Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1056 The dragon slayer finally becomes a dragon (4k)

On the last day of June, many vice president-level YMS-related business statements were placed on the desk of the president’s office of Hang Lung 23.

Because of Liu Qiangdong's initiative, Fang Zhuo simply gave up on "private giving and receiving" and switched to semi-public comparison and selection.

For a time, specious news about a high-ranking person was circulating in the company.

As a well-known mobile phone company in the world, Yike's management has always been relatively young. Since last year, in addition to internal system training, it has also begun to introduce elites from around the world, which has brought a certain sense of crisis to some people.

There are only so many positions, and you can get more resources and future in one step. Mr. Fang has always promoted talents in an eclectic way. This time, the YMS level is so high. If you can occupy a board seat, you may not be able to become Yike. The second in command, the third in command, the fourth in command...

Everyone in the company who can hear the news is paying attention to the progress of the matter. It is a rare opportunity to take advantage of the senior management, and many people are curious about who will get it.

At present, the three senior executives, Qi He, the vice president who returned from Europe, Liu Qiangdong, the vice president in charge of Yike's Chinese market, and Chen Weixiang, the senior vice president in charge of the company's supply chain, are very competitive.

Mr. Liu is responsible for the domestic market and is naturally connected with YMS, which is to be promoted domestically. Mr. Qi and Mr. Chen are more senior. The former has made great achievements in exploring overseas markets, while the latter has a relatively unknown reputation, but he is an absolute powerhouse in charge of the supply chain business.

After looking at this, many employees were talking about this internal competition even while eating. In addition to enjoying the success, the appointment of the boss of their own system can also bring more potential benefits and opportunities.

Fang Zhuo noticed this situation, but most of it was relayed by his secretary Liu Zonghong and others.

This time, a total of five vice president-level executives were willing to try to promote YMS's business, but in real terms, only Liu, Qi, and Chen were the most serious.

Although he prefers Qi He, Fang Zhuo has always believed in people's subjective initiative. Chen Weixiang, who is in charge of the supply chain, surprisingly talked a lot about YMS's ecological views, which is indeed in line with his heart.

It was almost July, and the three executives who had been screened had two interviews in succession, but Fang Zhuo still hesitated.

Ding dong dong, ding dong dong.

The phone on the table sounded the voice call tone of the beta version of Yixin.

Just later this month, Yixin tested the voice function, and not many people can use it to call in.

Fang Zhuo took the phone and found that it was Wang Fengyi from Shenxin.

He pressed the external tone and immediately heard Brother Wang's loud voice.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, what's going on? Why hasn't Yike joined Zhihu yet?" Wang Fengyi asked loudly.

Fang Zhuo guessed that this was Xiao Xiong's incident, and asked calmly: "When did Yike say he wanted to pursue Zhihu?"

"Huh? No, hey, no, I..." Wang Fengyi verified the inconspicuous news he saw while browsing Zhihu. He was stunned for a few seconds, "Co-author, you don't vote for it? Then Baidu doesn't cooperate with Zhihu Is it a competition? Aren’t you going to pay for it? I’ve already invested in it!”

"I didn't say I wanted to invest. Is there any movement at Yike Investment? Does anyone else have such an investment plan?" Fang Zhuo asked rhetorically.

Wang Fengyi: "..."

He murmured loudly: "Hey! What's going on? No, Xiong Xiaoge said that you want to vote, that Yike YMS has cooperated with Zhihu, and that Zhihu is about to connect to Sogou engine!"

Fang Zhuo did not collude with Xiao Xiong, but he was very familiar with this trick and asked directly: "Did he really say it? Did he say it clearly?"

Wang Fengyi fell silent after hearing this.

In this way, the person named Xiong seems to be all hints and guidance... There is no clear and clear explanation at all.

Wang Fengyi woke up instantly: "This..."

Fang Zhuo asked calmly: "Are you so careless when making investment decisions?"

Wang Fengyi wanted to say that this is how he has always made investment decisions... Moreover, this time he was still hinted to be linked to Mr. Fang, and he talked about Yike YMS ecology with certainty. It just so happened that he knew Mr. Fang's views on this aspect. Pay attention to.

yes! The person named Xiong must also know it, and he also knows that he also knows it, so he does it deliberately!

Wang Fengyi let out a long breath: "He was the one who lured me to the capital, entertained me with delicious food and drinks, and praised me as Eastern Buffett in front of all his friends in the circle. I, I have fallen into his trap! "

Fang Zhuo casually consoled him: "Just invest. It's not easy to find a business model for Zhihu, but it won't die just like that. It's not easy to compete with Baidu."

