Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1199 Gentle Breeze and Drizzle (4K)

Fang Zhuo, who returned to Shanghai, wanted to continue dealing with the ice core matter for two days and then review it. After all, Director Luo had already concluded that it was just a minor problem that needed to be dealt with simply.

But Su Wei did not compromise this time. She canceled her meeting and forcefully asked the head of Yike to also cancel the work at hand and make sure to conduct detailed inspections.

"Do you really think the earth will stop spinning if you're gone?"

"Do you really think that Yike will collapse immediately without you?"

"Do you really think that all the hard work you have put in over the past few years is so fragile?"

Su Wei's series of "real thoughts" forced Fang Zhuo to undergo a variety of examinations. Previously, he had ordinary gastroscopy, but this time he added capsule gastroscopy.

Different methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, a trustworthy expert was also invited.

Luo Zuwei of Zhongshan Hospital was not surprised by this. With Mr. Fang's influence, such a lineup is already very restrained.

However, this re-examination still allowed him to maintain his original judgment. He even thought that it was completely acceptable and he had it cut off during this examination.

If this is the case, when chatting with others in the future, "the richest man" "cut it off easily" "before he could react" "the mysterious person also wants to come to my place to cut his flesh" "investors and short sellers remember to pay the revenge fee"...

Isn't it wonderful to talk like this?


Luo Zuwei sat upright and discussed with his colleagues from the capital, exchanged glances with each other, and once again gave the result of upholding the original verdict.

And, he also detailed the surgery and quick recovery period.

Fang Zhuo nodded, thinking about the recent events, and did not make a decision to stay in the hospital. It was a minor problem anyway.

Su Wei, who came with her this time, was considering whether to invite industry experts for consultation again to ensure that no major problems were missed.

Fang Zhuo thanked the two experts and stood up to leave.

Luo Zuwei gave his final instructions: "Mr. Fang, eat on time."

Fang Zhuo and Director Luo looked at each other and smiled. This was what I asked him last time...

After sitting in the car, Su Wei said worriedly: "Can we just rely on the conclusions of these two experts? Although this matter should not be made public, we don't need to find someone to take a look at it seriously."

"Small problems, Mr. Su, President Su, please make it clear, okay? That risk is a big problem. From the expressions of these two directors, it's not a problem at all." Fang Zhuo doesn't know medical skills, but he can understand the expressions. " Don’t be overly nervous, I’m the only one who should be nervous.”

When Su Wei heard this last sentence, she looked at the man complainingly.

She took a breath and said with some annoyance: "Let me tell you! Do you think this is a very manly choice? Do you bear the pressure alone and then see whether the test is good or bad before choosing to share it? If the result is not good, do you have to keep doing it?" Hiding it from the public?"

Fang Zhuo is here. We talked a lot in the office yesterday.

Seeing him like this, Su Wei sneered: "I want to tell your mother the whole story!"

Fang Zhuo's expression changed drastically, and he said quickly: "Hey, Weiwei, you are unreasonable now. Didn't you make an agreement yesterday? What did you say to her? This is unnecessary."

"I regretted it." Su Wei said lightly, "I find that my words are still useless. You have to remember."

Fang Zhuo had a headache, but no consensus could be reached.

At this moment, he found that the feeling was similar to that of entering the hospital. In front of the doctor, all money and status were weakened or even eliminated. We all had a doctor-patient relationship, and now, this is a relationship where you grit your teeth to make yourself remember...

At eight o'clock in the evening, there is a small family meeting.

With a serious expression, Su Wei informed Fang Zhuo of deliberately concealing the results of the physical examination and delaying the re-examination, which indeed attracted a storm of greetings.

Fang Zhuo had a sincere expression, reflecting on his shallow thoughts and wrong practices, and vowed to take good care of his health, so he reluctantly took an intermission.

"Oh, you two, what's the use of making so much money?" Zhao Shumei lamented her son, "Especially you, running here and there every day, contracting a disease at a young age!"

Fang Zhuo pursed his lips, but still corrected his mother's words: "Mom, the wording must be accurate. It means you are sick, not infected..."

"I know you are busy. Your company is big and there are many things to do. Your stomach has been ulcerated for a long time, and you still don't check it every day and don't pay attention to it." Zhao Shumei frowned tightly, "You don't eat well every day, you drink every day, you, you, you …”

Fang Zhuo understood the "Tiantian" from his mother very well and drank tea with his head down.

