Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1207 Fury (4k)

Zhang Wenyi was shocked by Mr. Fang's "I haven't thought about it yet." What are we here for?

Oh no, who are we? Who am I and where am I?

Who are you and what are you here for?

Will you gather your strength to calm the turmoil, or will you take the token and take SMIC into your pocket?

Zhang Wenyi thought carefully about these words. If even SMIC was gone, there would indeed be no such thing as turmoil, and the problem would be solved directly from the root...

After hearing the answer from the leader of the ice core, the leader pondered for a while and asked: "Is it necessary to separate the eggs?"

Fang Zhuo replied sincerely: "This happened so suddenly, I haven't had time to think about it seriously."


"It is indeed safer to separate the eggs." Fang Zhuo said naturally, "But from the perspective of industrial development, clenching into a fist can play a stronger driving role. Each has its own pros and cons, and I haven't thought about it yet."

He continued to say objectively: "The main reason is that the recent development momentum of ice core is very good. We should have no big problems with 32nm. We can start risk trial production soon. The technical strength is concentrated on verifying the 28nm solution. I don't want to create extraneous matters and scatter energy."

The leader nodded: "Your technology research and development is very good. Yike is engaged in design at the top, marketing at the bottom, and manufacturing of ice cores in the middle. The whole system is running very well."

He was also concerned about the risky trial production described by the leader of the ice core.

Fang Zhuo also gave a brief report and discussed the plan for the next process.

Zhang Wenyi, who was standing next to him, listened for a while and felt that the topic was a little off track. He didn't know whether he should sigh.

He could feel that neither the leader nor Mr. Fang seemed to be so opposed to the integration of the two cores, and there was a sense that Mr. Fang was reluctant to open his mouth...

Mr. Fang: Correct!

Leader: OK, let’s fix it!

Fang Zhuo talked about the 28nm project for a while, and then took the initiative to bring the topic back: "Just like Liang Mengsong and Qiu Ciyun, they are very motivated in technology. If they feel something is wrong, they will argue in front of me, and they will not worry about me at all. The status of 'Chairman' is the same at SMIC."

"This matter was not handled properly this time and everyone is holding their breath. So if you just leave, where can't you go?"

"So, I think it needs to be handled properly as soon as possible."

The leader glanced at the head of Bingxin in front of him, tapped his right hand lightly on his left hand, and said: "I can understand your mood, but in the final analysis, this is still an internal matter of SMIC. Bingxin can develop the industry, and Datang can also develop. Industry, Datang’s reports should start from the overall development of the industry.”

Zhang Wenyi: "Alas!"

This time he not only sighed, but also asked: "Who can start from the overall development of the industry? When they say this, my heart hurts!"

The leader frowned: "In principle, everyone is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Wenyi.

He waved his hand: "It seems to be really painful. Medicine, medicine, I have it in my pocket!"

Fang Zhuo stood up in shock and quickly helped to take out the medicine he brought with him from his pocket. The leader also stood up and asked his secretary to call the doctor.

Fortunately, it was just an old problem. After taking Jiuxin Pill, the symptoms were quickly relieved.

Fang Zhuo and the leader were all sweating. The matter at SMIC has not yet been resolved. Zhang Wenyi, the candidate for chairman, is in trouble again. That is really...

"Old Zhang, you go and have a rest. I will talk to Mr. Fang and the situation can be solved." The leader was worried about Zhang Wenyi's health.

Zhang Wenyi sighed deeply: "I have an old problem. Alas, at my age, who doesn't have something wrong with me? After all these years, Lao Jiang couldn't bear it anymore. He threw the burden on me and asked me to support him. I said I couldn’t last a few years, and he said to learn from him, how many years I could last.”

"It's good now. He let go and left. I haven't taken over the responsibility yet, and something like this happened."

"Tell me, how can I deal with him?"

When Zhang Wenyi said this, with tears in his eyes, he took a breath and finally said: "Then it would be fine if Datang was a sincere person. If it stabs you in the cold like this, I, I, I... ugh!"