When Wang Fengyi heard what Mr. Fang said, he felt a little more psychological comfort. However, thinking about what Xiong had done, he still couldn't help but sigh: "Xiong Xiaoge, he, he has learned badly, he is... The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon!"

Fang Zhuo pondered for a few seconds and did not pursue Brother Wang's unintentional mistake. In this matter, just vote. At most, he will be trapped for a longer time.

He ended the call, read the business presentation documents of the three vice presidents again, and said thoughtfully: "I didn't expect that Chen Weixiang also had good ideas in the system ecology. However, if he is transferred to YMS, supply The chain needs to find new people again, Xiao Ni has done a solid job, but his qualifications are not enough."

Xiao Ni is the son of his old friend Ni Runfeng. The mobile phone brand Kesheng created by him is about to be launched in July.

Listening to Mr. Fang's voice, Liu Zonghong had to report the report: "Mr. Fang, this morning, the Compliance Department received a report... against Mr. Chen, and just handed over the materials."

Fang Zhuo's eyes narrowed and he looked up at the secretary.

Liu Zonghong is not only the secretary of the head of Yike, but also the administrative director of the president's office of Yike. He often needs to interface with multiple departments. At this time, he suddenly received a report against Chen Weixiang from the compliance department. What is the purpose?

Faction? Discredit? Is there really a problem?

It's not that Yike's supply chain has never dealt with employees. On a larger scale, the mission of the compliance department is to check non-compliance within the company. This department first came into being after Fang Zhuo dealt with Tang Shangde, his direct disciple.

However, since its establishment, it has not charged an executive of Chen Weixiang's level.

Liu Zonghong read the eyes and handed over the materials he had just received.

Fang Zhuo read it over and found that the content was about business fees for winning bids. The amount was not large compared to his level, only 2.6 million, but could it be just the tip of the iceberg?

"Check internally." Fang Zhuo said calmly without looking at it a second time, "Find a friend to check the funds in his account. Chen Weixiang is... pragmatic, speak with facts, and clear his name as soon as possible."

Liu Zonghong has no objection. He has no tendency to make judgments based on his own impressions. Just like Mr. Fang said, let the facts speak for themselves. For the sake of innocence, he is willing to break some small rules.

The president's office became quiet.

Fang Zhuo frowned and put away the presentation documents submitted by the three vice presidents. Some internal problems were not surprising, but when it came to Chen Weixiang's level, they needed to be taken seriously.

Yike's supply chain was previously in charge of Sun Qi. He was introduced by technical director Xu Keden soon after the establishment of Yike. Later he was transferred to Yiko. His deputy Chen Weixiang stood out in subsequent jobs and became Yike's The person in charge of this important front.

It stands to reason that Yike's salary and options are quite generous, and Chen Weixiang should understand the longer-term interests. However, it is difficult to tell accurately because people are so different from each other.

Fang Zhuo thought about the situation for a while and considered increasing the authority of the compliance department as appropriate in this structural reform.

This year we need to compete externally and reform internally. We can neither be aggressive nor shrinking. We really need patience and determination.

Due to unexpected circumstances, the candidate for the person in charge of the YMS business group has to be pushed back.

Fang Zhuo wrote down a few words about the Compliance Department in his notebook: "capacity, authority, manpower", and drew up a new itinerary. Then he put aside his internal worries for the time being and picked up the private placement plan from SMIC. .

Sure enough, worries can be refreshed.

After a number of hedge funds supported some of the funds, Fang Zhuo once called SMIC to ask if he needed financial support, but was declined.

After all, SMIC is not an ice core. Mr. Zhang left, Academician Wang gave up as chairman, Dr. Jiang was ill, and the new CEO Wang Ningguo thought that stopping bleeding and resuscitating SMIC was his responsibility. In fact, he did a good job, but he did and He is not familiar with Fang Zhuo.

In addition, a considerable number of SMIC's talents are rushing to Bingxin, several major customers have changed their orders, and the two companies have a competitive relationship in business...

Due to various concerns, CEO Wang Ningguo rejected the investment from the head of Bingxin on behalf of SMIC.

Fang Zhuo can understand this happening.

In addition to the corporate level, he also has some concerns about the impact on other levels, so he has no willingness to insist on investment.

However, what is now in front of us is Datang Telecom's share increase plan, with an additional investment of US$150 million and an increase in shares from 15% to 20%.