"If nothing else, can't you change to a careful secretary?" Zhao Shumei made a suggestion, "Change to someone who can cook, and change to someone who can relieve the pressure in your life. Why can't this work?"

Fang Zhuo said solemnly: "Mom, I should have listened to you earlier, so I wouldn't even have gastric ulcers."

Zhao Shumei sighed, glanced at her son, reached out and slapped her taciturn husband Fang Tong hard on the arm: "He's still here in shock, tell me!"

Fang Tong, who never spoke much, looked at his son carefully, remained silent for a long time, reached for the belt, and suggested: "How about a beating?"

If Su Wei hadn't been there, maybe tonight would be an opportunity to relive old dreams.

In the end, thousands of words and worries gradually turned into gentle breeze because this was just a minor problem.

Fang Zhuo has also made a commitment to carry out comprehensive inspections every six months.

At 10:30 in the evening, Fang Zhuo had just sorted out his family opinions when he received a call from Gao Qiquan. By the time he hung up the phone, it was already close to twelve o'clock.

When he walked out of the study room and saw the way Su Wei looked at him, he could only shrug helplessly: "I can't help but answer calls like this, and I can't really leave my work aside and not deal with it. Mr. Su, what do you think we should do? "

"You can't define a time and don't talk about work after 11 o'clock in the evening. Once everyone gets used to it, they will become conscious of it." Su Wei said.

"Good suggestion, I'll try it later." Fang Zhuo accepted all the suggestions related to his health today.

Su Wei hesitated to speak, and finally said: "It's better if you can, eat on time, have a healthy routine, and exercise. If you live like this for a few more years, you can at least beat the Taiwanese reporter Zhang Zhongtou to death."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "I heard that he is in good health."

Su Wei pinched her eyebrows and said a little tiredly: "I suddenly realized that I have heard about a lot of physical conditions recently, Dr. Jiang, Steve Jobs, who else, and someone else..."

She thought for a while, but suddenly she didn't think of the celebrities she saw on the news a few days ago.

"Compared to them, I'm pretty good, right?" Fang Zhuo sat on the edge of the bed and said seriously, "To be honest, no kidding, this still touches me very much. First, we need to build talents. The second is to further improve the company’s mechanism.”

Su Wei sighed: "Your mother is right, the company, the company, you are the strongest business brain."

"If we improve talent development and company mechanisms, I can retire, right?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I really considered retiring that night, but it wasn't something I would do immediately."

Su Wei reluctantly cheered up and asked seriously: "Okay, may I ask Mr. Fang Zhuo, how many minutes have you been thinking about retirement after sleeping for 7 hours a night?"

Facing Weiwei's eyes, Fang Zhuo coughed.

Su Wei nodded: "I understand, you only had that thought once in 7 hours, right?"

"You, hey, you." Fang Zhuo was a little confused, "I'm definitely not hiding, I'm thinking."

"To end this topic, when have the hidden dangers been eliminated?" Su Wei followed suit and played Tai Chi.

"There are still a lot of things to do this month. Wait for next month, I will arrange things and give myself half a month off. How about it?" Fang Zhuo said.

Su Wei was somewhat satisfied. At least she didn't say that she would return to work three to five days after the operation.

She made a final request: "You have a mole on your arm. Please remove it this time. Any hidden dangers will be eliminated."

Fang Zhuo smiled bitterly and really took a comprehensive look at his body and health.

The next day, at the Yike President Office, Liu Zonghong reported to his boss and asked about the new itinerary.

This time the unexpected intrusion of a minor health problem requires us to adjust our affairs, and we can push back any unimportant matters to free up time.

"I won't go to the United States this month, but there will be a board meeting. I will communicate with Schmidt and cancel his seat, which will free up a position."

"Next month's Yike new phone launch conference will continue to be hosted by Mr. Yu. At the end of the month, at the end of the month..."

Fang Zhuo hesitated for a moment, thinking about the priorities of recent events in his mind, and changed his words: "We are tentatively planning to go to the United States in July. We will not go to the NBA Finals or press conference."

Liu Zonghong was very surprised when he heard such an adjustment. This year's press conference is still relatively important. The iterated Zhurong 02 will definitely compete with Apple and Qualcomm in the market.

Last month, Qualcomm officially announced its dual-core processor. The products featured at the press conference included Samsung flagships, new Nokia products and other smartphones. Yiko’s Selfy was among the “wait and see” items.

