphones...

"When I came to West Lake today, even though Alibaba was once again doing its job as a landlord, this time the air was filled with the smell of Taobao. I am a frequent visitor to Lin'an. To be honest, I am happy from the bottom of my heart." Fang Zhuo looked at Lin'an. Being my hometown and having the Second Ice Core Factory, I am happy to see the development of this city.

Ma Chen continued: "The economic situation has changed significantly this year. However, the Internet is facing challenges and is still developing at a rapid pace. This is what we need to talk about at this symposium."

Ma Huateng said concisely and concisely: "I am very happy to be here. Talking about cooperation and competition is exactly the meaning of this kind of meeting."

A word from one person does not hurt the harmony.

Yao Yan didn't expect to be able to actually see the flash of swords in person, so it would be okay to have such a first-hand interview.

However, as a media reporter, she really had to ask more questions on this occasion.

"Mr. Fang, as the dust of Yike's financial incident has settled, what can you share with us?"

Fang Zhuo sighed when Er Ma also looked at him with interest: "The development of the company is like sailing against the current. If it does not advance, it will retreat. Sometimes I really can't think of which field the difficulties the company faces come from. I can only say that Yike has a lot more this time." luck."

Is it luck? Was it released incidentally because Apple lobbied for the ban?

To this day, this is still a hotly discussed discussion point on the Internet at home and abroad.

Yao Yan politely thanked Mr. Fang for his answer and left space for the three bosses again.

However, because of the reporter's appearance, this central area that has attracted much attention has lost the interest in arguing. Regardless of communication, social networking or e-commerce, strength must speak for itself after all.

One party and two horses dispersed separately, and they made their own arrangements for the personnel docking for the next symposium.

"You don't have to follow me, you can talk about yourselves." Fang Zhuo took a few steps and found that Wang Yan, Wang Xing and others were still nearby. "Just don't start a fight. In such an occasion with many people, a fight will not look good."

Several people nearby praised the boss's high bottom line.

They also have their own circle and acquaintances, even with two security assistants still following them, so they have to guard against certain things.

Fang Zhuo exchanged casual greetings and suddenly saw Brother Wang. He almost didn't recognize it was Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Science and Technology.

Brother Wang looked serious and nodded occasionally, very charming.

Fang Zhuo didn't want to go there, but when he saw the person he was talking to, he felt he had to pay attention.

He said hello: "Brother Wang."

Wang Fengyi immediately smiled and introduced Mr. Fang: "Mr. Fang, this is Mr. Jia Yueting of LeTV."

Jia Yueting seemed a little excited and stretched out his hand.

Fang Zhuo shook his hand lightly and said, "Mr. Jia and I know each other. We met in the IDG office."

Jia Yueting was surprised when he heard this. Mr. Fang actually remembered such a small thing. LeTV was not long established at that time.

Wang Fengyi was even more surprised. When he thought that Mr. Fang actually had an impression, his favorable impression of Jia Yueting that he had just communicated suddenly became deeper. He said with a smile: "Mr. Jia's LeTV is very good now, and the online video field is considered to be the best in China." ”

Fang Zhuo glanced at Brother Wang and said softly, "Yeah."

Jia Yueting came to the Internet industry symposium this time to find more funding opportunities. Now in front of the general manager of Shenxin Science and Technology and Mr. Fang, who had just made money from abroad, he naturally did not want to miss the opportunity and immediately talked about his blueprint for LeTV.

Fang Zhuo listened politely for a while.

When Jia Yueting came to an end, he asked a question: "Mr. Jia, you just said that LeTV will achieve profitability in 2007. As far as I know, Youku and Tudou, which have higher market shares, are still losing money. What are you doing?" Arrived?"

Jia Yueting immediately cheered up and talked about LeTV's copyright distribution and SP business.

Fang Zhuo did not question, and added: "LeTV is going to be listed in the mainland next year, and it also wants to make a profit this year?"

Just as Jia Yueting was about to answer, he suddenly felt stunned. Mr. Fang seemed a bit secretive about "making" profits.

The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Initial Public Offerings and Listings on the GEM" passed in January this year and just implemented in May stipulate that if you want to be listed on the mainland, you must not make a loss in the past year.

Jia Yueting is very familiar with the latest listing conditions, but Mr. Fang...

