Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1064 Muddy Waters (4K)

Penguin blew the horn of attack and rushed to position 360 in the field of Internet security.

As the most popular big devil in China, it has almost nakedly demonstrated why it is the T in YBAT this time.

There is no more brutal and intuitive way to display user traffic than forced installation.

In just two days, news came out that Doctor Q, who launched the attack, had obtained more than 100 million installed capacity.

In two days, there were more than 100 million installed devices, accounting for almost 40% of the domestic security market. What kind of traffic overlord is this?

"It's over, it's over 360, it can't beat the penguin!"

After seeing the news, many people couldn't help but conclude that 360 is just another Lianzhong, Speedy, and Paopaotang that were defeated by traffic tactics.

At the same time, the mandatory installation of version 3.2 of Q Doctor is also a half-year trial of the free anti-virus software Norton.

It seems that Penguin is well prepared for the two products 360 Security Guard and 360 Antivirus, and is determined to attack the 360 ​​position in one fell swoop.

As the other party involved, the boss Zhou Hongyi canceled her business trip and 500 employees canceled their weekends. They urgently publicized and reminded users to deal with the forced installation of communication software.

360 is actually very familiar with Penguin's set of tricks - first it forces background installation, and the user cannot see the installation process, then after success it prompts that Q Doctor is incompatible with 360, and finally it gives a half-year trial of "Norton Antivirus".

Isn’t this just rogue plug-ins and forced traffic?

Very familiar!

However, 360 only promotes the usefulness and strength of 360 on the product side, and only tells users how to uninstall Q Doctor. It does not target the penguin behind Q Doctor at the public relations level. It does not want to continue to expand the war, but only wants to repel it. This charge from the opposite side.

Soon, during working days, Q Doctor, which once occupied 40% of the market, began to be uninstalled on a large scale.

First, 360’s brand power in the Internet security segment is deeply rooted. Second, users don’t like the action of “forced installation.” Third,...Q Doctor is really not easy to use. It doesn’t even have its own anti-virus engine.

The flow is like a tide, it comes in a hurry and recedes in a hurry.

On just another Friday, Doctor Q's installed capacity had dropped from 40% to 10%, declaring the charge against Position 360 a failure.

On the weekend again, Zhou Hongyi still did not dare to leave the company. She breathed a sigh of relief and made an internal summary, for fear that the traffic giant would make another move.

At the same time, Penguin was also internally discussing the pros and cons of this mandatory installation. There is no doubt that product strength needs to be taken seriously.

As a spectator, the conference room of Hang Lung 23 also discussed this week’s hot topics with some interest after a meeting between China, the United States, and Europe.

"Penguin's actions this time are quite deliberate. The user group that forced installation deliberately avoided Beijing, Shanghai and Yangcheng. It also knows the public opinion this kind of behavior may cause."

"Ah? Really? No wonder I didn't feel the forced installation. I was wondering at home two days ago."

"I think Penguin is not a failure. It's just that the two days last weekend were so terrible. I thought I was going to bankrupt 360 in one fell swoop. However, users had very little impression of Q Doctor before last weekend. Now, although most of them Even after being uninstalled, there are still at least 20 to 30 million remaining, which is already amazing.”

"With a market share of 10%, if it can stop the trend of being uninstalled, it can be considered a reputable product in the market. Besides, Penguin will definitely not give up."

A group of people drank tea happily and discussed the competition between the other two companies.

Finally, the newly appointed supply chain manager Li Songqing saw that Mr. Fang was smiling and silent, so he asked for advice: "Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

"How can I see it? I just see it the same way you do, and I don't know how to call Pony and Mr. Zhou." Fang Zhuoran said, "Nothing else. I'm not interested in gossip. I just think both sides are happy. Gentle."

When the group of people in the conference room listened to Mr. Fang's words, they felt that the boss was a high-class and arrogant person. He was so rude, but he was still polite?

Mr. Zhou from 360 was able to control his temper this time. He had a lot of grievances and grievances in the industry before, such as "rogue promotion" and "many people despise my fighting ability. Unless Ma Dan kills me, I won't let him." "Shut up," "Go back to my old club and hollow out Yahoo!"... It really doesn't sound like a gentle style.

"It's over, it's over. There's nothing to talk about. Do your work first." Fang Zhuo picked up the document, picked up the tea cup, and announced that the gossip was over.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Zhang from Yixin is already in the office." Secretary Liu Zonghong walked next to report.

Fang Zhuo quickened his pace, returned to the president's office, and met Zhang Xiaolong, the president of Yixin Company.