From a major shareholder to a major shareholder with a higher shareholding ratio.

This was actually agreed to by Wang Ningguo.

Fang Zhuo looked at the document and frowned slightly at the words "TD-SCDMA chip", "promoting major special related projects to land in Shanghai" and "integration of informatization and industrialization".

Datang Telecom has communicated with the higher authorities and Shanghai local government this time, and the banner is very correct. It has also been in the software, chip, and communication equipment industries for many years. It is normal to strengthen cooperation with the foundry link.

For SMIC, in the current global economic and industrial downturn, embracing local companies can not only reduce the risk of business decline, but also supplement more operating funds. It seems to be a win-win situation.

However, Fang Zhuo is more sensitive to win-win situations.

He sat in the office and read the documents, thought for a while, took his cell phone and found Dr. Jiang's number. He hesitated and changed it to Wang Ningguo's.

Dr. Jiang has had another health crisis recently, and now it is the CEO who is in charge of the company's operations.

The call was quickly connected, and Fang Zhuo briefly exchanged greetings before asking about the changes and frankly expressing some concerns.

Because it is well known that the nature of SMIC’s shareholders is indeed a factor that needs attention, and if Datang Telecom increases its holdings like this, will it have any next plans?

When Wang Ningguo called Mr. Fang, he did not dare to be careless. He explained in detail the communication process with Datang Telecom, talked about the opinions of the leaders, and finally conveyed the management's thoughts and Datang's commitment.

Datang also recognized the need for SMIC to maintain independent operations.

Fang Zhuo is more sensitive to independent operations...

He held his cell phone and was silent.

Wang Ningguo listened to the silence on the other side, and thought in his mind. Logically speaking, Mr. Fang is only a small shareholder holding 5% of the shares, and he has never asked about SMIC's affairs. He did not attend the meeting this time, as long as the notification is in place.

However, Mr. Fang is not an ordinary person. I heard that Ice Core’s 45nm will be mass-produced within this year. It has replaced SMIC as the strongest wafer foundry company in the country. This kind of influence on the industry is difficult for SMIC to avoid. .

Since Wang Ningguo became the CEO of SMIC, he has heard the name Bingxin from time to time. Sometimes it is from customers, sometimes from suppliers, or leaders who come to inspect will mention it, and some When employees leave, they also go straight to Ice Core.

Regarding the increase in Datang's holdings, Wang Ningguo also heard a voice - what does Mr. Fang think of this?

Therefore, even though Wang Ningguo felt that SMIC was increasingly squeezed by competition from Bingxin, he treated Mr. Fang with caution, semi-actively and semi-passively.

"Mr. Wang, I'm a little worried about the imbalance of SMIC's equity." Fang Zhuo's thoughts turned into this sentence, and then he said, "I asked you before if SMIC needs funds. This question will be answered today or in the future. It’s all still valid.”

This time it was Wang Ningguo's silence.

Is it more likely to be imbalanced if we take Datang’s money, or is it more likely to be imbalanced if we take Mr. Fang’s money?

SMIC needs to operate independently. The former is a customer that can increase cooperation, but the latter is in a competitive relationship. How does this CEO choose?

Fang Zhuo easily guessed the subtext of the other party.

He didn't have any troubles in his heart. Even if Mr. Zhang was still here, it would be impossible for the two of them to really talk about their hearts and souls on the business level. What's more, this man has been the CEO of SMIC for less than a year and is facing pressure from all aspects. But I am indeed very grateful to SMIC for its technical assistance.

One step is slow, each step is slow. If I had been stuck on that step at that time, maybe the ice core situation would be different now.

"It's like this. I used to often tell Mr. Zhang and Dr. Jiang that the core of the ice core is connected with the branches. This is true." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "About the increase in Datang's holdings, that's it Bar."

Datang has reached an agreement with its leaders, other shareholders, and SMIC management. To be honest, 20% is still controllable.

Wang Ningguo pondered for a few seconds and said succinctly: "Okay, Mr. Fang, I believe SMIC will have a good performance this year."

With new funding, a new CEO, and a painful but real end to the dispute with Taiwanese reporters, SMIC's most urgent task now is to get back on track.

Fang Zhuo expressed his position as a 5% minority shareholder: "Well, Mr. Wang, I believe you. If you encounter any problems, you can call me directly."

Wang Ningguo thanked Mr. Fang for his trust, but he was still a little confused. For a person like Mr. Fang, do you believe his words 30%, 50% or 70%?

You can't believe everything.

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