He would never believe it if Mr. Fang, who had just returned triumphantly from the foreign financial market, knew nothing about finance and had no ability.

"I am confident in making profits this year and hope to be listed next year, but the pressure is also great." Jia Yueting gave up the long speech he wanted and only answered this sentence, adhering to the principle of saying less and making fewer mistakes.

Fang Zhuo was more concise and encouraged: "Come on."

Wang Fengyi suddenly felt something. Mr. Fang's attitude was opposite to what he imagined.

"Mr. Jia, let's talk later. Mr. Fang and I have something to deal with today." He immediately changed his attitude.

Jia Yueting politely said goodbye and continued to look for the next target.

"What's going on? What's wrong with LeTV?" Wang Fengyi pulled Mr. Fang aside and lowered his voice.

"No problem." Fang Zhuo shrugged, not wanting to talk more.

Wang Fengyi asked in a different way: "If you were the head of an investment institution, would you be willing to invest in online video websites other than Youku and Tudou?"

Fang Zhuo simply replied: "I don't want to."

Wang Fengyi nodded and ended the question.

Okay, I won’t vote anymore.

The conversation just now was very pleasant, and the optimism about LeTV just now was all a dream.

Wang Fengyi didn't hesitate when he made his decision and said with a smile: "What were you talking about with Pony and Mr. Ma just now? I see Wang Xing's fists are clenched."

"Ah?" Fang Zhuo was surprised, "Isn't that true? Has he revealed his true feelings?"

"Definitely not as cool as you. I can't see Pony and the others' backs, so I don't know if they have clenched their fists." Wang Fengyi said.

Fang Zhuo was dissatisfied with the situation where he had just saved Brother Wang but was complained about. He turned around to say hello to the leader who had just arrived.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, wait a minute, I just heard something." Wang Fengyi suddenly said a little mysteriously, "It is said that Brother Liu will sell some of his Lenovo shares recently. Wasn't his mobile phone business looking for buyers? ? What a coincidence."

Fang Zhuo's expression remained unchanged: "It's very reasonable. You'll lose a wave of money first, and then you will lose a wave of blood again. Next time, I'll ask you what's going on in person."

Wang Fengyi believed that Mr. Fang could do such a thing.

"You go ahead and play, I'll say hello." Fang Zhuo motioned in the direction of the leader.

"Okay, let's have two more drinks during lunch." Wang Fengyi really wanted to come to the West Lake to breathe in the Jiangnan air during this trip.

Fang Zhuo patted Brother Wang on the shoulder, walked to the leader with a smile and said hello, and then talked about the Ice Core Lin'an No. 2 Factory, which is currently being expanded and renovated.

The team building and production line transformation of the Lin'an factory are in full swing, and the technical route for upgrading from niche storage has been established, which is also a matter of great importance to Zhejiang Province.

Previously, SMIC tried to do this in China, but had to give up the business due to its own problems and industry cycles. Now Bingxin has taken over the business and is a big banner.

Fang Zhuo chatted seriously for a while, which added another small moment to the evening.

The morning time is the sign-in session of the symposium, and the noon time is the entrepreneur lunch organized by Lin'an.

Fang Zhuo drank lightly to stay sober. Occasionally he was asked about the financial war, and he attributed it to luck and the gasoline man Kong Yu. He kept silent. There were already many rumors in the market, so there was no need to add more content.

This year, many people came to West Lake to discuss swordsmanship. In addition to the influence of the so-called "Yike Department", Fang Zhuo also has many friends in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Previously, he led a team to Europe to sign contracts, mainly with enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta.

The luncheon was lively and the atmosphere was harmonious.

However, when Fang Zhuo finished the meal with too many greetings, he saw Accountant Jia again at the door of the hotel. This time, the person next to him was an acquaintance, Li Guoqing, the founder of Dangdang.

"Hey, hey, Qingzi." Fang Zhuo waved and called to his old friend who was having a passionate exchange a little further away.

Li Guoqing smiled when he heard the familiar voice and title, but he still couldn't avoid respecting the former world's richest man, so he walked over with Jia Yueting.

"President Fang, please respect yourself." Li Guoqing tugged on his tie in a very dignified manner.

"You came here today too." Fang Zhuo was a little puzzled because he didn't see Qingzi in the morning.

Li Guoqing heard a trace of surprise and said dissatisfied: "Can't I come?"