In addition to busy grayscale testing and improving different versions of software, Yixin has moved the company and team to Shanghai.

Zhang Xiaolong was very reluctant to let go of this. However, he was also very reluctant to let go of Yangcheng before joining Sina. Now it is easier to calm down his inner emotions.

I came here this time because I received a suggestion from Yike’s President’s Office, thinking that I might be able to push back the launch date of Yike.

Zhang Xiaolong did not understand the reason for the change of this recommendation order.

"It's like this, Mr. Zhang. One is that our opponents are showing their traffic. I want to see if there are any changes." Fang Zhuo gave a full explanation, "In addition, Mr. Yu is in close negotiations with Nokia in the United States. If there is no problem, we may be able to launch several system versions of Yixin online later, so that both public opinion momentum and address book association can have better effects."

The patent litigation between Yike and Nokia is destined to end.

According to the information Fang Zhuo received from friends in the Justice Department, the ITC has determined that it will not support Yike’s lawsuit and will announce the result soon.

In this case, Yike must take advantage of this bargaining chip to strive for more conditions.

It is worth mentioning that with the hot sales of Yike Mars3, Apple iPhone 3GS, and Samsung Trump1, the patent melee among manufacturers seems to have happened a few years ago, and everyone's focus has quickly shifted to grabbing the market.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded: "Well..."

Fang Zhuo waited and said, "Huh?"


He waited again, but Zhang Xiaolong still didn't speak. It seemed that he came to the CEO's office just to ask a question, so he had to raise his hand and said: "Xiao Liu, give Mr. Zhang a box of new tea leaves to try."

Liu Zonghong immediately took out the newly collected Longjing.

Zhang Xiaolong accepted it silently.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Zhang Xiaolong, and Zhang Xiaolong also glanced at Mr. Fang.

Zhang Xiaolong suddenly said: "The simplicity pursued by YMS is very good and beautiful."

"Is it consistent with Yi Xin's pursuit?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"If it is only used as a communication link in the YMS ecosystem, Yixin is very good. It is best for users to use it and leave." Zhang Xiaolong also noticed Penguin's traffic movements this week, which is what Yixin needs to challenge. After another pause, "I'm afraid that Yixin will not be so concise after it develops large traffic, um, um, and become like a penguin."

"It doesn't sound consistent with your status as the president of Yixin. How can you expand the commercial value of Yixin when you use it?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Zhang Xiaolong was slightly silent. He was indeed the president of Yixin, a new company, but his perspective was always under Yixin's system. He hoped that Yixin could impress users with simplicity. However, simplicity and business value are in the current environment. There does seem to be a conflict below.

He thought for a while and finally said reluctantly: "Whether we want Yizhen to make money or let the entire Yike system make money, this may indeed require a choice."

The communication between the two was interrupted again.

Five minutes later, a call came in from the CEO's office, and Zhang Xiaolong took the opportunity to leave.

After Fang Zhuo took care of the little things, thinking about the conversation just now, he couldn't help but use the comment that often lingers in his heart these days: "Mr. Zhang is a bit polite."

Yixin is about to go online, and its opponent is Penguin.

Compared with WeChat, which developed under the Penguin system, Zhang Xiaolong has to assume more roles.

At present, Yixin's team is mainly focused on research and development.

Fang Zhuo thought about it for a while, maybe he should find someone from Yike who had a more fiery personality as his deputy to deal with the situation in the competition.

Liu Zonghong observed his words and responded: "Mr. Zhang is very calm."

"Two different things." Fang Zhuo waved his hand and asked, "When did Mr. Qiu come to Shencheng?"

Liu Zonghong was used to remembering all relevant itineraries and business arrangements in his mind. He only thought about it for two seconds before replying: "Mr. Qiu and Dr. Liang are going to hold a technical demonstration meeting. They will come over next Wednesday at the earliest, and Sunday later. .”

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and considered many situations in his mind.

The two days of the weekend passed very quickly. The war between 360 and Penguin seemed to have stopped as users uninstalled Q Doctor, but rumors in the industry are still circulating.

Traditional anti-virus manufacturers are expressing their opinions, and there are reports that Penguin is contacting 360's competitors and considering acquiring an anti-virus engine to strengthen its competitiveness.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war between the two families has ceased rather than ended. Penguin is determined to suppress the 360 ​​that has been so successful in the computer client.

360 has grown so fast that its two main products are losing ground to its rivals. However, it has traffic and has not wasted the users it has acquired. For example, 360 Browser has achieved the same impressive growth rate since its launch last year.

This is a big reason why penguins are a thorn in their side.

