Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1209 The Real Major Shareholder (4k)

The core's iron triangle is not very stable.

Wang Ningguo, Yang Shining, and Ji Kefei are all figures who have been immersed in the industry for decades.

After determining that there would not be too many problems with the number of votes on the board of directors, Fang Zhuo thought about how to deal with the chief technology officer who was close to the major shareholders, and even considered whether to transfer people from Bingxin.

In the end, after going through the list of Bingxin executives in his mind, he was still reluctant to part with him and planned to keep him.

Regardless of Wang Ningguo or Yang Shining, this is not just a name, but the employees and teams behind them who support their opinions. This is a factor that must be taken into consideration when handling.

The iron triangle is unstable and it is not appropriate to subtract one corner. Then let the ice core add another corner from the outside and use technical cooperation to ease internal conflicts.

Today, Zhang Rujing and Jiang Shangzhou, who originally agreed to help with ice core technology, are no longer with SMIC, but their decision took a detour many years later, making Fang Zhuo willing to provide such help under such circumstances.

Four industry tycoons appeared together, and Yang Shining changed his mind.

Fang Zhuo struck while the iron was hot, and the next day he hosted a banquet for Wang Ningguo, Yang Shining, Ji Kefei, Chen Liwu and others, so as to put the matter on the table and make it clear.

Although the public solicitation of voting rights has not yet begun, the current situation is quite obvious. Unlike the previous chaotic situation, everyone can calmly talk about their views on SMIC's development.

Wang Ningguo and Yang Shining were face to face, and they were still at odds. However, with the topic of the future instead of the past, they could barely maintain communication.

Fang Zhuo does not believe that SMIC's internal affairs will be smoothed out in a short time, but he believes that as long as there is progress in technology and as long as they can really do things, these people can adjust themselves and seize opportunities.

In addition to coordination with senior management, the meeting also discussed the balancing function of the internal supervisory board.

After all, Fang Zhuo did not choose to combine two cores into one. He will consider increasing his holdings of some more shares, but he does not want similar problems to occur frequently in SMIC in the future. Therefore, he now hopes that the supervisory board can better fulfill its original institutional functions and make management and operations more balanced. Be firmer.

From SMIC's perspective, externally, we should engage in deeper cooperation with more advanced technologies, and internally, we should suppress the interference of major shareholders, reconcile factional conflicts, and improve the functions of the mechanism.

Fang Zhuo feels that as long as the final extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is completed, SMIC's turmoil can basically be digested.

As long as SMIC continues to develop, even if it fails to form a fist, the leading role of the upstream and downstream industries will definitely be better.

On the evening of the banquet for SMIC's senior executives, Fang Zhuo had been on the phone with Zhang Rujing, the former head of SMIC, in his study after returning home. He talked about the current situation and his own thoughts.

On the one hand, Zhang Rujing felt very relieved that the storm was gradually under control. On the other hand, he was also curious: "Mr. Fang, if Yang Shining is not shocked when the four of you move out, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, Yang Shining is capable." Fang Zhuo smiled, "But I actually still have a little trick that I haven't used yet."

Zhang Rujing waits for the next chapter.

"If he wants to make progress and have more say, SMIC can also set up a co-CEO." Fang Zhuo said, "The co-CEO is also the CEO."

Zhang Rujing suddenly realized: "This is what Qiu Ciyun and Liang Mengsong of your ice core did."

Bingxin CEO Qiu Ciyun and co-CEO Liang Mengsong appeared together in front of Yang Shining this time. However, the other party changed his mind before his identity was revealed.

"Ice core also has similar problems, but overall it is better. After all, it has been isolated from the dictates of other shareholders from the beginning." Fang Zhuo said.

Zhang Rujing sighed: "Mr. Fang, you have rich experience."

He has kept in touch with Mr. Fang since the death of his old friend. After the company was in trouble, he was even more concerned and provided help. In the past few days, he found that Mr. Fang was really... extremely calm and clear in handling problems. .

In terms of off-site factors, entering the capital at night also highlights the progress of ice core.

Talking about the struggle for power in the board of directors, I just dreamed of returning to Sina and trying my best again.

On bridging internal differences and using technology and development to resolve conflicts.

If we look back at Mr. Fang's career, there are traces of his ideas for handling this time, but when they are put together in such an orderly manner... he appears to be extremely skillful and confident.

Zhang Rujing continued to praise: "In ancient times, there was a chef who solved the problem of cattle, but now there is a master who is safe."

"Haha, it's not easy to hear Mr. Zhang say something so convincingly." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Zhang Rujing sighed: "Who made it possible for me to create it alone?"

This turmoil at SMIC is probably the most painful for Zhang Rujing, the founder who had no choice but to resign.

Fang Zhuo comforted: "Everything will be fine."

Zhang Rujing suddenly felt worried again: "I don't know what will happen to your proxy voting rights. The only thing left is the vote at the shareholders' meeting."

The open collection period is for three consecutive days starting from the 9th, which means you can see the signs the day after tomorrow. If it is not ideal enough, Datang will not be willing to just lie dormant.