Fang Zhuo hesitated and said, "What do you do for a living now?"

Li Guoqing felt a little uncomfortable with this word, and his face darkened: "I am now an angel investor!"

Fang Zhuo looked at Qingzi and then at Accountant Jia: "..."

He thought for a few seconds and decided to give his old friend a hand: "How about I introduce you to a job."

"What kind of food!" Li Guoqing became angry, but still asked, "What kind of work?"

Jia Yueting, who was standing next to him, was listening to the conversation between the two and had a sense of familiarity as Mr. Fang, the former world's richest man, was introducing the job of pulling a rickshaw to Mr. Li, an angel investor.

"Android phone?" Fang Zhuo mentioned something he suggested last time.

Li Guoqing shook his head.

Fang Zhuo became more serious: "There is a groupon abroad, do you know?"

Seeing Qingzi's confusion, he continued: "It's group buying. It's a model that came out of foreign countries last year. As the name suggests, it's online discount group buying. Can you understand it?"

Li Guoqing frowned, unsure, but shook his head.

"The segmentation of smartphone applications also has very good prospects." Fang Zhuo said sincerely.

Li Guoqing glanced at Mr. Fang, not sure if he was joking: "Mr. Fang, I don't say how good I am at running a business, but it's not too bad, right? It's just bad luck, but I, Mr. Li, still have a first-rate vision for projects. Needless to say, I can do a lot of good in investing.”

Fang Zhuo sighed, trust between people is indeed not easy.

Qingzi got the money from her for selling herself, so could she just squander it like this?

He glanced at Accountant Jia.

Jia Yueting felt a little confused and didn't know why Mr. Fang's eyes were so touching.

"Qingzi, since you want to invest, you should consult Shenxin Technology and IDG for advice. Mr. Wang and Mr. Xiong both have rich investment experience." Fang Zhuo said sincerely and finally tried to save Qingzi.

"They are all the same as you..." Li Guoqing was still worried about his new identity and did not want to be misled by the person in front of him. "Let's just leave it like that."

He turned and left, motioning to Mr. Jia to join him.

Jia Yueting politely said goodbye to Mr. Fang, thinking that this time he could draw a career blueprint with Mr. Li.

Fang Zhuo didn't know what to say for a moment and saw the two of them riding away together.

After a while, secretary Liu Zonghong took two steps forward and reported the news he had just received: "Mr. Fang, the CEO of Nokia is leading a team to Shanghai again."

"Oh, here we go again." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly and returned his attention to himself, "Nokia dropped the lawsuit in the UK, which showed its sincerity."

Liu Zonghong continued: "This time we were accompanied by Microsoft's senior management, who probably wanted to facilitate a reconciliation with us as soon as possible."

Fang Zhuo nodded. Yike wants to reconcile with Nokia. Regarding patent litigation, whether it is Nokia, Apple, Yike, or Motorola, they all have the same public opinion environment after the ITC ruling was overturned.

Want patents, not patent trolls.

The attitude that Yike got here is that even if it continues to sue Nokia in the ITC, it will not get a sales ban ruling.

The ITC is very fair. Now that the sales bans of Apple and Yike have been overturned, it will not favor the mobile phone industry with its ruling.

This also means that the patent melee that involved almost all the world's leading mobile phone brands from last year to this year will come to an end, and the next step will be the competition of product strength.

The thoughts in his mind turned and he suddenly asked: "Who are the top executives of Microsoft?"

Liu Zonghong urgently recalled the content of the call: "It's... Elop, president of Microsoft's business department."

Fang Zhuo heard a familiar name, it was Microsoft's Trojan President.

He couldn't help but sigh again: "Business competition is really unpredictable. Some people cheat, and some companies cheat."

Liu Zonghong speculated where the boss's exclamation came from.

Fang Zhuo shook his head again, forget it, try to speed up Microsoft.

He gave the order: "Reply, don't see me, don't talk, insist on prosecution and safeguard rights and interests."

Liu Zonghong was a little shocked, as if his attitude was different from before.

"Let's hold on like this for a while and let's see what Nokia can be catalyzed." Fang Zhuo briefly explained his intention.

The ITC ruling was overturned and there was another inside story. Yike insisted on litigation or there was a conspiracy. The interim CEO cannot solve major problems. Nokia must seek innovation, change and peace.

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