With this sigh, I thought of my old classmates who had entrusted their work to me, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zhang Wenyi is an older senior. He used to work in the electronics industry, and his boss was still in the automobile company. When he saw him now, he could only step forward to persuade him that he should pay attention to his health as he got older, and he had just taken medicine. Gotta pay attention.

While persuading, the leader winked at Fang Zhuo and asked him to help persuade him as well.

Fang Zhuo followed suit, advising him to pay attention to his health while saying that leaders would not stay out of the situation, sit back and watch, and would definitely help SMIC put things right, mend the situation, and create greater glory.

"Hey, I also have a lot of opinions on this matter." The leader listened and looked at the two people, and finally gave an attitude.

Zhang Wenyi wiped his eyes and stopped covering his chest with his hands.

Fang Zhuo secretly praised in his heart, what a miracle doctor.

"But you guys came too fast. We also need to check the situation internally." The leader was a little helpless. Before there was a meeting to discuss the situation, these two people had already arrived.

Although judging from the information available, Zhang Wenyi and Mr. Fang are the better choices to stabilize SMIC, but they cannot just rely on one side of the story. They have to listen to both sides to understand.

Besides, this itself is not a disturbance that happened in the ice core.

The leader continued: "You, Mr. Fang, are in the spotlight now. Will you still be at SMIC in the future? We have to see what is the best situation for SMIC's subsequent development. After all, Datang is the major shareholder."

Zhang Wenyi sighed and said: "When SMIC is stable, Bingxin will start technical cooperation with SMIC. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. Only SMIC can continue to achieve results in this aspect. No matter how we look at the future, it will be good."

The leader looked at Fang Zhuo.

"We have just gained enough strength in Ice Core. In my opinion, firstly, the management should stabilize its control, and secondly, it should use technology to stabilize internal people's hearts and development." Fang Zhuo said in a deep voice, "Not to mention how much. It’s great, but it’s definitely better than Datang taking control. I can vouch for this.”

The leader nodded slightly thoughtfully.

Zhang Wenyi also nodded. He believed that Mr. Fang was sure of his victory.

Fang Zhuo added: "It really doesn't work. If the ice core eats the middle core, it will be able to survive no matter what."

The leader nodded slightly thoughtfully.

Zhang Wenyi touched his chest.

"Leave your materials here, I'll take a look at them tonight." The leader pondered for a few seconds, pointed at the pile of materials, and said slowly, "I think you seem to be well prepared for this trip."

"SMIC 2 will have a board of directors, and there will be an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders later." Fang Zhuo said quietly, "As long as there are no other problems, Datang will know that we represent the attitude of the majority of shareholders and the overall development of the company. .”

The leader understood the meaning of this "other issue" and gave his attitude: "Datang can exercise the rights of its major shareholder, and other shareholders can also have their opinions. No matter what, this is the most basic and everyone must follow it." Rules to do things.”

Zhang Wenyi perked up, this was what Mr. Fang wanted.

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and waited to see if there was anything more to come.

Seeing this, the leader continued to give his attitude: "SMIC's development is not easy, and industrial development is not easy. Let's study and see what the situation is at Datang. It's best to resolve this problem peacefully."

Zhang Wenyi understood that he was considering putting pressure on Datang.

Fang Zhuo nodded solemnly, but still did not speak.

"Leave the materials." The leader glanced at the leader of the ice core seriously, "It's too late, Lao Zhang needs to pay attention to his health."

Fang Zhuo let out a long sigh at this time: "Leader, since the change in the SMIC board of directors, I have been in a state of confusion. I don't know how to deal with this matter that has a bad impact, but Mr. Zhang is very determined to bring me to the capital. Here, now I know why Mr. Zhang went straight to the capital, SMIC is protected by the leaders."

When Zhang Wenyi heard this, he thought... Being young does have its advantages. It's really hard to open your mouth once you get older.

The leader smiled half-heartedly and said: "Hurry up and help Lao Zhang go back to rest. You are also tired from traveling. You need to pay attention to SMIC's affairs, and your health must be protected."

Fang Zhuo nodded, said goodbye to Zhang Wenyi and the leader, and left behind the temporarily prepared materials.

When they got back to the car, Fang Zhuo said: "In fairness to people, whether Datang has the ability to integrate the IDM model is not only known to us, but also to the ministry."