When Fang Zhuo heard such a question, he had to say calmly: "Mr. Zhang Rujing, do you know what a leader is?"

What is an alliance leader?

Even before the announcement time, many shareholders and shareholder representatives went straight to Zhangjiang, where SMIC is located, and some went directly to the Yike headquarters.

It was announcement time, at 9 o'clock in the morning, and the conference room dedicated to registration and verification procedures was overcrowded.

——Fill in the "Authorization Form for Public Solicitation of Voting Rights by SMIC Shareholder Fang Zhuo".

——Submit the power of attorney signed by yourself and other relevant documents to the board of directors office.

——SMIC verifies that the documents are valid and performs statistics.

——Also, even if the voting rights are entrusted, you can still attend the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in person.

When the procedural process was completed, many shareholders immediately made a decision after hearing the final explanation and attended the meeting in person. Because there were too many such decisions, the secretary of the board of directors office had to remind them that the voting rights had been authorized. …

The voting rights have been authorized. If you don’t hurry back, why are you asking to attend the meeting one after another?

The secretary got a very similar answer.

"It's all here."

You are here, voting is voting, watching the excitement is watching the excitement, these are two different things.

The response for three consecutive days was very enthusiastic. When this situation reached the ears of Datang, he couldn't help but feel even more uneasy. He then directly asked about the results of this public collection, and the response he received was "under statistics."

Counting, counting, counting, it’s time for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on the 15th.

It is still held here at SMIC.

At 8:30 in the morning, Gao Yonggang and other major shareholder representatives, who were still directors, arrived at the conference room where the meeting was held and found that there were already many people here.

Gao Yonggang is becoming more and more pessimistic about the results of this time.

However, his face remained calm.

The company has done some work since the last board meeting. The boss above is very angry about the resolution of this meeting. They have exerted extra pressure and collaborated with each other.

If judged by convention, there is no chance.

Even if there is public opinion, even if people's hearts are concerned, even if there are these outcry, the shareholders' meeting depends on the votes in their hands. Those people are not shareholders. No matter how they have opinions, they must follow the legally binding voting results.

However, after actually sitting at the scene, Gao Yonggang suddenly realized one thing. This was the same for himself, and he had to follow the voting results...

After a while, there were more people in the conference hall, and company executives gradually walked in.

However, Gao Yonggang quickly discovered that the seats next to him were vacant. Those shareholders, shareholder representatives, and company executives passed by without any intention of filling the vacancies.

Gao Yonggang whispered to Chen Shanzhi who was traveling with him: "The situation is not good. There are many more people coming today than last time."

Chen Shanzhi said a little irritably: "Hurry up and start investing. Invest early and finish early. It's as if we didn't get real money."

Gao Yonggang frowned and nodded, yes, Datang is the major shareholder, and it is really too... wild for Mr. Fang to do this now.

At 9 o'clock, half an hour before the start of the meeting, Liang Jiade, who voted on behalf of the third largest shareholder Taiwan Secretary, also arrived at the conference hall. After being surprised by the number of participants, he walked towards where Datang was sitting.

This move undoubtedly marks the alliance between the largest shareholder and the third largest shareholder at this shareholder meeting.

Quite a few people frowned. Datang has 16.83% of the equity and Taiji has 8.04% of the equity. The two together account for 24.87%. Today, shareholders holding at least 49.74% of the total equity are required to participate in the vote. There is hope that the bill will be passed.

At the same time, it is not ruled out that there are still other small shareholders who support Datang, and the potential threshold and requirements will become higher.

There were whispers in the conference hall. Major shareholders have always had great influence on the company. If this extraordinary shareholders' meeting fails, I am afraid that SMIC's storm will continue to blow in other directions.

At 9:15, 15 minutes before the start of the conference, Fang Zhuo, SMIC’s fifth largest shareholder, opened the door and walked into the conference hall.

As soon as he appeared, the air seemed to be stirred up by the door, and many people stood up one after another.

"Mr. Fang is here!"

"Mr. Fang is here!"

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, I give you the right to vote!"

The sound in the entire conference hall suddenly became louder, and everyone's eyes turned over. Behind Fang Zhuo were CEO Wang Ningguo and CTO Yang Shining, two top management executives who were said to have deep rifts.

"Did they come with Mr. Fang?"

"The relationship has been repaired, otherwise why would I have been nominated!"

"Okay, okay, if the two of them can hold on, even if the vote fails this time, it won't be easy for Datang to interfere!"

Fang Zhuo, Wang Ningguo, and Yang Shining appeared together, which was a signal.

Chen Shanzhi from Datang looked at this scene and the sudden warm atmosphere in the conference hall, and said even more irritably: "Mr. Gao, you stay here first, I will go out to smoke a cigarette."

Gao Yonggang did not give up his seat, but said with a wry smile: "We may not fail yet, there are still people behind us."

Chen Shanzhi frowned and said, "I just want to smoke."

"Here we come, our people are here." Gao Yonggang turned around and saw the small shareholders he had contacted, and his spirits were lifted.