The relationship between the two parties has become obviously alienated, but the brand image that Yike has established in the market makes Qualcomm unwilling to give up.

"Since Mr. Yu did a good job last year, I will continue to do so in the future." Fang Zhuo has made up his mind and will not change it. "Yike needs to continue to increase investment in research and development, and the research center here in Shencheng needs to give more." support."

He continued: "Yike's consumer electronics, YMS ecology, cloud computing and other businesses need to increase mutual support. You and Mr. Yu can talk about these. She and I will chat online in a few days."

Fang Zhuo stopped talking, but the thoughts in his mind were still running.

He felt that it was necessary to further strengthen the decision-making mechanism of the General Office. This mechanism spans the global market and multi-business ecology and must be based on strategy.

What Fang Zhuo hopes is that the General Office will become a strategic decision-making body rather than a communication body for a specific project or department.

As for the effect of this, there is still plenty of time to observe and improve.

From the board of directors to the general office to business groups and multiple departments, Yike must lubricate future challenges from top to bottom.

Liu Zonghong asked for instructions one by one on several originally planned matters. The public activities were suspended, and the capital city he originally planned to go to was postponed. Now he is mainly doing the work of Yike and Bingxin.

The two main contents of ice core are the advancement of 32nm and the verification of 28nm.

The latter uses two solutions for simultaneous verification, which side is destined to fail. Let’s not talk about technology accumulation, let’s talk about the internal wind direction. Qiu Ciyun also talked about this from the CEO’s perspective two days ago. .

Since we have opened up two directions, should we be responsible if we fail, and to what extent should we be responsible?

In other words, how to reward success and to what extent.

Qiu Ciyun didn't want any hills or internal turmoil to appear this time. He came from China Core and was quite wary of the formation and division of internal factions.

What Fang Zhuo means is... Let's just be realistic. Engaging in technology and doing research will inevitably have costs. It's okay if it's bigger. I can still bear it. What's more, this time I also took money from institutional shareholders.

Qiu Ciyun's reaction to this was similar to Liang Mengsong's previous attitude. It's okay this time, but what about next time? What about next time?

Fang Zhuo is also thinking about protecting everyone's morale, and hopes to sit down with Liang Mengsong, Hu Zhengming and others to discuss these issues in the near future.

"Mr. Fang, there was a call from the city yesterday, saying that you were invited to attend the work meeting." Liu Zonghong finally mentioned a new invitation.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the secretary's expression. These were all things that needed to be adjusted and pushed away, but now they were brought out alone, that is... his own brother's invitation.

As expected, it was an invitation from Zheng Danrui.

"Hey, it's hard to push forward all aspects of work." Fang Zhuo shook his head and made sure to attend.

"When should the operation be scheduled next month?" Liu Zonghong asked.

"Let's wait until next month." Fang Zhuo muttered, "Anyway, I've been in China for the past two months."

He took a sip of tea, rubbed his face, and talked about the storm at home yesterday. After mentioning his mother's advice, he smiled and said: "This female secretary should be more careful than the male secretary. Hey, Xiao Liu, you didn't do it." When I was working as a secretary, I didn’t seem to have a stomach ulcer.”

Liu Zonghong's throat slid. What's going on? Why is there still an order from the Queen Mother? Has the difficulty mode been turned on recently?

Fang Zhuo was just joking and didn't make the secretary nervous.

However, when he was about to get off work, he received a call from his mother, asking if he had to work overtime and would wait to come back for dinner today.

"There is a small meeting of directors to be held soon, and I will try not to delay it."

Fang Zhuo knew that this was a follow-up reaction, and he was afraid it would last for a while.

At 5:30, the online meeting started. This was proposed by Yu Hong after receiving the notice. There was no formal agenda, just to talk about the effectiveness of the general office and the investment in research and development.

Fang Zhuo listened more and spoke less, but was a little emotional at the end.

"It seems like yesterday that Yike was established, but looking back it has been so long."

"Just chatting today, I will listen to the progress of the global market and our investment in R\u0026D, and I will sigh in my heart. In ten years, this is the only Yike."

"It is difficult to maintain progress, but everyone still has to find ways to keep themselves and the company improving."

Liu Zonghong looked down beside him and said, "What a good old devil. His words are easy to use and very effective, right?" Others don't know, but the old devil is indeed still making progress...

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