Even before he made his final statement, he could still feel the leader's attitude.

Zhang Wenyi nodded: "With leaders watching, some things can be prevented."

Each company has its background, and the exchange of opinions between the above and the enterprise level may not necessarily lead to tied hands, but it is still necessary to take precautions.

Fang Zhuo praised again: "Mr. Zhang, you just cried just right. People's hearts are full of flesh. It's so annoying that Datang chose such a time."

Zhang Wenyi sighed faintly: "I'm really sad."

Fang Zhuo said "hmm", who wouldn't be sad, but this sadness is indeed... very effective, otherwise, he might have to wait until the meeting tomorrow to get a clear response.

The car started and drove to the hotel.

It's already late, and we really need a good rest before we can continue fighting.

The next day, SMIC announced the suspension of trading in the Hong Kong stock market due to the changes in the shareholders' meeting, and Datang's move was also reported by many media. Some media in Shanghai knew about the internal situation. Although they had not waited for the final result, they had already begun to criticize it. comment on this matter in a tone of voice.

Zhang Wenyi had breakfast in the morning, was taken by Mr. Fang to take his blood pressure, and then went straight to Yuetan South Street.

Compared with last night, his feeling about coming to South Street today was that he had to go straight in. Mr. Fang really took him all the way to the conference room, and the place was already fully staffed and waiting for the meeting.

Unlike yesterday, which was a bit rushed, Fang Zhuo submitted more research today, discussing the pros, cons and impact of this matter both from the development of SMIC and from the situation of Datang itself.

However, when Fang Zhuo was halfway through his speech, the silent cell phone on the table suddenly displayed an incoming call, making him unable to help but stop.

It is Gao Yonggang, director of SMIC.

He is a non-executive director appointed by Datang on the SMIC board of directors. He has a financial background and serves as the chief accountant of Datang.

After listening to the words, Fang Zhuo said the identity of the caller, raised his finger to signal everyone to be silent, then answered the phone, clicked the external voice, and said hello to the person on the other side.

"Gao Yonggang, why do you have the nerve to call me?"

Gao Yonggang was caught off guard, and the thoughts in his mind were confused. No, Mr. Fang, although we have met several times, we are not familiar enough to be scolded by you, right?

He was stunned again and again, then forced a smile and said: "Mr. Fang, I am explaining the situation to you on behalf of Datang. Now the outside world has some misunderstandings about us and some doubts about SMIC. Now is the time for us to overcome the difficulties together."

Fang Zhuo asked again: "Why do you have the nerve to laugh?"

"You..." Gao Yonggang endured, "Mr. Fang, I really want to talk to you about SMIC's situation. Do you have time today? Let's meet and talk."

Fang Zhuosan asked: "What is your identity? Are you talking to me?"

Gao Yonggang finally raised his voice: "Mr. Fang, are you leaving no room for communication at all? Don't you think about SMIC at all?"

"Hey, hey, for SMIC's sake." Fang Zhuo really resisted the urge to slap the table and took two breaths before saying, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gao, that's not what I meant."

Gao Yonggang was a little confused: "Huh?"

"I was probably asking you just now on behalf of Dr. Jiang." Fang Zhuo said coldly, "But you are right. After all, we have to think about SMIC and we need to overcome difficulties together."

Gao Yonggang's breath was suffocated. This matter... was indeed wrong. If he were to do it, he wouldn't want to do it at this juncture. But what can be done if the higher-ups say...

After a moment, he reluctantly said: "Mr. Fang, there are many factions in SMIC. The overt and covert fights between them have reached the moment when they must be integrated. The mainland and Baodao factions often make troubles. The company under the leadership of Wang Ningguo only focuses on the immediate future. And ignoring long-term interests, not only our Datang, like Mr. Yang Shining, he is also very dissatisfied with Wang Ningguo's slowdown in research and development."

"Yes, Wang Ningguo only focuses on the immediate and ignores long-term interests. This is the shortcoming of his professional manager." Fang Zhuo agreed lightly and asked, "So, whose cooperation should SMIC seek? "

Gao Yonggang was pondering and about to speak when he heard Mr. Fang's voice suddenly sharp.