Mr. Fang is not the only one who can find people, Datang can also find people!

At the last moment of the meeting, some people sat down sporadically in the sparse seats in the Datang conference hall. Just as the reporter was just one person exercising his voting rights, this kind of meeting did not require so many people.

At 9:30, SMIC Chief Operating Officer Ji Kefei came to preside over the meeting and was responsible for reading out and performing the necessary procedures.

He was speaking on the stage, but Fang Zhuo's cell phone received a call.

Chen Liwu, who was sitting next to him, was tense. Seeing Mr. Fang hang up the phone after chatting for a few words, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Fang, who called me?"

"Oh, the call from Japan has nothing to do with the meeting." Fang Zhuo saw Chen Liwu's solemn expression and smiled, "Don't worry, the result has been decided, what else do you have to worry about."

Ji Kefei read out the document, read out four motions, and immediately began to vote on the first motion - "The motion to remove Mr. Gao Yonggang from the position of director of the board of directors."

He announced the start of voting at 9:41.

Fang Zhuo raised his hand at 9:41:50 and was the first to vote.

He stood up, turned back to face the eyes of shareholders and executives in the conference hall, and said: "This is the motion I proposed. On behalf of myself and the shareholders who entrusted me with voting rights, I support the removal of Mr. Gao Yonggang." directorship."

Fang Zhuo looked at Gao Yonggang with a serious expression on the other side and announced: "The total equity is 51.6%."

Gao Yonggang met Mr. Fang's gaze in confusion, then turned his head to look at Chen Shanzhi next to him in astonishment, and finally looked at SMIC's fifth largest shareholder who announced the data.

How many? ?

51.6%? ?

How many shares did the shareholders have in total at the last general meeting of shareholders? A total of only 46.41%!

Now he and the commissions he received account for 51.6% of the total of the unilateral parties? !

Gao Yonggang knew very well how many votes he had this time. In addition to the 24.87% of the two major shareholders, Datang and Taiji, he actually secretly contacted and raised the votes of some small shareholders!

This part even approaches the shares held by Mr. Fang, and is Datang’s trump card in resisting the motion at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders!

But... Mr. Fang and his publicly solicited voting rights have 51.6%!

Even if all shareholders are present today and all shareholders with 100% equity are present today, this number of votes is enough to pass the motion!

Given that proxy voting collects all votes in favor of four motions, that is...

Gao Yonggang murmured a question: "Is it over?"

Everyone in the conference hall heard the announcement from Mr. Fang. The worries and worries that the reporter and the small shareholders were sitting at Datang disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by shock and surprise!

This extraordinary general meeting of shareholders... started in less than a minute?

The conference hall was filled with discussion.

"Buzz buzz!"

Gao Yonggang's cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out numbly and saw that it was a call from the boss, Zhen Shiji.

The phone was connected, and Zhen Sji, who was also concerned about the situation of the conference, asked on the other end: "Gao Yonggang, has it started?"

Gao Yonggang: "..."

Zhen Shiji listened to the noisy voice on the phone and felt that it didn't feel like it was starting. He continued to ask, "Isn't it started yet? Isn't anyone here?"

Gao Yonggang had to answer with some difficulty: "Mr. Zhen, it's over, it's over."

Zhen Sji was stunned: "Huh?"

"Mr. Fang, Fang Zhuo got 51.6% of the votes, this, this is already, already..." Gao Yonggang still couldn't hide his confusion and said, "It's over."

He is the representative of the major shareholder, but now... Mr. Fang is more like the major shareholder.

No, it seems that from the moment Mr. Fang shows up, he looks more like the real major shareholder.

Zhen Siji digested this information, and after a while he said in a deep voice: "Give Fang Zhuo the phone."

Gao Yonggang held the phone, moved his steps, and handed the phone to Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the former director and instantly guessed who was on the other end. He took the phone steadily and asked, "Mr. Zhen, what's the matter?"

It was difficult for Zhen Shiji to express how he felt now. He was silent for five seconds and said in a low voice: "We are still the major shareholders."

Fang Zhuo responded without hesitation: "You are just the major shareholders."

Then, he added: "You are still the major shareholder for the time being."

Fang Zhuo didn't want to talk to this person, so he turned on the external speaker, raised his phone high, and said loudly: "Let our major shareholders hear the will of SMIC's largest shareholder!"

The conference hall instantly erupted with even higher noise.

Zhen Shiji couldn't hear what was in the noisy background sound at all. He only heard the noise and chaos, and felt the fiercest opposition.

By the time Fang Zhuo got his phone back, the person on the other end had quietly hung up the phone.

He handed the phone back to Gao Yonggang, who was standing awkwardly in the noise, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Gao, goodbye."

Gao Yonggang took back his cell phone and left silently. He found that Chen Shanzhi, the reporter and the small shareholders he contacted had all left the venue.

He walked along the passage to the door, looked back at the lively crowd and Mr. Fang in the crowd, and couldn't explain how he felt.

But Gao Yonggang had the strongest premonition that it seemed it was time to say goodbye to SMIC.

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