If you dare to use traffic to build a browser now, you can’t even think about what you will do in the future!

However, just on Sunday night, an eye-catching new news suddenly appeared in the industry. Another domestic giant, Yike, is also interested in acquiring an anti-virus software manufacturer.

Maybe he has ideas about the business in the Internet security field, or maybe he just wants to compete with Penguin. Anyway, the news that Yike contacted anti-software manufacturers suddenly emerged.

On Monday, Fang Zhuo frowned when he saw the news with the word "Yike" while diving for gossip on Zhihu. News about the company had been circulating before, so why were there rumors again this time?

Is this everyone's spontaneous expectation of Yike's end, or is 360 trying to take advantage of the situation to fish in troubled waters?

After lunch, Fang Zhuo took the time to call Li Lan, the head of the public relations department, and asked him if he had noticed the relevant situation.

Li Lan clarified the rumors: "Mr. Fang, it's not someone else who is spreading the rumors, it's our department that did it."

Fang Zhuo was stunned: "What are you doing..."

"We have been paying close attention to the trends of our competitors." Li Lan said seriously, "We have received news that Penguin is indeed negotiating an acquisition with Jiangmin Software. Considering everyone's relationship, we will try to stir up the situation."

"Why are you disturbing this? What's the purpose?" Fang Zhuo was still confused.

Li Lan replied sincerely: "There is no purpose, just stir things up first and see what happens."

Fang Zhuo's mood became a little complicated. Indeed...the company is so big that all functional departments don't have to report everything, but this kind of feeling of having someone else's fault is really wonderful.

He always liked people's subjective initiative, but he was too active.

Li Lan observed the change in his boss's expression and asked tentatively: "Mr. Fang, how about we stop the action?"

Fang Zhuo sighed: "It won't happen again."

Li Lan clicked on Mr. Fang's answer. If it doesn't happen next time, then this time...

He nodded calmly: "Okay, Mr. Fang."

It won’t be the same next time → I can do it this time → Mr. Fang acquiesces → Mr. Fang supports → Increase efforts!

Li Lan was thinking about how to do his job better. Well, he might need someone similar from Yike Investment Department to help implement the news.

Penguin wants Jiangmin Software? Then Yike really asked someone to talk to him.

Li Lan from the Public Relations Department took the order and left.

In the afternoon alone, news from the industry confirmed that Yike is competing with Penguin to acquire Jiangmin Software.

After the giant Penguin enters the field of Internet security, will another giant also end up?

However, compared to the advantages of 360 and Penguin on the computer side, Yike does not have the competitiveness to show off in this regard.

Or is it that even if Penguin wants it, Yike wants it too?

After receiving the news, Zhou Hongyi thought about the trends from Yike.

Although the Penguin's attack was repelled this time, the opponent would never give up.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Perhaps, Yike can be enlisted to help.

Zhou Hongyi is unwilling to add another giant opponent, even if the cards held by this giant cannot be targeted at the security field.

He thought about what they could cooperate with. The company had just raised funds, and he heard that Mr. Xiong and Mr. Fang of IDG had a good relationship. Maybe Mr. Xiong could be invited to join Yike. Or, Yike's YMS ecosystem seemed to lack a browser. , 360 Browser can try to cooperate.

Zhou Hongyi has strong subjective judgment and objective initiative. She immediately called her shareholder IDG Xiong Xiaoge to discuss the possibility of involving the giant.

Xiong Xiaoge was a little surprised to receive such a call. Yi Ke should be busy preparing for Yi Xin's work, which was the top priority. However, thinking about Mr. Fang's style, he still replied: "Then let me help you ask. ask."

Zhou Hongyi feels that they should be inseparable.

However, when he received a feedback call from Mr. Xiong, he was immediately surprised - Yike was not interested in the security field for the time being, and the browser had other plans.

real or fake? Aren't you talking to KillSoft?

Zhou Hongyi was quite suspicious after putting down her phone. Is the information Mr. Xiong got accurate?

It seems that IDG sold Yike's stock last year or the year before. Isn't Xiong always out of date?

He thought of Lei Jun, who hooked up with Shen Xin and Yike in Shanghai, and thought about verifying the situation from there.

However, Zhou Hongyi had not yet made any move, and there was another news update in the industry. Penguin finalized the acquisition of Jiangmin Software at lightning speed, and added an anti-virus engine to its arsenal.

His mood immediately turned negative. There was no doubt that Penguin had not given up and was sharpening his sword against 360.

How could it be so fast?

The answer is not difficult to determine. Penguins are allergic to the giant Yike, and they are rushing to eat because of its fragrance.

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