"Are you looking for a company that is treacherous, burns bridges, and makes people stupid?" Fang Zhuo still couldn't help but slapped the table, causing everyone in the conference room to blink.

Gao Yonggang knew that Mr. Fang was not that easy to talk to, so he tried to raise his voice: "Mr. Fang! This is company business..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "Okay, let's not talk about personal emotions. There was no communication before. The shareholders' meeting suddenly broke out. SMIC had to suspend trading. It had to be questioned by the outside world and had to cause internal turmoil. This is what you call a company. Business considerations?”

Gao Yonggang: "I..."

Fang Zhuo asked again: "What are you? Just two years after setting up a design company, you are talking about integrating the industrial chain? How can you talk about the market when the mobile phone is not sold? You deducted non-losses last year and deducted non-losses last year. What's the matter this year? It’s definitely a deduction but not a loss! You’re covered in hair, and you still call others monsters?”

Gao Yonggang took a long breath: "Fang Zhuo, you..."

"What is this? See you at the board of directors!" Fang Zhuo shouted angrily, and the air in the conference room shook three times.

The emotions from the incident to today were finally expressed in this phone call with Datang.

However, the conversation on the phone was somewhat beyond the expectations of everyone in the conference room.

"Mr. Fang, you..." The leader was still a little stunned, "You just kept saying that you wanted to gather the strength of SMIC and gain the understanding of the major shareholders. Is this...that's how you understand it?"

Fang Zhuo pressed his cell phone on the table, sighed, looked around at the people who were looking at him, shook his head, and commented to himself: "I can't help it, I am still a human being after all."

Buddha has fire, not to mention he is a human being.

SMIC's Board of Directors No. 2 was the date of Dr. Jiang's memorial service. When this thought came to mind, Fang Zhuo really couldn't calmly communicate with the initiator.

After all, it is up to the board of directors to look at the number of votes, so let’s look at it. There is a difference between understanding and understanding.

"Well, regarding this matter, since Bingxin is willing to strengthen cooperation with SMIC, I think it is a powerful alliance between the two domestic wafer manufacturing giants." The leader expressed his understanding and followed the previous report and gave his own attitude. "I hope the SMIC matter can be resolved as soon as possible and the cooperation between you can be implemented as soon as possible."

Fang Zhuo nodded: "We must calm down the situation as soon as possible."

The communication with the leaders of Nanjie was extremely smooth. With Mr. Fang willing to exert his influence and Bingxin willing to lend a helping hand with technology, this was SMIC’s best choice no matter what.

As a wafer manufacturing company that accounts for at least 70% of overseas orders, SMIC should still develop steadily at this stage.

There was a meeting in the morning and they didn't even stay for lunch. After getting a certain consensus, Fang Zhuo and Zhang Wenyi immediately took the opportunity to return to Shanghai, where the other two SMIC directors were also waiting.

Fang Zhuo and Chen Liwu are old acquaintances. They have dealt with each other in the Sina matter, and they also invested in AutoNavi together two years ago. In addition, Chen Liwu has always been enthusiastic about investing in the cold spot of mainland semiconductors. This relationship is quite good.

This time, he still expressed his general support without hesitation and would not be stingy with his vote.

As for Tsuyoshi Chuanishi, Zhang Rujing had communicated with him last night. He also agreed that Zhang Wenyi, a figure with a similar background to Jiang Shangzhou, should maintain the balance within SMIC.

CIC, Chen Liwu, Takeshi Sichuan, and Zhang Wenyi himself.

This is four votes sufficient to approve the appointment of chairman.

Fang Zhuo really couldn't figure out what Datang was thinking this time. If he wanted to seek control, the conflict between Yang Shining and Wang Ningguo could be used to figure it out. If he had to take advantage of this juncture, then he could use it at the shareholders' meeting. Cutting through the mess with a knife, even Zhang Wenyi's director was wiped out.

Xinyi has betrayed all but only done half of the work. Do you really think that others will just sit back and watch what it does and just laugh it off?

Such an impromptu idea, so powerful that it makes one blind, should be called a rough word.

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